Rules for creating makeup for ballroom dancing for a tournament for youth and adults: step by step with photos, ideas

Rules for creating makeup for ballroom dancing for a tournament for youth and adults: step by step with photos, ideas

Makeup for ballroom dancing is performed according to special rules, it should be bright. Read more in the article.

Makeup, designed for ballroom dancing, is significantly different from everyday application of decorative cosmetics. The image created for the performance should be bright, noticeable and attracting attention.

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Ballic outfits themselves, especially when it comes to Latin American dances, are sewn from multi -colored, colorful fabrics decorated with rhinestones, feathers and sequins. Therefore, the make -up should also correspond to a given stylistic direction. And here you should already use special techniques and techniques that allow you to achieve the task. Knowing a few secrets and rules of such application, makeup for ballroom dancing can be easily repeated independently without having any professional skills for this. Read more the technique of applying such a make -up in this article. Read further.

Features of makeup for ballroom dancing for youth and adults

Features of makeup for ballroom dancing for youth and adults
Features of makeup for ballroom dancing for youth and adults

The main distinguishing feature of this type of make -up is the mandatory use of bronzers and auto -loading. All decorative cosmetics should be bright, persistent, and it is selected exclusively under the stage image. In this case, you can completely not take into account the color type of appearance and not comply with the basic rules for applying makeup in accordance with the shade of the skin, eyes and hair. In this case, such generally accepted rules do not work. Below are the features of makeup for ballroom dancing for youth and adults.

The main task facing the application of cosmetics is the allocation of the face and emotions on it, which the audience should see and feel. There are its own rules that need to be followed by applying the basis of ballroom makeup:

Makeup for ballroom dancing for youth and adults
Makeup for ballroom dancing for youth and adults
  • The tonalka is always selected to the color of the applied agent for a car carrier, and not under the shade of the skin of the face, as is the case with the usual use of cosmetics.
  • And almost always the black eyeliner for the eyes is used, which allows you to highlight this particular part of the face.
  • As for the choice of cosmetics for creating a stage image, preference should be given only to professional sets. They should have a wide color palette and have increased resistance to body temperature changes.
  • Cosmetics should not slide and erase.
  • The applied makeup is obliged to maintain its perfect condition throughout the competitive program.
Makeup for ballroom dancing for youth and adults
Makeup for ballroom dancing for youth and adults

It will not work to achieve these results using ordinary decorative tools used daily. It should be noted that male dancers are also made up. But in this case, all the emphasis is placed on leveling the tone of the skin surface, using special coloring cosmetic products.

Makeup for sports ballroom dancing, juniors - step by step with a photo: what should be focused on, rules

Makeup for sports ballroom dancing, juniors
Makeup for sports ballroom dancing

To create a full -fledged makeup that meets all the requirements of a stage image for ballroom dancing, the following attributes must be used:

  • Spray with brilliance and mother -of -pearl for the whole body
  • Multi -colored rhinestones for decorating the eye area
  • Lacquer for curls with an iridescent effect

What should the emphasis be on? Here are some tips and rules:

  • Blind is abundantly.
  • They allow you to create the effect of sculpturing. Due to this, you can highlight the cheekbones, reduce the cheeks and change the shape of the face.
  • When choosing a tonal gamut of decorative application, it is necessary to take into account the color coloring of the ballroom costume and the dance itself that will be performed.

So, the Latin American direction, sports ballroom dancing among juniors, youth and adults, implies the use of screaming and bright shadows:

  • Salad
  • Blue
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Turquoise

But pink, purple, beige and pale blue shades, It is better to use for dancing a European program and magnificent, long dresses.

Important: The guideline for creating a ball makeup should not be eye color, but a shade of hair. If they dark, then give preference to steel, gray and deep-blue gammmas. Briters are more suitable brown and greenish shades. But blondes need to choose pink and blue tones.

Makeup should be applied in a certain sequence. Here are the instructions step by step with photo:

Makeup for ballroom dancing juniors: step by step
Makeup for ballroom dancing juniors: step by step
  1. Skin on the face It is treated with a cleansing tonic that does not contain alcohol, and then any moisturizer is applied to its surface.
  2. Next, the base for decorative cosmetics is necessarily used. It evens out the tone and serves as a fixer of the application applied later.
  3. The next step is the use of a car zagar, on which the tonalka is then superimposed.
  4. Then the skin surface is faded. The powder of light shades is best applied to the inner corner of the eye and near the nose. But the bronzer can hide all the available flaws.
  5. After that, proceed to the design of the eyebrows. First, a preferred line with bends is drawn, around which all extra hairs are removed with tweezers.
  6. On the eyebrows, apply powder and special shadows, giving the desired shape and color. Fasten this application of cosmetic use of gel using wax.
  7. Before dyeing your eyes, glue overhead eyelashes. This will give the look expressiveness and depth. Apply a base on the eyelids that does not allow the shadows to slide or sprinkle.
  8. Highlight the inner corner of the eyes with light colors and a area of \u200b\u200bskin under the eyebrows.
  9. Dark or bright tones are already distributed throughout the mobile eyelid. One of the saturated areas should be the outer corner of the eye.

When creating a make -up, it is allowed to mix completely different colors. It is necessary to ensure that the transitions are carefully shaken between the tones. A few more tips:

  • The eyeliner is intensively used along the line of eyelashes of the upper eyelid, but from below only slightly, so as not to weight his eyes.
  • Start painting your lips from a pencil with which the contour is carefully circled. It should be tone darker than lipstick itself. And on top of the lips should be covered with a flickering gloss. But not very dense, so as not to create the impression of a fat spot.
  • Apply blush to the most convex part of the cheeks, highlighting the cheekbones. As for the colors, give preference to better brown tones. This will enhance the tan effect.

At the same time, you need to ensure that the paint is applied with an even layer, without the formation of spots and subtexts.

Errors in creating makeup for ballroom dancing for a tournament: what do starters do wrong?

When such makeup is applied independently and without preliminary preparation, then errors that adversely affect the entire created image are allowed. What do beginners do wrong? Here are errors in creating makeup for ballroom dancing for the tournament:

  • Some completely ignore the eyebrows, without distinguishing them, due to which they are lost against the background of the rest of the bright make -up.
  • The use of sparkles and shimmering effects too much, so that the face begins to shine.
  • The use of a black contour pencil for lip stroke.
  • Incorrectly selected shades of powder and tonals.
  • Excessive number of vehicles applied.
  • The use of poor -quality overhead eyelashes, which during the performance may accidentally peel off.

A make -up for ballroom dancing can be made independently. The main thing is to know the basic principles of its application, give preference to professional cosmetics and not be afraid to experiment with the color scheme.

Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing: ideas, photos

Try to avoid excess, especially if it concerns flickering and brilliant details. Always start dance and suit. All details should echo among themselves, creating an amazing, finished image for the performance together. And in order to avoid the main mistakes, such makeup can be tried first a day before entering the parquet. Practice will allow you to fill your hand and improve the technique.

Look at the ideas and photos of beautiful makeup and hairstyles for ballroom dancing:

Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing
Makeup and hairstyle for ballroom dancing

Video: makeup for ballroom dancing

Video: Bright color makeup for ballroom dancing

Video: makeup for ballroom dancing. Junior makeup

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