The taste of iron in the mouth: causes, methods of treatment in women and men. Metal taste in the mouth: Causes in women

The taste of iron in the mouth: causes, methods of treatment in women and men. Metal taste in the mouth: Causes in women

The reasons for the appearance and methods of eliminating a metal taste in the mouth.

The metallic taste in the mouth often becomes a sign of serious ailments and even poisoning. It can be seen at any age, but it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. In this article we will tell you why a metallic taste appears in the mouth. 

Why in the mouth of the taste of iron in women?

There are several main reasons, lower than the most common of them.

Why in the mouth of the taste of iron in women:

  • Inflammation of the gums, gingivitis, periodontitis. As a result of these ailments, the gums are destroyed, it can bleed, teeth are poorly held in the tissues.Because of Part of the blood from the gums enters the mouth, a taste of metal is felt. 
  • Very often a metal taste is felt in diseases of the respiratory system. Most often this happens in cases of sinusitis and sinusitis. With these ailments, a significant part of the pus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses, which causes a change in taste sensations and a metal taste. 
  • Pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy in women, taste preferences may change. They can refuse certain foods. The fault of all hormones that affect sensations. 
  • Taking certain drugs. The instructions for many tablets indicate that the side effect is a metal taste in the mouth, or a change in the taste of products. This is usually written on packages with antihistamines, antibiotics, as well as vitamins. In addition, during the treatment of oncological ailments, a metal taste in the mouth also occurs. This indicates the collapse of tumor tissue. 
Treak of metal
Treak of metal

Why in the mouth a metal taste in women?

In women, a metallic aftertaste in her mouth is felt more often than in men. And there are a number of logical explanations. 

Why in the mouth a metallic taste in women:

  • Taking vitamin preparations. This usually happens if the composition of substances contain heavy metals, such as copper, zinc and iron. When it enters the body during the period of taking vitamins, an unpleasant taste may occur. 
  • Allergic reactions. The fact is that with allergies, sinusitis, runny nose, blockage of sinus sinuses can also be observed. Because of this, there is also a change in taste preferences, and a violation of taste. A person can complain that he does not feel the taste of the dish, or all the food seems tasteless. 
  • Parkinson and Alzheimer's disease. Usually found in elderly people and indicate diseases of the nervous system. Therefore, they often ask pensioners at the reception whether they feel a metallic taste in their mouths in the morning. This is one of the symptoms of Parkinson and Alzheimer's disease. The symptom helps in the diagnosis of the disease. 
  • Renal failure, chronic kidney ailments. The fact is that with chronic pyelonephritis, a significant amount of salts accumulates in the kidneys that can ruin the taste of dishes, respectively, immediately after eating, an unpleasant metal taste can be felt. Therefore, if you notice that the urine has become muddy, the taste of dishes has changed, in the morning you feel a metal taste, it's time to contact a doctor and take tests for kidney disease. 

Metal taste in the mouth in pregnant women: Reasons

It often happens to women who are in an interesting position. This can happen both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the second trimester.

Metal taste in the mouth in pregnant women, reasons:

  • In the second trimester, a metal taste appears due to bias of uterine level, as well as the stomach. Under the influence of the growing uterus, internal organs change their natural position. And often it is after the second trimester that women have heartburn, loss of appetite, a change in tastes. This is all due to the child growing inside the body. 
  • Changing the hormonal background. In the second trimester, progesterone begins to produce not only with ovary tissues, but also with a placenta. Accordingly, the hormonal background completely changes, the amount of progesterone in the blood increases, which also causes a change in taste preferences and disorders of the taste receptors. 
  • Taking drugs containing a large amount of iron. The fact is that in women an interesting situation is often observed by a decrease in hemoglobin. That is why medicines are often prescribed, such asmaltofer, with a high content of iron salts. 

Oddly enough, but not only pregnant women, but also women during menopause can face changes in taste addictions and sensations. Also, under the influence of hormones, fluctuations in their level, changes can be observed in the feeling of tastes. Many women sitting on a diet often resort to physical exercises to reduce weight. For these purposes, running is often used. Scientists note that after running in the mouth, a metal taste can also be felt. This is a kind of body reaction to increased physical activity. This is due to the fact that during running the pulse and blood are enhanced by veins and arteries, it flows much faster. All tissues are saturated with oxygen and iron. As a result of this, a metal taste is felt. 


Metal taste in the mouth in the morning in men: Reasons

In men, a metal taste in the mouth can occur for several main reasons:.

Metal taste in the mouth in the morning in men, reasons:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. That is, gastritis or ulcer can be diagnosed. The fact is that men rarely adhere to proper nutrition. If the work is connected with the moves, then representatives of the stronger sex are inclined to eat randomly, and in not quite suitable places. It is precisely because of improper nutrition, the consumption of a large amount of dryness, there is a violation in the digestive system. 
  • Lack of vitamins and food containing iron. This often happens if a man sits on a diet, or adjusts nutrition for weight loss. It is worth noting that you do not need to try to take some drugs yourself. 

Metal taste in the mouth after eating

Women often have a metallic taste in their mouthsduring or after menstruation, which is associated with significant blood loss. Especially with this are women suffering from endometriosis, abundant menstruation, chronic gynecological ailments.

Metal taste in the mouth after eating:

  • Abundant blood loss provokes a decrease in the level of iron in the blood, and low hemoglobin. That is why a metal taste in the mouth can be observed. To remove it, it is necessary to take iron preparations regularly during menstruation, as well as adhere to a certain diet.
  • The use of a large number of grenades, apples often contributes to the occurrence of a metallic taste in the mouth. After all, during the diet is usedmonocation.
  • With insufficient amounts of proteins and fats, and an excess of fruits, vegetables, a metallicsmack. 
Treak of metal
Treak of metal

How to remove a metal taste in your mouth?

To get rid of a metallic taste, it is necessary to understand the reasons that cause it. There are a number of preventive measures aimed at eliminating a metal taste in the mouth.

How to remove a metal taste in the mouth:

  • Drainage after eating. Using the dental thread before bedtime, as well as solutions for the treatment of periodontitis, gingivitis. 
  • The consumption of a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. In the autumn-winter period, be sure to introduce tablet drugs with a high content of not only vitamins and minerals, but also trace elements, as well as metals. 
  • Try to get enough sleep and eat right. If you are on a diet, also include vitamin preparations in the menu, because eating only proteins helps to reduce weight, but can provoke a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. 
  • Women with chronic diseases of a gynecological nature, should be treated, as well as take drugs containing iron. This is advisable in the case of abundant menstrual bleeding, and the presence of bloody discharge between menstruation. 
  • In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular with gastritis, antibiotics are prescribed that fight Helicobacterpylorias well as capsules, powders, normalizing intestinal microflora. itLactovit, Lactiala, as well asLinex. 
At the dentist
At the dentist

Metal taste in the mouth, what is this poisoning?

Poisoning with heavy metals. Together with a metallic flavor in the mouth with poisoning with copper, mercury, zinc, as well as silver, headache, nausea and even vomiting occur. The temperature is fixed at 37.2-37.3 degrees. 

Metal taste in the mouth, what poisoning it is:

  • With heavy metals poisoning, you must seek help from a medical institution. Usually, gastric lavage, sorbents that absorb metal salts are prescribed. In advanced cases, droppers for blood purification, as well as hemodialysis, can be prescribed.
  • This is a procedure aimed at washing the whole organism and the elimination of heavy metals by accelerating the workkidneys.  
  • Often, a metal taste occurs for diseases of the liver during poisoning. Accordingly, all people who suffer from a violation of the outflow of bile have a metallic taste in the mouth.
  • In this case, drugs for restoration of liver cells, such as hepatoprotectors, are prescribed.
On the inspection
On the inspection

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