Berodual - a solution for inhalations and aerosol: composition, indications, dosages, instructions for use for children, adults, pregnant women, analogues, contraindications, side effects, reviews

Berodual - a solution for inhalations and aerosol: composition, indications, dosages, instructions for use for children, adults, pregnant women, analogues, contraindications, side effects, reviews

For the treatment of bronchitis and bronchonal diseases, the drug Berodual is used. A solution or aerosol is used for inhalation. What is this drug, how to use it - read on.


In the cold season, patients have complications in the form of bronchitis and other exacerbations of the respiratory system. There are many ways of therapy for such pathologies. But in rare cases, when bronchospasm occurs without serious drugs can not do. Berodual is a dosage form with a broncholitic effect. It is made in the form of a solution or in the form of a spray. Next, we consider this dosage form in detail.

Berodual for inhalation - solution, aerosol: composition, active substance, hormonal or not, antibiotic or not?

As already mentioned, the drug Berodual is released as a solution or, like an aerosol. It is used for complex therapy, preventive measures for exacerbations of diseases of the respiratory system of the body. Exacerbations are manifested in various forms of bronchitis and pulmonary diseases with the development of bronchospasm. Berodual is also used to stop asthmatic seizures.

Berodual for the treatment of bronchitis
Berodual for the treatment of bronchitis

The drug contains two active components:

  • Ipramida Monohydrate -0.021 mg, which is a m-cholin block
  • Phenoterol hydrohromide (ß 2-Adrenomimetic) -0.050 mg

The drug has an anticholinergic effect. Or, if in more detail, then funds (ß 2-Adrenomimetics) reduce the intracellular concentration of CA. Phenoterolit acts relaxing on the smooth muscle mass of the bronchi. Thus, the component prevents bronchospastic reactions caused by the effects of histamine, cold air, metajolin, allergic substances. It should be noted that treatment with the drug in the form of inhalation has the best effect than when using aerosol inhalers.

In addition, the dosage form also includes auxiliary components:

  • In the composition aerosol There are substances such as water, ethanol, citric acid, HFA134A, propellate.
  • In the composition solution There are the following substances: Benzalcony chloride, NaCl, Dinatri Edetta dihydrate, purified water, chloristorous acid.

The drug Berodual is neither hormonal medicine and an antibiotic. The dosage form can be used in complex therapeutic treatment with antibiotics to eliminate lung pathologies, bronchi.

How and how to breed a berodual for inhalation, is it possible for saline, water?

The drug Berodual for inhalation is used to prevent coughing attacks for children over six years old, adults. The doctor should be installed on the basis of the individual characteristics of the body.

The Berodual solution is recommended to be diluted in a 0.9 % sodium chloride solution (saline) so that the final volume is 4 milliliters. Use Berodual with a nebulizer.

Berodual for a child, how to use?
Berodual for a child, how to use?

IMPORTANT: When using a nebulizer, not in any case do not leave the children unattended. And Berodual cannot be diluted with distilled water.

Berodual solution, spray - for what, at what coughing is it prescribed for children and adults: indications, what effect does it have?

Most often, Berodual is used to relieve bronchospasm. The drug is released only according to a special prescription. Therefore, it is the attending physician who decides when it is more effective to use it to the patient.

Inhalations with Berodual Children
Inhalations with Berodual Children

The recommendation for use says that Berodual is used if a person has a chronic obstructive pathology of lungs, bronchi with reversible obstruction. It can be:

  • asthma
  • COPD (chronic obstructive lung disease)
  • complicated bronchitis, which has become chronic
  • bronchitis with the essential
  • respiratory failure
  • bronch-Legal exacerbations.

After inhalations, the patient will feel relief in a few minutes. If the drug does not work, then you should consult your specialist doctor. The doctor will change the treatment regimen.

Berodual for inhalations: at what age can children?

Pathologies of the respiratory organs are occupied by a leading position among other diseases, both in children and in adults. If the disease is launched, complications may occur (bronchitis of different forms of manifestation, pneumonia, etc.). And unproductive types of cough should already be treated with strong drugs, inhalations. In this case, an effective drug Berodual.

Dosage of a solution of Berodual
Dosage of a solution of Berodual

According to the instructions, the tool is used with six years. However, there are times that doctors, evaluating all risks for the health of the child, prescribe Berodual and less children. In such cases, signs of intoxication can be observed, such as poor appetite, lethargy, pallor of the skin.

Berodual for inhalations: use before meals or after eating?

There are some rules for taking Berodual for inhalation. You can not use hot water for the procedure, the optimum temperature should be 40 degrees. The process itself should last about five minutes. If inhalations are made to the baby, then adults should be present nearby. It is important that the temperature of the liquid is checked by adults at first on themselves.

In addition, treatment can only be carried out two hours after eating. And after the process itself, the vocal cords should be less strained and you can not eat food for another 1.5 hours.

How long does a Berodual work after inhalation?

The drug Berodual in pharmacies is sold according to a doctor's prescription. It is considered a potent agent. And the effect is achieved when using increased dosages of this dosage form.

The treatment is carried out by a nebulizer, after which the product penetrates directly into the lungs and bronchi. Approximately 12-40 % of Berodual fall into the very focus of inflammation. The rest remains in Nebulizer and in the mouth. Thanks to such quick permeability, the effect of treatment is achieved instantly, in a few minutes patients feel the relief of the disease.

Berodual solution for inhalations, spray - how often and for a long time you can use the child, how many times a day, with what interval between inhalations, how many days in a row?

According to the instructions, the drug Berodual is allowed to use children from the age of six. The dosage must be prescribed by the specialist individually. Inhalations to babies are done only under supervision, and even better in stationary conditions.

Treatment of a child beirudual
Treatment of a child beirudual

And the solution of Berodual is recommended only then to children when the spray does not give the necessary effect. For treatment, higher dosages are needed. They begin therapies with low doses, if there are no improvements, then increase the amount of the drug for inhalation.

The treatment is stopped when the symptoms of the disease come to naught. Sample dosages:

  • Kids under six years oldit is recommended to use 0.1 milliliter of a berodual per 1 kg of weight. It is most allowed to children with a weight of less than 22 kilograms of 10 drops of the liquid shape of Berodual.
  • Children of six years of age One or two dosages of inhalations for stopping bronchospasm are enough. If prolonged therapy is required, then 3-4 inhalations are made with a nebulizer per day, no more than five days. The concentration is 0.9 %, they are diluted with a Berodual with a saline so that 4 ml turns out at the output. The finished panacea should be used immediately after breeding.
  • Children from six to twelve years The dosage can vary from 0.5 to 2 milliliters (10-40 drops). The course of therapy is no more than 5 days, the treatment regimen: 3 times a day two hours after eating.

The diluted berodual is used immediately, the remnants of the drug after inhalation should be poured, not used in the next procedure. Berodual can be used with various types of nebulizers. The dosage of the drug that enters the lungs may be unequal. Much depends on the type of apparatus. If you use a centralized oxygen apparatus, then the flow rate should not exceed 6-8 liters in one minute. After using a nebulizer, it is recommended to immediately clean.

The use of the Berodual spray:

Spray  Berodual - This is already a dosed drug that can be used immediately to stop the attacks of bronchospasm. If attacks of shortness of breath are manifested, then you can make one injection, as a rule, attacks are stopped. If there was no improvement, it is necessary to carry out another 1-2 dosage of Berodual injection.

It is better to use the spray while sitting or standing. Dosages to children are prescribed by a doctor. In general, it is recommended that according to the instructions, do 1 injection three times a day, this is if prolonged treatment is prescribed.

The interval between injections should not be less than three hours. To prevent asthma attacks, two injections should be made if necessary.

Is it possible to use a berodual at a temperature of a child and an adult?

Infectious bronchopulmonary diseases are often accompanied by fever. When the cough does not stop, and the patient has a temperature, then the question is whether it is possible to make inhalations by Berodual to alleviate the condition of adults, children? The answer is yes. Inhalations are carried out with a nebulizer. The drug Berodual, diluted with saline, is supplied to the lungs, bronchi with the compressor method. Cold pairs are not harmful at high body temperature.

High temperature, can I do inhalations?
Inhalations - how to do it right?

After the first such procedure, patients feel noticeable relief. After all, droplets of medicinal panacea fall into the most epicenter of the disease. According to experts, cold inhalations with a nebulizer allow you to stop at a suffocation and fever does not play roles in the treatment of cold inhalations with these methods.

Will Berodual help with a runny nose and nasal congestion, with an allergic cough - how to apply?

With rhinitis, frontitis and other pathologies of the nose of inhalation with this tool, as a rule, do not take. There are other dosage forms for this. The drug Berodual is potent, therefore, for therapeutic treatment, risks should be evaluated, because it has so many side effects. In case of allergic reactions of the body in the form of cough and nasal congestion, Berodual is used to stop the cough and alleviate the patient's condition.

You can use both a berodual in the form of a spray, and in the form of a transparent liquid for inhalation procedures. To stop the attack, it is necessary to do one or two spraying into the oral part. Or make an inhalation with a nebulizer. Dosages for children, adults are described later in points.

Berodual - A solution for inhalation for children: Instructions for use for laryngitis, bronchitis, adenoids, tonsillitis, cough, sinusitis, pneumonia, dosage of infants, children by age from 1 to 12 years

For the treatment of laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, the drug Berodual is also used. True, a nebulizer will still be required for therapy. It is an inhalation device. Thanks to the technical device, the couple from the drug directly act on inflammation, in whatever the respiratory system it is.

It is not recommended to prescribe the dosage of the drug on their own. It is the doctor who should determine as the state of a small patient, how many drops of the Berodual to use and what time it will take for the treatment of the disease.

  • If a berodual is prescribed infants, then the course of treatment should not exceed five days. A The norm of the drug is not more than 1-2 drops per 1 kg of weight. Kids of 6 months are enough to use up to 5 Berodual drops. Children under 3 years old dosage V 10 drops are not recommended.
  • Children of 6 years of age are allowed to do three inhalations per day dosage from 12 to 40 drops of the drug.
  • Adults, adolescents from 12 years old and older are prescribed 20-52 drops, if cases are difficult, then the procedure should only be carried out in the hospital, the amount of the drug can increase to 80 drops.
Berodual - Instructions
Berodual - Instructions

IMPORTANT: You can not do inhalation to the crumbs when they are excited, cry or scared. Before the baby’s procedure, you should reassure.

Berodual - an inhalation solution for adults: instructions for use, dosage

Therapeutic measures for inhalations should be carried out under the control of the attending physician. The doctor can adjust the dosage of the drug. Indeed, often in low quantities, the drug Berodual is ineffective. That is why if the Berodual spray is ineffective use increased dosages of Berodual solution.

According to the instructions, adolescents over 12 years old and adults are recommended to use a Berodual solution for bronchospasm from 20 drops (1 milliliter) to 50 drops (2.5 milliliters) of funds.

Is it possible to apply as a berodual during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should generally treat various medical remedies with caution. After all, the use of them can harm the unborn child. Therefore, it is impossible to independently be treated with such a drug as Berodual, and even more so to prescribe dosage itself.

The use of Berodual pregnant women
The use of Berodual pregnant women

Women in an interesting state need to consult with their attending physician. Member of the composition - Fenterol affects the contractile activity of the uterus. Therefore, taking the drug Berodual in increased dosages is undesirable.

Another increased doses of Berodual negatively affect the development of the fetus, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. Although berodual has no contraindications for pregnant women, treating treatment with caution. Women on GV also need to take the drug under the supervision of a doctor, pay attention not only to their condition, but also to the condition of the baby.

Does the Berodual get used to children?

The composition of the drug does not include such substances that can cause addiction. Although among people there is an opinion that the drug Berodual is addictive. Most likely, the conclusion was made based on the fact that when the patient suffers from asthmatic attacks, he just needs to have a spray at hand to stop short breaths. Berodual is not addictive not in children, nor in adults.

How much is a Berodual stored after opening?

Pharmacy treatment is reduced to certain rules. Moreover, each drug has its own characteristics of application. And they should pay attention to them without fail. Different funds have different storage periods. Moreover, it is sharply reduced when the medicine has lost its integrity of packaging, etc.

So the Berodual drug needs to be stored in a certain temperature regime (not higher than 25 degrees) no more than three years. When the bottle is opened, the use of the product is reduced to six months.

How much does a berodual cost for inhalations: price

Prices for the drug can differ significantly depending on the margin in the pharmacy. The average price for the drug Berodual (inhalation solution) within 245 rubles, a dose beer -dose spray costs more, one bottle of the drug has a price of approximately 423 rubles. Spray capacity ten milliliters or 200 doses. And the container of the solution is 20 milliliters.

How can you replace a berodual for inhalations: analogues

When the patient has to look for a particular drug in a pharmacy, the problem of his absence can overtake. Therefore, a pharmacist can offer a tool that has the same action, but is slightly different in composition. Or a synonym medicine (a product with the same composition, but having a different name).

Analogues and synonyms of the drug Berodual are:

  • Ipherol-native - A solution for inhalations with the same composition
  • Astmasol-Solofarm - A solution for inhalations with an identical composition
  • Inspiracs Aerosol - spray for inhalation for 200 dosages
  • ATRECENT- a solution for inhalation, has a similar effect on the respiratory system
  • Berotek - A solution for inhalation, with the same action as Berodual.

Berodual and Alcohol: Compatibility

The drug Berodual is effective for the treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases. It stops even the most difficult cases that occur in patients. It is used both in complex therapy and are separately treated with a means.

Berodual and alcohol
Berodual and alcohol

Of course, the drug Berodual should not be used with alcohol. These two products are incompatible. It is not yet recommended immediately after treatment to drive. Some patients may develop side effects in the form of dizziness, rapid heartbeat.

Berodual - contraindications, overdose and side effects

Pharmacy products have contraindications and side effects, Berodual also has some restrictions on use.


  1. The increased sensitivity of the body to the current components of the means or other substances that are part of the Berodual.
  2. Pathologies of the heart - cardiomypathy, tachyarrhythmia.

If the patient after the procedure manifests such a symptoms as weakness, dizziness, strong heartbeat, migraine, arrhythmia, vomiting, nausea, trembling in the limbs, tachycardia, then this is an overdose. Symptoms can be removed only with the help of tranquilizers, sedatives. If the case is severe, then immediate hospitalization is necessary.

Contraindications of the drug Berodual
Contraindications of the drug Berodual

Side effect of the drug:

If the patient has a cough after inhalation by a berodual, then this is an allergic reaction to the drug. Also, after inhalations, pharyngitis, tachycardia, and a strong heartbeat can sometimes develop.

Sometimes such manifestations can be observed:

  • Anaphylactic shock, hypersensitivity
  • Increased glucose in blood flow, hypokalemia
  • Violations of the nervous system, fuzziness of vision, glaucoma
  • Pain in the eyes
  • Tachycardia, arrhythmia, ischemia, bronchospasmic reactions
  • Irritation of the larynx, swelling, dry throat
  • Intestinal motility disorders, stomatitis, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation
  • Itching on the skin, rash, urticaria, weakness in muscle tissues
  • Difficulties with urination.

The child drank Berodual inside: what to do, what are the consequences?

If the child drank the drug Berodual inside, then first of all should be given purified water and contact an ambulance. Most often, the berodual is confused with other drugs in the form of syrups. Parents themselves give the children to drink it instead of antitussive syrups. If you gave the baby a small measured spoon of the drug, and at the same time he washed it down with tea or water, then nothing terrible will happen.

The only thing should be observed for the baby. Is there an overdose with a drug or not. An overdose is manifested by a rapid pulse, tremor, nausea vomiting, strong cough. In such cases, urgently call an ambulance.

The child drank Berodual
The child drank Berodual

Berodual for inhalations to adults and children: reviews

Karina, 29 years old:

The drug Berodual was used in inhalations to the child with bronchitis. Our pediatrician prescribed it to us. According to the recipe, it was necessary to dissolve 9 drops of the drug with 2 milliliters of the NACL solution. Inhalations had to be done twice a day.

But I was afraid to give a high dosage of the drug and reduced the number of Berodual drops to 9. During inhalation, the child coughed. After the procedure, the cough did not pass. This drug caused an allergic reaction. A cough passed in a few minutes. I let the child drink water, and was about to call an ambulance. When the next time I went to the doctor, I talked about what happened, the pediatrician canceled this treatment regimen.

Lara, 37 years old:

In our case, the drug Berodual brought relief to the child immediately after the first inhalation. Open immediately retreated, the baby asked to eat and slept calmly at night. There were no breaths of shortness of breath.

At the doctor’s appointment, I talked about the effectiveness of treatment. They took inhalations with Berodual for four days. The pediatrician appointed 2 pcs. per day. Attacks of bronchospasm receded, it remains to cure the cough. No side effects were observed.

More on our portal, read the following articles on similar topics:

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  5. Icelandic moss - therapeutic properties.

Video: Berodual for inhalation

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