What interesting, instructive, funny tales to read to children at night? Best fairy tales for young children

What interesting, instructive, funny tales to read to children at night? Best fairy tales for young children

What fairy tales to read for children at night to choose. The best fairy tales for reading to children at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 years old.

A huge variety of children's literature on store shelves sets a difficult task for parents - to choose suitable works for reading to children. Let's try to figure out what books should be paid to first of all.

What fairy tales to read at night to a child?

When choosing books for reading to children at night, pay attention to the following points:

  • There is no one universal list “to read” for children of a certain age. The interests of each child are individual, and may differ from generally accepted canons. Therefore, do not insist on reading all the recommended books, choose what the child likes
  • Do not rush to purchase books according to the recommendations of authoritative sources. Take the collections of works for preschoolers in the library or acquaintances, try to read fairy tales, stories and poems of different authors and on various topics. So you can easily determine what works to your baby came to the taste of, and in which direction you will choose the literature in the future
  • There is no strict distinction between works by age. Older children can be happy to listen to fairy tales for the younger ones, actively participate in their discussion, share their own thoughts or impressions on the topic.
  • The duration of reading is determined by the attention of the child. As soon as the child begins to be distracted or bored, reading should be stopped. Better read less-for 5-10 minutes, but every day
  • Children are very interested in listening to fairy tales about their own characters. Therefore, when choosing a work, pay special attention to fairy tales, where the main characters are children
  • A good children's book is not only an interesting artistic text, but also the work of illustrators. Take breaks during reading, show the child illustrations, describe and discuss them. If possible, compare the illustrations drawn by different artists to the same fairy tale
  • Reading at night will be beneficial only for the condition that this brings pleasure for both adults and for the baby. If the book does not like one of the participants, it needs to be "postponed"

Does your child often need to re -read your favorite fairy tale and more? Do not refuse him this, even if you have to do this for the 10th time. When re -reading a familiar fairy tale, the child feels comfortable, as he already knows what will happen to the main character and how the story will end.

At the same time, his attention is focused on previously unnoticed details, semantic nuances, individual words or sentences. A childhood favorite book can be remembered for life.

Instructive tales at night for children

Instructive fairy tales
Instructive fairy tales

Preschool children are very fond of discussing moral standards of behavior, about what is good and what is bad. Therefore, instructive fairy tales always arouse great interest and mental response among babies.

Such fairy tales help to raise positive qualities in the child: kindness, responsiveness, responsibility. Parents can recall or quote fragments of instructive fairy tales when such situations arise in the life of their children.
Instructive and educational works for children:
1. For the smallest - collections of folk tales of an instructive nature, Tamila Ivanchenko “Small instructive tales for Manin”, collections of therapeutic fairy tales “Tales from tears”, “Tales from whims”, “Sleepy tales”, Lily of Nosova “Mom’s fairy tales”
2. Older children can be offered works: V.A. Oseeva “Who is more stupid”, “Bad”, “Magic Word” and other stories and fairy tales, S.A. Baruzdin “Tales of the Tram”, “Bold Pig”, “ Cunning cunning ”, L. Panteleev“ Fenka ”,“ Two Frogs ”, E. Uspensky“ instructive stories about the boy Yasha ”

Funny fairy tales for children

The instructive orientation of the fairy tale is often manifested in a humorous situation. Funny stories do not at all weaken the educational influence on the child, but on the contrary, strengthen.

Such works really like children, raise their mood, set up on positive, develop a sense of humor. They say that a sense of humor in children is a sign of intelligence.
Here you can recall many wonderful children's authors, read the preschooler of the fairy tale G. Oster, B. Streeter, V. Steev, E. Uspensky, D. Harms, the stories of N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, V. Golyavkin.

Funny fairy tales
Funny fairy tales

Interesting fairy tales for children at night, cognitive fairy tales

Preschool children are curious and curious, they are literally interested in everything, because it is in preschool age that the child accumulates knowledge and their own experience, which become the basis for further schooling.

  • A fairy tale is an indispensable tool that allows the child to tell the child about complex things in a simple accessible language. For example, a funny story about a droplet travel describes the water cycle in nature and responds to many children's “why”. The works of L. Tarasenko from the cycle "Cognitive Tales" will help the kids to know the kids.
  • A special place among cognitive works is occupied by environmental fairy tales and stories. The works of V. Bianchi, N. Sladkova, E. Shima, N. Pavlova, E. Permyak immerse in the world of nature, reveal the secrets of birds not visible to the human eye about the life of birds and animals, teach kindness and humanity
Bianchi and other native nature
Bianchi and other native nature

Tales at night for children about cars and animals

Many children, especially boys, are fascinated by various technical things - they like to observe cars and admire their speed and power, they play with love machines with pleasure, arranging races or unfolding a construction site in the middle of the children's room. The fairy tale in which the heroes perform cars will be very interested in such kids.

  • For the smallest, toys are suitable in the form of cars, with simple text and bright patterns
  • For older children, select fairy tales with a more complex plot, where the main characters are cars. With these books, the child learns what cars are and how they are arranged, how cars help to build houses and roads, harvest, extinguish fires
Construction, Bayushki-by
Tales about cars

Children of 2-5 years old often ask to read fairy tales about the same fairy-tale animal, for example, about a kitten, a hare or a mouse. This is because the child associates himself with his beloved hero, and even sometimes asks to put him in a situation that he lived. Such fairy tales are a great way to instill moral values, to show the child how to act in a particular situation.

  • Small fairy tales and stories about the life of non -fairy -tale, but real animals and birds will expand the horizons and introduce the baby to the amazing facts from the life of the brothers of our smaller ones

Tales at night for children under a year

Children up to a year can show colorful cards-cards of a small format, read short nursery rhymes, rhymes and songs.

  • Books for the smallest should be with dense cardboard pages, one -year -old kids like to leaf through books, sometimes not even considering illustrations - they are fascinated by the process of turning pages themselves
  • Closer to the year, when the child has the opportunity to actively move and explore the world around, interest in books fades away. Do not insist on reading, show the baby from time to time of the book, if the child does not show interest - postpone the books for a while

Tales at night for children 2-3 years old

What to read to children 2-3 years old
What to read to children 2-3 years old
  • At this age, you can begin to consider reading as an element of the ritual of going to bed
  • Choose books with dense pages, bright illustrations, a simple plot
  • Children 2-3 years old have been considering illustrations with interest. Invite the child the so -called books for looking at - without text
Books for looking at
Books for looking at

From the age of three, you can read more voluminous works at night, breaking a fairy tale into two or three evenings. The child will already be able to remember in which place you stopped last evening. Continuing reading a fairy tale, remember together the main points from what you read. Reading with a continuation develops memory and ability to briefly retell the content.

At this age, you can read short training fairy tales that introduce a child to letters, numbers, colors, some information about the world, for example, about the cycle of water in nature.

Larisa Tarasenko Cognitive fairy tales travel droplets
Larisa Tarasenko Cognitive fairy tales travel droplets

Tales at night for children 4, 5 years old

In 4-5 year old children, attention becomes more stable, children can listen and monitor the plot of the work within 20-25 minutes.

  • After reading the fairy tale, it is advisable to analyze the plot with the child and discuss the essence of the work
  • At the same time, do not forget that the perception and imagination of the child is very different from the understanding of the adult. Let the child represent a fairy tale yourself and explain its meaning, do not insist on your own, "adult" version
  • Continue the practice of text analysis and illustrations
The best books for children 4-5 years old
The best books for children 4-5 years old

What fairy tales for the night to read to children 6, 7 years old?

The reading circle for children 6-7 years old is expanding significantly, replenished with works of various topics.

  • At this age, the child is formed as a future independent reader, he can independently choose a book from among the proposed
  • If the child reads himself, do not stop reading to him at night. Traditional reading at night brings children and parents, helps to educate children reader interest
  • Start keeping a reader diary with your child. Submit information about the books read: author, name, main characters, own reviews, quotes you like
  • Invite your child to draw the main character or drawing to the episode you like. Keeping such a diary contributes to a better understanding of what has been read and develops the ability to clearly and clearly state his thoughts
What to read to children 6-7 years old
What to read to children 6-7 years old

VIDEO: What fairy tales to read the child at night? Council of a child psychologist






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