In the morning the heel hurts, it hurts to advance: the reason. Why the heel hurts a lot, it hurts to advance: how to treat, reviews, ointments

In the morning the heel hurts, it hurts to advance: the reason. Why the heel hurts a lot, it hurts to advance: how to treat, reviews, ointments

The causes and methods of eliminating pain in the heel.

Pain in the heel is most often associated with heel spur. This is really one of the most common ailments that provokes soreness in the zone of the set of the foot. In this article we will tell you why the heel hurts, it hurts to advance. 

The heel hurts, it hurts to advance: spur

There are many reasons that provoke painful sensations, and may not be associated with the musculoskeletal system. However, most often pain can be observed immediately after awakening. As soon as a person becomes on his feet, he notices an acute pain in the center of the heel.

The heel hurts, it hurts to advance, spur:

  • This is a heelfasciawho is popularly called spur. It is an inflammation of the muscle node, which presses on the tendons. Most often develops due to flat feet, overweight, as well as incorrectly selected shoes.
  • Due to the fact that the ankle is in the wrong position, the pressure on the heel intensifies, provoking changes in the area of \u200b\u200bbone tissue. Very often, a heel spur manifests itself as a growth in a bone area.
  • You can’t do it yourself with this ailment, you need to resort to the doctor’s help. If the ailment is not launched, then conservative, drug treatment is possible. If there are significant, bone growths in the heel area, they are usually removed surgically. 

In the morning the heel hurts, it hurts to advance: reasons

However, not only the heel spur causes pain in this area in the morning. 

In the morning, the heel hurts, it hurts, the reasons:

  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. The disease develops in the lower back area, but according to nervous endings, the pain can be given to the heel, or even fingers on the legs. 
  • Bursitis. This is inflammation in the joint, which can develop in case of injury, due to improperly selected shoes. That is why it is recommended to choose orthopedic options in order to maintain the leg in the correct position. This is relevant for people with excess weight, pregnant women, in the presence of flat feet. With improper load distribution, pressureamenable The heel area, which negatively affects its health. 
  • It is necessary to evaluate the nature of painful sensations. If a slight numbness is observed with pain, then the disease is provoked varicose veins. With an increase in veins, the nerve endings are squeezed, as a result of which there is insufficient sensitivity in the heel area, as well as pain. 
  • Often there is pain in the heel in adolescents, as a result of too fast skeleton growth. The ligaments do not have time to stretch, so painful sensations arise in the area of \u200b\u200btendons and cartilage. 
  • A special category is women after 55 years. As you know, after menopause there is a decrease in the number of female hormones, as a result of which the density of the bone decreases. Its resorption is observed, that is, destruction. A gradual decrease in the amount of calcium, and bone resorption leads to osteoporosisWhich often affects the condition of tendons, bones, joints in the heel. 

The heel hurts after running, it hurts to advance: reasons

Pain in the heel after running is often provoked by improper equipment. The fact is that all newcomers strive, as can be sharply thrown forward while running, and sharply land on the heel. You can’t do this in any case.

Experts advise landing on the toe, in no case should you make too sharp movements. Comfortable shoes are of great importance. In no case should you run in moccasins, or homemade slippers with a soft sole. For running, special sneakers are used with a peculiar, shock -absorbing sole to reduce the load on the tendons and bone tissue. To evaluate your running technique, ask friends to perform a video, analyze the running technique with a specialist or coach. 

Runners are a category that really often suffers from pain in the foot. This is due to trauma, various competitions. It is in the process of running to speed, or shuttle running, which differ in a large number of jerks, that a huge amount of injuries occur. Athletes stretch or tear tendons, which leads to lameness. They face pain in the heel after running due to inflammatory ailments, which are provoked by the use of too soft shoes that are not at all suitable for running. Do not save on sports shoes, as it can cost you health. 

After running
After running

The heel hurts after running, it hurts to advance, the reasons:

  • Arthritis 
  • Bursitis 
  • Stretching or tendon rupture 
  • Bone diseases 
  • Infectious ailments 

In order to avoid pain in the heel after running, it is necessary to purchase high -quality sneakers. Choose special products that pass moisture and air in the summer heat, prevent fogging of the foot. It is necessary to give preference to sneakers with a dense and hard back, which is not deformed during the run. A hard back is able to fix the heel in the correct position.

It is due to the fact that the leg often walks in shoes, a huge amount of injuries occurs. Any improper landing can cause dislocation, which will lead to pain in the heel and foot as a whole. Be sure to put on socks with sneakers withanti -slip Inflappings, this will prevent slipping inside, even if there is severe heat on the street and the legs sweat. Sliding often contributes to trauma. 


Heel hurts: sign

Pain in the heel may be connected by a disease that in no case should be ignored. The musculoskeletal system is the basis for a working and healthy person. Any violation in the operation of the musculoskeletal system often leads to the impossibility of working, or even disability. That is why pay a lot of attention to health. Below we offer several signs associated with pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heels. 

The heel hurts, the sign:

  • If the left heel bakes, you need to prepare for troubles. The left side of the body speaks of something unpleasant, troubles or problems. Most likely, you will have to spend a huge amount of money on unexpected acquisitions.
  • In general, expect unplanned expenses that will seriously hit your wallet. If the right heel burns, maybe today you will meet someone. In general, this promises pleasant meetings, and a good pastime with friends and relatives. 
  • If early in the morning, after waking up, you stepped on the foot, the heel fell ill, then the drain of the mash will go all day. If you planned a serious event, try to postpone it. Perhaps the parallel universe is trying to warn you about troubles, and to impede a serious incident.

Do not believe signs that relate to your health. Do not brush yourself, and think that pain in the heel promises trouble. It is urgent to consult a doctor, and deal with the reason that caused discomfort in the foot. 


Why does the left heel hurt, it hurts to advance?

Pain can be observed during pregnancy. During this period, the amount of progesterone increases, and weight also grows. It is precisely because of severe edema, increased uterus and pressure on the lower body, that can hurt, swell the legs. Varicosis often appears, which contributes to the appearance of pain in the lower extremities. After childbirth, the situation is restored. Often people with excess weight suffer from pain in the field of heels. This is due to strong pressure on the bone. After all, basically the entire weight falls on the lower limbs. 

Why does the left heel hurt, it hurts to advance:

  • Oncological diseases, as well as sharp weight loss, often contribute to resorption of the fat layer, which is located between the joints and protects them from friction. In no case should you lose weight sharply, it is worth monitoring your health and weight. 
  • Often, pain in the lower extremities is observed with gout. This is an accumulation of uric acid, which provokes joint ailments. Morton neuralgia may also occur. It appears when using tight shoes. Indeed, with severe compression, nerves on the sole are compressed, which can cause numbness and pain. 
  • If the pain is superficial, then it is associated with cracks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heels. In this case, a visit to the leake or master of the pedicure is recommended. Using special acidic or alkalinesofteners, it is possible to make the skin soft, promote exfoliation. 
After workout
After workout

The heel hurts, it hurts to advance: which doctor to contact?

With pain in the heel, you must contact a family doctor or therapist. He will evaluate the nature of pain, and will be able to determine which narrow specialist must be addressed.

The heel hurts, it hurts to advance, which doctor to contact:

  • The help of an orthopedist, neurologist or rheumatologist may be needed. The orthopedist examines the patient in the case of flat feet, or severe pressure on the foot. The neurologist is engaged in the treatment of ailments that are provoked by diseases of the nervous system or pinching of nerves.
  • The rheumatologist treats patients who suffered during serious ailments, or are restored after accidents, injuries. At the first appeal to the doctor, a general blood test is prescribed.
  • They also donate blood to the rheumatoid factor. The X -ray of the zone is made without fail, in which a painful sensation is observed. The patient takes tests foroncomarkers, If necessary, puncture and biopsy are prescribed. Ultrasound will not be superfluous. 

It is best to treat pain in this area with the help of drugs prescribed by the doctor. However, there are a large number of drugs that are sold without a prescription, belong to non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs that help get rid of pain. These are mainly ointments that are applied to the affected area and help eliminate pain.Often alternate heating and massage with ice. Therapeutic gymnastics is shown, which is used to stretch the ligaments. Stop massage is recommended.


The heel hurts from the side, it hurts to advance: how to treat folk remedies?

Pain in the heel can be treated with folk remedies. Below you can find the most common of them. 

The heel hurts from the side, it hurts to advance, how to treat folk remedies:

  • Take the head of the garlic, clean it of husk, grate it or grind in a meat grinder. It should turn out to be a gruel. The composition is applied to the heel, for 2-3 hours. So that the garlic is not smeared, the application area is wound with cling film. 
  • Often used to treat pain in the joint black radish. It is cleaned of the skin, rubbed on a grater, applied to the affected area. Salt baths are shown. It is necessary to dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water. The liquid should be very saturated, salty. The solution is heated to a temperature of 50 degrees, the limbs are lowered. If there is no temperature and high pressure, it is recommended to fall the legs in such a saline solution. 
  • Showed A compress of raw potatoes. It is necessary to grind potatoes on a grater, as well as horseradish root, mix. Enter the mass of honey, as well as red pepper. The application is applied to the affected area for about 40 minutes. Such applications are not used if there are cracks on the heel. 

The heel hurts, it hurts: ointment

For local treatment, ointments are used. They are distinguished by their composition and action, selected depending on the cause of the disease.

The heel hurts, it hurts to advance, ointments:

  • If this is a heel spur, they often use Andndometacin ointment, with a concentration of 10%. With a heel spud, a hydrocortisone ointment made on the basis of hormones that are produced by the adrenal cortex is recommended. It helps to remove edema and pain. If the disease is associated with disorders in the work of the joints, warming ointments, such as Finalgon. However, it is impossible to use such a medicine in the presence of wounds, damage, or cracks on the heels. 
  • Copes well with painful sensations Diclofenac. This is an anti -inflammatory drug that quickly relieves pain. 
  • Pyroxics. This is a drug that has an anti -inflammatory effect. Lubricate the affected area three times a day. Before use, it is necessary to wash the foot and thoroughly rub the drug. It is often used after surgery, fractures, and during the treatment of spurs. 

The heel hurts a lot, it hurts to advance: how to treat?

For oral administration, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are often prescribed. They do not treat diseases, relieve only pain syndrome. Typically, the pain is caused by trauma and it is necessary for the joint, or the skin, or the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is dragged out. 

The heel hurts a lot, it hurts to advance than to treat:

  • Nimesil. It is made on the basis ofnimesulidewhich is a common anti -inflammatory drug. Sold in bags, dissolves in water and is taken about three times a day. 
  • Ibuprofen. It is also a non -steroid anti -inflammatory drug that removes heat, stops the pain syndrome. It is often used for joint pain. 

In the morning, heels hurt, it hurts to advance: how to treat compresses?

There are several compresses that are widely used not only in folk medicine, but are also prescribed by an orthopedic. 

In the morning, heels hurt, it hurts to advance, how to treat compresses:

  • Compress with glycerin. Usually it is used if the pain is provoked by excessive dryness, and deep cracks in the heel area. It is necessary to mix glycerin and vinegar in a concentration of 1: 1. Next, it is necessary to lubricate the gauze prepared by the mixture and attach to the affected area. Wash the application with cling film, put on warm socks. For complete softening, 4 hours are enough. Sometimes the paste is left until the morning. 
  • Walnut. It is necessary to prepare tincture from the partitions, and rub into the steamed feet. 
  • For compresses, they often use plantain. It is necessary to take a clean sheet, beat it a little or cut and knife so that juice appears on the surface. It is necessary to put in a sore spot and wrap it with a clean cloth. Leave the product until completely dry. 
  • It copes well with cracks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heels aspirin and vodka. It is necessary to make a powder from 10 tablets and add a glass of vodka. Bints are moistened with a mixture, laid in a sore spot. It is necessary to wrap it with cling film, put on the toe and leave until the morning. Early in the morning, scream the foot with a pumice. This compress is effective only if the pain is triggered by corns, cracks and a large amount of coarse skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heels. To make such a compress with five spur, or joint diseases is useless. 

What to do when the heel hurts, it hurts to advance: exercises and gymnastics

After waking up, fascia is reduced, which causes severe pain at pressure on the heel. In this case, using medications is optional. They will only give a temporary effect.

What to do when the heel hurts, it hurts to advance, exercises and gymnastics:

  • It is best to stretch the Achilles tendon with a tennis ball. A flexible, heavy, rubber ball is needed, small, which is used while playing tennis. In the morning, after waking up, you will need only 10 minutes to prepare your legs for long walking. It is necessary to hold the ball between the heel and the toe. Sit on a stool, and ride the ball from the heel to the toe, pressing on it. 
  • Thus, a peculiar massage will be carried out, which will stretch the Achilles tendon. It is necessary to take a towel, moisten it with water, and turn into a tight tourniquet. Fix the tourniquet at the arch of the foot, holding at the ends. Now it is necessary to pull a towel on yourself, but the knee should be straight. Press on a tourniquet for 20-30 seconds. The number of repetitions is 4-5 times. 
  • Very often, pain in the heel is associated with insufficient stretching of the lower leg muscles. The cause of pain may be muscle spasm, so it is recommended to conduct gymnastics for muscle stretching. This will reduce fascia tension. Stand facing the wall and lean your hands. Hands should be at the face level. Move one leg back, bend the leg in the knee, which is located in front. Put the leg back on the toe. Hold your legs in this position for 30 seconds. 
  • If the reduction of the Achilles tendon leads to severe pain during the ball, you can try to stretch it with another exercise. It is necessary to stand on the step by hanging the feet. Very slowly, leaning on your hands, lower the heels to the floor. Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds. 

Heaps hurt, it hurts to advance: reviews

Below can be found with the reviews of patients who are faced with a similar problem.

Heaps hurt, it hurts, reviews:

Irina. I constantly suffered from pain in the foot until I came to the orthopedist. He diagnosed the valgus deformation of the foot. I have an excess weight that moves to the inside of the foot, bending it. The doctor prescribed special insoles and orthopedic shoes, it became much easier. You need to sleep in specialortzakhwhich resemble a hard bandage. It is attached to the foot and delayed with special slopes. This allows you to return the foot to the correct position, which prevents pain. 

Veronica. For the first time with pain in the heel, I collided at 45 years old. I work as a builder, so I often have to walk in dense boots that contribute to coarsening the skin in the heel, foot. Because of this, severe dryness appeared, as well as cracks. Came K.genitarian, due to the fact that severe pain and cracks on the heels were observed. Using a special apparatus, and some means,genitarian I managed to soften the skin, and remove it with a special apparatus. I am very pleased with the result, now I regularly go to the pedicure, I do not forget about cleaning the heels with a pumice. I bought a special file for these purposes. 

Egor. For the first time, pain appeared after 45 years. In his youth he was fond of heavy athletics, so some joints, my back often bother me. It got to the point that it became impossible to step on the heel immediately after waking up. After the visit to the orthopedic, I was assigned a special massage and ointments. I spend about 20 minutes a day to prepare my legs for regular walking. I had to spend money, completely change the shoes to orthopedic. This is very expensive, but brought its results. 


A lot of interesting things can be found on our website:

First of all, doctors recommend not loading themselves, and often relax. It is necessary to abandon the use of shoes, which has high heels, an uncomfortable block. In the presence of extra pounds, weight loss is recommended. It is necessary to use orthopedic insoles atvarusny, valgus deformation of the foot, or flat feet. 

Video: The heel hurts, it hurts to advance

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  1. I had this because of problems in the ankle joint, so therapy was directed precisely at it. LFK practiced, physiotherapy and of course, the Evalarov tincture of the saber's saber drank on the recommendation of a doctor. It is safe for the stomach and this is of course its main plus. Now there are many times less pain.

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