The face and body blush from alcohol: reasons, reviews, what to do so that the face does not blush?

The face and body blush from alcohol: reasons, reviews, what to do so that the face does not blush?

The red face is often in people who abuse alcohol. But there are also often cases when, after one glass, cheeks or nose in a person who does not drink, allowing himself only a glass of wine on a holiday, and most importantly, how to avoid this to avoid?

The main cause of redness of the skin after taking alcohol is a surge of blood to the face, which occurs due to the initial expansion and subsequent narrowing of the blood vessels. Expanding, the capillaries of the subcutaneous layer receive more blood, which causes redness of the skin, and this can manifest itself not only on the face, but also on the chest, hands, other areas of our body.

The face and body blushes from alcohol - wine, vodka, beer: Reasons

  • The more alcohol entered the body, the to a greater extent the vessel expansion occurs, And, accordingly, red spots are brighter. If a person suffers from alcoholism, a lot of alcohol is constantly present in his blood, then changes occur regarding both the whole organism as a whole and the circulatory system.
  • And here the redness of the face after taking alcohol in any quantity is inevitable.
  • In addition, it can appear differently the body's reaction to drunk. For example, people with light skin blush faster and stronger, even if the amount of alcohol is small.
  • The dark -skinned people do not have such a clearly expressed reaction, or rather, it is not so noticeable. But their skin has a different property, the spots on it are not visible, but the capillary grid manifests itself clearly. As for the albinos, their reaction to alcohol looks even more expressive than that of blondes.
The face blushes
The face blushes

So, the reasons why the face and body blushes from alcohol several:

  1. Allergywhich is inherent in the body both on alcohol itself and on the dyes or additives included in it. A strong allergen can be almondwhich is often added to liquors.
  2. The stage of alcoholism, which has turned into chronic. Ethyl alcohol, constantly acting on the vessels, clogs them, reduces elasticity and provokes congestion in them, which leads to inflammation.
  3. Alcohol intolerance, Usually it is innate. This is not a common reason, but still quite real.
  4. The reaction of the body For the drunk, especially if a person has light skin or drank much more than usual.
  5. Lack of enzymes, which contribute to the elimination of alcohol from the body. This is quite dangerous and in this case alcohol should be used very carefully so as not to provoke intoxication.

Why do alcoholics have a red face after binge, with a hangover?

  • The face and body blushes from alcohol - one of the signs of alcohol withdrawal, i.e. hangover syndrome. And in drunken alcoholics during the period of exacerbation (what we call “white fever”) the skin can be not only red, but also pale, which is why the definition of “white” arose.
  • In a drinking person, they are observed as mental disorders, and chronic diseases, Related to internal organs, and absolutely everything can be affected. First of all, this applies to the liver, which does not have time to process such an amount of drunk, as a result of which the organ dystrophy develops sequentially, then hepatitis, called alcohol, and ends everything with cirrhosis.
  • The vegetative system suffers: Cardiomyopathy, often leading to heart attacks, hypertension (moreover, often with blood pressure drops up to normal indicators) - all this affects the state of blood vessels, which determine the redness of the face.
  • At the last stage of alcoholism A person simply does not tolerate large doses of alcohol, since the body has a clear excess of alcohol, accumulated for years.
  • In addition, at this stage is developing Alcoholic encephalopathy, i.e. Distrophic changes in the brain, which also leads to circulatory disorders.
Changes in brain activity are manifested
Changes in brain activity are manifested
  • Thus, the cause of the constantly red face in people who abuse alcohol, suffering from binges, as well as a hangover syndrome, are Violations occurring in all systems and organs of the body, which have become chronic.
  • In addition, constantly advanced capillaries in such people often burst and die, which also leads to redness of the face. Vessels, ceasing to be elastic, they are torn, And in the gap site, what we call the capillary net is formed.
  • Another factor is general intoxication of the body and its dehydration, which also leads to redness of the face.

Why blows the face from alcohol spots?

  • If the face blushes from the drink drunk with spots, then in this case it is caused low enzyme content called alcohol dehydrogenase, Which is responsible for the splitting of alcohol in our gastrointestinal tract. Its amount in the blood depends on both the features of genetics and on how much alcohol a person consumes (this concept also includes beer).
  • In the first case, we can say that a small amount of enzyme Most often characterized by northern peoples, in the second - that excessive drinking leads To a decrease in the amount of alcohol dehydrogenase in the body.
Redness can be spots
Redness can be spots
  • How the amount of enzyme is interconnected alcohol dehydrogenase With the advent of red spots in the face? The fact is that the lower the level of alcohol dehydrogenase, the greater the concentration of alcohol in the blood, and the longer it is present in it.
  • This leads not only to the expansion of the vessels, but also to a longer time to stay in this state. Those sections of the skin, where the capillaries are especially dilated, are manifested by red spots. After the intake of alcohol after some time the vessels narrow and redness on the face disappears.
  • The same manifestation of the reaction of the body, not with general redness, namely spots on the face, can also be observed in the case the presence of allergies to alcohol or artificial additives in alcohol drink in the form of flavorings, dyes.

Red face after alcohol, with a hangover - how to get rid: tips

  • If the face and body blush from alcohol and this is caused allergic reaction (it may not appear immediately and is accompanied by itching, swelling, headache, increasing pressure), then the most correct will go to the doctor by telling him which alcohol you consumed.
  • It is unnecessary to say that it is necessary to stop taking alcohol after the manifestation of the first signs and, if possible, provoke vomiting in order to cleanse the stomach as much as possible.
  • In other cases remove the redness on the skin Perhaps with the help of children's cream, applied to reddened areas for several minutes, and then washed with cool water using soap (preferably children). You can also attach a cube of ice to the reddened area, which will narrow the pores and thereby remove the redness.
Can help children's cream
Can help children's cream
  • There is also a special cream that helps remove redness - it is possible that the drugs intended for the treatment of dermatitis have this effect.
  • If you do not abuse alcohol, but redness is manifested episodically, then, as a rule, it disappears on its own and no action needs to be taken.

The face and body blushes from alcohol: folk treatment

There are some tips with the use of folk methods if the face and body blush from alcohol:

  1. Shared fresh cucumber Apply 10 minutes to the reddened area. After washing (you can use not only cold water for this, but also the infusion of chamomile) and at the end for 2-3 minutes, hold the ice cube at the place of redness.
  2. Well washed parsley Grind and pour boiling water (about a glass). Insist 2-3 hours, and then strain thoroughly. This infusion should be wiped with places that reddened due to alcohol consumption.
  3. A good effect gives application masks made of green or white cosmetic clay. Stir a spoonful of clay in boiling water, bringing sour cream to the consistency. When the mixture has cooled, put it on the face like a mask and hold it for about 15 minutes. Then wash under a stream of warm water.
  4. Grind raw potato Put the gruel in the places of redness, holding about 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  5. Stir the powder obtained due to grinding three tablets of ordinary aspirin In a small amount of cream (you can also use lotion). Hold the mixture in the field of redness for up to 10 minutes. Then wash yourself with warm water, thoroughly washing all the remnants of the mask.
Potatoes from redness
Potatoes from redness

If redness on the face appears regularly after taking alcohol, they are held for a long time and are not removed with the help of the above products, then it is better to consult a doctor.

What to do so that the face does not blush from alcohol: tips and reviews

  • If you do not drink often, but in your body there is a small amount enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, splitting alcohol, you can recommend taking antihistamines, In particular, those that contribute to the release of acid during digestion.
  • To avoid redness, it is simply necessary to observe the norm of alcohol drunk and not abuse. For example, women should drink no more than two glasses of wine (white) per week. Beer - only the one in which there is a minimum of preservatives . And from liquors and cocktails It is better to refuse at all, since it is in them that the largest number of additives, flavors, dyes and other components that can cause an allergic reaction.
Refuse cocktails
Refuse cocktails
  • If redness occurs due to close locations to the skin of the capillaries, You can resort to laser therapy. In addition, it is not worth using rough peeling to cleanse the face, but the application should be daily on the face, protecting it from exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • And as a prevention, it is necessary to pay attention to taking vitamins. So, strengthen the walls of the vessels and make them less fragile will help vitamin R. Universal with not only helps narrowing of blood vessels, but also eliminates swelling, and vitamin K is inherent in the ability to tone the vessels and reduce their permeability.

Many have been convinced of the effectiveness of such funds. Here are just a few reviews:

  • Anatoly, 34 years: Even after a glass of beer, I have red spots, not only on my face, but also on my chest, shoulders. I checked the doctor - allergies did not seem to be detected. And I drink it infrequently, but I still blush right away, directly on the chronic alcoholic becomes like I look like it. First, he took off his redness with ice, but you will not be visiting this. Recently, the doctor recommended me a course of vitamins, which, in particular, have a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels. He took about a month and drew attention to the fact that really red spots became much paler, and sometimes did not appear at all. Now I want to repeat after time.
  • Irina, 42 years: I do not like strong drinks, so I always preferred a "tasty": a sweet liquor. Recently, I began to notice that even from a glass of drunk my cheeks are blushing. I am a blonde and such an unnatural blush is all the more noticeable and, of course, unpleasant. I turned to an allergist and it turned out that I have a classic allergy to the dye that is part of my favorite liquor. I had to choose: either "tasty" or beauty. I chose the second, refused the liquor, now on occasion I drink white wine. And I do not blush!

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Video: Why is the face and body red and body red?

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