What is missing in the body if you want butter? Bolishing oil: benefits or harm?

What is missing in the body if you want butter? Bolishing oil: benefits or harm?

Surely each of us faced the fact that suddenly wanted a sausage or cheese sandwich. And at the same time, the bread must be smeared with butter, and the layer - thicker!

Why suddenly such a desire arises, what is due to - the answers to these and many other questions related to butter, you will read in this article.

What is missing in the body if you want butter?

The answer to this question is one - various useful substances that are so necessary in the complex for the normal functioning of our body. Which ones? Let's in order.

The desire of oil is actually an vitaminosis
The desire of oil is actually an vitaminosis
  • The deficiency of vitamin D. It is contained in high -quality butter, which contains preservatives, harmful fats, all kinds of additives. The most acute lack of vitamin D, as a rule, is felt in winter, when the sun's rays often do not reach the surface of the earth in the volume we need, and their intensity is quite weak. If you clearly understand that you want oil, you need to meet your body and use something with butter (in a reasonable amount, of course). If the deficiency of vitamin D manifests itself to a large extent, enter into your diet eggs, cod liver And, of course, well -known to everyone since childhood fish fat.
  • Lack of antioxidants. The body requires butter to make up for this disadvantage - this is how it fights aging, atherosclerosis, the possible appearance of neoplasms. Such a desire may appear at a time when you are sick to support the immune system and thus contribute to the speedy recovery. In addition to oil, to help the body extinguish a deficiency of antioxidants can berries, fruits and dried fruits, various vegetables.
  • Disadvantage of oleic acid. It is involved in processes, during which useful cholesterol is produced, which helps to improve lipid metabolism. Oleic acid also helps to fight the growth of cancer cells. Thus, the desire to eat butter can be due to violation of metabolic processes or the development of a malignant tumor (The latter is rare). Oleic acid also contain vegetable oils: linen and almond, lard, fish oil.
  • Vitamin K. deficiency It is very important for processes associated with the construction of bone tissue and blood formation. Therefore, if you suddenly wanted butter, it is worth checking the body in this direction. At the same time, a piece of oil also does not hurt to eat. In addition to oil, they will help in replenishing vitamin K cross-salut and cabbage, avocado and parsley, dandelion leaves.
  • Insufficient number of calories in the body. The need for butter can manifest itself especially clearly if you periodically do not sleep, chronically subjected to stress, often experience a feeling of fatigue. In such situations, the body requires you to replenish calories precisely the desire of butter. Calories are also well -replenished pistachios, raisins, bananas, bakingin which coconut flour is used.
  • Deficiency of vitamins A and E. These vitamins are easily digestible and provide the body with a sufficient amount of useful substances. Therefore, their lack makes itself felt by the desire to eat butter containing them. In addition to oil, vitamin E is contained in nuts and seeds, spinach and avocado, vitamin A rich cheese and broccoli, pepper and pumpkin, eggs and of course, carrot.
  • Lack of iodine. Such a shortage often happens in people living far from the sea coast, where air and water are simply soaked in iodine. But this is not the only factor, iodine deficiency may feel others, and, regardless of the time of year. To make up for the lack of iodine, in addition to butter, you can eat banans and legumes, rich in iodine sea cabbage and seafood, cereals and cod liver. It is better to replace the usual salt in such a situation.

Why do you want butter before menstruation?

  • In addition to the fact that on the eve of menstruation, the hormonal background changes, the female body begins at that time at this time spend a larger number of calories. Penalty oil helps in replenishing their deficiency.

In addition, before the onset of menstruation, the level of serotonin, which determines a positive emotional mood, is reduced. And butter, among other dairy products, contains it, which becomes the reason for the desire to eat it.

  • The increased production also affects progesteronewhich, in turn, contributing to the development of such hormones as adrenaline and norepinephrine, affects the strengthening of work on the release of gastric juice. Accelerated digestion of food leads to a rapid feeling of hunger, which I want to “be shown” with butter.

Why do you want butter during pregnancy?

  • As you know, our body itself knows what it needs. And the body of a pregnant woman, who is also responsible for the development of the fetus, is even more so. Therefore, feeling the desire to eat a piece of butter, the woman thereby thinks about the benefits that the oil will bring to form her future baby.

The content of a large amount of calcium in the butter oil is necessary for the correct and reliable formation of the child’s bone tissue.

  • In addition, butter contains many useful substances, vitamins and trace elements that are necessary for the development of the fetus to be fully.
  • Also, the body's need for a pregnant woman in butter can be caused by vitamin deficiency or the need to replenish the stocks of amino acids, healthy cholesterol and healthy fats.
So the child receives the necessary components
So the child receives the necessary components

Why does a woman want butter during breastfeeding?

  • One of the reasons for this desire during breastfeeding is the best digestibility of milk fat. And fatty acids contained in butter in large quantities provide assistance to cells in the processes of regeneration and functioning.
  • Amino acids are involved in metabolic processes. Therefore, in general, butter during breastfeeding is not only better absorbed by the body, but also fills it with energy, restoring strength and body after childbirth.
  • Vitamins contained in oil are also completely dissolve and absorbed, which contributes to the better condition of nails and hair, teeth and skin, strengthen immunity, improve vision. All these moments are very important in the postpartum period, so the female body has a need for butter.
  • And one more aspect: high oil content useful cholesterol, which cleanses the vessels, promotes the normal functioning of cells, participates in lipid metabolism and, most importantly, ensures the production of vitamin D necessary for the child.
  • It is also important that in butter there is no cow protein, which is often not tolerated by infants. Therefore, the use of exactly butter contributes to the better digestibility of breast milk, without leading to bloating or colic. And, of course, the oil significantly increases the nutritional value of milk.

Is it possible to use butter in diabetes, if you really want to?

  • The best choice for those who are sick with diabetes will be a butter with a low percentage of fat content - about 50%. Due to its satiety, the oil will be prevent overeatingWhich is very undesirable for diabetics.
  • In addition, natural butter envelops the walls of the stomach rather softly, contributing to the best work of the intestines, which is especially true when type 1 diabetes.
  • The oil made of natural cream does not cause metabolic disorders and does not provoke an increase in the level of fatty acids. The complete exclusion from the diet of butter causes a lack of useful substances for the formation of new cells.
  • For those who are sick type 2 diabetes, the daily norm of oil should not exceed 10 g, 15 is considered the maximum permissible dose. The exact amount is determined by the doctor, since the individual characteristics of the patient’s body should be taken into account. The more active the patient, the more oil can be acceptable to him.
  • It is also important in which the cardiovascular system is in the state, what is the level of blood pressure, etc. At the same time, the daily dose should not be consumed at one time, but it is better to divide it several times, which will improve the absorption of vitamins.
  • Too large doses of oil, as well as the use of a poor -quality product can lead to violation of blood circulation And, as a result, to development of diabetic foot. Very carefully, you should approach the diet of even a small amount of oil for those diabetics that have a tendency to complete.
Even with diabetes, it is permissible
Even with diabetes, it is permissible

Bolishing oil: benefits or harm?

  • It is unlikely that this question can be answered unambiguously. The oil contains many vitamins, phosphatides, fatty acids and other useful elements affecting the state of vision, tissues, bones, etc. Nepasturized oil, in addition, contains hormone -like substances that contribute to the prevention of arthritis.
  • And even the high density cholesterol contained in butter in butter is necessary for many processes occurring in the body. But cholesterol with low density contributes to the formation of sclerotic plaques. At the same time, both types of cholesterol in oil interact - “useful” neutralizes the effect of “harmful”.
  • Milk fat, which is contained in butter, due to a low melting point, determines the necessary condition for better digestibility. And the benefits of oil are unconditional in this.
  • And the main harm - In many types of poor -quality, filled with preservatives and oil emulsifiers, which is sold in stores and supermarkets. And, of course, the oil will do more harm than benefits if you absorb it in unlimited quantities. The daily norm of butter is 20-25 g. Below we will talk in detail about the beneficial and harmful properties of butter.
It is believed that still the benefits are greater
It is believed that still the benefits are greater

What is the benefits of butter?

  • The butter is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the vitamin A contributes to it healing of small injuries and cracks in the stomach. The role of “bad” cholesterol is in the protection of nerve fibers, which are involved in the digestive process, and giant gearboxengolipids in protecting the intestines from infections.
  • Due to content in butter oleic acid The risk of cancer is reduced.
  • Fatty products that make up butter are an excellent source of energy, helping the body warm up quickly.
  • Patriotic oil is also useful for processes of renewal of body cells.
  • When heated (but not frying!), Butter does not emit any substances harmful to the health, and also does not lose its beneficial qualities.
  • The calorie content of butter is lower than that of many plant (sunflower, olive, coconut, etc.).
  • The condition of the hair, skin, nails improves-this is facilitated by vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, like Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
  • The condition and elasticity of the vessels and the work of the heart improves due to the interaction of "harmful" and "useful" cholesterol and unsaturated fats ..
  • Content in the composition of the oil vitamin d It helps to improve mood and sleep, the work of memory, helps to concentrate attention, and favorably affects the nervous system.
  • Thanks to acid Omega-6 The functioning of the brain occurs.
  • The role of dairy fats contained in oil consists in participation in the process brain cell updates, and a tripophane included in their composition is necessary for better production of serotonin.
  • Regular oil use reduces The risk of fungal infections, since the laurinic acid contained in it is inherent in antimicrobial, including and anti -inflicted properties.

What is the harm of butter?

  • Excessive consumption of butter can lead to the appearance of acne. If you suffer from metabolic disorders, then excessive production of sebaceous secrets can cause acne.
  • With a sedentary lifestyle, too much butter can lead to obesity.
  • With increased cholesterol, excessive oil consumption can provoke even greater production.
  • If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the use of oil in the stage of exacerbation can cause diarrhea, nausea And even more worsen the condition.

Butter: benefits and harms for women

  • Women are recommended to eat butter with colds, during flu, since the vitamins contained in it contribute to the strengthening of the body's immune system.
  • About the condition skin, hair, nails, teeth, which only benefit from the use of butter, has already been mentioned above. But it is for women that such an aspect as the fragility of bones, which begins at an older age, is important. And here the calcium, which is part of the product, plays a significant role.
  • In moderate quantities, butter is recommended for many diets, since it nourishes the body with indispensable substances and calories. Moreover, varieties of oils with lower fat content are produced, which can even eat those who have a tendency to complete.
  • The content of vitamin E In butter, it contributes to the same better production of hormones and slows down the process of blood clots. Excluding animal fats completely from her menu, a woman is at risk of hormonal disorders.
  • Now let's move on to the harmful effects of butter on the female body. And first of all, it is not recommended to those who suffer from chronic diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. A special ban is on the use of butter during the period of exacerbation of the disease.
  • Carefully, given the cholesterol content, you should use butter and women during breastfeeding. Some babies suffer from individual intolerance to milk protein, which can affect the rash, colic, stool violation, and enhanced gas formation.
  • In the presence of prerequisites (predisposition to diabetes, excess weight, etc.), negative consequences in the form of excess weight or increasing the content of glucose in the blood are possible. For the same reasons, there may be violations in the work of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels is possible.

The harm of butter for men

  • The cholesterol content in butter makes this product harmful to men, often subject to cardiovascular diseases and thrombosis. The older the man, the more he is at risk of increasing blood cholesterol.
  • The fat content of oil not only leads to weight gain, but also provokes reducing the production of sex hormones. Therefore, there is a relationship between high weight and a decrease in sex drive.

Is the butter useful in the morning?

  • Dyatydologists recommend using butter precisely during breakfast, since in this case the body will spend calories during the day to work, and not for the accumulation of fat deposits.
  • Vitamin B contained in oil is involved in the development serotonin, charging with a good mood, energy is added using milk fat, and minerals are indispensable for brain activity in the composition of the oil.
In the morning it is the most useful
In the morning it is the most useful

Is it possible to eat butter at night?

  • It is better not to use butter at night, especially to people suffering diabetes or obesity.
  • A small piece of oil can include in the evening diet those who suffer sleep disturbances.
  • Dairy products, including butter, increase the amount tryptophanwhich stimulates the process of producing carotid substances.

Is it worth eating butter after 50 years?

  • At this age, any products should be treated carefully, taking into account existing diseases, including products, with animal fats. The main criterion remains moderation.
  • So, by moderately using butter, you will not provoke increasing blood cholesterol. But add vitamin D to the winter and autumn days!
  • Unsaturated fatty acids will help keep the vessels elastic, contribute to the best work of the brain, heart activity.
  • That's why after 50 years of oil It should be present in the diet in an amount not exceeding 30 g and it is better to eat it in the morning, so that the body can process the resulting fats during the day.

Butter on an empty stomach

  • On an empty stomach, natural cream oil is recommended for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Usually, half an hour before meals, a tablespoon of butter is eaten. You can drink a decoction of healing herbs: chamomile, mint, linden, calendula. This helps to improve stomach motility and restore intestinal flora.
  • Also take butter on an empty stomach with a stomach ulcer. Thus, a protective film is formed, the secretion of gastric juice is reduced, which is useful for those who have high acidity. Oil can be added to tea.

The butter is contraindicated for those who suffer from intolerance to milk protein, acne, have an allergic reaction, severe cardiovascular diseases, obesity or high cholesterol.

Can children be butter?

The presence of many useful substances necessary for the full development of the child, the proper formation of all organs and systems, the pediatricians note, recommending that this product is included in the children's diet.

Doctors indicate the positive effect of butter for the child's body in the following aspects:

  • The full development of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Development and strengthening of the visual apparatus.
  • Support for the health of the liver and intestines.
  • Strengthening bones and teeth.
  • Reducing the risks of inflammation of the respiratory system.
  • Improving the taste of dishes.
  • High energy value.
High -quality oil and children is useful
High -quality oil and children is useful

You can start introducing oil into the child’s diet from six months. The first complementary foods are usually about 1 g, dissolved in a mixture or milk porridge. By the year, the amount increases to 3-5 g, to two to 10, and to three-up to 15.

Which butter is better to eat?

There are certain rules by which you can determine how high -quality butter is.

The right choice of oil
The right choice of oil
  • Color Real oil is yellow or light yellow. White color indicates the addition of vegetable fats.
  • Taste Natural oil should be butter.
  • The presence is too much strong and pronounced smell says that flavorings were used.
  • Mandatory inscription on the package - "oil". If it is not, in front of you is a spread.
  • Natural oil, if held in the freezer, begins crumble.
  • The best packaging for butter - parchment paper or foil.
  • Natural oil has an expiration date not exceeding 35 days. If the shelf life is larger, it means that the oil includes preservatives.
  • Natural oil spreads at room temperature.

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