What does it mean to write from the first, third person: explanation, examples

What does it mean to write from the first, third person: explanation, examples

A simple explanation of the rules of the Russian language. What does it mean to write from the first and third -person?

Story from the first person - This is a narrative, which is presented by a character or narrator, who is the main participant in the plot action.

What does it mean to write in the first person?

The first -person story is a story from "I" or from "We". For example:

  • I flew to Mars.
  • I loved this woman.
  • I descended to the bottom of the Mariana Slok.
  • We investigated an extinct volcano.

If you write a first -person story, use pronouns in various cases in it.

Declining pronouns I and we are in case
Declension of the pronouns "I" and "we" according to cases

What can be the story with the suggestions that you read above?

  • A postscript about love.

I loved this woman. I knew that I and she would never be together. She was beautiful and cheerful, and I was an ordinary and nondescript guy. From afar, I watched how she has fun with friends and how beautiful men look after her. I saw when she fell in love with one of them and soon married him. I rejoiced when she had a baby, and cheerful she rolled him in a stroller. Now my love has expired and I am glad that I loved this woman. Love cannot be unhappy, and I thank this woman for her.

  • How we explored an extinct volcano.

At the top of an extinct volcano, we found a crater that overgrown with trees and grass. Since the depth of the crater was large, and the walls were almost steep, we decided to go down to its bottom using climbing equipment. Going down to the very bottom, we found a small waterfall and a cave. We decided to explore the cave next time. The beauty of wildlife, unusual flowers and trees struck our imagination.

What does it mean to write from a third person?

A third -person story is a story from “He”, “she”, “it” or “they”. For example:

  • He flew to Mars.
  • She investigated an extinct volcano.
  • It flew today from Mars.
  • They descended to the bottom of the Mariana hollow.

When writing an essay from a third person, include the pronouns “He”, “She”, “It” and “They” according to the cases.

Declining according to the cases of pronouns he, she, she and they and
Declining on the cases of the pronouns “he”, “it”, “it” and “they”

What can be the story with the suggestions that you read above?

  • Travel to Mars.

Today, on a super -powerful rocket, Ivan Ivanov flew to Mars. It will take 2 years on a space trip. He will land on the surface of the Red Planet. He will spend 2 earth days on Mars, take soil samples and return to the ground. He will also leave a capsule on the Red Planet, in which there will be a message for aliens.

  • Research of the Mariana Slide.

The deepest point of the ocean is located at the bottom of the Mariana Slok. In 1960, the American military Don Walsh and Oceanographer Jacques Picar went down to the bathyscaph to the bottom of the hollow. They found that there are living bacteria in the ground, and some fish previously unknown to scientists live at the bottom.

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