Constant chronic pain in the human body: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Constant chronic pain in the human body: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Chronic pain is very painful. It is important that adequate treatment is prescribed that will help.

Chronic pain can be a real problem not only for patients who experience it, but also for doctors who treat it. The former simply suffer from discomfort, and in doctors this problem often causes their headache, because it is not easy to choose the optimal treatment that will bring relief to the patient. The doctor must correctly prescribe diagnostics in order to then choose the right therapy. It's complicated.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "How to determine the pain threshold and increase it?". What depends on the pain threshold?

So, where does chronic pain come from and how to deal with it? Read about this in this article.

When is chronic pain in the human body diagnosed?

Chronic pain in the human body

Chronic pain deprives many people of the opportunity to function normally. Doctors consider this condition a disease that is not only possible, but also needs to be treated. Any, but chronic pain can face this problem is especially characteristic of the elderly. Despite the fact that chronic pain is saying more and more, and its definition and the prevalence of the prevalence of this problem are ambiguous.

  • In fact, there are different criteria when it is really possible to diagnose chronic pain.
  • According to some experts, this problem can be identified after pain in the patient continues more than 3 months, and according to others, only when the discomfort persists more than six months.

It is worth noting that with ambiguous diagnostic criteria, there are no exact statistical data on the frequency of chronic pain in patients. It is calculated that this type of problem can affect 1 out of 10 people Among the population as a whole. But most doctors and professors of medicine are confident that symptoms of chronic pain can occur even in more than half of the world's population.

It should be remembered that although the pain seems strong and unpleasant to many, in practice this is not entirely true. An unbearable sensation should make a person avoid factors that are really dangerous to him. For example, imagine a situation when someone brings a hand to the fire. In this case, the pain that arises makes the limb reflexively push back, which prevents the occurrence of burns.

Chronic pain really bothers, and therefore many patients consider it strong and unbearable. In fact, a person simply bothers such a feeling and wants “freedom”.

Chronic pain syndrome in the back, abdomen, mouth, head, throat, lumbar region: Reasons

Chronic pain syndrome can be caused by various diseases. The most common causes of such an ailment are:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Inflammatory diseases of the intestine
  • State after injury or operation
  • Endometriosis in women
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Borreliosis
  • Stretching of muscles or tendons, etc.

The aforementioned pathologies are just a few examples of diseases that can cause chronic pain in the back, abdomen, mouth, head, throat, lumbar region and other parts of the body. However, in practice, much more diseases can lead to the fact that patients will constantly experience discomfort of different intensities.

Nevertheless, you can simply find a source of ailments experienced by the patient. In such a situation, we can talk about primary chronic pain, i.e. When discomfort is the main problem of the patient. Deviations in health in this case is difficult to find, but a competent and experienced doctor will do this quickly.

Constant chronic severe pains: who is at risk?

Certain groups of patients are especially at risk of developing chronic pain. Naturally, young and healthy people will not experience constant chronic severe pains. Who is at risk?

  • Patients suffering from various chronic diseases, both listed above and such as arthritis, coronary heart disease or diabetes.
  • Women and elderly men (older than 65 years).
  • People with bad habits - smoking or drinking alcohol.
  • Patients with obesity.
  • Having a hereditary predisposition to certain pathologies.

Patients with such conditions fall at risk:

  • Depression
  • Asthenia
  • Psychoses, delusional states, schizophrenia
  • Addiction
  • Hysterical type of personality

Below are the types of chronic pain. Read further.

Chronic pain syndrome: species

Chronic pain syndrome
Chronic pain syndrome

It would seem that chronic pain is simply associated with a feeling of discomfort. But in practice, this condition is not similar to chronic, and there are several types of this anomaly. First, it is worth recalling, for example, the aforementioned primary chronic pain, the causes of which, even despite the implementation of various diagnostic tests, cannot be detected.

Other types of chronic pain syndrome are distinguished:

  • Discomfort associated with neoplastic diseases (various kinds of tumors)
  • Traumatic pain
  • Chronic neuropathic
  • Head
  • Visceral
  • Skeletal-muscular, etc.

Patients should know about the symptoms of discomfort, which constantly bothers in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Read further.

Video: Chronic pain syndrome - integrated approach

Symptoms of chronic pain in men and women

Class pain definition scale
Class pain definition scale

The main symptom of chronic pain in men and women, of course, is discomfort itself. But all patients who theoretically fight with the same problem, that is, with constant pain for a long time, can actually complain about several different types of symptoms.

For example:

  • Visceral pain can be located in a certain place of the body. It often happens that this pain is diffuse, and the patient cannot determine exactly where it hurts.
  • In the case of neuropathic pain, patients can complain of such ailments as a burning sensation or tingling, resembling an electric current through the body.

Chronic pain also differs in intensity in different patients:

  • Some people are fighting pain all the time.
  • In others, life is divided into periods when they feel pain, and when they feel great.

The pain itself, associated with the problem under consideration, can significantly impede the normal functioning of the patient’s body, whether at home, at work or in any other environment. Unfortunately, chronic pain usually leads to additional ailments in patients. Examples include:

  • Feeling and fatigue
  • Decrease in activity
  • Lack of mood
  • Slide problems
  • Irritability
  • Reduction of appetite

Chronic pain syndrome (SCB) is sometimes so severe that it leads to the appearance of mental disorders in patients (for example, depression). It also happens that a person who constantly experiences discomfort may even have thoughts of suicide.

All of the above difficulties that patients with chronic pain may encounter perfectly show how serious this is and how important it is to treat it correctly. However, before starting therapy, it is first necessary to carry out the appropriate diagnostic tests. Read further.

Diagnosis of acute, chronic pain

In fact, it is impossible to list all the tests that can be carried out in search of the causes of chronic or acute pain. The situation will be much simpler if the patient has some risk factors for discomfort. For example, a recent serious surgery or the presence of pain causing a disease (for example, rheumatoid arthritis).

It is much more complicated when chronic pain develops in a person who does not suffer from any of the conditions that can potentially be the main problem. In this case, the medical history is extremely important, thanks to which you can narrow the list of necessary tests.

In determining the causes of chronic pain, such a diagnosis as laboratory tests by blood, including antibodies associated with autoimmune diseases. Help to identify the cause of the CTB and different visualization methods:

  • Ultrasound
  • MRI
  • Ct
  • X -ray et al.

Thanks to these types of diagnosis, possible non -plastic changes or some deformations of skeletal system structures can be detected.

How to help a person suffering from chronic pains: what drugs treatment, what relieves?

Treatment of chronic pain
Treatment of chronic pain

Due to chronic pain, the patient can limit his activity or avoid contacts even with loved ones. Therefore, there is no doubt that this problem requires immediate treatment. How to help a person suffering from chronic pain? What relieves pain? Doctors prescribe anesthetic drugs:

  • They are the first possible treatment option, but in practice they are always recommended for patients with great care.
  • This is due to the risk of developing side effects, as well as due to the fact that some similar drugs, especially potent, can cause addiction.

Treatment of chronic pain can be based on recommendations to the patient of various types of painkillers:

  • First assigned funds from the group non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, for example ibuprofen.
  • When they are ineffective, drugs of other groups are recommended, such as opioid analgesics (including tramadol and morphine). These measures should be used with particular caution in people who have a tendency to abuse or dependence on psychoactive substances.
  • With some types of chronic pain, including With neuropathic pain, slightly different groups of drugs are used - agents related to antidepressants or anticonvulsants.

However, the treatment of chronic pain is not only pharmacotherapy, but also another type of exposure. Various methods of treatment can be used, including Electrical stimulation, blockage or decompression of nerve fibers.

Treatment of chronic pain
Treatment of chronic pain

Also favorably affects relief - acupuncture - this is not confirmed by scientific research and does not correspond to the methods of evidence -based medicine, but is popular among patients, as it helps to get rid of discomfort. Good results are given by rehabilitation exercises, exercise therapy gymnastics.

Sometimes, for example, to people with chronic fatigue syndrome, psychotherapy can be recommended. Recently, more and more talk about the possibility of using cannabis and marijuana medications to relieve chronic pain. Such drugs really exist, they are considered lighter than opium, but they need a doctor’s prescription for their purchase.

Prevention of chronic pain

For the prevention of chronic pain, the following tips are used:

  • Holding a healthy lifestyle
  • Proper nutrition
  • Refusal of smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Physical activity classes (after consulting a doctor)
  • Daily walks in the fresh air for at least half an hour
  • If you can not engage in physical activity, then you can walk 3 km per day

Also for prevention, it is important to know therelating risk factors for a particular pathology:

  • At estrogenous insufficiency, assign replacement
    hormonal therapy.

  • With osteoporosis, it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of calcium with food
    (dairy products) and vitamin
    D.which improves calcium absorptionin the intestinalnick.
  • With arthritis, drug therapy is carried out by diffusphonates.
  • Mechanotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, classes plays an important role
    sports, especially swimming. Starting mechanotherapy, you should remember about
    reduced strength of bone tissue with the same osteoporosis.
  • It is important to direct efforts to strengthen the OSlabel muscles (primarily the musclesabdominal press, pelvic floor and gluteal) and stretching of short muscles (especially breast and iliac lumbar).

In general, it is important to increase immunity, lead a healthy lifestyle. This will help the development of pathologies in the body, which lead to chronic pain. It is better to play sports, monitor weight and be balanced to eat, consuming complex carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits.

Chronic pain: reviews

If you experience chronic pain, then know that you are not alone. There are doctors who will help, there are close people who will support. Read the reviews of other people who live with such discomfort.

Claudia, 35 years old

A few years ago, my chest pain began to torment me. There was a long diagnostic path - MRI, ultrasound of different organs of this area, tests and so on. Doctors cannot find anything. They say that I'm healthy. Neyontin and other similar drugs that dull discomfort are prescribed. Osteopath indicates muscle clamping in the chest, but treatment does not bring relief. Only psychosomatics remained. Shortly before the appearance of pain, I divorced my husband, I bring up one son. The psychotherapist says that I have a chronic trauma that affects my physical condition. I will be treated through psychology. I hope it will become easier.

Nikolay, 45 years old

I am concerned about neuropathic pain. This is a particularly severe version of chronic pain, manifested by intense burning or shooting pains, lasting for a long time, up to several months. The discomfort at night is enhanced at rest. The pain, as it were, burns, burns, aches, scrapes, pulls, hits the current. Or something separately or all at once. Unbearable. I went to the doctor, conducted a diagnosis. It turned out that all my problems due to the use of a large amount of alcohol. I had to be encoded. Now I do not drink and the pain began to pass.

Gennady, 50 years old

I had chronic pain in my leg after an injury. Now I examine the injury. I hope that the doctor will prescribe a treatment that will help. The leg is constantly “aching”. Discomfort often begins almost imperceptibly, and then gradually intensifies, or it happens that acute pain immediately comes. The doctor appointed MRI and EEG. He says that he will help to see the activity of the nervous system for pain.

Video: A. B. Danilov. Neuropathic pain. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain

Video: Chronic pain. How to find a source of chronic pain and cure it?

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Comments K. article

  1. You can’t talk about just some pains in the whole body. Often they are either in the joints, or in the spine, or in the muscles. And on the basis of this, you need to go into therapy ... .. I had the joints with the spine, the physiotherapy, acupuncture and the Evalarovsky tincture of the saber, helped. It is safe for the stomach and aimed at reducing pain and inflammation. Just what you need.

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