Popular questions and answers on the education and pedagogical education of children

Popular questions and answers on the education and pedagogical education of children

Education of children is an important process in every family. In this article you will find popular questions and answers that will help you grow a happy person.

We all heard that parents of the 21st century often praise their children, as well as that experts believe that only a clear framework will help to educate an obedient child. Leading experts in the field of education have allocated key points that will be interesting to most parents.

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In this article you will find several popular questions from parents with answers, how to do the right thing according to psychology. So you can raise an obedient child who will only delight you. Read further.

We do not punish, but praise: features of raising children in the family

We do not punish, but praise: features of raising children in the family
We do not punish, but praise: features of raising children in the family
  • Question: Why focus on good behavior of children more effective than punishing the bad?

Answer: Studies have shown that encouraging good behavior is the only way to teach a child what you want, as well as consolidate the desired behavior. For example, if you want your child to share with you and other children and behave well, you can praise him for giving his friend to play with the toy - “You are so well done that you shared a doll with Anya!” In the end, sharing toys will become a habit. If instead you punish the child for poor behavior, screaming or sending the child to his room when he does not give a toy, he can for a while obey you. But the next time you are not there, the child will not share. This is the main feature of raising children in the family - we punish less and more praise.

Why put in a corner: requirements for raising children

  • Question: Should I put the child in a corner?

Answer: The requirements for raising children according to psychology are such that the more you scream at the child, the less he will obey. An angle is an effective way to stop poor behavior. However, studies show that punishments, including an angle, are not able to greatly affect behavior in the future. After the child comes out of the corner, one could explain to him why it was not worth taking things from others or say nasty things. However, it is not a fact that he realized what he did wrong, the child will behave correctly next time.

Obedient children are sometimes punished: individual education of a child

  • Question: If a child draws on the walls or just gets dirty with something, should he then clean them?

Answer: The upbringing of the child should be carried out individually. There are no templates in this matter. Although this contradicts the above, but obedient children are also sometimes punished. You can assume that such parallels make sense, but this is still a punishment, which is unlikely to follow a change in behavior. Not the right time to teach the child the mind at the moment when you are furious. This is equivalent to the fact that you will learn to swim.

Instead, put the child in a corner to stop unwanted behavior and explain why he was punished:

  • “I put you in a corner, because writing on the walls is not the best way to treat the house and family members”.

Later or the next day, you can draw with a child on paper, while praise him:

  • “You drew markers like a big girl, and you got a beautiful picture on paper. Do you think you can draw one more for your sister? ".

It takes time: the principles of pedagogical education and education of children

It takes time: the principles of pedagogical education and education of children
It takes time: the principles of pedagogical education and education of children
  • Question: How long does it take to change the behavior of the child?

Answer:AT  the principles of pedagogical education and raising children are not prescribed certain terms, but psychologists usually advise parents to carefully work out a certain type of behavior for several days to fix it. As soon as good behavior is repeated about five times, and you praise the child five times for him, you will notice progress. After that, behavior will begin to improve. Continuing to focus on one problem, work out other misconduct as usual.

We praise the child correctly: the best form and means of raising children

  • Question: How to praise a child correctly?

Answer: This may seem stupid to parents, but the tone of your voice should express exaggerated enthusiasm. It is also important to always use one way to raise a child - hug the baby tightly or speak "well done". This is the best form and means of raising children.

Help the game: proper education of the personality of the child

  • Question: How can you praise a child who continues to arrange tantrums?

Answer: Help him “work out” the desired behavior in a playful way. You can start with the words:

  • “Okay, let's play a new game. Well, Pasha, ready? Remember, we just play. Pasha, put on your shoes, please ".

If he obeys, praise him as if you are not pretending:

  • “I can’t believe that you put on your shoes as soon as I asked! Are you sure you haven't played this game earlier? Let me hug you ".

Since this is a game, the child will be happy to follow your instructions, and after several training, the chances that he will listen to you outside the game, will increase. Studies show that this type of praise works for children of any age.

If you obey half, praise it anyway: the psychology of raising a small child

  • Question: What to do if the child obey only half?

Answer: If you want, believe it, you want not, but if your child somehow performs work, and obeyed half, you should praise him as if he had a wonderful job. This is spelled out in the upbringing of a small child. You can say:

  • “Incidentally! You have already collected three toys! I’m thinking, can you collect all five next time? ".

Change of behavior is a gradual process. Each time you encourage any efforts of the child, you move on one step closer to your final goal. Go to this in the same way as if it is a baby who is learning to walk. If the child sways towards you so that it only remotely resembles walking, you immediately encourage his actions with the words:

  • "Wow! Look how you walk! Let me step away a little. Will you try again? "

You will not say unpleasant words, like: "What are you doing, this is not walking".

A well -educated child rarely needs praise

A well -educated child rarely needs praise
A well -educated child rarely needs praise
  • Question: How to find out that there is no longer any need to praise a child beyond measure?

Answer: As soon as the child is more or less regularly behaved well, you will automatically begin to praise him less, because you will no longer constantly think about poor behavior. In general, a well-educated child rarely needs praise, but still it needs to be done. After all, this is the only way he will know that everything does correctly.

Video: How to raise a child with a happy person? Answers to subscriber questions

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