Makeup for sensitive skin: 7 important rules, features of choosing cosmetics

Makeup for sensitive skin: 7 important rules, features of choosing cosmetics

It is difficult for owners of sensitive skin to choose cosmetics for face care. However, you should know that decorative cosmetics in this case is very important.

If it does not fit your skin type, makeup will not look aesthetically pleasing, and the components will harm the skin. From this article you will learn the basic rules that you need to adhere to when performing makeup for sensitive skin.

How to prepare sensitive skin before applying makeup?

  • Before proceeding with the make -up of sensitive skin, you need to moisturize your face qualitatively. If the owners of normal and oily skin can do only with cream or primer, then for sensitive skin a larger list of cosmetics will be required. After cleansing the skin, do moisturizing mask, and then apply moisturizing serum. It needs to be “sealed” with face cream. All cosmetics should be suitable for your skin type.
  • Some girls, to get rid of peeling, use facial scrub. However, such an aggressive effect on sensitive skin will provoke even greater irritation. Use instead of a scrub peeling. It is recommended to apply it no more than 2 times a week to remove keratinized skin cells, and start its restoration.
  • Can be used thermal water. It moisturizes the skin and remove irritation. Before the makeup, saw a small amount of thermal water on the face, and leave until completely absorb. This will increase the level of moisture in the skin. You can distribute the product with massive circular movements using fingertips. After thermal water, apply a moisturizer, and let it soak.
Sensitive skin requires special care
Sensitive skin requires special care

The correct composition of cosmetics for sensitive skin

  • Most women believe that mineral and organic cosmetics bring the skin more benefit for sensitive skin. It is believed that it soothes sensitive skin, and prevents its dryness. However, before use, carefully read the composition of cosmetics.
  • If a large number of it is listed in it flavors and preservatives (more than 5), applying such funds is not recommended. They will cause irritation.

Dry and "solid" textures in makeup for sensitive skin

  • In production dry cosmetics, or in the form of sticks, Less preservatives are used.
  • There is no water in them, which can become a source of the development of bacteria, provoking sensitive skin irritation.

The shelf life of cosmetics in makeup for sensitive skin

  • Most people do not follow the expiration dates indicated on the cosmetic label. This factor has a great influence on the skin of a person, especially on sensitive.
  • Look at the cosmetics available in the arsenal. If tonal cream, powder or eye shadow The expiration date has ended, throw the product into the garbage bucket. It will be dangerous for your skin.

Using VB Cremas for Sensitive Skin

  • Instead of a dense tonal base that causes dry skin, choose VV cream for sensitive skin. This cosmetic product is less pigmented, so it does not overload the skin.
  • If you do not have such a tool in your cosmetic bag, mix on the back of the palm tonal cream and ordinary moisturizer. Apply the mixture to the skin with pathetic movements.
  • Choose a foundation or explosive cream with a golden subtone. He will hide the redness that appears in sensitive areas.
  • To fix the makeup, use a small amount of powder. Take a little product on the brush, and shake off excess. After that, the remnants of the powder, apply on the skin with light movements. The more powder on the face, the greater the likelihood of irritation on sensitive skin.

Makeup for sensitive skin: applying cream

  • If you have skin irregularities provoked by peeling, apply a tonal product with a special cosmetic sponge. It allows you to smooth out irregularities, and level the coating.
  • A flat tone of the face Wrinkles will hide, and the foundation will not clog in them. Do not use latex sponge, because they can provoke allergic reactions and atopic dermatitis.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to buy high -quality sponge, apply a foundation cream with fingertips. So you can drive it into the skin, hiding dryness and irritation of sensitive skin.

Cosmetics with pigmentation for sensitive skin

  • Eye shadows contain a large number of pigments. The higher their concentration, the greater the likelihood of developing allergies, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  • Give preference neutral beige or bronze shades, because they are not dangerous. Use blue, green and other saturated tones with caution.
  • The same recommendation applies to bright shades of lipsticks. A large amount of pigment causes dry lips.
The pigment should be light
The pigment should be light

Features of the choice of cosmetics for sensitive skin

There are several recommendations when choosing cosmetics for makeup for sensitive skin:

  • Buy a base or base for makeup for sensitive skin, which are said "Hypoallergen." This means that the product is suitable for sensitive skin, because it does not have components that cause allergies. Be sure to apply only those tools on the skin on which there is a note about SPF protection.
  • Do not apply to the skin waterproof cosmetics. Despite the fact that it does not cause irritation, it is very difficult to wash off it. It will require a more active effect on the skin, which will cause unnecessary redness.
  • Do not use sprays for fixing makeup. Instead, you can apply thermal water. For skin comfort, apply thermal water during the day.
  • Do not use pencils and shadows for the eyes with sparkles. Choose cream and matte shadows.
  • Buy mascara in which there are no microfibers for eyelashes lengthening. Once on the mucous membrane of the eye, they will cause irritation.
  • Apply instead of lipstick balmswhich leave a small shade on the lips. They not only look beautiful, but also care for the skin of the lips.

Makeup for sensitive skin: reviews

  • Karina, 24 years: It is difficult for me, as the owner of sensitive skin, it is difficult to choose the right cosmetics. Each time, after applying cosmetics, irritations and redness appear. I began to use the BB creams, and I do not fix them with powder. Over the past few months, the skin condition has improved markedly.
  • Olga, 28 years old: I used to have a normal skin -prone skin. Due to incorrectly selected cosmetics, it became sensitive. Now I constantly follow the expiration dates and the composition of cosmetics, and I try to moisturize the skin more strongly. In recent weeks I noticed improvements.
  • Nadezhda, 48 years old: Previously, with skepticism, she treated cosmetics marked “hypoallergenic”. However, when I showed a strong sensitivity of the skin, I decided to lead for the reviews, and acquired a series of hypoallergenic cosmetics (mascara, shadows, foundation and powder). For 2 weeks of daily use, the condition of the skin has improved.

Now you know what are the main features of makeup for sensitive skin. The less aggressive means you use, the better it will affect the condition of your skin. Choose the correct cosmetics that will not harm.

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  1. Thanks I'll know.

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