Sermione: Indications, Instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, price, cheap analogues, reviews taking the drug

Sermione: Indications, Instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, price, cheap analogues, reviews taking the drug

Sermion belongs to the category of cardiovascular drugs. Effectively works with neurological, vascular, metabolic deviations - you will learn more about the drug from the article.

Sermion is used both for treatment and for prevention. It has a high cost, but at the same time effectively copes with the tasks.

Why is the Sermion is prescribed: active substance, indications for use

  • The drug is a sermion They are prescribed as an auxiliary remedy for disorders in the brain in older patients. Therapy with an innovative drug allows us to normalize cognitive, emotional, behavioral functions caused by the aging process.
  • The active substance of the sermion, nicergolin, contributes to the interaction of the processes of the body responsible for the transmission of pulses between nerve cells. Normalizes scarce conditions leading to a violation of cerebral circulation.
What is they used for?
What is they used for?

Indications for the use of a sermion:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • thrombosis and embolism of blood vessels;
  • transient cerebral attack;
  • functional arteriopathy of the limbs;
  • reino's disease;
  • violation of peripheral blood flow;
  • hypertensive crisis.

Vascular disorders in the body provoke memory disorder, disrupt concentration, and lead to rapid fatigue. A person is worried about frequent dizziness, and performance is reduced.

Sermion: Why are children appoint?

To date, the effectiveness and safety of the drug Sermion for children has not been established. The drug is prescribed for children at the discretion of the attending physician of a neuropathologist.

  • The main task of the drug is improve cerebral circulation. The drug stimulates the speech activity of young children.
  • In preschool children, when taking the drug Sermion, there are a large number of side effects, in particular nausea and dizziness. The effectiveness of treatment and dosage are considered individually for each patient.

The drug Sermion tablets 5, 10, 30 mg Instructions for use, dosage for adults and children

The drug Sermion is sold in tablets with a dosage of 5, 10 and 30 mg. The number of tablets in blisters, respectively, 15, 25 and 15 pcs.


When taking the drug, it should be taken into account a few important points:

  • Sermione tablets: take before meals or after?In general purposes, tablets of 30 mg are taken 1-2 pcs. On a day during meals - in the morning and evening. The tablet is swallowed entirely and washed down with a large amount of water.
  • How long can you take a sermion without a break?The therapeutic effect of the drug is noted after 4-6 weeks, Therefore, the course of treatment is at least three months. With a prolonged admission of the sermion, the doctor prescribes repeated tests and reviews the recommendations for treatment.
  • Children's dosage it cannot be more than 5 mg per day. The tablet in the shell can be divided into 2 doses. The dosage for adults is prescribed by a doctor individually.
  • In case of blood coagulation disorders, the dosage of the drug is established according to the results of preliminary tests.

Sermion injections: instructions for use, dosage

  • In individual diseases, therapy with the drug Sermion begins with parenteral administration And continues to the transition to taking the drug inside.
  • 1 ampoule of the sermion contains 4 mg of nicergoline and excipients. Sodium chloride solvent, water for injection, benzalcony chloride is added to Sermion. Injections are carried out to the patient In a horizontal position.
  • The drug improves the rheological properties of blood, increases blood flow rate in the limbs, Improves processes in the brain.
  • At renal failure Injections with sermion are carried out in a minimum dosage and limited quantities.

Sermion: Contraindications

The drug Sermion is canceled with individual intolerance to the active substance nicergoline and auxiliary components in the composition of the drug.

Contraindications to taking the drug Sermion:

  • maocardial infarction;
  • pathological bleeding;
  • insufficient blood flow when the body position changes, as a result of dizziness and fainting;
  • low heart rate.

The tablet dosage form in the shell is contraindicated in case of intolerance to fructose, sucrose deficiency. The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Patients under the age of 18 years are prescribed for individual recommendations.

  • At low blood pressure The action of a sermion can provoke drowsiness and a slow reaction.
  • Therefore, when driving vehicles at the slightest malaise, it is advisable to advise with the attending physician.

Sermion: side effects

Individual characteristics of the body can cause side effects of various nature. The most common discomfort in the lower abdomen is noted.

Other undesirable phenomena after taking the drug include:

  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • headaches, dizziness,
  • redness of the skin, rash;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • ejections of heat, nausea;
  • insomnia or drowsiness.
One of the side effects
One of the side effects

The acting substance of the drug distorts the results of blood and urine tests, therefore, during laboratory tests per day, you need to stop taking a sermion. Side effects when taking a sermion are rare and are weakly expressed.

Compatibility of a sermion with other drugs

  • With simultaneous administration of several drugs An individual dosage is installed. The interaction of drugs can reduce the therapeutic effect, provoke an adverse reaction.
  • The active substance of the sermion Enhances the effect of drugs to lower the pressure, weakens the effect of anti -impoverished drugs, corrects metabolism leading to complications.

Many are interested in the compatibility of tablets and injections of a sermion with alcohol. Alcohol during the course of treatment with the drug Sermion must be excluded.

Sermion: Reduces pressure or not?

  • The course of therapy with the drug Sermion does not affect the indicators of blood pressure. The exception is simultaneous taking several drugs. The interaction of substances can provoke both increased and reduced pressure.
  • In patients with hypertension, while taking a sermion, it is noted a slight decrease in pressure indicators.
  • Long -term reception of the sermion allows normalize indicators to patients with minor pressure surges.
Normalizes pressure
Normalizes pressure

Sermion - does blood dilute?

  • The effective effect of the drug Sermion is proved by scientific research. When testing the drug on elderly patients, it was found that with a daily use of 30-60 mg of the active substance, arterial blood circulation improves, the granularity of blood elements decreases, and the capillary blood flow is accelerated.
  • The drug normalizes the dynamics of platelet activity, preventing vascular cramps.
  • Thus, the sermion dilutes the blood, which helps to prevent vascular pathologies and ensures the social adaptation of the elderly.

How to take a sermion for migraine prevention: scheme

  • The results of clinical studies have shown good tolerance of Sermione pills for migraines. Recommended dosage vasoactive agent in chronic diseases of the brain 10 mg three times a day.
  • The drug not only stops acute bouts of headaches, but also with prolonged use is a preventive treatment.
  • Active substance Improves bioelectric activity of the brain and normalizes the clinical picture.
From migraine
From migraine

Sermion: price, analogues that are cheaper

The analogues of the sermion include drugs with the active substance nicergoline. The price category of the drug starts at 900 rubles. Consider a list of drugs of a sermion analogues in price category.

  • Niogrin - 340 rubles.
  • Nierzitz Carbon - 360 rubles.
  • Nicerragoolin-Binnergy - 450 rubles.
  • Nickromax - 550 rubles.
  • Nicerium-UNO - 650 rubles.

Sermion: reviews of those who took the drug

Reviews of those who took the drug Sermion:

  • Tatyana is 46 years old. I turned to the doctor with a complaint about severe headaches, which could not be relieved by simple painkillers. A diagnosis of brain hemodynamics was diagnosed. I was prescribed comprehensive treatment, which is based on the drug Sermion. Recommended admission course - 2 months with a break of a couple of weeks and re -treatment. One package with a dosage of 5 mg is enough for 1 month. By the end of the first week, I came to life, headaches began to be short -term surface. I did not mark side effects.
  • Natalia. Sermion was prescribed by my child at the age of 2 years. The problem we encountered - the child is not based on the whole foot, but only on tiptoe. The doctor explained the deviation with a strong muscle tone and high intracranial pressure. Recommended dosage of 2.5 mg twice a day. Acquired tablets with a dosage of 5 mg. They divided them with a knife in half and took them during food. The tablet has a sweetish taste and is chewed without problems. A month later, the child had a sharp jump in mental development. In a short time we moved from sounds to words. We were not able to adjust the features of the gait with a monthly course of the drug Sermion.

Want to know how to use other drugs? Then we advise you to read the instructions about the drug:

Video: How to use a sermion?

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