How to brew tea with a licorice and what is its benefit? Recipes for tea, decoction and infusion of licorice for health: who needs it?

How to brew tea with a licorice and what is its benefit? Recipes for tea, decoction and infusion of licorice for health: who needs it?

It has become known about the beneficial properties of a licorice - even in ancient times, healers began to use it to treat their patients. The root of this plant is considered especially valuable - it is in it that the substances are concentrated in concentrated form.

Not only medicine, but also cosmetology “adopted” all parts of a licorice with a set of unique useful elements. However, from the use of a licorice can be a double effect - it is capable of both the benefit of bringing, and in some cases harm a person. Therefore, before taking decoctions, seagulls from licorice or drugs that have it in its composition, make sure that this medicine does not harm your health. That is why it is so important to familiarize yourself with both the healing properties of the licorice and learn about the existing contraindications to its use - read about all this in our material.

The benefits of tea from licorice, therapeutic properties

  • The bioactive components located in the root and in all other parts of the licorice are truly unique. It has compounds in the form Asparagin and glycyrisine.
  • During laboratory studies, glycyrisine, ascorbic, glycirretic and other acids, which help the body in its vital activity, were also found as part of a licorice.
  • It is truly priceless for the body and minerals, which are also a lot in Solod, these are: iron, potassium, copper, manganese, zinc, aluminum, selenium, etc.
  • The plant is rich in kumarins, terpenic compounds (saponins), sterins, bioflavonoids. And in this plant there are polysaccharides, essential oils, tannins and pigments.
  • With the help of medicinal decoctions from the licorice, you can save the respiratory system from various diseases (cough, bronchitis, pertussis, tracheitis, pneumonia), make the digestive system function normally (gastritis and constipation are successfully treated) and help a person with all kinds of inflammatory diseases.
  • Children and pregnant women (if they have no intolerance to some individual components) can be treated without any fears tea and decoctions with licorice. The licorice is truly priceless is that medicines on its basis do not cause nausea or vomiting, and it also has a vast majority on viruses.
  • Symbiosis of nutrients, minerals, acids and vitamins of this valuable representative of the world of the flora is able to provide antisclerotic effects (“bad” cholesterol is inhibited and derived), and it also has anti -inflammatory and anti -allergic properties, helps the adrenal glands successfully cope with their functions.
  • Digestive and respiratory systems Thanks to the drug effects of the licorice are filled with beneficial mucus in the right amounts, aggressive drugs, viruses and harmful microbes will be neutralized, and sputum will cough from the bronchi. A licorice can also act as a light painkiller, spasmalgetic and antidepressant.

You can learn more about the benefits and use of the root of the licorice directly from our articles.

Tea with licorice: What does it help from?

Medicine actively uses the root of the licorice in many of its areas. With the help of tea with licorice, many diseases are treated, and the work of the internal organs of the body is improved.

Tea is useful, but has contraindications
Tea is useful, but has contraindications
  • Inflammatory processes in the neck and body of the uterus.
  • The wounds on the body heal faster, and the body as a whole is more likely restored after the diseases.
  • Normalizes the work of the thyroid gland.
  • Digestive pathologies are adjusted.
  • Normalize exchange processes substances in the body.
  • Probled on the problem points in the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system are eliminated.
  • Rises arterial pressure.
  • Helps in the treatment of skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, seborrhea, acne, bubbles).
  • Supports Water balance of the body.
  • It is used for diseases of the nose, middle ear and oral cavity.
  • The body produces insulin better, which means that it helps in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Pancreas It begins to better cope with its functions.
  • Helps easier to endure the recovery period after chemotherapeutic course.
  • Helps restoration of the menstrual cycle.
  • It may improve male sexual functions.
  • Helps increasing the protective functions of the body (improves immunity).
  • Helps the body "burn" excessive fat deposits.

Who is contraindicated in tea with a licorice?

Despite the relative safety of the plant, there are contraindications for drinking tea with a licorice.

If a person has:

  • acute pathologies of the intestinal and gender tract;
  • heart failure;
  • hyperactivity of the adrenal glands;
  • hypertension with frequent crises;
  • obesity;
  • thrombosis, increased blood coagulation;
  • swelling and difficulty of getting rid of excessive fluid;
  • renal diseases;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome - tea with licorice is contraindicated.

How to properly brew a phytochi, decoction and infusion of licorice?

Decoctions, infusions and phytochi from licorice help to fight infections, depression, skin rashes, normalize the liver and cure many other diseases.

How to make a decoction of licorice

Method number 1. The pancreas and digestive system will better cope with their functions if you use such a decoction of licorice roots:

  • 1 tsp (with a small hill) crushed roots of the licorice are poured with boiling water (200 ml) and boiled over low heat through a water bath for half an hour.
  • When the decoction has cooled, it is filtered, boiled water is added to it so that the liquids become, like before cooking, 200 ml, and then drink it during the day in 3 doses (1/3 glasses) half an hour before meals.
  • The last time the broth is recommended to drink 2 hours before you go to bed.

Method number 2. You can make a decoction in a thermos by placing 30 g of licorice roots in it and a bay of 200 ml of boiling water. The decoction is infused for half an hour - only it is necessary to shake it from time to time. Next, it should be filtered and pour into a thermos again, which will help the drink constantly remain in a warm state. Measure a third of a glass and take in half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It is useful to drink not only teas, but also decoctions, infusions
It is useful to drink not only teas, but also decoctions, infusions

How to make an infusion of licorice?

  • Method No. 1. If you want to strengthen your body, and also normalize the work of the respiratory and digestive systems, it is best to brew a drug collection, which includes a licorice, burdock and dandelion. Take 5 g of each of the above ingredient, pour the mixture into a thermos and pour boiling water (0.5 l). Insist within an hour, and then strain. Warm infusion drink 100 g 3 r per day.
  • Method No. 2. This collection of medicinal plants will help to quickly cope with the cough and increase immune protection. Take 30 g of rhizomes of licorice, crushed dry rosehip berries, dry chopped rowan berries red and 10 g of celandine roots and pink rhodiola roots. Mix them, put in a thermos 2 tbsp. l collecting, pour boiling water - water will need a half liter. Let it brew for 3 hours, and then strain and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The usefulness of the drink will be added by 1 tsp. honey. The course of treatment is three weeks.

How to make tea from a licorice?

Tea from the root of the licorice, chamomile and lemon balm:

  • Bloating, cramps and colic in the gastrointestinal tract disappear if you make it a rule to drink a phytochi, which includes a licorice, chamomile and lemon balm.
  • Pour in the teapot in one part of the lemon balm and chamomile and 2 parts of the licorice, brew in the form of ordinary tea, infuse from 5 to 10 minutes. Drink a phytochi cup hour after eating.

Tea from the root of the licorice:

  • This is a good expectorant. It helps to get rid of coughing, fighting inflammatory processes, improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, restores the menstrual cycle.
  • Take 1 tbsp. crushed licorice roots, pour boiling water (200 ml), 15 minutes. Insist. Next, tea is filtered and drunk half an hour after eating.

Tea with licorice: action

  • If you regularly take tea from a licorice, then your leather will thank you with its healthy look. It will moisturize from the inside, and outside it can be moistened with a swab dipped in cool tea. As soon as you start doing this, you will immediately see the real result, since the licorice has a sedative and moisturizing effects on the skin.
  • Mash mask It has a clarifying and cleansing effect on the skin. It can be prepared by yourself: prepare a slurry of turmeric powder and licorice, add several droplets of coconut, almond and olive oils to it, apply this mixture to the skin of the face, and wash off with water after drying.
  • A licorice helps to treat skin diseases, as it is characterized by anti -inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing effects. Thanks to the licorice (or rather, chilled tea from it), your body will actively fight inflammation, redness and other skin diseases in the form of psoriasis, eczema, rash.
  • The licorice can serve natural protection against sunlight. To do this, you can moisten the skin with a thick decoction of tea from its roots, and if the skin are damaged by ultraviolet, then they need to be lubricated with a mixture of tea and chopped cucumbers. If you have to stay in the sun for a long time, then you need to drink malt tea more often - this is how your skin is not gone.
  • From regular drinking your tea hair They will grow better, and their bulbs will strengthen. And all because the licorice will retain moisture in the scalp. By the way, those men who will regularly drink such phytochi can not worry about their premature baldness.
  • Since the licorice has anti -inflammatory properties, tea from its roots will serve as a wonderful remedy for gout. You need to drink tea regularly if you want to get rid of or at least reduce joint pain.
  • The licorice has antiviral propertiesTherefore, tea from it can defeat infections and improve the immune system. Inflammatory processes and pains will be removed faster, and the cold will retreat more soon if you drink this phytochi.
Promotes to improve the condition
Promotes to improve the condition
  • Since tea from the rhizomes of the licorice is natural antidepressantstimulating the functioning of the adrenal glands and synthesizing cortisol, due to the low level of which occur stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue and nervousness. Anyone who on an ongoing basis drinks tea from a licorice will constantly be in a good mood and will be resistant to stress.
  • Reduced blood pressure It delivers a lot of inconvenience to a person. A pair of phytochi cups will facilitate hypotension, riding from dizziness, fatigue, nausea, since the pressure will return to normal for some time.
  • With the help of herbal, “bad” cholesterol and excess of bile are eliminated from the body. The blood vessels will become stronger and more elastic, since antioxidants located in tea from licorice will not allow cholesterol plaques to attach to the walls of the arteries.

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