Filterum Style: Instructions for use, indications and contraindications, combination with alcohol, reviews

Filterum Style: Instructions for use, indications and contraindications, combination with alcohol, reviews

Filtrum Stya is a modern drug, thanks to which you can cure poisoning of different types. The tool has the ability to bind and remove harmful bacteria from the human body, toxic, toxic residues, alcohol, allergens.

The drug is a natural enterosorbent. It contains a substance that is obtained from wood. This component is unique, it has sorption qualities, since its inner part is well developed, has a porous structure. The medicine perfectly absorbs harmful components, since the drug has an increased sorption container, it absorbs more toxins than drugs, the basis of which is activated carbon.

Filterum Sty: Composition

  • The substance of lignin is obtained due to hydrolysis of wood. The wood, at the same time, is not treated with high temperature.
  • Means where lignin is present have great activity than activated carbon. Also, the drug does not affect the intestinal mucous membrane so detrimental.
  • He is especially popular Filtrum Steam. Detailed instructions are necessarily attached to this drug. It indicates that the drug contains 0.4 g of lignin. In addition, the drugs have substances such as a povidon, as well as calcium stearate. Natural plant substances of lignin have antioxidant and antimicrobial qualities.
  • The drug is available in the form of tablets (capsules), they are brown. Tablets are sold in packages that consist of cells. There are 10 cells in the blist. The cardboard packaging includes 5 small plates.
  • Detailed instructions are attached to the medicine. It describes the pharmacological properties and methods of using the medicine.
  • The tablets are completely non -toxic, so after taking the medicine, the patient does not get addiction.
The theme of the article
The theme of the article

Filtrum Style: Dusties of the drug, analogues

This drug is very popular among doctors and patients. All because the medicine has the following advantages:

  • It has a fairly high ability to absorb harmful components. Due to the fact that the drug has an increased sorption container, it absorbs many types of toxins.
  • Doctors advise taking the drug during poisoning: alcohol, food, drugs and various poisons (for example, salts of complex metals).
  • The medicine can be taken at any age. It is recommended to both adults and children from birth.
  • Comfortable use of the drug. The tablets are smooth, they have a neutral taste and aroma.
  • The tool consists only of natural, plant components.
  • Filtrum Steam It does not cause allergies to the mucosa, and also positively affects the intestines, which cannot be said about activated carbon.
  • Despite the positive aspects of the drug, we offer to familiarize yourself with its analogues.

Filterum Sty: Action, Exposure of the medicine on the body

Lignin is the basis of the drug Filtrum Stet, it is about 70%in the medicine. The remaining part went to additional components.

The components of the medicine
The components of the medicine

The main substance of the medicine, when it enters the body, has the following positive effects:

  • Eliminates diarrhea.
  • Eliminates toxic substances, which enter the digestive tract.
  • It absorbs toxins that penetrate the gaps of the intestines from the blood flow.
  • Binds toxic substances, which can be released simultaneously with the juices of the stomach.
  • Absorbs toxic metabolites.
  • Helps during the diet. The main substance of the drug absorbs selectively amino acids and free bile acids.
  • Fixes and transfers Physiologically active components.
  • Changes the volume of food residues that did not digest (for example, substances similar to dietary fiber).
A drug
A drug

In the intestine, thanks to the medicine, the binding occurs:

  • Microbes, toxins, products that remained after decay.
  • Poisonous components.
  • Complex metals of salts.
  • Xenobiotics.
  • Nitratov.
  • Radioactive isotopes.
  • Ammonia.
  • Fungi.
  • Medications.
  • Alcohol and their components.
  • A variety of metabolites, due to which poisoning can occur.

Like other last generation sorbents, the medicine is permissible for allergies. The drug sucks, removes different types of allergens from the body. The medicine of the filtraum is not toxic, begins to work only in the gaps of the intestine, contributing to the excretion of toxic substances. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Filterum Style: Indications

  • In addition, the medicine is prescribed during renal failure, due to which nitrogen and other metabolites accumulate.
  • During many ailments, the drug acts as a comprehensive medicine. And only during mild food poisoning is the medicine prescribed for monotherapy.
  • The medication is prescribed during dysbiosisWhen the patient takes antibiotics for a long time. The medicine has a positive effect during cirrhosis.
  • The filter is helps with a high cholesterol level.
  • Many doctors prescribe Filterum from acne.

Filterum Style: Instructions for use

The drug must be taken inside, washed down with water. It is recommended to chop the tablet before taking the tablet. You need to take the medicine before meals for 1 hour or 60 minutes before taking other medicines. The doctor selects the dosage individually, given the patient's age, the complexity and type of the disease.

  • Filtrum of the strata can be children From birth to the 1st month-half a tablet.
  • Children from 1 year to 3 years old-1 \\ 2 tablets or 1 tablet.
  • Children from 4 years old to 7 years old-1 tablet.
  • Children from 7 years to 12 years old - 1 or 2 tablets.
  • Children from 12 years old and adults - 2 or 3 tablets.

Per day, you need to drink the medicine 4 times in the prescribed dosage. If the ailment has a complex form, the dosage increases to a maximum of 30 g. This dose is already divided into 5 doses. This is allowed, since cases of an overdose of the drug were not detected.

  • If the patient has allergies, chronic toxins poisoning, the course of therapy is 2 or 3 weeks. If the patient has an acute intestinal infection, it is enough to drink the medicine for 5 days maximum.
  • Very often the drug is used during a diet. It is necessary to understand the following - the medicine does not split the subcutaneous fats. Filterum of the strata can be used as an additional drug when losing weight, since it can bind and remove toxic substances, fats and toxins, improve metabolism, accelerate the loss of overweight. In such cases, the medicine is taken 3 tablets 4 times a day. The course of therapy is up to 2 weeks.

Filterum Sty: Contraindications, Side effects

  • The main contraindication is intolerance to substances that are part of the drug.
  • It is forbidden to take medicine if the patient acute form of ulcers, relapse of ulcers, acute gastritis. Due to the medicine, irritation may occur, pain will become much stronger.
  • Filterum STE during pregnancy It is allowed, but when breastfeeding, treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
  • You need to take the medicine very carefully if there is an atony of the intestine. Therapy can cause a complex form of constipation, only aggravate the condition.
Filterum has contraindications for pregnant women
Filterum has contraindications for pregnant women

As a rule, the drug is perfectly tolerated. But sometimes patients complain about the presence of side effects of filter:

  • Sipi.
  • Red spots on the skin.
  • Itching.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Nettlers.

If you abuse the medicine, constipation may bother. In addition, there is a risk that the medicine will also begin to remove useful substances, vitamins, minerals from the body.

Filterum Ste and Alcohol

The medicine is recommended to drink with alcohol poisoning. After alcohol, filtrumts copes with a hangover, eliminates a feeling of nausea, eliminates the feeling of a swollen abdomen.

In cases of poisoning or before taking alcohol, the medicine must be taken according to this scheme:

  • Filterum Style before alcohol for half an hour-one dosage of no more than 2 tablets.
  • During alcohol consumption - 2 pills.
  • At the end of the intake of alcohol - 2 capsules.
With alcohol
With alcohol

If a person has already been poisoned by alcohol or he has a hangover, then it is recommended to drink 3 capsules at one time. Drink the medicine with a lot of water. It is also advisable to cause a gag, then drink the medicine.

Filterum Sty: Price, Reviews

The price of the filtrum set Not high-300-350 rubles. For 50 tablets. But the reviews about the drug are only positive.

  • Maksim: “The medicine helps quickly. If you take this drug during the event, then there will be no hangover in the morning. ”
  • Irina: “The medicine helped me when I was very poisoned. I took the tablets for 5 days. I noticed the effect on the 2nd day "
  • Svetlana: “I gave this medicine to the child when he was poisoned. I gave on a tablet 3 times a day for a week. The drug quickly raised my baby to my feet. I advise. "

Video: Filterum from poisoning

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