Increased bilirubin in the blood of men and women: causes, danger. The norm of general, direct and indirect bilirubin in the blood in men and women, decryption of analysis. Diet, products that reduce bilirubin in the blood in adults. How to lower bilirubin in blood in adults with medicines, at home with folk remedies?

Increased bilirubin in the blood of men and women: causes, danger. The norm of general, direct and indirect bilirubin in the blood in men and women, decryption of analysis. Diet, products that reduce bilirubin in the blood in adults. How to lower bilirubin in blood in adults with medicines, at home with folk remedies?

One of the indicators of the enzyme liver enzyme system is Bilirubin's biological blood pigment. With improper functioning of the outflow of bile, the bilirubin indicator grows, which negatively affects the condition of the body.

Biochemical blood test and comprehensive medical examination allow you to identify which bilirubin fraction is overstated. Based on the data obtained, treatment is prescribed to eliminate the revealed causes.

What is a direct and indirect bilirubin in the blood, what does it answer for?

  • At the stage of renewal of red blood cells in a chain of biochemical processes, it is produced bilirubin's gall pigment.
  • Primary bilirubin called indirect or free. In this state, when in contact with the liquid, the pigment retains a holistic structure, but is well soluble in fats. Indirect bilirubin is toxic and has an adverse effect on all body systems.
  • Thanks to the proteins of albumin indirect bilirubin moves to the liver and forms a new safe organic compound. The formation form of the pigment is called direct bilirubin. Thanks to bile, it enters the intestinal flora and, after a series of chemical reactions, is excreted with a chair. In the absence of pathologies, bilirubin is within normal limits and does not pose a threat to the body.

What is the general bilirubin in the blood, what is responsible for?

  • General bilirubin in blood - This is the amount of direct and indirect bilirubin. A specific pigment characterizes the qualitative renewal of red blood cells, the functioning of the gall system, inflammatory processes in the liver.
  • High -quality pigment removal depends on the work of liver cells. In case of violation of one of the related bilirubin processes spreads through the blood system throughout the body Offering a toxic effect on the weakest organs.
  • Diagnosis of the concentration of general bilirubin in the blood allows assess the condition of the body and identify pathologies, In particular, check the work of the liver.

Signs and symptoms of increased bilirubin in the blood without analysis

Exceeding the bilirubin indicator in humans leads to the development of jaundice. The characteristic external signs include yellowed eyeball and yellowing skin color.

We highlight the symptoms of increased bilirubin in the blood without analysis:

  • constant headaches with light dizziness;
  • norming and bitterness in the mouth, possibly vomiting;
  • a feeling of weakness in the body, fatigue with physical exertion;
  • discomfort in the liver;
  • a feeling of heaviness after eating, uncharacteristic changes in the color of the stool;
  • tachycardia and causeless fever.

Viral hepatitis is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Constant pains in the right side after eating indicate problems with the liver. Another vivid sign of hepatitis is a bitter belch.

What is the increased bilirubin in the blood of men and women: reasons

Increased bilirubin in the blood occurs against the background of infections, inflammatory processes and chronic diseases.

Increased bilirubin in the blood - causes in adults:

  • chronic forms of hepatitis - as a result weak functionality of the liver;
  • liver diseases and interconnected organs;
  • oncology abdominal organs;
  • violation of metabolism, stones in the biliary passes;
  • parasitic disease;
  • autoimmune anemia and as a result, the accelerated destruction of red blood cells;
  • infectious diseases - Infection of the stomach and intestines.
From various diseases
From various diseases

The norm of the general, direct and indirect bilirubin in the blood in men and women

The attending physician should be decrypted by a biochemical blood test. Given the concomitant diseases, the norm of general bilirubin is considered individually.

Bilirubin in the blood in adults:

Type of bilirubin Norm for women The norm for men
General bilirubin 8,2-17,1 8,4-19,8
The direct bilirubin faction 0,9-4,2 1-8,1
The faction of indirect bilirubin Up to 17.2 Up to 20

Bilirubin indicators in women are slightly underestimated in relation to the norm for men. The reason for this feature is a less active process of updating red blood cells.

  • Indicators for pregnant and healthy women do not differ. Deviations from the norm Possible in the last months of pregnancy, but after childbirth, everything returns to the limits of the permissible.
  • In male, the cause of increased bilirubin often becomes genetic gilber syndrome - Hereditary liver disease. Harmony is manifested at an older age, up to 20 years of the disease are most often outside of suspicion.

Biochemical blood test for bilirubin: Decryption

When deciphering blood tests at the initial stage, it is established which type of bilirubin does not meet permissible norms. The low indicator does not pose a threat to the body, so it is not taken into account. Increased bilirubin indicates the pathological process in the body. The bilirubin faction indicates specific deviations.

Bilirubin straight in the blood is increased: what does this mean? This result is characteristic of the following pathologies:

  • The difficult discharge of bile due to stones, inflammations, edema.
  • Exceeding the two fractions of bilirubin indicates the disease of the liver - cirrhosis, hepatitis.
  • Bilirubin indirect in the blood is increased: what does this mean?Typical reasons for the increase in indicator:
  • Blood disease, the presence of poisons or toxins in the body.
  • The toxic effect of the drugs taken, an allergic reaction.
  • The adrenal yellow and, as a result, anemia.

It is possible to correctly establish a type of pathology only if there are additional examinations.

What is the danger of a high common, direct and indirect bilirubin in the blood?

The main danger of excess bilirubin is the toxicity of the gall pigment. Penetrating through the cell membrane of indirect bilirubin inhibits the respiratory cells, destroys neurons in the brain. In the absence of treatment, a person can fall into a coma.

Several degrees of excess of bilirubin are distinguished:

  • Small - indicators of bilirubin in the range - 50-70 μmol/l. It does not have a poisonous effect on the body.
  • Expressed - indicators of bilirubin in the range - 150-170 μmol/l. With timely treatment, it does not cause complications.
  • Heavy - The indicator exceeds 300 μmol/l.
  • Critical - Without the treatment of a person, a fatal outcome awaits.

How to lower bilirubin in blood with drugs: a list of drugs that reduce bilirubin with names

You can prescribe the drug to reduce bilirubin in the blood only after additional studies.

Plant -based bilirubin drugs:

  • Salibinin - It is prescribed for alcohol poisoning, intoxication with heavy metals, hepatitis.
  • Silibor - It is prescribed for hepatitis and cirrhosis.
  • Silimarin-Gexal - It is prescribed for chronic pathologies and toxic poisoning.
Lowering drugs
Lowering drugs

Semi -synthetic drugs to lower bilirubin in the blood:

  • Hofitol - Promotes the excretion of bile, cleanses the body of toxins. It is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes.
  • Solan - Promotes metabolism and increases the production of bile.
  • Holiver - It is prescribed for diseases of the stomach, impaired metabolic processes, diseases of the biliary organs.

List of drugs that reduce bilirubin, animal origin:

  • Essential - Restores liver cells, normalizes lipid metabolism in heart disease.
  • Phospholip- A water -soluble drug normalizes the production of lymphocytes, strengthens the immune system. It is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys and intoxication.
  • Hepatosan - A drug with the composition of animal liver cells. It is prescribed in the complex treatment of cirrhosis, improves protein production.

Increased bilirubin in the blood: signs of what disease?

Increased bilirubin signals possible deviations of the body, among which it is worth highlighting the most common:

  • Destruction of red blood cells under the influence of negative factors.
  • Infutable liver activity.
  • Combing the bile passages.
  • Hepatitis

Very often high bilirubin accompanies diseases such as viral infection or liver deformation, antibodies in the body, inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder.

Blood on bilirubin to take on an empty stomach or not and where?

  • So that the indicators of a biochemical blood test are as reliable as possible, you need refrain from taking food after 20:00 on the eve of the evening. When passing day analysis the minimum abstinence interval is 4 hours.
  • Blood is taken from a vein manual method or using special equipment. Automatic analyzers give the most accurate result. At the consultation, you need to inform the doctor about all the nuances of his diet.
  • Products with caffeine, choleretic products, fatty products, alcohol used the day before can distort the result of the tests. Alcohol and drugs anticoagulants make its adjustments.
From Vienna
From Vienna

Diet with increased bilirubin in the blood

You can improve the work of organs with increased bilirubin in the blood with a diet.

  • To go symptoms nausea, heartburn, bloating - Exclude fat and fried dishes.
  • Suppress the feeling of hunger with snacks from fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • We establish drinking mode - We use simple clean water.
  • We use herbal teas - As a prevention, decoctions of rosehips, St. John's wort, mint, milk thistle, dandelion are suitable.
  • In addition to a diet, it is very important during the course of treatment Exclude alcohol and tobacco.

Products that reduce bilirubin in the blood in adults

The diet has a direct effect on the concentration of bilirubin in the blood. The abuse of smoked, fatty, butter dishes leads to an increase in bilirubin.

Bilirubin products reducing:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Berries and vegetables
  • Cereal and grain cereals
  • Milk products
  • Dietary varieties of meat
  • Honey, herbal infusions
Honey and herbs
Honey and herbs

In the complex, products allows you to make a balanced menu.

How to lower bilirubin in blood in adults at home with folk remedies?

Folk recipes for reducing bilirubin are used both as a prevention and to normalize the general condition of the body after illness.

How to lower bilirubin in the blood with folk remedies:

  • An hour after dinner, take a chamomile broth in combination daily With the bark of oak and St. John's wort.
  • Stop the destruction of cell membranes will help 200 ml of calendula decoction on a daily basis.
  • A tablespoon will help to reduce bilirubin beet juice Before meals.
  • Before eating as a prevention, take a decoction of chamomile, motherwort and St. John's wort.
  • To quickly reduce bilirubin pour 1 tsp. seeds Baby throat with a glass of boiling water. Take 100 ml a quarter of an hour before meals.

Folk remedies effectively work in combination with diet and drugs.

Useful information in the following articles:

Video: About increased bilirubin

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