Why did the joints become inflamed and began to hurt? For what reason can all joints hurt at the same time: possible diseases. How are the causes of joint pain correctly determined? Non -traditional medicine for joint pain: Folk recipes

Why did the joints become inflamed and began to hurt? For what reason can all joints hurt at the same time: possible diseases. How are the causes of joint pain correctly determined? Non -traditional medicine for joint pain: Folk recipes

With inflamed joints, it is important to correctly find out the cause of the disease, as well as conduct professional treatment. You will learn about this from the material.

There are a great many reasons for this. For example, a symptoms in which there is a swelling of the hands, the joints are as if constrained, pain, speaks of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the morning. From arthritis, the female sex suffers much more often than male, due to hormonal features.

Joint inflammation occurs when they are affected by viral and bacterial infections. At the same time, both knees, brushes or shoulder may swell, when feeling they are hot, and the muscles cease to function normally.

Why did the inflammation appear and the joints hurt?

The problem, as a rule, is rapidly progressing. After radioscopy of the joint, and after a blood test, the doctor can diagnose the situation and prescribe treatment with anti -inflammatory medicines of the non -steroidal type.

  • If the joints are striking deforming osteoarthrosis (mainly joint cartilage), the patient has a special “duck” gait. Cartys, with insufficient nutrition, become less elastic, more fragile. The age category of patients suffering from such an ailment is from fifty years and older, more often women with excess weight, large physical activity. Sometimes an injury may be the reason. It is possible to diagnose the disease by studying x -rays.
  • Such patients need to reconsider their diet, and during periods of crises, complete peace is needed. Treatment with non -steroidal drugs And taking medications that bring metabolism to normal, gives positive results.
  • Inflammation of all joints can occur due to urination and sexual system infection, as well as nasopharynx, etc.; This ailment is called reactive arthritis. He will heal, the main thing is to take it right away, the first three months are decisive. Otherwise, the patient is facing .
What do you feel?
What do you feel?
  • Do not self -medicate. There were cases when warming up the inflamed joint, instead of cooling it with ice, led to osteomyelitis - The transition of inflammation to the bone. Regular implementation of special exercises for sore joints, returns their mobility.
  • Sitting on soft chairs and sofas is very comfortable, however, it is able to aggravate the condition of the joints. Therefore, it is desirable that the base of the bed is tough, just like seats and backs of chairs.
  • Do not sit with your legs on one another-because of this the blood flow is disturbed, the lymph in the tissues stagnates.The diet should contain the necessary vitamins and trace elements, the amount of fats with carbohydrates is advised to reduce (exception - fish oil).

For what reason can all joints hurt at the same time: possible diseases

Sometimes it is difficult to identify the cause of the simultaneous pain in the joints, as well as immediately choose a methodology for getting rid of malaise. In the case of pathologies in the joints accompanied by pain, you need to know that each joint can be affected equally due to the systemic reaction of the body.

Call such states is capable of:

  • Ra
  • rheumation
  • autoimmune ailments
  • osteoarthrosis
  • stable physical overload
  • infection of the body, its defeat viruses and intoxication
  • irritation of the joints with arthritism and scaly lichen
  • diseases of the circulatory system
  • intestinal inflammation

Joint pain spreading throughout the body, have a reactive origin, being a symptom of the complication of another ailments. Exceptional cases can be considered some forms of RA and osteoarthrosisThe only hyaline cartilage is striking.

The nature of pain in rheumatism (rheumen) and ra

Rheumen - a disease manifested in the form monoarthritis (inflammation of one joint), or polyarthritis (affects many joints). It causes pain and swelling of the joints, without affecting, however, all of them at once. At first, the pain is felt in turn in all large joints (shoulders, elbows, knees, pelvis, hips, ankle).

Brushes with feet are almost not susceptible to illness. Severe pain manifests itself after tonsillitis, as well as with rheumatic monoarthritis (similar to pain in polyarthritis).

RA is usually inherent in patients older than forty, but there are also cases of its manifestation in children and adolescents (juvenile RA).

Many cases of RA have the previous symptoms of damage: pain in the hands, swelling of the joints of the feet, and these areas are inherent in the stiffness of movements in the morning. The soreness of all joints at once is an indicator that the aggressive form of the disease begins, or that it has once again aggravated.

Problem areas
Problem areas

Do not ignore the pain in the joints if it does not appear day or two. It is better to examine the body in time, in time to identify the cause of discomfort and begin appropriate therapy.

At osteoarthrosis There are cases of defeat at once the groups of joints. Extreme discomfort at once in several joints manifests itself from the dystrophy of the hyalin cartilage in large joints, which lead to their deformation and limited mobility.

Arthralgia, as a result of physical overwork

The cause of pain immediately in all joints may be the usual physical overwork that is inherent in people of any age category, especially athletes to physical labor workers. As a rule, if you change the load mode to a more gentle one, the pains pass on their own.

Can it become inflamed from infection and blood problems?

Any infectious diseases, especially their beginning, with the spread of microorganisms throughout the body, can cause a sense of pain in all joints, fever. This is: influent, measles, rubella, intestinal infection. A similar reaction of the body can manifest itself in: tuberculosis, syphilis, infection of chlamydia, brucellosis, HIV. The influence of toxic poisons that fell into the blood also provokes articular ailments.

Searching of decisions
Searching of decisions

Such a disease as blood cancer, are now among the most difficult problems of medicine. Not only is it difficult to treat, it is also extremely difficult to diagnose in time. For example, leukemia in acute and chronic form, has atypical clinical varieties that cause bone-articular pain in patients, in the absence of anomalies in the analysis. If a feeling of pain does not leave for a long time, it is better to conduct a second blood test and visit a specialist-gematologist.

Often, pain in all joints is caused by intestinal irritation inherent in the disease of the crown, as well as atypical ulcerative colitis. Both ailments can lead to arthritis of any large joint.

Manifestations of arthralgia with gout (arthritism) and scaly lichen (psoriasis): their character

Arthritis and scaly lichen - Two completely different diseases. However, their symptoms are similar in places. Usually they are not inherent in a feeling of pain at once in all joints. Another picture with the atypical course of each ailment, which are characterized by manifestations arthralgia. Patients suffering from this subspecies of these diseases, as well as potential patients (hereditary history), must remember that unreasonable pain in all joints at the same time, indicates the development of ailment or its origin.

How are the causes of joint pain correctly determined?

To find out the sources of pain in all joints, you should carefully study the history of diseases suffered by the patient, as well as his relatives, conduct an examination and evaluate the symptoms that he have, determining the state in the state of unhealthy joints. The primary examination follows the general tests of blood and urine, rheumatic samples. The results help to determine the diagnosis or the examination continues to obtain a more expanded picture of the disease.

With pain, not only in joints, but also bones, the patient has to constantly take analgesics in order to reduce discomfort. Such relief, of course, is temporary, without a therapeutic effect, which is why patients are recommended to take non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs.

It is important to find out the cause of the pain
It is important to find out the cause of the pain

The diet is also extremely important. For example, the treatment of osteochondrosis provides for a six -pillars of food, in small portions.

Non -traditional medicine copes with articular inflammation: folk recipes

  1. In a 3-liter glass container, mix carrot juice (half a kilo of root), beetroot (half a kilo), black radish (1/2 liter) with a glass of aloe juice. Fill the container to the very top with honey, mix all the components. Cover the mixture with a lid and insist for seven days. Then strain, throw off the sediment. Take a 40 ml medicine before bedtime. Treatment - at least four weeks.
  2. Compresses are also useful for removing pain in the joints and bones. In 0.5 liters, pour a jar of kefir, mix with sparkled rye bread. Add a pinch of soda and remove the mixture in heat for five to six hours. After the specified time, we squeeze the potion and make lotions of it. In the afternoon we apply it to the joints, and at night we put compresses from it. After 3 days, sensations become less uncomfortable, and after a week they disappear altogether.
  3. In case of joint diseases due to failures in the endocrine system, it is recommended compress from the infusion of roots and inflorescences of sunflower, vyazolithic labazer, rhizomes of the saber of the Bolotnaya and Donnik. Pour 4 tbsp. tablespoons of grass mixture, pour a liter of cold water and mix.
We get rid of the people's
We get rid of the people's

It is possible to find out the cause of the arising pain only by contacting a specialist. After conducting appropriate examinations and having familiarized themselves with their results, the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and choose therapy. There is no panacea from all diseases, each of them should be approached individually.

Video: How to treat inflamed joints?

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  1. There are many reasons, the main thing is to find the right treatment as quickly as possible. And if the pain in several places at once, then you need to act comprehensively. First of all, to establish drinking mode, replace coffee with green tea. You can drink a churmin, an elevarine good quality. Ointments are against inflammatory, and compresses warming.

  2. For several years I have been accepting chondroprotectors for several years so that the joints do not let me know. She began to take expensive ones, but then she found out that the matter was not in price, the main thing is that there would be Glucosamine and Chondroitin in the optimal dosage. For these reasons, I switched to glucosamine maximum and the composition is excellent and the price suits.

  3. I have not survived to the joint pain yet, but I will keep in mind.

  4. Thank you for the article! I drink glucosamine maximum from pain in the joint after an injury. The pain subsides markedly, and the packaging is enough for a long time.

  5. How already tired with these joints, folk people do not help at all (((

  6. Diana, have you tried to contact a doctor? On a personal example, I know that with joint problems, it is necessary to take chondroprotectors. But I also know that there are analogues to more expensive chondroprotectors, for example, for example, glucosamine maximum, it is completely satisfied with its price, as well as the fact that it contains such substances as in expensive chondroprotectors that support joint health of the joint , so I accept it.

  7. Oh, the joints -it was like that, the very hurts periodically. On the advice of a friend, in such an occasion began to take a dialrapid. I dissolve this powder in water and drink, I like the taste. My pain goes away quite quickly, it lights straight. The remedy is universal, so I keep it at home for the occurrence of pain.

  8. Alflutop Kurtz injected from the pain and inflammation of the joints of the orthopedic. The effect is accumulative, but the main thing is long-term, I personally could finally go normally-the problem with my knees was a day in a week, and for more than six months now there are no problems at all)))

  9. The treatment of inflammation in the joints must be comprehensive. For example, the NSAIDs were maximally prescribed by the maximum glucosamine tablets, it is a hondoprotector, the composition is successfully selected, helps to maintain the flexibility of the joints and prevent their premature aging. And also special exercises for the joints.

  10. My mother is in a lying state almost all the time, or sedentary. This is how fate ordered (the problem also in the fact that her joints and bones hurt due to a sedentary lifestyle. The doctor prescribed her to smear the joints. They bought in a pharmacy on the recommendation of the pharmacist to be balm to strengthen bones and pain in the joints. The name is his unusual “Zhabiy stone ", But he turned out to be very good. Helped his mother, it has become much easier for her now, even with such a way of life.

  11. The joints are very worried about my father, I buy him dialrapid. The doctor prescribed this anesthetic to him. It acts quickly, and the effect is strong, almost the same as from injections. He is pleased with the result.

  12. In general, of course, there are a lot of reasons ... Some have problems with age, for example. It was like that. But thank God I was able to get rid of these terrible pains, I accept Honda Forte Evalar and collagen courses, I do compresses. Again and mobility appeared, and inflammation has come down ... So I live a full life))

  13. I immediately went to the doctor, as soon as I started to bother the joint. But it turned out that I need to maintain their health, for this I need to take chondroitin and glucosamine, which are part of chondroprotectors. True, at first I bought more expensive, and now I switched to a more budgetary version of glucosamine maximum. I see no reason to overpay.

  14. I was also prescribed from articular pain and Aflutop and Diprospan. It acts without fail, but in a year or two the pain returns. Apparently, they have not yet come up with a perfect fund. The only thing, I also began to smear for the prevention of 911 gel with chondroitin from Twins TEK, while I have been holding without injections for the third year. I would like to believe that it helps. Now a new gel 911 chondroitin has appeared, but there is another composition and manufacturer. Do not risk it to switch to him.

  15. After last year’s fracture, it happens on the weather, my hand begins to get very sick, in such cases I take a dialrapid, it is convenient that these are not tablets that are forever in the throat of the lump in the throat, but a special remedy for dissolution in the water. My mother and I accept him from pains in charters or heads. Actually, she advised me.

  16. It is very important for the body to receive chondroitin and glucosamine. These are the so -called chondroprotectors that help joints be flexible and elastic. Evalar has a whole line of such drugs. From the entire line I advise you to pay special attention to Honda Fort.

  17. Yes, now so many chondroprotectors are sold in a pharmacy that the eyes are scattering. So I initially began to buy expensive, for two, or even more than thousands of rubles. And now she began to take glucosamine maximum, since its composition also contains glucosamine and chondroitin, so I do not see the point of overpaying.

  18. When the joints of the legs begin to hurt (my knees are a sore spot), then an anesthetic dialrapid is coming to the rescue. I switched to him from nimesil, who has stopped especially helping them recently. And with dialrapide, the pain passes for a couple of applications completely.

  19. And I agree about the glucosamine maximum, about which they write above. His composition is similar to expensive chondroprotectors, but the price is cheaper. I switched to this chondroprotector, and I do not regret, since I do not feel the difference.

  20. Again, my joints grabbed, what about the deal?

  21. Irina, did you not see a doctor? For example, a doctor prescribes me a chondroprotectors. Now even the nabudge option has crossed-I accept glucosamine maximum. And before him she accepted more expensive, but with the same composition. I still do not understand why it overpayed.

  22. Reformalgon to help

  23. I am taking arthrophis for my joints now. I really liked the composition - chondroprotectors with collagen, and not “classic”, but from marine organisms - thanks to them, the anti -inflammatory effect turns out to be, due to which pains are significantly reduced already in the second week of taking the drug, from my experience. And with prolonged admission, by the way, from the words of the doctor, these substances are capable of restoring the joints and cartilage fabric. I will continue to take courses.

  24. Recently, the joints began to bother. I signed up for a doctor, I think maybe he will tell you something.

  25. Lydia, I completely agree with you. I also accept arthrophis. The composition is really good. Nothing superfluous, but only those substances that reduce inflammation. I already have improvements, that of course, I am very pleasing to me very much)

  26. in 1994, after a cold, all the joints fell ill - the work was mobile on the street ... and so, for 6 years, without embarrassment, they tried to treat from all the above “arthritis, arthrosis, deforming arthritis and arthrosis, etc.” 6 years after the next, for the hundredth time said, the words-“you need to take tests”, threw all the attending papers-and-analyzes-analyzes-courses of treatment and so on, and this was 3 years to the rheumocenter, ... ... if the doctor does not know or does not want to know reason - you will be treated until you die (or so far there is something to pay for the procedures - tests - treatment)

  27. I also have problems with the joints, a sedentary lifestyle affects. In order to avoid serious complications, I accept arthrophis, the components of which positively affect the joints, reducing pain with inflammation, everything suits me.

  28. It seems that she always followed the health of her joints, and they began to hurt (

  29. Lyudmila, and so I have the same. It seems like I always tried to protect my joints. But, it’s good that the doctor Arthrofish advised to take on the problem with the joints. Glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen from marine organisms. In general, its composition has all the necessary substances to maintain the health of my joints. And by the way, I take the second week, and the pain has already decreased.

  30. As the doctor told me that with age, the joints make themselves felt, not young. I have, as it enters in the back, I apply Amelotex Gel. It has anti -inflammatory properties. After it, my back becomes easier, the pain subsides. This gel has helped me out more than once.

  31. I also have a problem with the joints, the doctor recommended taking arthrophis, said that now there are many different means, but he himself chose this, because the composition of natural chondroprotectors - glucosamine and chondroitin of marine origin, plus also collagen. She began to accept - after two weeks she felt much better. Now I will periodically repeat the course to preserve the result.

  32. And I took Amelotex tablets on the recommendation of a doctor, the situation with the joints was aggravated during the time while I was sitting at home, I moved very little. And he went through a course of such treatment, it became easier, the main pain passed. What is important, these tablets, unlike other NSAIDs on the stomach, do not act poorly, but for me this is a big plus, since this is a weak place I have.

  33. I agree about the arthrophis, I also accept this chondroprotector, I am satisfied with everyone. Glucosamine and chondroitin in it - isolated from marine organisms, the product is well tolerated and absorbed to the maximum. And these substances reduce the inflammation in the joints well.

  34. Some unpleasant sensations have recently appeared in the joints, what is it?

  35. As we put us on quarantine, then my problems began with the joints. After all, she began to move at all. I decided to see a doctor. And the doctor advised me to start taking Amelotex tablets. They do not affect the stomach, and thanks to their action, the joints bother me much less.

  36. In any case, you need to find out the cause of the pain from the doctor. I have joints, more often knee, after summer cottages. I use the horse force relaxing balm, there is always in the first -aid kit. It helps to quickly relieve pain, helps relax in the muscles.

  37. In fact, the reasons can be very different. One of the most common is the lack of movement. During the quarantine, for this reason, my knees began to whine, well amelotex gel at my spouse, it is always available to them from their lower back pain. And then it came in handy.

  38. Thank you. I have a poor collagen production in the body, from this and pain in the knees. So the doctor says. Now I drink the Evalarovsky collagen and the second course, it becomes much easier for me. The composition is additionally vitamin C, and the dosage of the highest 6000 mg. Plus, I smear ointments warming overnight, but this is not regular.

  39. From sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle in general, I encountered a problem with the joints of the knee. The discomfort increasingly began to appear, so I had to look for a good painkille, while the doctor was not able to get. The pharmacy was advised by Ethorelex, and took it. It turned out to be quite effective, literally for half an hour from the intake of pain begin to decrease, they become quieter, then they completely stop disturbing. This effect is long, which is also pleasing.

  40. I had a knee injury. Now the joints hurt. For the weather from fatigue. The knees are constrained and the pain so aching. I rub the knees with cream arthromyvit Twins TEK. The content of chondroitin, vitamin and the Vitamin complex in it quickly put me on my feet. A sharp pain is leaving. Relieves inflammation and improves joint mobility.

  41. She turned her leg, fell ill in the ankle area, and stretching went. She went through the hens of physiotherapy and auxilized the leg of the arthromewitter with cream 911. It is anti -inflammatory, helps to produce collagen so necessary for joints. Improves joint mobility, stiffness has gone

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    i had a knee injury in my youth and every spring at temperature changes begins to bother: pain, swelling. I am saved by a natural remedy based on fragrant martinia - rheumatlex. It helps to reduce and even stop pain in inflammatory processes. I advise you!

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