The life expectancy of different animals: birds, reptiles, rodents, fish and mollusks - the world around us

The life expectancy of different animals: birds, reptiles, rodents, fish and mollusks - the world around us

Any living organism has a certain life expectancy, and animals are no exception. The length of life is one longer, others are less.

The life expectancy of different animals with various factors is determined, ranging from the size and how it eats and ending with genetic components and conditions of its habitat.

How is the life expectancy of animals and what is it?

  • The life expectancy of animals is a time that proceeds from the birth of a living being to his death. To understand how much the animal can live on average, scientists observe many representatives of one or another type. These observations are made both in zoos and reserves, and at home. Watch animals and in the wild.
  • The maximum life expectancy is fixed in veterinary passport, which is designed on pets and those that live in zoos. Scientists are ringing birds, special equipment is also used for observation.
  • You can also determine the age of the animal by examining its teeth and bones, to determine the age of fish with a suitable material is their scales.

What depends on the life expectancy of various animals?

Based on the observations that scientists have been conducting over animals for a long time, the following patterns were revealed:

  1. The larger the animal, The longer the duration of his life. If the dimensions are approximately coincide, then a longer life in those species who have a larger brain. For example, the life expectancy of proteins is higher, which in an ordinary mouse, which is much smaller in size.
  2. The longer the periods associated with growth and development, the longer the total life life of the animal. The exception is only fish with mollusks that grow throughout life.
  3. The life expectancy of related species of animals also varies, since those who are able to hibernate are, against the background of other species, are long -lived. For example, if an ordinary mouse lives on average for about 2 years, then bat-up to 25 years, since most of the time spent in a state of daze similar to hibernation.
  4. The older parental individuals, all the less life life is allotted to their children.
  5. Female individuals in nature live longer than male.
  6. The conditions of detention, nutrition also affect life expectancy. So, the dog at home lives on average longer than its stray relatives. This is due to the constant presence of food, the lack of risks that lift the animals in natural conditions, ensuring timely veterinary assistance.

What is the average and maximum life expectancy of animals in the wild?

  1. Badger On average, lives 10-12 years, is a maximum of 16 years;
  2. Hippos live about 40 years, the greatest life expectancy is 50 years;
  3. White bears manage to live an average of about 25-30 years, but individual individuals were able to reach the age of 45;
  4. Camels They live about 25 years old, long-lived records-70 years;
  5. The life of the wolf lasts an average of 15-17 years (the maximum is 30 years);
  6. The cheetahs live on average 12-14 years (maximum number-20 years);
  7. Raccoons living for 2-3 years live in captivity up to 15-16 years;
  8. The giraffe lives on average 12 years, the greatest known life expectancy is 25 years;
  9. Zebras They live up to 20-30 years, there are cases when individual individuals reached the age of 40 years;
  10. The bison live 23-25 \u200b\u200byears, no longer exceeds this age and the maximum figure is 28 years;
  11. Kangaroo lives for about 6 years, and in captivity some individuals live up to 20 years;
  12. Koala -its life life is 13-18 years (maximum-20);
  13. The life of the roe deer lasts from 8 to 10 years, and the maximum is 15 years;
  14. The marten lives for 8-10 years, but is able to survive to 16;
  15. Lions live on average 15-17 years, the maximum age can be twice as high-up to 30 years;
  16. The average age of the leopard is 12 years, the largest indicator is 17 years;
  17. Fox lives on average 6-8, and in captivity can survive up to 20 years;
  18. Elk-its life expectancy is 8-10 years, under the appropriate conditions it can live up to 20-25 years;
  19. Mongoose live for about 10 years, the maximum is 15;
  20. Bears on average live for about 30 years, the maximum figure is 45;
  21. Mink-average indicator 9-10 (maximum-18);
  22. Rhinos usually live up to 20 years, but they can live twice as long, up to 40-45 years;
  23. A monkey Depending on the type, it lives (the maximum famous age is indicated in the brackets):
  • gorilla - 20 years (75);
  • makaku-15-20 (30);
  • orangutang-35-40 (60);
  • pavian-20-22 (30);
  • chimpanzees - 50 (70);
Wild animals have a different life span
Wild animals have a different life span
  1. The deer lives an average of 15 years, although its upper limit can reach 30 years;
  2. Pandas live about 20 years (maximum-38);
  3. Pony usually live up to 30-45 years (56-the maximum fixed age);
  4. Puma - its life life is short, about 8 years (13 - this is the maximum recorded age);
  5. Wolverines live about 5 years, but individuals who have reached the age of 13 are known;
  6. The elephant is one of the centenarians living on average about 60 years (85 is the upper known figure today);
  7. Tigers live within 15-20 years;
  8. Seal -His life lasts 20-30 years, the maximum age is 40 years.

What is the average and maximum life expectancy of rodents?

  1. Hedgehogs living on average 5-7 years, in captivity, reach 16 years of age;
  2. Squirrel lives about 6–7 years, under ideal conditions-up to 15;
  3. Beaver live for 10-12 years, maximum-20;
  4. Chipmunk It has a short life-3-6 years, the maximum known age is 9 years;
  5. The otter lives about 3-5 years, but is potentially capable of living twice as long-up to 10 years;
  6. Rushkhol has a 3-4-year life, its maximum-10 years;
  7. Hares usually live 8-9 years, sometimes living up to 10 years;
  8. Rabbit lives about 12 years;
  9. Rats live on average for 2-3 years, long-livers live up to 5-6 years;
  10. A bat with an average life expectancy of 5 years can live up to 18 years;
  11. The usual mouse lives for 1-2 years, its maximum-5-6 years;
  12. Nutria on average live about 6-8 years (12 years-the maximum indicator);
  13. Gerbil lives about 5-6 years;
  14. Ondaters live for 2-3 years, occasionally live up to 10 years;
  15. A hamster has been living on average for no more than 2-3 years;
  16. The ferret has a lifetime for 5-9 years, maximum-12;
  17. Chinchilla lives about 15-17 years old.

What is the average and maximum life expectancy of pets?

  1. Goats live an average of 8-10 years, with good care they live up to 15 years;
  2. The cow lives about 20 years, is a maximum of 35 years;
  3. Cats, depending on the breed (castrated individuals live 2-3 years longer):
  • bengal-12-15;
  • british-12-15;
  • persian-10-17;
  • siamese-10-13;
  1. The decorative rabbit lives from 5 to 7 years, under appropriate conditions-up to 10-12 years;
  2. Decorative rat usually lives 2-3 years, under ideal conditions of content-up to 6 years;
  3. The horse lives from 20 to 25 years (62 years-a fixed record for life expectancy);
  4. Guinea pig On average, life expectancy is 6-8 years;
  5. Sheep live for about 8-16 years, sometimes they are able to survive up to 20;
  6. The donkey lives 25-30 years, documented maximum-47 years;
  7. The pig lives an average of 10-15 years, individual individuals can live up to 20;
  8. Homemade tortoise is able to delight its owners about 50 years.

What is the average and maximum life expectancy of dogs?

Dogs are the most popular domestic animals in the world, and their breeds are a lot. It is noted that dogs of hunting and decorative breeds have the greatest life expectancy. Sterilized individuals also live longer.

Hunting dogs have more life.
Hunting dogs have more life.
Life expectancy
Life expectancy

What is the average and maximum life expectancy of birds?

Parrons live for the longest in captivity, which are often able to survive up to 60 years with proper content. Owls and crows can also live for a long time. But small birds in captivity do not live long-up to 10 years.

Some birds live up to 60 years
Some birds live up to 60 years
  1. Storks have a life expectancy of about 20, but there are cases when they reached the age of 70;
  2. Sparrow lives from 7 to 15 years, occasionally living up to 20 years;
  3. A crow lives on average 10-15 years, long-livers-up to 75;
  4. Pigeons usually live 13-14 years, maximum-50;
  5. The life expectancy of geese is about 20 years, and the maximum known today is 80 years;
  6. Drozd does not live long, 2-3 years, although individual specimens reach the age of 10-15 years;
  7. The woodpecker lives on average 8-10 years (maximum-12);
  8. The crane lives from 12 to 15 years (maximum - 50 years);
  9. Canaries live for about 10 years (in captivity, with proper care-up to 15);
  10. Hummingbird has a short life-2-3 years (maximum-5 years);
  11. Cuckoos are dollled for 10-12 years, but there are cases when individual birds survived up to 40 years;
  12. Chicken On average lives 12-13 years, with good care it can live up to 20;
  13. The swan lives 18-20, the upper indicator is slightly larger-24 years;
  14. The eagle is able to live an average of 14-15 years, and individual birds-and up to 25 years;
  15. Peacocks delight the eye with the beauty of their tail usually 10-12 years, and in good conditions, the duration of their life reaches 25 years;
  16. Pelican lives about 20-22 years, the maximum fixed age is 40 years;
  17. Penguins They live about 6-10 years, but they can reach the age of 25;
  18. The parrot, depending on the breed, lives on average:
  • ara-40-45 years (maximum-64 years);
  • wavy-12-14 years (maximum-20 years);
  • jaco-14-16 years (maximum-49 years);
  • kacadu-30-40 years (maximum-70 years);
  • corella-15-18 years (maximum-25 years);
  • demetrines-12-14 years (maximum-20 years);
  1. Tits live about 8-10 years, sometimes living up to 15 years;
  2. The bullfinch lives for 2-4 years, the maximum fixed life expectancy is 12 years;
  3. The average life expectancy of owls is 30, although copies that lived up to 65-68 years were recorded;
  4. Ostrich lives about 14-15 years, and in proper conditions can live 40 years;
  5. Flamingo lives on average from 30 to 40 years;
  6. Herons live up to 19-20 years, maximum-up to 30;
  7. The seagull lives about 17-18 years, a recorded record is 49 years old.

What is the average and maximum life expectancy of reptiles and reptiles?

  1. Vipers live an average of 10-12 years, sometimes their age can reach 25 years;
  2. Varan has a life lasting 30-35 years, but can live twice as much-up to 60 years;
  3. Iguana lives about 8 years, the maximum life span is 20 years;
  4. The Indian cobra with an average life expectancy of 10-12 years is able to survive up to 30 years;
  5. Crocodiles On average, they live about 40 years, occasionally living up to 100 years;
  6. The frog lives for 7-9 years, its maximum age is recorded at the level of 15 years;
  7. Python lives an average of 10-12 years, a maximum of 35 years;
  8. Triton has an average life expectancy of 10-12 years, maximum-27 years;
  9. Owls live about 20-23 years;
  10. Snail It does not live long-from a year to 4 years, but specimens that have lived up to 8 years are also known;
  11. Chameleon lives 2-3 years, the maximum life expectancy is 10 years;
  12. Turtles, depending on the species, live:
  • galapagos-40-50 years (maximum-180 years);
  • home - can live a quarter of a century (maximum - 50 years);
  • gigantic - will easily live for half a century (maximum - 100 years);
  • red-haired-30-40 years (maximum-50 years);
  • land-50-55 years (maximum-130 years);
  1. Lizard Lives from 5 to 7 years, the maximum indicator is 12 years.

What is the average and maximum life expectancy of fish and mollusks?

  1. Life expectancy sharks on average it is 20-30 years, the maximum age is 50 years;
  2. Belukha lives an average of 35 years, individual specimens live up to 50 years;
  3. Dolphins live 30-50, maximum-75 years;
  4. The pearl lives from 10 to 15 years, single individuals live up to 100 years;
  5. Goldfish can live for 5-10 years, in good conditions-up to 40 years;
  6. Kit is a long-liver-190-200, sometimes 210 years;
  7. The life of a crab lasts 25-30, hotel specimens-up to 100 years;
  8. Jellyfish lives only 2 months (6 months is the maximum life expectancy);
  9. Perch with an average life expectancy of 10 years can live up to 30;
  10. Sturgeons live 45-50 years, although there are cases when their life lasted 120 years;
  11. The octopus lives only 1-2, a maximum of 4 years;
  12. The leech lives on average for 4-5 years, with artificial dilution-up to 20 years;
  13. Cancer can live up to 20 years with an average indicator of 5-6 years;
  14. Blue whale It lives up to 80-90 years;
  15. The life of the Snettka is 1-2 years (maximum indicator - 5 years);
  16. Som lives an average of 40 years, but can live in good conditions and twice as much, up to 80 years;
  17. Oyster lives about 5 years, and a documented maximum is 30 years;
  18. Trout with an average life expectancy of 3-4 years can live up to 11 years;
  19. The pike lives an average of 15 years (the record is 100 years).
Mollusks and fish can live 100 years
Mollusks and fish can live 100 years

What is the average and maximum life expectancy of insects?

  1. The butterfly lives from 1 hour to 9 months;
  2. The life lifespan is calculated 1-2 months;
  3. God's cow lives an average of 1-2 years;
  4. Flea lives from 3 months to a year and a half;
  5. Love lives 1-2 months;
  6. Drosophila can live from 15-20 days to 2 months;
  7. The tick lives an average of 4 months, and an officially recorded record - 15 years;
  8. Mosquito lives from 10 days to 1 month;
  9. The grasshopper lives on average for 4-8 months;
  10. An ant with an average life expectancy of 5-7 years can live up to 18 years;
  11. Osa lives 4-6 months (maximum-10 months);
  12. Spiders, depending on the type:
  • hermit-1-2 years;
  • poultry Man-3-6 years (females), 15-25 years old (males);
  • black widow-1-3 years;
  1. The bee lives on average from 3 to 5 years;
  2. The dragonfly has a short life, from 6 weeks to 10 months;
  3. The cockroach lives from 9 months to 1 year;
  4. The snail lives an average of 1-4 years, the maximum is 8 years;
  5. A worm with an average life expectancy of 5 years can live up to 20 years.

What animals live the longest?

The following facts were documented, on the basis of which the TOP-10 long-livers can be compiled. Although there are terrestrial animal long-lived animals (the oldest turtle, for example, almost 190 years), all real age champions live in water.

Comparison of the life expectancy
Comparison of the life expectancy
  1. Hydra is a small invertebrate, in some ways similar to a jellyfish. The secret of their longevity is in a huge number of stem cells that have the property of periodic recovery. If the hydra could live in artificially created ideal conditions, without surrounding predators, their existence would be eternal.
  2. Immortal jellyfish It is capable of cyclically turning from larvae into polyps and further - into a jellyfish, the reverse process is also possible with physical damage or lack of food. These cycles can continue endlessly, so the name of the jellyfish fully reflects its capabilities.
  3. A six -beam sponge - it is recorded that one of these colonies of animals has lived over 10 thousand years. Scientists believe that this is not the limit.
Long -lived
Long -lived

If we talk about the inhabitants of the land, then they also set their records:

  • the oldest turtle died at the age of 344 in Nigeria.
  • the cat Lucy from the UK died at the age of 43.
  • australian Kelpi named Maggie died at the age of 30.
  • panda named Basa lived 38 years (on average pandas live up to 20 years).
  • charlie Ara Charlie at the time of death was 105 years old.

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