How to write remote or remote work correctly? What is the difference between remote work and remote work? What can be remote, remote work?

How to write remote or remote work correctly? What is the difference between remote work and remote work? What can be remote, remote work?

In this article you will find out what types of work are at a distance outside the office, how to say remote or remote work correctly, how these concepts differ?

The concepts of remote or distance work are synonyms, similar words in meaning. That distance employment, that remote is a job outside the office. This is the similarity of concepts. A person can work both at home and in another place outside the enterprise, etc. The main thing is that he fulfills his duties under the means of computer technology is a report on the process done. Remote or remote employment is not necessary online, you can also produce something, for example, sew clothes or bedding, knit various products, etc.

How to write remote or remote work correctly?

How to write remote or remote work - in the Labor Code there is no clear concept today. And yet, according to the concepts that are used from a legal point of view, there are some differences in these concepts. To draw up documentation, it is better to use the word remote work, For how much - this is a general term that combines such concepts as remote employment, homework, copywriting, etc. Therefore, if you write remote work, then this will not be a mistake. Lawyers, copywriters, rectorers, editors, IT specialists, managers, consultants, moderators, psychologists, dispatchers, etc. most often work.


Usually both remote and remote activities are drawn up in the form of an employment contract. The documentation must indicate the occupation, the employer has every right to obtain documentation in electronic form or in the form of a package of papers certified by the notary office, which the employee must send by registered mail. An employment contract is concluded according to the legislation. The applicant data is entered into a personal file, the work book.

What is the difference between remote work and remote work?

If you study decisions from the Labor Code, then there are concepts such as a subdominal work, remote or remote work. There are also references to temporary, combined work. Such terms appeared as a result of some changes in the labor law due to the swollen epidemic of the coronovirus. Increasingly, employers send their subordinates to work remotely.

The concept itself remote form of work means the performance of working functions that are registered in the TD and perform these responsibilities not at the main (ordinary) workplace, which is provided by the employer, but remotely. To provide reports on the process done, use networks online.

An employee who concluded an employment agreement on remote work is considered distance employee. It is difficult to explain how you can see how remote or remote work is different. There is no clear concept in the labor legislation itself - distant work. However, all this will be corrected in the near future. Now, due to coronary infection, these concepts should be clearly formulated, because many employers have already transferred their employees to remote work, or remotely.

The main difference between remote or distance work is the hours of employees, a form of employment. For example, at remote work, people work all the time outside the office, and in a remote form an employee works according to strict schedule without violations, you can remotely work in a mixed format, that is, both at home and in the office.

Remote type of activity

IMPORTANT:Deputy Tarasenko claims that the wording should be finalized so that there is no confusion in these important issues.  If the employee is transferred to remote work, then in any case he must comply with the established mode of labor, in the remote form of employment, workers perform a certain task in the established time period without any regime.

Those employees who have technical capabilities can work on the remote. And when they are transferred to home -to -house type of employment, It is not necessary to draw up additional agreements, it is enough to draw up an order. After employees, they introduce them to the order, they sign it, and the salary does not change.

But, as the employee will fulfill his duties in remote work, should immediately be prescribed in TD. Here you will also have to draw up an additional bilateral agreement. And to take the results of the work, the employee will need to have his own electronic signature.

What can be remote or remote work?

Remote Or distance work is a certain form of work that is performed at home or in any other places by means of online communication. Remote work is suitable for such professions:
  1. Manager
  2. Web Designer
  3. Blogger
  4. Journalist
  5. Administrator
  6. Moderator
  7. Site developer
  8. Interpreter
  9. Dispatcher
  10. Advertiser
  11. Consultant
  12. Freelancer

Remote workers They have more free time, unlike employees working on a remote. The form of agreement on remote labor is approved by agreement of the parties. Points are prescribed for the implementation of a particular task from the employer and the employee. They negotiate the deadlines for the performance of work, set the amount of wages. The employee must fulfill his instructions in a timely manner, for which the employer accurately pays wages in terms of time. The employee can not be at home all the time and observe the daily mode of operation. Distance workers choose the weekend and hours of work on their own, as they are more convenient - this is not so strictly controlled, like the homeless workers.

Work at home

Home work - remote(Work at the enterprise, transferred to the remotes, an accountant of the enterprise, manufacturing accessories for sewing, sewing clothes, knitting clothes) is performed exclusively at home or in another indicated place according to the schedule of a particular enterprise. Workers can be provided with certain types of equipment and materials. The manager clearly prescribes the technical functions that the employee is obliged to do, knows his whereabouts and at any time can call to the office (working hours of work). That is, the employee works the installed clock in one place or another, reports on the process done for the working day are made online.

Homework differs from distance labor with more strict rules for the implementation of the employee. The safety regulations, work instructions are also spelled out here:

  • pregnant women (they have special working conditions),
  • workers who have young children under 3 years of age are the same facilitated working conditions
  • employees who have two or more children under the age of fifteen, or children with disabilities
  • workers who are disabled
  • employees who took the child under custody.

The Labor Code says that the employer who concludes the TD with the employee is not obliged to provide the employee with harmless or safe working conditions. But the borior is responsible for his employee, the equipment that he will use. After all, it is he who supplies them to his employee.

It is the employer who must periodically monitor security and conduct briefings on labor protection, fire safety. All this can be carried out online.


Separately, such remote activities as freelance can be distinguished. Freelance is a type of civil agreement. When the employer offers a certain task to freelancer, discusses the deadlines, then they are prescribed in this civil agreement and the employee fulfills the task, for which he receives a monetary reward.

There is a long cooperation with the same employer, but sometimes one -time. There is no social guarantee for this type of distance activity. This is one of the types of distance activity, when an employee can manage his free time and perform tasks when there is an opportunity. The distance form of employment is combined with the main work, this is another earnings to replenish the family budget.

Video: Remote and remote work - what's the difference?

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