Fairytale therapy: that these are methods of involvement, application. How to raise a child with fairy tale therapy?

Fairytale therapy: that these are methods of involvement, application. How to raise a child with fairy tale therapy?

Do you know that you can treat magical, kind tales? And besides, fairy tale therapy is used for both children and adults.

Few people know that reading fairy tales can not only entertain babies, but also helps to heal adults. Any text, even from several sentences, contains a cipher, the use of which helps to cope with phobias, realize dreams, overcome difficult situations in life, facilitates the search for answers to exciting questions.

Fairy tale therapy: What is it?

Therapy using fairy tales can adjust behavior, or have a powerful therapeutic effect with the help of a fabulous story. This principle has long been used by parents who, with the help of a fairy tale, explained the concepts of good and evil to their children, taught them to resist fears, thus forming the nature and horizons of the child.

Fairy tales
Fairy tales

Modern mothers and daddy do not count fairy tale therapy suitable tools for the educational impact on offspring. And this is a big mistake - not to listen to his own child, sometimes ignoring his requests to read this or that magical story. After all, children subconsciously understand what worries them, what they dream about and therefore ask their parents to pay attention to the specific problem of their beloved child.

Methods of involving fairy tale therapy

There are four different methods of using fairy tale therapy that help:

  1. Raise the baby - Listening to a fairy tale, children learn life in society, learn the concepts of the correct and suitable behavior for the public, as well as moral principles.
  2. Develop the necessary qualities in children and adults - Each, correctly selected story is able to teach: to be responsible for its actions, not to evade making vital decisions, to fight circumstances. Indeed, in fairy tales, good always prevails over evil, but to win, the main characters need to make efforts to overcome difficulties. The characters who are on the side of evil necessarily lose and the punishment for them is inevitable. Thus, you can explain to the child (or adult) - it is worth choosing a side of truth and morality.

  3. With the help of a story about the lives of other people - Form your baby or adult your own model of behavior and life scenario.
  4. Psychotherapists Successfully apply this treatment method.

The use of fairy tale therapy

Fairytale therapy is universal, as it allows you to solve both one specific problem and several.


Fairytale stories:

  • They cause the necessary feelings for those who listen to or read them.
  • Delivered from insurmountable fears, for example, fear of darkness, water, etc.
  • Form basic life principles and character.
  • They help in making difficult, but correct decisions, as well as development in society.
  • They teach to love, make friends, appreciate loved ones.
  • They help to understand the structure of the world and its laws.
  • Delivered from weaknesses (manifestations of aggression, stinginess, desire to ravage, etc.).
  • They educate positive character traits (the desire to be fair, sympathize, be responsible, etc.).
  • They teach to build relationships with the opposite sex, comrades, relatives.
  • They help to forgive those who have come with you unworthy and continue to live on, etc.

The methodology of fairy tale therapy It can be used in different keys - it all depends on who needs help: a child or an adult.

For example, a children's fairy tale should be simple for perception and average in size; Therapy for adults provides for the use of stories deeper in meaning, with complex symbols and revolutions of speech.

Most often, fairy tale therapy is used as follows:

  • To work with the story already written by the author, they read a fairy tale, then to analyze the actions of the heroes, namely: what moved them during a particular action, which they led to in the end, etc.
  • To create an individual story for an adult or child, who reveals a particular problem of the patient. That is, the client creates a story independently, affecting it in it and trying to find a solution (it is recommended for older children or adults).
  • To try to beat a fairy tale (ready or written by a patient), for example, in a puppet production.
Fairytale stories
Fairytale stories

To write your own fairy tale, it is recommended to take 3 steps:

  1. Prepare - The patient is aware of his problems, ponders them and calms down before he begins to write a fairy tale.
  2. Write a story (in the presence of difficulties, it is not forbidden to resort to the help of a specialist).
  3. Read the fairy tale And analyze it.

How to raise a child with fairy tale therapy?

In order to educate your child with the help of fairy -tale therapy, use a fairy tale, in cases, for example, when a child loves to ravish, not understanding why this is bad. The problem can be eliminated by creating the offspring of the history of its own composition.

Perform the following steps:

  • Come up with a character (or use your beloved hero of your child), introduce it to the baby.
  • Create a conflict: the character loved to lie, which caused many troubles in his life.
  • Emphasize-the hero’s awareness of the incorrectness of his act: because of the lies, troubles arose in the hero’s life.
  • The climax of history: the hero was able to cope with problems, as he revised his behavior.
  • Come up with a happy end.
  • Discuss a fairy tale with the baby-he needs to understand that the troubles of the protagonist began due to the fact that he lied and only his decision to change and stop saying a lie led to a successful outcome of the fairy tale.
Used by psychotherapists
Used by psychotherapists

Fairy tale therapy - It is effectively used by psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers, educators in kindergartens in order to find a solution to their professional tasks.

We recommend that parents better consider this technique for applying it in raising children.

Video: Children's Fairy Tale

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