Why in the summer the head often hurts and what to do with it?

Why in the summer the head often hurts and what to do with it?

Many of us complain about a frequent headache when a hot summer time comes.

Why this happens, and in what ways you can deal with such exhausting pain - let's analyze this in detail.

Why in the summer the head often hurts: the reasons and their decision

Possible causes of headaches in summer are diverse. Consider each of them.

Dehydration of the body

  • A sharp headache can occur due to dehydration. Without a sufficient amount of fluid, the body begins to “rebel”: in the brain there is a violation of blood circulation, intracranial pressure increases, and, as a result, the head begins to hurt intolerable.
  • If in the yard the air temperature rises above the thirty -degree mark, then the fluid from the body evaporates with the sweat secretions incredibly quickly.

Important: when a person sweats too much in the heat, his body simultaneously gets rid of salts important to him. Due to their lack, dizziness, blood pressure, headaches occur.

How to avoid dehydration:bthe urgent need not to go out in the heat. But if circumstances require this, do not forget to take with you water supply - Often drink it if you feel that you feel bad - pour part of it on your head or at least wash your face. And do not forget, leaving the room, put on a headdress.


  • With a thermal blow, you will not only get your head.
  • In this case, you cannot avoid the troubles accompanying it: weaknesses, nausea with vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, fever.

How to avoid a thermal blow: inthe heat cannot be walking along the street with an uncovered head. Try, if possible, to be on the shady side of the street. Drink water as often as possible. But if you still have already brought yourself to the above symptoms, then in this case you will need immediate medical care. And in no case do not self -medicate, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

There may be a thermal blow
There may be a thermal blow

The negative impact of the air conditioner

  • If in the office where you work are continuously included air conditioners, then they overdry the air, although you may not feel it.
  • Add to this temperature difference - on the street and indoors with air conditioned air - and here you have a headache.

How to avoid air conditioning exposure: Remember that they are invented to create comfortable conditions. No one calls for abandoning this good of civilization, especially since you are probably not working in a room with a working air conditioner. It is possible that people with more good health are not at all a hindrance. Try to find a compromise with them: at certain hours, turn off the air conditioner so that the air does not dry out too much.

Motionless sitting at the table

  • If you preserve a motionless pose for a long time, then in this case you may be disturbed by blood circulation, which will provoke an onset of headache.

What to do if in the summer the head hurts every day: From time to time, take breaks in work for gymnastic exercises. If there is no way to make full gymnastics, then in this case do, at least, mimic; Brick, tilt your head in all directions.

Enhanced work can lead to head pain
Enhanced work can lead to head pain

Chronic eye tension

  • The eight-hour sitting at the computer, an attentive reading of documentation, a long concentrated peering somewhere-all this can lead to a headache.

How to make the eyes not get tired: Do not forget about short breaks in your work-get up from the computer, tear yourself away for a while even from the most important papers, do the massage of the eyeballs, rub your whiskey.

Lack of magnesium

  • If the head often hurts in the summer, then perhaps the reason for this is the disadvantage in your body is magnesium.

How to make up for it: Enter bananas and dried fruits into your daily diet.

Excess in the diet of protein foods

  • Passionate lovers of meat dishes are more likely to suffer from headaches in the heat - excess in the body of proteins leads to such a state.

How to reduce the amount of proteins in the body: If the weather is too hot in the yard, meat lovers should reconsider their diet: minimize meat dishes and eat mainly plant foods.

Prevention of summer headaches

  • First of all, to save you in the heat from headaches will help waterconsumed in sufficient quantities for the body. Water should be non -carbonated, and no additives should be present in it.
  • You can also replenish the deficiency of fluid in the body green tea, which is able to normalize pressure and minimize the risks of the appearance of pain in the head.
  • Refuse coffee coffee, forget the heat of black tea for the duration of the heat, and, especially, alcohol.
  • The basis of the diet should be plant food. If you cannot without fish or meat, then try, at least, eat them in the morning and little by little.
  • Fat, fried, smoked, salty, sdoba It is best to exclude from your menu for the duration of the heat. After all, your body tolerates too much loads, and heavy food will become even more loaded.
  • The body must be constantly replenished magnesium and potassiumtherefore, eat the following products daily: bananas, wheat bran, nuts, spinach, parsley, dried fruits.
Healthy foods
Healthy foods
  • Do not strangle with strong perfumes or toilet water, since due to their saturated aroma in the heat, the head may be exhausted. In summer, it is worth choked only with light and fresh aromas.

What to do if the head hurts in the summer?

  • Often repeated headaches, most likely, are an alarming signal of the body that you had some kind of disease. Even 3-4 attacks of headaches per month is enough to talk about your problem with the doctor. He will establish their cause and prescribe a prescription for the medicines you need or prescribe other required procedures - such measures will help eliminate the disease, and headaches will also leave with it.
  • What to do if the head hurts in the summer? Give your body a “break” in places where there is at least some coolness, if possible, from time to time, relax as much as possible.
  • If possible, lower your legs into a basin with cold water.
  • Lie on a high pillow and put a wet and cold towel on your head.
Try to exclude or minimize your stay on the sun
Try to exclude or minimize your stay on the sun
  • Evening walks They can also help you get rid of your head pain.
  • But if the above measures do not help, then you will have to take an anesthetic. However, do not get very carried away with pills, otherwise over time, pain from their effects can only intensify.

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  1. The ordinary therapist helped me ... said that this could be due to thick blood after the crown, so he recommended the ginkoma for liquefaction. Gradually, the tests became better, and well -being returned to normal. So the reason was really about that.

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