Rules for the game in volleyball: briefly on points for schoolchildren. How is the feed in volleyball?

Rules for the game in volleyball: briefly on points for schoolchildren. How is the feed in volleyball?

If you do not know the rules of the game in volleyball, but want to know the basics of this sport, read the article.

Volleyball - Active and interesting game. If a person learns to play and play once, then he will forever become a fan of volleyball. Below you will find the rules of this game, and also learn history. Read further.

Volleyball: History


The story of volleyball is very interesting. All fans of this sport know her.

  • As a game, volleyball was first proposed in 1895 American physical education teacher, whose name was William J. Morgan.
  • He demonstrated a game that consisted of basketball, tennis and handball elements.
  • All students immediately liked it, gradually began to develop and gained fame.

First, the game received a vocation on the European continent. At the very beginning of the formation of this sport, the ball very rarely fell to the ground, since the main elements of volleyball were not used (there were no passes, attacks and blocks), and any number of players on the site were allowed. But gradually the rules were improved and complicated:

  • Restrictions on the number of players were introduced
  • Their arrangement on the field
  • The number of touches of the ball was limited
  • Various elements were developed

Thanks to this, the game gradually turned into an interesting exciting sight, and its popularity constantly grew.

Interesting: The creation is considered the most important step International Volleyball FederationFIVB. After that, the development of volleyball accelerated, various competitions and championships began to be held. The popularity of volleyball began to creep around the world.

The game reached the Soviet Union (at the beginning of the 20th century). The Soviet athletes studied the technique and rules of the game, heavy elements were worked out. At first, volleyball began to be included in school competitions, and over time it began to be present in almost all programs of large competitions.

The creation of the all -Union section of volleyball had to 1932. Since then, international competitions have begun to be held in which many teams took part, each of which sought to take leading places. So the popularity of volleyball began to cover the whole world.

The rules of the game in volleyball are briefly and understandable by points for children, schoolchildren: basic, summary


To organize the game you need a rectangular platform that separates the mesh and a special ball. Six people from each team take part in the game. Here are the basic rules of the game in volleyball briefly and understandable for points for children, schoolchildren - a summary:

  • First, a draw is made to determine the location of commands on the field.
  • You also need to select a command that will be the first to feed.
  • The team, which received the right to the first filing, begins the game.
  • She gives the ball and if during the game she scores a goal to the opponent, she gives again, and if she is scored a goal, then the transfer goes to another team.
  • So the game continues in a circle.

Players should make the ball touch the rival site and get a point for it. The game lasts three games before 25 points Each. If in the end the teams reach the account 24:24, then the game continues until one of the teams will come off two points.

The team gets a point if:

  • The opponent violated the rules
  • One of the opponent players made two touches of the ball
  • The enemy team made four touches or more
  • The enemy unsuccessfully filed the ball
  • With a direct hit of the ball to the rival site

Each player on the field performs certain elements and commands. Total on the field is divided 6 zones And, therefore, 6 roles players:

  • On the right - a reinforced worker. Such a player should be able to perfectly perform all the elements, and not just definite ones. He participates in the attack, blocks the attacks, gives filing and stands in defense. Therefore, these players are strong and tall. Two reigns always participate in the game.
  • On the right in front - diagonal. Actively participating in the attack. These players have professional skills of attacking strikes. And it is they who often clog decisive glasses.
  • In the middle ahead - central blocking. He is engaged in blocking attacks from the opponent. The blocking is in the center of the grid and constantly read the opponent’s strike.
  • On the left in front is the reinforced worker.
  • On the left in the back - connecting. The main task of this player is to give a transfer to the attacker in time so that he will attack the opponent. The binder constantly monitors the situation on the opponent’s field so that the pass is made on time, and the enemy’s team cannot repel the attack.
  • In the middle of the back - Libero. The main tasks of this player are the reception of feedings, the reflection of the opponent’s attacks and the implementation of accurate feeds to the binder player. He accepts the rival’s feed, then passes the ball to the binder, he makes the pass to the attacker, and the striker makes an attacking blow.
The location of the volleyball players
The location of the volleyball players

Important components of the game are various elements. With their help, the game becomes an interesting and exciting sight. Let us consider in detail the main elements of volleyball:

  • Innings. It is described in more detail below in the text.
  • Pass. This is the transfer of the ball between the players of the same team. Passes can be made by lower or upper blows. The main task of the pass is to confuse rivals and score a goal.
  • Striker. This is a technically complex element of volleyball. But it is this technique that often becomes a decisive element for most teams, as it almost always brings a point. The player makes a run, jump and a blow to the side of the opponent.
  • Block. This is the repayment of the opponent’s striker. The main goal of the block is to prevent the ball from getting into the playing area of \u200b\u200bthe team. To perform this element, the player jumps out and stretches along the grid with his hands extended up.
  • Reception. For the correct reflection of attacks, you must be able to take the ball correctly. In this case, the quality and complexity of the game rises. Due to the strength of the attacking blow, the ball is usually taken from below.

Volleyball is a game that requires competently tactical construction of all elements to achieve the desired results. Without the full return of each player, it is impossible to achieve results to the whole team. Read further.

How is the feed in volleyball?

Mount in volleyball
Mount in volleyball

There are two main types of filing: planning and power supply in the jump.
It is an important element of volleyball and often becomes a decisive step for the command, you need to know the features of its implementation. How is the feed in volleyball?

  • The player goes to the feed line, analyzes the situation on the opponent’s field and decides how and where to submit, concentrates and makes this main element.
  • In this case, the technique of execution and the correctly selected method are important.
  • In the case of a planning supply, the player throws the ball up and forth a little, swings and makes a blow to the ball with the base of the palm. If this element of the game is perfect correctly, then the ball treats evenly and does not rotate.
  • The feeding on the technique of execution is heavier than the planning feed. But the ability to perform it correctly, often brings the team an additional point.
  • It is necessary to take a position a few meters from the back line, take a step with the left foot and throw the ball up and forth about 3 meters.
  • Next, a step is taken with the right foot, and the hands are taken back (preparation for jumping), the last step with his left foot, jumping and strong swing with his right hand behind the back.
  • An accurate and strong blow to the ball is carried out.

It is worth noting: The technique of execution in the jump is extremely complicated. But it is difficult to reflect the opponent, so very often such an element becomes decisive in the game.

Volleyball is not a simple game, as it requires good physical preparation, quick reaction and knowledge. High -quality performance of technically heavy elements is always valued in professional volleyball, since this is what gives the game a spectacular look. Good luck!

Video: Rules for the game in volleyball

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