It is very simple to accustom a child to reading: 10 gold recommendations of children's psychologists

It is very simple to accustom a child to reading: 10 gold recommendations of children's psychologists

If you do not know how to accustom a child to reading, then look for advice and recommendations of psychologists in this article.

The benefits of reading have been known for a long time and a lot. But often parents experience significant difficulties in teaching the child to books. This happens for many reasons. How to make your beloved baby pick up a book not with sadness or irritation, but with pleasure? Below you will find recommendations that help teach the child to read.

How to interest a child with a book?

The child is accustomed to reading
The child is accustomed to reading

Psychologists say that there are practically no children who are "not given". If the offspring cannot stand the book, it is quite possible that this is not his fault, but the fault of parents. The latter often resort to “prohibited” methods:

  • Suppression of will
  • Accusations
  • Insults
  • Oppression of the childhood spirit

This is strictly prohibited. The child must understand:

The book is a source of new information, the magical world in which you want to settle. This is not a way of punishment, not a boring pastime that needs to devote time, otherwise parents will punish or (and worse) will apply physical strength.

Moreover, the offspring should understand the meaning of books, and not just walking with his eyes on yellow pages, until dad and mom allow him to stop doing this. Literary publications should be pleasant visually, as well as bring moral pleasure and cultural relaxation. So, do you want the child to read? This is elementary. Read further.

It is very simple to accustom a child to reading: 10 gold recommendations of children's psychologists

The child is accustomed to reading
The child is accustomed to reading

In fact, it is easy to accustom the child to reading. It is only necessary to set an example, because, as a rule, reading parents and children love books. Also, you do not need to intervene in the choice of literature genre and not force the baby to read the work or the whole edition to the end. There are some more effective advice. Read further.

Here 10 gold recommendations children's psychologists to accustom a child to reading:

Game elements:

  • If the book seems boring to the child, you can resort to small cunning. A great option is to make scenes of the home theater. Suppose children can learn and speak, and parents and grandparents will become grateful spectators.
  • Often, kids are very fond of performing - so this option may well work.
  • You can also try to make paper figures, cut and color the heroes, play events using impromptu dolls, etc.
  • There are many options. It all depends on parental imagination.
  • Remember - the more interesting the methods will be, the more effective they will be.

Let him read what you like:

  • Nobody canceled the list of literature for the summer, and all books from it need to be read.
  • But at the moment, the main task is to develop a love of reading. Therefore, if the child does not want to pick up the classics, but the adventure reads, or fantasy, do not bother him to do it. The main thing is that the knowledge of new information is fascinating.
  • Also, do not actively impose your preferences in terms of literature or daughter. This is a person who has the right to his own tastes.
  • If the baby has not yet found his favorite genre, you can try to help him.
  • Show what literary works there are.
  • When a person begins to read what you like, it will be much easier for him to cope with boring classics.
  • Of course, you should be patient. Perhaps significant results will not be immediately.

Get the home library:

  • Some children are difficult to learn to read, because there is not a single book at home.
  • It is important that bookcases are not just standing in the apartment. It is necessary that they have constant access.
  • If the child sees bright, colorful covers on the shelf, in 90% of cases he will take the publication in his hands. And perhaps he will be carried away by him.
  • If the baby is still small enough, you should not scold it for mainly watching pictures, and does not read the text - everything has its time.
The child is accustomed to reading
The child is accustomed to reading

Do not make the child read the book:

  • Many parents see that the baby is hard to handle the book. He is constantly spinning, distracted and with torment reads every paragraph. Do not get angry, push the child, reproach him that he is stupid and lazy.
  • This is the wrong approach that will not accustom a person to reading, but on the contrary, it will cause him antipathy for this process.
  • Even in adults, it happens that this or that book does not go. It is better to put it aside and try another work.

Show that good in books:

  • Often, dads and mothers simply give the child a book in their hands and say “read”. But this is not enough. So baby he will not want to read, write, nor study.
  • Sometimes you need to help the offspring find the meaning, make out the work with his son or daughter. Only then will the child understand the charm of literature.
  • So that this process does not resemble a lesson at school, you need to submit information in an original and interesting. You can draw unexpected parallels.

Orientation on leading activities:

  • At one age or another, the leading activity in the child is different.
  • It is important to catch this wave.
  • Kids can play with books, older guys - to study encyclopedias about animals or historical events, and a teenager will captivate a book about relationships.

Do not put ultimatums:

  • Since the time of the USSR, parents scared the child with the fact that if he did not read a certain number of pages, then he would not go for a walk. This is the worst strategy.
  • You should never deprive a child of pleasure in exchange for reading. Love for this process in this way is impossible.

Bright appearance of books:

  • Children react much better on books with color pictures, in a beautiful, expressive cover.
  • Before 12 years In humans, figurative and opposite thinking prevails.
  • That is why publications should be well designed, have illustrations.
  • They should cause dumb delight and the desire to immediately start reading.
The child is accustomed to reading
The child is accustomed to reading

Book in a prominent place:

  • The publications must be left in a prominent place.
  • The child should have access to reading.
  • It is best if the books are not only in the closet, but also on the dining table, in the corridor, on the bedside table in the bedroom.
  • Even if it is the literature that the child is not yet clear.

Joint reading:

  • It is always useful.
  • The book will be much more interesting to the child and it is better to remember if he cope with her with her parent.
  • This is a great way not only to accustom, for example, small child to read in syllablesbut also get closer, do a good leisure time.
  • Naturally, you can read the roles, arrange improvised performances, while simulating the voices of the heroes (especially animals in fairy tales).

Parents should be the best example for the child in everything, including reading. Also, a small reader must stop perceiving the book as something mandatory, negative. She should always bring only joy. Good luck!

Video: 5 simple tips: how to instill a love for a child for reading?

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