Breast collection No. composition, at what disease is taken? Thoracic collection No. 1.2,3,4: Instructions for use

Breast collection No. composition, at what disease is taken? Thoracic collection No. 1.2,3,4: Instructions for use

A cough can greatly ruin a person’s life, especially if he has been pursuing you for several weeks. Of course, the modern pharmaceutical market can offer the widest assortment of drugs for this ailment to suffering, but, firstly, medications are not always as effective as they say in commercials, and, secondly, healing from one illness, they can negatively can negatively To influence other organs and systems of the body (for example, on the stomach, liver or kidneys).

Nowadays, more and more people prefer folk methods of coughing, tested for centuries and entire generations of our ancestors. Healing herbal tinctures prepared on the basis of medicinal plants are called the “breast collection” and are divided into four main groups, each of which we will talk more in more detail. But before you engage in self -medication, be sure to consult your doctor!

Thoracic collection No. 1: composition

This plant mix is \u200b\u200bdesigned to combat strong coughing attacks and is suitable for both adults sick and kids. Breed collection No. 1 to the baby is very effective. In pharmacies, it is sold either in the form of ready -made bags of bags of one and a half grams, or poured into a pack.

It is based on breastfeeding No. 1 - three basic herbs, which have long been used by herbalists:

  1. Coltsfoot - A plant with a pronounced expectorant effect is indispensable for patients with dry, perplexed cough.
  2. ALTEY (root) - It perfectly removes excess mucus from the upper respiratory tract and helps to recover quickly, works well when using people suffering from wet cough.
  3. Oregano -The mucous membranes are very irritated from coughing attacks, but it can also have a number of side effects, due to which infusions of breast collection No. 1 are prohibited during pregnancy.

Herbs in the mix are combined in a proportion of 4 x 4 x 2. It is not recommended to use people with increased secretion of the digestive system and women during lactation.

Thoracic collection No. 1: Instructions for use

Typically, doctors, as one of the constituent elements of complex therapy, are prescribed breast collection No. 1 for the treatment of coughing in acute respiratory infections, influenza, infection in the respiratory tract.Like any phyto-drug, thoracic collection No. 1 should be consumed according to the instructions and not allow an overdose.

And they cook it like this:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Dry crushed herbs and poured with 1 glass of clean cool water in a deep bowl of metal.
  2. Place dishes in a water bath, where it boils for about 20 minutes.
  3. After cooling, the infusion is filtered through gauze.
  4. Take infusion half a glass twice a day after eating.

The treatment periods are determined individually, depending on the disease - from one (cold) to three (tracheitis, bronchitis) weeks, up to a complete recovery from cough.


Thoracic collection No. 2: The composition of herbs

This natural assortment is shown to people suffering from inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.

The miraculous plants that make up its composition help to defeat the disease:

  1. Plantain - Not only establishes the work of the entire respiratory system, but also normalizes expectorant, which is extremely useful for wet coughing.
  2. Solo (root) - A kind of “killer” for pathogens, which enters the body and triggers the disease. But it is this component that is so aggressive that due to its presence thoracic collection No. 2 during pregnancy forbidden.
  3. Coltsfoot - It is indispensable in the fight against dry coughing and is a catalyst for expectorant of mucus.

The proportional ratio of assembly No. 2 contains plantain of 3 parts, licorice of 3 parts and coltsfoot-4 parts. In pharmacies sold in dosage 25 and 35 g.

Thoracic collection No. 2: Instructions for use

Doctors advise breast collection No. 2 to patients suffering from respiratory diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes - SARS, flu, tracheitis And the like. It is forbidden to use people with erosion and an ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.

Various manufacturers
Various manufacturers

For a speedy recovery, it follows:

  1. Pour one glass of steep boiling water 1 tbsp. l. Gathering in a metal bowl.
  2. Boil the mixture under a closed lid for 15 minutes. On low heat.
  3. Insist the resulting broth for an hour.
  4. Strain the cooled broth through gauze and drink four times a day after meals, after heating it.
  5. A decoction based on breast collection No. 2 is stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Thoracic collection No. 3: The composition of herbs

A universal set, which is equally good for the fight against dry cough and wet.

Such a magical effect is achieved thanks to the miracle components:

  1. Anise - aimedly exterminates pathogenic bacteria, helps to expect sputum, but at the same time makes it impossible to use thoracic collection No. 3 during pregnancy.
  2. Pine (kidneys) - stops inflammation, disinfecting the body.
  3. Sage - Relieves swelling from the throat, soothes the irritated mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.
  4. ALTEY (root) - causes intensive expectorant and accelerates the separation of sputum.

In percentage, it looks like this: Altai - 28.8%, licorice - 28%, sage, anise and pine buds - 14.4%each. In pharmacies sold in packs on 35 and 50 g.

Thoracic collection No. 3: Instructions for use

Whatever your cough - wet or dry, your doctor can prescribe to you a chest collection No. 3 as part of the main treatment.

To achieve the maximum effect, you need:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. dried crushed herbs and pour 1 cup boiling water in metal dishes.
  2. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes. On a non -fire fire.
  3. After cooling, strain the decoction through gauze.
  4. Drink three times a day for half a glass for three weeks.
  5. Store a decoction in the refrigerator, warming up and shaking before use.

Thoracic collection No. 4: Composition

Probably one of the most popular chest fees, since it effectively fights inflammation, and causes an expectorant of excess mucus. In addition, it is precisely he is allowed to use pregnant ladies - albeit under medical supervision.

And it consists of the following herbs:

  1. Chamomile is medicinal - Sleat the irritated mucous membranes.
  2. Bagolnik swamp - Stops the development of pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx.
  3. Violet (petals) - dulls attacks, reducing their number due to the sedative effect.
  4. Peppermint - establishes the functioning of the entire respiratory system.
  5. Calendula - It works well with a wet cough, prompting intensive expectorant.
The fourth collection
The fourth collection

Breastfeeding No. 4 consists of 15% licorice, 5% mint and 20% of the luggage, calendula, chamomile and violets. In pharmacies sold in packs weighing 35, 50 and 75 g.

Thoracic collection No. 4: Instructions for use

Due to its versatility and polysolence, thoracic collection No. 4 is used for healing from bronchitis and laryngitis, flu and colds, accompanied by the strongest attacks of cough.

It is easy to cook and use this collection correctly:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. Dry crushed herbs and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil under the lid for 15 minutes. On a non -fire fire.
  3. After the hourly infusion, strain the decoction through gauze.
  4. Drink after eating twice a day half a glass until the disease completely gets rid of the disease, pre -heating.

How to take breast collection No. children?

Before treating your baby with the help of infants, be sure to consult a pediatrician! After all, infusions of herbs are not as safe as it might seem at first glance.

  • The most suitable children are considered chest fees No. 2 and 4, and Here is the first and third is appointed after 12 years.
  • As a rule, with the help of herbal decoctions, they fight with SARS, asthma and inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • Children who have not reached the age of three are categorically to give pectoral fees Not recommended.

Is it possible for pregnant women to be a pectoral collection?

  • As mentioned above, most breast fees are prohibited from using ladies in a position - each of them in a certain period.
  • For example, breastfeeding No. 1 during pregnancy in 3 trimester can provoke uterine bleeding due to the presence of oregano in it.
  • BUT thoracic collection No. 1, No. 2 categorically prohibited to use expectant mothers at any time-because solodes and anise, which can even provoke even miscarriage.
  • But only breast collection No. 4 can be pregnant Women - and even then, after a preliminary consultation with the doctor and under his supervision.
Useful herbs
Useful herbs

Breast fees from cough, like any other vegetable drugs, should be consumed after consulting with a doctor and in strict accordance with a prescription sheet. Although they are inexpensively in pharmacies and are sold without a prescription (they can even be prepared independently, accurately knowing the proportions of the components), it is strictly forbidden to drink them with liters! And even if an overdose does not happen, plant components themselves can cause allergies.

From our articles you can also learn about the composition and useful properties:

Video: breast collection from coughing

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