The word "moreover": is it released by a comma?

The word

In this topic, we will consider the isolation of the word "moreover."

The word "moreover" refers to such a part of speech as a union. The allocation on the letter of the Union “Moreover” causes some difficulties in people, because there are several rules that must be adhered to. Let's look at in what cases it is necessary to use punctuation marks with the word "moreover."

Whether it is distinguished by commas “More” at the beginning of the sentence: rules, examples

Many believe that the word "moreover" is an introductory structure. But it is worth immediately dispel this delusion . "Moreover," is an connecting union.That is, he acts as a link with a previous thought. Therefore, it does not require separation of punctuation marks. But there are some exceptional cases that we will also consider.

If we are talking about The use of the Union "Moreover" at the beginning of the offer, then the use of a comma is not required.That is, if this word begins an independent sentence, punctuation marks are not placed.

  • Moreover, the internal structure may differ from the newer model.
  • Moreover, she could afford it herself, but always experienced great pleasure, receiving such things as a gift.

Note: "Moreover" is sometimes used in the meaning " why, from what on earth", That is, as a questioning adverb. Therefore, a comma is not separated.

  • And here it is?

Whether it is distinguished by commas “More” in the middle of the sentence: rules, examples

The next rule is the allocation of “moreover” in the middle of the sentence. Despite the fact that this union is not an introductory word that does not require a commodity, there are still some exceptions. And they should remember about them.

And moreover, interchangeable
Moreover, and, moreover, interchangeable, but do not confuse them with the prepositions of the pronoun

This word is used To enter new information into an existing proposal.It can be replaced, for example, with such words as “besides” or “moreover”. In such sentences, no doubt, a comma is necessary before the word "moreover". Here is an alliance " moreover"Fulfills the same role as the Union" a" or " but»In front of which a comma is placed, but not after.

  • She answered the interlocutor very quickly, and this question was absolutely unexpected.
  • He expected to meet a group of adults, strong men who were ready to rush into battle, and young guys came, and without shape.
  • We planted tomatoes quite early, and covered them with a veil so that the cold of nights would not interfere with their growth.
  • They selected apples quickly, and only the most ripe ones took.
  • She answered approvingly, and she perfectly understood how this could end.

Note: After the Union “Moreover,” you do not need to use a comma!

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Comments K. article

  1. "That is" does not stand out with commas. With “however” the same story: when “however” in the meaning of “but” is not needed. As for "and" the same thing.

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