Carious and rude stars: 15 popular actors with a terrible character

Carious and rude stars: 15 popular actors with a terrible character

Our article will be interesting to those who want to learn more about the life of famous stars. We will introduce you to the most popular actors with a terrible character.

Most people consider their idols almost deities. They seem ideal in everything. In fact, they are ordinary people who have achieved a little more in life than others. When they do not act in the cinema and do not pose in front of the cameras of photojets, they are engaged in a routine familiar to each person. The most interesting thing is that there are a lot of stars that we consider ideal, to put it mildly, a bad character that repels others from them. We will talk about popular actors with a terrible character in our article.

15 popular actors with a terrible character: photo, interesting information

Bruce Willis

1. Bruce Willis. Opens a list of actors with a terrible character Bruce Wilis. For most of their admirers, a popular movie star is associated with courage, nobleness, and incredible endurance. But those who know the actor closely say that in life he is very different from their screen heroes. As soon as the camera turns off, it turns into a rude, gloomy man who tries to stay away from the rest.

Moreover, almost all the directors working with the actor claim that he loves to get into their work, and is trying to influence the captured material. Of course, his vision of the film very often does not coincide with what the script suggests, and therefore very often this provokes the occurrence of stormy and long -term scandals.

Gwyneth Paltrow

2. Gwyneth Paltrow. The actress with an angel face continues to a list of actors with a terrible character. But let you mislead the sweet smile of this woman. Her self -esteem is so high that she considers herself almost a queen. For example, she has an assistant who is engaged in the preparation of a shower cabin for her arrival. The star has a fad about cleanliness, so she will never take a shower if the shower cabin is wet.

For this reason, her assistant has to wipe the shower cabin dry, so that the star does not give it to God do not stand on the wet surface. In addition, the capricious actress openly declares that she does not give a damn about the opinions of others even if she knows that she does not act correctly.

Miley Cyrus

3. Miley Cyrus. Fans of the star will probably not believe that this cute girl can fog in the ranking of popular actors with a terrible character. For most fans, she is associated with a kind and smiling girl, incapable of bad deeds. It was such Miley that appeared before the fans in the movie Hannah Montana.

But as soon as the shooting of the series ended, the admirers of the actress’s talent began to learn about the other side of her character. Pictures of a drunken star in the most unexpected places periodically appear in the press. A cute share-girl seemed to go crazy. She cut off her beautiful hair and began to star her bare. In addition, she can quite calmly rude to fans if she has no desire to communicate with them.

Lindsey Lohan

4. Lindsay Lohan. This celebrity was on the list of actors with a terrible character is not in vain at all. She can flare up and begin to scandal literally from scratch. So, once she refused to act all day only because she did not like the makeup and hairstyle that the dresser made her. Often she demands from the directors to make her work schedule so that she can sleep longer in the morning and leave the set earlier.

Thus, she tries to emphasize her significance and show colleagues to the actors that she is better than them. If she can’t achieve her persuasion and threats, she simply is late for the shoot, and the entire film crew has to wait for her. Of course, the rest of the actors do not like it, and therefore all this leads to scandals. All this instilled in the fact that Lindsay was left without people who could support her in difficult times.

Russell Crowe

5. Russell Crowe. Friends and close Russells know that he belongs to the category of people with whom it is better not to argue. Even if he is not very right. The actor has such a terrible nature that he can calmly hit the opponent if he has verbal arguments. The celebrity is so hot -tempered that one day she made a scandal at the presentation of the film award. He did not like one of the guests so much that he began to call him inappropriate words right during the shooting of this event.

No persuasion reassured the actor, and he stopped swear only when he expressed everything he thought. As a result, the organizers of the film premium had to clean television, so that all this obscene abuse would not be broadcast. But even this situation did not affect Russell’s behavior, and literally a couple of months later in the hall of a fashionable restaurant he tried to beat the businessman only because he was talking on the phone at the moment when the actor had lunch.

Shayya Labef

6. Shayya Labaf. Another cinema star, which literally before our eyes turns into an actor with a terrible character. The most interesting thing is that the celebrity claims that, to put it mildly, extravagant behavior, he tries to push his fans from himself, whom, by the way, he considers very annoying. In order for the admirers of his talent to cease to be interested in his personal life, he went on the red carpet with a paper bag on his head.

Such a kind of headdress had an interesting inscription - "I am no longer a celebrity." Thus, the actor showed that he wants calm. And recently, he, in general, set off in all difficult ones - he walks all nights, drives at high speed on a lively road and regularly abuses alcohol. If the police stops a drunken actor, he simply refuses to pass the alcohol test, arguing that he is quite sane.

Sean Penn

7. Sean Penn. This actor with a terrible character is particularly aggressive. Those who have already encountered a cool custom of celebrities at least once know that it is better not to touch him if he has a bad mood. Sean can quite calmly hit a person because he does not like his appearance. Paparazzi is especially annoyed by him, who regularly try to find out something about his life. The actor reacts so sharply to photorepectors and correspondents that he once hit one of them with his foot, and broke his camera.

And although he was awarded 300 hours of correctional labor for this act, he claims that he does not repent of the droplets, and if the next correspondent again tries to cross the red line, he will do again in the same way. Another big minus of the character of Penn is his causeless jealousy. He claims that his blood literally boils if he notices that someone looks at his soul mate for a long time.

Christian Bale

8. Christian Bale. On the screen, this actor with a terrible character is always charming, kind and smiling. Therefore, most admirers of his talent do not even suspect that he has a very cool disposition. He is used to communicating with people in high colors, and does not see anything wrong with this. Moreover, he behaves not only on the set. He can rude to the waiter in a restaurant, a parking player, a seller in a store.

And if you take into account that he visits fashionable places, you can imagine what kind of reaction in people causes such behavior. The most unpleasant thing is that a popular actor is not easy to talk in high colors. Most often, in his speech, he uses obscene abuse, sharp phrases, and very often passes to personalities. This behavior has done its job and now the actor is less likely to call to the set, and the circle of his close friends has narrowed significantly.

Patton Oswald

9. Patton Oswald. In lists of popular actors with a bad character, the celebrity fell literally at the very beginning of her career. Patton's star disease appeared after the release of the first film with his participation. He began to consider himself a great actor and began to behave accordingly. Sometimes he arranged a scandal on the set only because he believed that in the shot scene he did not look courageous enough.

If he could not agree with the director, then he simply went to his trailer, thus demonstrating his discontent. As a rule, he stayed there until the director agreed with his arguments, and did not recall the scene that had not liked. It is also rumored that the actor is relaxed by smoking hash. Sometimes a narcotic drug so much clouds of celebrity's brain that it begins to be rude to everyone around. Often this leads to scandals in which the police have to intervene.

Meril Streep

10. Maryl strip. This aging celebrity has always had a terrible character. It has a very demanding disposition and loves ideal in everything. Perhaps that is why she often arranges scandals on the set if she sees that one single curl was broken out of her ideal hairstyle. The most unpleasant thing is that the actress is so hot -tempered that if she loses his temper, he cannot calm down a few more hours in a row, even if the cause of her irritation is already eliminated.

Relatives have already learned to smooth out such scandals, so they try to keep the distance while Meril will calm down a little. As for the colleagues of the actors, they always get a lot of negativity in the way you won’t be particularly affected on the set. Outside the screen, a popular celebrity leads a closed lifestyle. She tries to do everything so that others do not know what is happening in her family. Therefore, if he notices that some reporter begins to be interested in her personal life, he simply openly rude to him.

Toby Maguire

11. Toby Maguire. Fans of Toby's talent do not see flaws in it and consider it the sweetest and most charming. Therefore, when he was on the list of actors with a terrible character, they were very surprised. Looking at the actor on the screen, it is difficult to imagine that he can be rude and offended. But no matter how regrettable it was to recognize it - this is true. Popularity has changed the nature of the celebrity, and he began to consider himself special.

So, he drinks certain water, eats exclusively organic products, and dresses in clothes exclusively from natural fabrics. Therefore, if on the set he does not find everything used to, then he arranges loud showdowns. No long ago, his star disease has so intensified that he forbade people to look directly into his eyes. It is allowed to do this only to some people, and then if Toby allows them.

Zoe Deschanel

12. Zoe Deschanel. This sweet and fragile girl has a male character. She knows how to insist on her own and always achieves what she wants. True does this not always right. If she understands that her cute face does not particularly affect the opponent, then turns into a fury and rolls a scandal. For this reason, in Hollywood, she has a reputation for upstarts and great wrecks. On the set, she tries to show her neglect even to eminent actors, thereby provoking them to the scandal.

The reputation of the squabble led to the fact that the actress began to shoot less. She crossed the red line when she began to demand that she was present in every scene in the film in which she starred. They say that the actress with a terrible character does not even take off her star crown even at home, and regularly takes out her anger on the closest people.

Charlie Shin

13. Charlie Shin. This actor with a terrible character is a terrible dream for most famous directors. Rubbed shootings, scandals, trouble -free drunkenness and unreasonable rudeness, all the time accompany the celebrity. Charlie Shin’s career almost from the very beginning pursued scandals. Literally after the release of the first picture with his participation, he imagined himself a great star and behaved, to put it mildly, defiantly. The actor considers it quite normal to skip a couple of cups during filming, and does it, by the way, regularly.

Initially, their eyes were closed on such behavior, but when the alcohol made the tire literally uncontrollable, drunkenness at the workplace began to stop. True, by that time the actor was so addicted to alcohol that any restriction began to cause him anger and aggression. He began to talk about his feature and demand privileges. At the same time, he could calmly leave the site during the shooting or just fall asleep drunk in his trailer. All this led to the fact that one day he was simply forbidden to continue shooting, and found an adequate replacement.

Val Kilmer

14. Val Kilmer. Val belongs to the category of celebrities who, at the dawn of their star career, were distinguished by a flexible and good -natured character. But as his popularity grew, he began to turn into an actor with a terrible character. At first, this was manifested in dismissive attitude towards colleagues on the set, and then requests began to appear, which seemed slightly overstated to everyone.

So, he could ask to include in the contract the supply of expensive food to the set, while other actors had the simplest menu. The celebrity also loves to indicate to another actor to be worthless, while bringing himself as an example to follow. During the filming, he always tries to emphasize his significance and is angry with everyone who dares to dispute his opinion. All this led to the fact that he began to be considered infantile and unbearable.

Jennifer Aniston

15. Jennifer Aniston. Another cute, at first glance, a woman who has long been listed in the lists of actors with a bad character. She considers herself the greatest actress worthy of all the best. Therefore, if she sees that one of the colleagues has the best makeup, clothes or more attractive terms of the contract, then immediately begins to find out why she does not have the same.

She openly declares that people are annoying her as they do not reach her intellectually. Referring to this, the actress even tries to stay away from everyone on the set. Once, a mania of greatness overshadowed her mind so much that on the set of another film, she asked her to place her trailer in a mile from everyone else, so that she could calmly enjoy loneliness.

Video: 10 famous stars, with a terrible character

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  1. They just did not run on such as Mirko Crocop))) They will run into and rake it in full))

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