How to make a positive impression on the friends of a loved one at the first acquaintance, why can friends be dangerous for you? How to consolidate success after meeting with friends of a loved one? Force Major when meeting friends of a loved one: what can they be?

How to make a positive impression on the friends of a loved one at the first acquaintance, why can friends be dangerous for you? How to consolidate success after meeting with friends of a loved one? Force Major when meeting friends of a loved one: what can they be?

Sooner or later comes the moment of acquaintance with friends of a loved one. In this article you will learn about all the intricacies of such a acquaintance.

Your beloved decided to introduce you to friends? This joyful news often scares girls and women. Who are they, these friends? What will they and their behavior tell you about your beloved? How will they react to you and how will they affect your relationship? Who will they become you? How do they like it? And is it necessary?

All these questions almost simultaneously arise in our heads, as soon as the guy offers to introduce us to his friends. Today we will try to answer all these and many other questions, as well as tell a couple of stories that will be useful to you.

Friends of a loved one: first acquaintance

First I must say that getting to know friends of a loved onejust like acquaintance with parents, this is a sign that your loved one perceives your relationship seriously and should not be refused to get acquainted in any case. In addition, friends are carriers of valuable information about the life of a man and his habits.

No wonder they say: "Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are." It is with friendsthey open and become themselves. If a man can change his behavior in front of you, trying to like it, then he does not need it among friends, and you can open your beloved from a completely unfamiliar side to you.


History 1.When Sergey introduced Katya to the company of her friends, she first felt pride for him - Sergey was a clear leader, his friends respected him, listened carefully. But having looked closely, Katya realized that the situation looks strange - even during the conversations, which are usually quite hot in the male company, no one was overwhelmed by Sergey, he was not even interrupted to insert a stupid joke, as it constantly happens among the guys.

The last word has always been for Sergey. After meeting friends, Katya noticed that in her relationship with her he tries to suppress her with his authority and subsequently the couple broke up. When Katya after some time met the young wife of Sergey, who was trained in the teams better than her Beijes, she felt gratitude to his friends.

Why friends of a loved one Can it be dangerous for you?

Often we are very worried about the first acquaintance with friends of a loved one. And not without reason. He has been familiar with friends for a dozen years, maybe more, or maybe less - but they are a very important part of his life, and this team is used to trusting one hundred percent. Therefore, this acquaintance often looks more like a bride. And be sure that after the reviewer he will arrange an interrogation in the style: “And how do you need it?”

Get to know friends
Get to know friends

And they will answer honestly. And their opinion is important to him - and because he trusts them, and because every man (like every woman) boasts in some way as his soul mate. If I like it, he feels pride, and because he already understands that you all will have to somehow interact in his life, and possibly because he is not very experienced in love affairs.

Situations options:

  • Your boyfriend and you are young, and he is the first of friends to bring a girl to the company. In this case, friends, especially if they do not differ in time and intelligence, can perceive you as a threat to their friendly parties at discos, in bars and other joint activities. In such circumstances, guys may try to eliminate the threat.
  • To do this, it will be enough for them to tell him that they did not fall out of them. And even one hundred percent, a confident young man can decide to stop relations.
  • If he does this, this means that he does not have his head or he does not use it, but you need another.

History 2.Once Igor met a girl, after long and painful thoughts, admitted to his friends. The Trinity was inseparable from the fifth grade, and the friends were, to put it mildly, they were wary of news. And Igor decided not only to tell, he invited his friends to “evaluate” the girl. When she walked from the university, he approached her, and his friends appreciated from afar. Then Igor began to ask them, and they dissuade him with tactless phrases like “she’s not very”, “you won’t get to her” and so on. They evaluated her, of course, only by appearance. Igor partly parted with an “rejected” girl.

Friends will express their opinion
Friends will express their opinion

If your beloved and his “dream team” are intelligent people who have a sense of tact and understand that, be that as it may, there are no comrades to the taste and color of you - in principle, there is nothing to worry about. Friends of a loved one They will not interfere with the happiness of a friend, but this does not mean that you do not need to make a good impression on them. Your beloved definitely wants a girl to amaze his friends, and he will be extremely pleased if you make a good impression.

How to produce on friends of a loved one A positive impression at the first acquaintance?

Remember that you will never have a second chance to make the first impression on friends of a loved one.

  • Before an important event carry out reconnaissance - Find out your beloved not only the names of his friends. Try to find out more information - what interests them, where they work, where they work, do they have girls, on what basis they converged (perhaps they were classmates, maybe they played football or engaged in boxing, and perhaps they are fond of music? ) etc.
  • After that, refresh your knowledge in the necessary areas. You do not have to become a professional geologist or physician - just open the Internet and read at least a couple of sentences and news on topics of interest to them so as not to feel at ease and be able to start a conversation.
  • Try to meet with friends of a loved one talk at least a little with everyone, and pay attention to everyone. You can add a flirting flash to communication, but only if the friends of your beloved so far without steam. Otherwise, you risk, having established relations with friends, to set up against yourself their girls or wives.
Friends will like it
Friends will like it

Men like it when a friend's girlfriend:

  • respect for their company
  • meets everyone personally
  • does not complex and behaves naturally
  • laughs and smiles a lot
  • allows you to innocently strangle her
  • does not show off about random obscene words, realizing that they restrain themselves for her as they can
  • does not grumble and does not grin if everyone goes to smoke, but she does not smoke
  • if the girl smokes, it is good when she calls to smoke not only her lover, but the whole company

And vice versa:

  • if a girl manipulates them in a branded friend
  • limits or prohibits meeting friends
  • the Chirring nose and phrases like: “Fu, it is smoked here!”, “What kind of viper?”
  • position: "I am with him, I can’t approach me!"
  • sets, imprudes and smart
  • frankly shows attention to someone else in the company, except their friend
  • climbs into conversations that do not concern her and in which she does not understand
  • requires that all his time lover would devote her
  • too guard the chosen one
  • he says to him: “You drink a lot (smoke, swear)”, “You said that we would leave early”
  • trying to quickly drag him out of the guests
Friends will like it
Friends will like it

The right position at the first meeting with  friends of a loved one - "Let's live in peace!". If you go to the room with this mood, you are provided with half the success. Then it is important to show that quarrels will not increase with you in the company and will not become boring - but on the contrary, it will be more fun, more interesting and tastier. At the first acquaintance at the beginning, sit down and watch the company, do not get in disputes and discussions. Compare what you learned about this company earlier with reality. If you are contacting you, answer something neutral until you are ready to enter active communication. Try to talk about what interests them - your time will come.

Prepare a couple of input phrases at home, like:

  • « I love fishing, but I do not have enough patience to wait long for a bite! And what do you love in fishing? ”
  • “I have never been to the match, but I really want to visit! Will you take me to the stadium with you? ”

Something similar can be thought of all hobbies-ask to ride a motorcycle or horse, say that you love gardening, but this apple tree does not want to grow at all, etc. You can start communication with the phrase magically acting on representatives of the strong half of humanity: “What do you think about ...?” If you do not confuse who do something - after that you don’t even have to speak, just listen and clap your eyelashes. Victory is already yours, believe me.

And remember - even if the whole company enjoys communicating with you, you must leave them alone. Go to the fret of the nose, put the kettle or disappear for a while by another excuse - let your lover and his friends discuss topics that they cannot discuss with you.

You can invite everyone to visit your farewell and throw a phrase, it seems: “It's so nice that you have such wonderful friends!” - And the lover will be flattered and friends are happy.

How to consolidate success after meeting with friends of a loved one?

So, the event you were preparing so much has already ended, and judging by the fact that your boyfriend constantly takes you to meet with friends, you made a splash. How to behave further?

  1. Invite friends to your place. Just do not offer guests dumplings and sausages. Men always respected women who could create comfort and cook deliciously.
  2. Meet them with your friends. The more connections, the stronger they are. And who does not dream of large family gatherings of about five years? Just do not try to be a matchmaker and force events - an hour is uneven to guilty of someone else's misfortune.
  3. Ask friends of a young man about help. They will be pleased to provide you with a service. Only if you offer help yourself - do it very carefully. The male ego is easy to hurt.
Let's communicate with friends
Let's communicate with friends

If you do not want to ruin everything:

  • Do not forbid your loved one to communicate with friends - it is better to take the opportunity and go to a meeting with your friends or take care of yourself. In the modern world, one cannot remain only together, even if you are on a uninhabited island.
  • Avoid ultimatums. Men hate conflict situations.
  • Do not shout at your beloved with friends. He can forgive you such behavior with parents, but humiliation with friends is unlikely.
  • You can only take family troubles to friends for friends if you are one hundred percent sure that you are with him on the same wavelength.

Force Major when meeting friends of a loved one: what can they be?

Despite the fact that most often friends of a loved one From the same social group as he and you must find a common language with them, having many points of contact, it happens that it is simply impossible.

Incomprehensible friends of a loved one

Girls are most often faced with this problem whose guys are the first to get a family or acquired it. Because friends of a loved oneyou are used to gathering, you suddenly find yourself in the center of the party non-stop-friends besiege your apartment, without an invitation remain night, come without an invitation and arrange gatherings in you.

How to behave?

  • It is best to explain with friends and arrange all the priorities while your relationship is at the very beginning. If your man also reacts negatively to such behavior of friends, you can entrust an important conversation to him.
  • But psychologists say that women explain better and more understanding.
  • If you could not explain or you are afraid that your lover will perceive it as an attack on his right to communicate with friends - turn on the female cunning. For example, you can have sex precisely at the time when friends come, or loudly express admiration for the process when they remain at you to spend the night - thus, putting them constantly in an awkward position.
Put your friends in an uncomfortable position with intimacy
Put your friends in an uncomfortable position with intimacy

Friends of a loved one neudachniki

It so happens that your lover is too comprehensive and rushing to help friends at any time of the day or night. And helps them regardless of the amount of debt to the detriment of the family budget.

How to behave?

In no case do not reproach your beloved and do not dissuade him from helping friends. As a result, you will not get anything other than accusations of callousness. The only way out is to become the most needy. Ask her for help always and in everything, you can even affect the deadly ill.

Friends of a loved one Gulyaks

The friends who worry about the fate of their ringed comrade do everything to knock him down the true path. Various parties, fishing.

How to behave?

Let go. Respect his desire to meet with friends and trust him. The allowed boyfriend is better than a secret trip to a sex bar. And yet - use the moment and go to a meeting with girlfriends.

Friends in love with you loved one

If they love secretly - it's nice. But if a person begins to get you and becomes violent or you feel that he achieves you just to get victory - it's time to act.

How to behave?

  1. First you need to understand whether you are correctly interpreting a friend's blinking.
  2. Talk to him before telling your lover about the situation.
  3. Old as the world is a story about how a friend takes the girl not new. Maybe you want to leave with a friend? You decide.
  4. If you decide not to part with your lover, never start a love relationship with his friends. Sooner or later, everything will be revealed and the chances that you will be forgotten negligible.
Friends may fall in love with you
Friends may fall in love with you

Friends of a loved one who do not understand you

If your lover has a close -knit company, it will be very difficult for you to get into it. Make every effort and go to any compromises - especially if you feel that a man of your life cannot live without friends.

How to behave?

If you do everything possible and nothing happens, ask your beloved for help. He will definitely tell you how to lay a track to the hearts of friends. Or just dilute the company of your friends who do not accept you by men. Act on the situation.

Dangerous friends of a loved one

Of course, not often, but it happens that friends of a loved one They are associated with crime, take narcotic drugs or simply drink black. And at the same time they drag your beloved everywhere, but he simply cannot tell them not.

How to behave?

It is not particularly important what are the reasons for the fact that your loved one is on the occasion and joins the dangerous company. Sooner or later, they will plant him on drugs or draw him into a dirty scam. If you decide to part with a person, in this case you need to contact a psychologist or move to another city - away from the dark past of the lover.

Video: How to deal with friends of a loved one?

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