Duck meat: benefits and harm, calorie content, composition - how to cook?

Duck meat: benefits and harm, calorie content, composition - how to cook?

Most housewives prefer to cook dishes from duck for holidays. Regardless of how the dish was prepared, it remains hearty and has a pleasant taste.

This article will describe in detail the benefits and harm of duck meat, as well as its nutritional value and features of the preparation.

Duck meat: calorie content and bzhu

To determine the benefits of the product, you must first study its composition.

100 g of duck meat contains:

Depending on whether wild or poultry
Depending on whether wild or poultry

The calorie content of the product is about 120 to 248 kcal, depending on the type. Therefore, duck meat is considered one of the most high -calorie.

Mineral-vitamin composition
Mineral-vitamin composition

The benefits of duck meat for the body

In order to fully determine what the meat of the duck is useful, it is necessary after considering its chemical composition, to disassemble what it carries for the human body.

The meat of a wild duck is as useful as the home. In addition, it has less fats in the composition and is more dietary. But the meat of wild duck requires prolonged heat treatment, otherwise it can become dangerous to health.

So, the composition of the meat contains:

  • B vitamins. They accelerate metabolism, normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
About each form
About each form
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Kholin and betaine Provide fat metabolism, and help regenerate cells.
  • Vitamin A (which is most in this type of meat) supports the beauty and youth of the skin, protects against infections and adverse effects of ecology, and also improves vision.
  • Iron. Normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and improves cell nutrition. This component allows vitamins B better absorbed by the body.
The benefits are incredible
The benefits are incredible
  • Duck meat must be present in the diet of people who have problems with the nervous system, or suffering from anemia.
  • The value of duck meat for men is great, because it is used to increase potency.
  • Given that the composition contains a large amount of protein, duck meat is necessary for those who regularly play sports or receive large mental stress.
  • If you need to increase the immune system, be sure to use this product.
Results with regular use
Results with regular use
  • The product is useful for pregnant women, because it contains protein and protein of animal originwhich is easily absorbed.
  • The composition of the meat contains niacin, which removes the low density of lipoproteins from the body.
  • It is imperative to introduce this product into the diet for people suffering from obesity, osteoporosis and malignant tumors
  • The use of duck fat Allows you to remove carcinogenic substances from the body. Therefore, duck meat is necessary for people who have increased cholesterol in the blood.
Duck fat has value
Duck fat has value

The harm of duck meat for the human body

  • A natural contraindication is the individual intolerance of the product.
  • Patients should also be avoided diabetes mellitus, because The meat contains a lot of cholesterol.
  • With often use, you can provoke bathing of blood vessels, blood sugar, heart problems.
  • It is not recommended to eat meat duck for people who have problems with liver or pancreas. This is due to the fact that it contains refractory fats that are poorly absorbed with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Duck meat can be given to children who are fulfilled 3 years. At a small age, children have not yet formed a completely digestive system. Therefore, the product will be poorly digested, and provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If the child has a predisposition to obesity, it is not recommended to give him fatty duck meat. Stop your choice on low -calorie broth.

How many duck meat can men, women, children per day?

  • The daily rate of duck meat depends on the gender and individual characteristics of a person. Women can be consumed no more 200 g of duck meat per day.
  • Men You can consume no more than 220 g of the product per day. In order not to provoke obesity, you should abandon additional fats contained in other products.
  • Children - no more 80 g of the product.

Video: Utin meat usefulness

The use of duck meat in cooking

  • Duck meat is universal. It can be frying in a pan or on a grill, the meat of the duck in the oven is very tender, you can even steam.
  • Some housewives are greasy, canned and dried up duck meat. Most people prefer to bake a carcass with apples. Now you can find a large number of various recipes suitable for any reason. To supplement the taste of the finished dish, you can combine it with sauces, vegetables, cereals or even fruits.
  • Quite often, duck dishes are prepared. The most famous is considered foie gras. Fat, remaining from the duck, can be used to prepare other dishes.

Basic rules for cooking duck meat at home

Most people are embarrassing that duck meat is very hard. However, if you cook it correctly, this drawback can be avoided.

There are several basic preparation recommendations:

  • if you have frozen duck, Previously, it needs to be defrosted. To do this, first leave it in the refrigerator for 24 hours, and then store it at room temperature until complete defrosting.
  • Pre -delete fat. To do this, the carcass is placed in a water bath for 30 minutes, so that all the fat will melt. Some housewives prefer to make punctures in a sharp object. In the process of cooking, all fat will melt. Do not forget to put the carcass slightly above the lower layer so that the fat is not in the container where the main dish will be prepared. Otherwise, the taste will deteriorate.
  • For education beautiful crust on duck, Before sending it to the oven to bake, dip it for a few seconds in boiling water. The main thing is that the water does not penetrate the meat.
  • When you will form a duckFill it completely not completely. It is necessary to leave a little space so that the filling can swell, and fully open.
  • Using duck spices use dried or fresh herbs (basil, parsley).
  • So that after frying the meat is juicy, constantly water it with fat accumulating in a pan. You can also first grate it with salt, and put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  • To get a delicious duck, prepare it in stages. First bake for 10 minutes. at +240 ° C. After decreasing the temperature to +200 ° C, And cook another 10 minutes. Until readiness, the duck needs to be prepared with +180 ° C. Do not forget every 10 minutes. Pour the meat with fat, and with an interval of 20 minutes. Turn it over.
Using tips you will get a delicious dish
Using tips you will get a delicious dish

Video: Principles of cooking duck

Features of choosing and storing duck meat

If you want to buy fresh duck meat, pay attention to such nuances:

  • The presence of yellowish skin and fat released under the tail.
  • If the carcass is shiny, then it is fresh.
  • Look at shade of meat. In a fresh product, it should be bright red.
  • Elasticity. Click on the carcass with your finger. If the hole is hung, and returned to the previous state, then the product is fresh. Otherwise, refuse to buy.
  • Choose enough large carcasses,but not huge to make the dish juicy, with a pleasant taste. Too massive ducks can be stolen by hormones, so carefully inspect all the options before making a purchase.
  • Look at external characteristics. Delicious dishes are made of young birds. They should have a small soft beak, bright yellow legs. Fat should be light. The darker it is, the greater the age of the duck.
  • Storage of duck meat It should be carried out in the refrigerator or in the freezer. In a regular chamber, the product will be stored at a temperature of 0 ° C to -4 ° C. Shelf life is 3 days. At a temperature of -15 ° C, the meat will retain its properties for 3 months. To keep the product for about a year, a temperature of about -25 ° C will be required.

Duck meat: reviews

  • Pavel, 38 years old: I prefer to cook baked duck. Little by little I water it with fat, and it turns out a delicious and juicy dish. After eating such a dish, there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and after a few hours relief is felt.
  • Margarita, 28 years old: If you choose between chicken and duck, I prefer the second option. More satisfying dishes are obtained from duck meat, which positively affects my figure. I like to prepare from it not only broths, but also for the gravy. I noticed that after eating dishes from the duck, my mood improves and sleep.
  • Ksenia, 43 years: I passed the tests, and they showed that I have anemia and a lack of hemoglobin. The doctor is registered to eat baked duck, and cook broths from it. Literally after a month of regular use, when it was time to take tests again, they seemed that everything was getting over. Now, the duck meat is always in the refrigerator to maintain health status.

As you can see, duck meat has not only useful properties, but can also harm the body. Follow your well -being. If after eating duck meat you feel discomfort, exclude it from your diet.

We will also talk about the benefits:

Video: How to bake a juicy duck?

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