Useful tips for home, everyday life: for kitchen, cleaning in the house, washing and storing things, for saving money. Tips, life hacks for every day for home

Useful tips for home, everyday life: for kitchen, cleaning in the house, washing and storing things, for saving money. Tips, life hacks for every day for home

Find out the tips that will help you greatly facilitate your daily life, life and housekeeping.

Useful tips for home: kitchen tricks

There are a huge number of ideas that can make your life easier. If you apply these tips in everyday life, many tasks will be able to solve much better and faster.

Everything is brilliant - simple, remember this phrase? Absolutely insignificant things can bring you great benefit in everyday life. If you want to learn how to rationally and effectively conduct households and organize life well, read further useful tips for your home.

Important: the kitchen is a place where the average hostess spends a huge part of her time. Therefore, our useful tips for home can be useful to you.

Culinary tricks for eggs

Categories of chicken eggs
Categories of chicken eggs
  • In order to whistle the protein of the chicken egg, it must be cooled in the refrigerator and add citric acid or a few drops of lemon juice to it.
  • To easily whip the yolk of chicken eggs let it stand warm and add a little sugar to it.
  • If you want to prepare a lush omelet, add a small pinch of baking soda to the ingredients.
  • If during cooking eggs add a little soda to the water, the shell is removed quickly And easy.
  • When storing eggs with an acute end, their shelf life is lengthened during storage in the refrigerator.

Culinary tricks for kitchen utensils

  • Kitchen boards need regular and thorough cleaning. This can be done by wiping the surface with a solution of water with vinegar. But if you want to clean the kitchen board even faster, use the half of the lemon. Sprinkle the board with salt before that.
  • So that the water does not run away from the pan during cooking, put a wooden spoon on an open pot. He will delay the bubbles and will not allow the water to escape.
  • Ordinary linen clothespins They may come in handy in the kitchen. It is convenient to use them to close packages with chips, cereals, sugar and other bulk products.
  • If you can’t open the jar, put on one rubber strip on the jar, the second on the lid. Now the bank will easily open.
  • if you have oven without thermometer, checking the temperature of 200 ° is easy. To do this, pour a drop of sugar, it melts at a temperature of 186 °.
  • Enamelled dishes will serve longer if you immediately boil the full pan of water in it after the purchase and do not pour out the water until it cools down.
  • Warm the dish in the microwave oven You can evenly if you make a hole in the center of food. This method is suitable only for solid dishes, for example, pasta, rice, etc..
  • To disinfect kitchen sponges and nets, first wash them well with a detergent and place them in the microwave for 1 minute, turning it on in maximum power.
  • Store the list of necessary shopping on the refrigerator. At any time, you can add what you need to buy.
  • If you want to warm up two plates of food in the microwave at the same time, put one of them on top of the cup.
How to warm up food in two plates at the same time

Culinary tricks for meat and sausages

  • To make the meat with juicy when frying, salt it at the end of frying, but in no case at the beginning.
  • To find out a good sausage or not, put her piece in vodka for five minutes. If vodka changes color, then there are dyes in sausage.
  • Faced with the problem cleaning sausages After cooking? Just pierce them in several places with a fork before immersing in boiling water. As a result, the film will move without difficulty.
  • Have you decided to cook chop? Cover meat with food filmAnd then beat off. Thus, it will be possible to maintain the cleanliness of the hammer and protect the kitchen from spray.
  • When frying cutlets in oil, carcinogens are formed. It is better to steam cutlets.
  • If you cook the meat for the broth, put it in cold water, if for a salad or like a second dish, then in boiling, the broth in this case will not be very good, but the meat is delicious. The same applies to vegetables.
  • If you cook the broth on fast heavy heat, it will become funny and lose your taste. The most delicious broth is obtained when cooking over low heat at the rate of 2.5 liters of water 500 g of meat. We use strong fire only so that the water boils, then cook the broth over low heat under the lid.
  • Chicken broth can lose the aroma and taste from bay leaf, so we do not add bay leaf to chicken broth.

Culinary tricks for fruit

  • Freeze the grapes to cool the wine in the future. It is beautiful and convenient, because, unlike ice cubes, water does not flow from grapes.
  • So that after opening the jar, the jam is stored longer, sprinkle it with sugar on top.
  • You can not store bananas in one clusters, divide them and pack them one at a plastic bags. When storing a clustard of them, gas is released, which contributes to the accelerated ripening of a nearby fruits, and this leads to a short shelf life of any fruits that lie nearby, and the bananas themselves in the clusters help each other quickly ripen.
  • For better storage, the ends of the bananas are wrapped with foil or plastic bag.
  • If you cooked compote, but it has not cooled yet, put poster with compote In large sizes, dishes with cold salted water.
  • In order to select an orange as much juice as possible, it is necessary to warm it for 15-20 seconds in the microwave.
  • Pineapple will ripen faster if you cut the leaves from it along with the top and put in a plate with a cut down.
  • To choose a good ripe pineapple, tap your palm on it and sniff. Pineapple of good quality smells of a gentle pleasant smell and gives a deaf sound when tapping. The ripe pineapple has a strong smell with notes of fermentation and responds with the sound of emptiness when tapping.
  • If you want to choose sour tangerine, choose a medium -sized yellowish fruit with thin skin flattened on both sides. If you want sweet tangerine, choose a variety with small round fruits of bright orange with rednings. Large mandarins with thick skin and moderate orange color will be sweet and sour.
  • If you rub the lemon with soda and then wash in hot water, it will become incredibly brilliant and without microbes on the surface.
  • To make the lemon more fragrant, pour it with boiling water.
  • Lemon in a vase with fruit will add freshness to all the fruits that are nearby.
  • Do not throw the skins from the oranges. Collect them tightly in a jar and pour in vinegar. Let it brew for 2 weeks, then you can use this infusion of bathtub, sink, floor in the kitchen. There will be a clean surface without bacteria and a pleasant smell.

Culinary tricks for oil

  • If you fry in olive oil, it also loses its beneficial qualities.
  • The butter during frying will not burn if the first hot pan is greased with sunflower or olive.
  • To be less sprayed with fat when frying, put a pinch of salt in the pan.
  • The quality of butter can be determined by lowering a piece in boiling water. If there is margarine or a spread in it, then the oil will fall apart into pieces, and if it is natural from cream, then it will immediately melt.
  • If there is a need to re -use vegetable oil to eliminate the previous odors, add a piece of ginger to it, 5 mm thick and heat the oil along with ginger. He will absorb all unnecessary odors.
  • To quickly soften the butter from the freezer to spread it into a sandwich, cover a piece of oil with a hot glass in which boiling water was poured before.
Life hacks for the kitchen
Life hacks for the kitchen

Culinary advice for cheese

  • The cheese in parchment paper is better stored than in the food film. For better storage of cheese, wrap it in parchment paper and then in a plastic bag with air access, or in a cheese.
  • To cheese was not covered with mold In the refrigerator, lubricate the cut with butter. Then the top of the cheese will remain not weathered longer.
  • The cheese will be fresh and aromatic for a week if, when stored in a cheese man, placed a piece of sugar next to it and cover with a lid.
  • The best place to store cheese in the refrigerator is a box with vegetables where it is not so cold, since the cheese changes the texture from a strong cold.
  • Molds with mold are especially thoroughly wrapped in and be sure to put in a container so that mold fungi does not spread throughout the refrigerator.
  • The cheeses of brine varieties (Brynza, Suluguni, Mozarella), it is better to store in enameled dishes, filling the cheese with salt water or cheese serum.
Secrets of delicious soup and meat
Secrets of delicious soup and meat

Other useful tips for home, kitchens, cooking

Culinary advice for salt and spices

  • If you do not need broth, but just need to cook the meat, lower the meat after boiling water and salt it before readiness.
  • If you need a strong, rich broth of meat, put salt at first cooking.
  • Salt the broth from vegetables as soon as water boils.
  • We put spicy spices in soups at the end of cooking in 3-5 minutes.
  • Salt potatoes when frying at the end of cooking, and not at first, so that black spots do not appear on it.
  • Spices will become more aromatic if they are mixed with salt, because salt stimulates the exit from the spices of essential oils. Store such a mixture in a tightly closed container.
Rules of the salting of different types of broths
Rules of the salting of different types of broths

Culinary advice for pancakes and baking

  • If you decide to cook pancakes, we recommend pouring the dough is in a bottle. Thus, pouring it into the pan will be much easier, and the remains are easier to store.
  • The overlapped dough for pancakes will be pale, ugly and not tasty. The transplanted dough for pancakes becomes rude and quickly burns out.
  • Warm up pizza better in a pan, not in the microwave, so it will be more fragrant.
  • To easily and evenly cut a hot pie, warm the knife in a stream of hot water before that.
  • A soft fresh loaf or bread is easily cut if the knife blade is placed in boiling water before for a few seconds.
  • If the baked pie can not be removed from the mold, then wrap the shape in a towel moistened with water or put the shape on a pan with cold water.
Why soak food in milk
Why soak food in milk

Culinary tips for salads

  • Add salt and vegetable oil to the salad just before serving. If you do it in advance, the salad is simply draining and will not be presentable.
  • To calculate the number of olivier salad, focus on the number of potatoes added to the salad at the rate of 1 potato per 1 guest.
  • If parsley for salad is washed in warm water, its aroma will increase.
  • If you cook vegetables or meat for salad or like a second dish, then put them in boiling water, the broth in this case will not be very good, but the meat or vegetables are delicious.
Kitchen life hacks
Kitchen life hacks

Fish tricks

  • The fish will be thawed better if it is placed in the film in cold salted water.
  • The fish will be easier to clean if you hold it for 5 minutes in boiling water, and then 5 minutes in cold water.
  • The smell of mud will leave the fish if you wash it before cooking and hold a little in a strong solution of salt. Also, the smell of mud can be removed by soaking the fish an hour before cooking in a aqueous solution of vaults (1 liter of water and 2 tbsps of vinegar).
  • The fish will not crumble during frying, if it is not sold right away, but 15 minutes before cooked.
  • When cooking fish, large pieces have a pan at the edges of the pan, and what is smaller in the middle, and cover with a lid.
  • In order to exclude the unpleasant smell of fish When cooking, add parsley or celery root to the water.
  • The fish will turn out to be incredibly tasty if you hold it before frying for 10 minutes in milk, then roll in flour with salt and fry in boiling vegetable oil.
Important rule for brewing black and green tea
Important rule for brewing black and green tea

Culinary advice for vegetables and herbs

  • Keep the greens in the refrigerator, putting it in a glass of water in a plastic bag, which needs to be tied from above so that the air does not penetrate inside.
  • If the greens were slightly tied, lower it for an hour into cold water with vinegar (1 liter of water 1 tbsp. Spoon of vinegar).
  • The bitterness of the chopped bow will disappear if it is poured through a colander with boiling water.
  • So that the potato does not sprout during storage, put an apple to it.
  • Vegetable dishes (stew, side dishes, soups) will be of better quality if they are prepared in enameled dishes (without chips inside), covering with a lid. The same rule applies to cooking vegetables.
  • To make potatoes quickly, add one tablespoon of margarine to the water.
  • To make potato mashed potatoes delicious, choose potatoes for cooking, which has a smooth yellowish peel. Because potatoes with a red and brown peel during cooking are an adhesive consistency.
  • The peel from boiled vegetables is easier to remove so far hot vegetables.
  • To make the boiled beets tastier, cook it without salt, and to preserve the bright color in boiled beets during cooking, put sugar in water (1 hour of water).
  • You can not cook and bake beets on a metal baking sheet. Beets with metal are not compatible.
  • With the picking of cucumbers, the addition of dry mustard or mustard grains in the brine will add piquancy to the taste and contribute to better storage.
  • In order for sauerkraut to be tasty and crispy, ferment it after the new moon at the young moon.
  • If you cook fresh vegetables or young potatoes, lower them into the water always after boiling.

Culinary advice for storing products

  • Honey is stored in a cool dark place in a wooden, glass or aluminum capacity, maintaining its healing properties for a whole year. In no case should you store honey in a galvanized, with an admixture of copper or lead dishes.
  • Spices cannot tolerate light, high temperatures and dampness. The best conditions for their storage will be a place far from the stove and opaque (ceramic, porcelain or dark glass) tightly closed container.
  • Fresh cucumbers are stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag without air entering there.
Place and shelf life for different products
Place and shelf life for different products

Culinary tricks for milk

  • In order to prevent sourness of milk packaging, immediately after opening, add a small pinch of salt. So the milk will be stored longer.
  • When preparing sour cream sauce, add a little milk so that sour cream does not curl up.
If there are no scales in the kitchen - product measurement
If there are no scales in the kitchen - product measurement

Culinary tricks for the preparation of cereals and cereals, side dishes

  • In order for the frequencies to turn out to be purely white and crumbly, pour a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice into the water for cooking.
  • If the rice was buried during cooking, then on top of it over the entire surface for 7-12 minutes place pieces of white bread so that it absorbs a burning smell, then immediately remove the rice from the saucepan without affecting the burnt layer. What is buried needs to be thrown away.
  • The water remaining after cooking rice, pasta, potatoes, cool and water indoor plants. Together with water, they will receive a mass of nutrients.
  • To prepare a crumbly side dish of vermicelli, pasta or pasta, pour 1 tbsp into the water when cooking into the water. a spoonful of olive oil.
  • Tasty porridge will turn out if it is cooked in a tightly closed pan without opening or not stirring so as not to let the steam.
  • In order for the popcorn to be fluffy and prepares faster with a smaller number of unwritten grains, you need to immerse 10 minutes into the water before cooking, and then dry them.
Kitchen gadgets
Kitchen gadgets

Video: kitchen tips

Useful tips for home: cleaning of living space

Important: cleaning in the house is an integral part of everyday life. Many housewives want to maintain cleanliness in the house longer, make the cleaning process faster and more high quality. We know how to help you.

Life hacks for cleaning dishes and household appliances

  • Coca-Cola will help get rid of scale in the teapot. It is enough to boil this drink so that your kettle shines again.
  • Also, the kettle will become clean inside, if you boil in it several times cleaning of washed potatoes.
  • Do cleaning the heating element of the electric kettle by boiling water in it with vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1, then pour and rinse the kettle.
  • To clean the pan inside from the carrier, boil water in it with 1 tablespoon of baking soda, then you need to pour there stationery silicate glue there and boil the contents for 2.5-4 hours. Glue will become flakes. After that, drain the remaining solution and wash the pan with a sponge.
  • If the microwave does not wash, heat a plate of water and soda for several minutes. As a result of pollution, it will be possible to remove a simple sponge.
  • If, nevertheless, the microwave from the previous action has not been washed, then put cleaning from oranges in a deep plate, pour them completely with water and turn on the microwave for 5 minutes with maximum power. After that, immediately proceed to the washing of the microwave.
  • To quickly clean the blenderPour warm water into it, add a drop of detergent and turn on. You will see how quickly and without problems the blender is cleaned.
  • To thoroughly wash the vase, recesses in a vase after flowers, put 2 tablets of alka-stall in it, pour it with water to the edges and leave it for a while, then rinse it.
  • Inaccessible places in the kitchen, for example, the handles of a gas stove and the electric paper buttons, can be cleaned with a qualitatively and quickly with the help of an old toothbrush.
  • Tablespoons and forks, which are darkened over time, can be refreshed if they boil them for 3-5 minutes in water, remaining after cooking potatoes and then wipe from the plaque and rinse.
  • We do the removal of the yellow plaque from the cold iron, wiping it with a wool moistened in vinegar or a solution of vaults with ammonia.
  • The Turku for coffee is easily cleaned after boiling water in it with a piece of lemon.

Useful tips for cleaning the house and cleaning surfaces and glass

  • If the glass item is accidentally broken and you need remove small fragments, draw a piece of dough, plasticine or a roller for cleaning clothes on the floor.
  • To drive out garbage and dust from hard -to -reach places in a house or apartment, for example from a chest of drawers, use a hairdryer with cold air. Also with a hairdryer, remove dust from your computer, periodically blowing its insides.
  • Labels on objects that cannot be scattered, warm with hot air with a hairdryer and they will easily peel off.
  • In order to get rid of mold at the joints of the bathroom, it is necessary to impregnate a whitener or whiteness of the flagella of cotton wool. Then put them in a contaminated place for a while.
  • Small scratches on furniture You can hide if you rub them with purified walnut.
  • If a shower appeared on the shower stone plaque, you should wrap it in a plastic bag with a solution of water and vinegar at night. And in the morning - wash with hot water.
  • Wash the horizontal blinds, without removing them from the windows, it is also possible. You need to put on the old sock and thus wash, wipe the blinds.
  • If you accidentally shed juice or put another a spot on the carpet, no problem. It can be removed in this way: mix 1 part vinegar and 2 parts of water. Apply the solution to the stain, then cover it with a damp towel or rag. Put a hot iron on the spot.
  • If you still do not have rags for microfiber cleaning, urgently stock up on. They cope with dust, pollution and save your time.
  • To remove the wool of pets from upholstered furniture, put on a rubber glove, moisten it in water and wipe it with a sofa or chair. All wool will stick to the glove.
  • To clean up the upholstery of upholstered furniture or a carpet from stains, plunge a solution of 0.5 liters of hot but not boiling water, 1/3 cup 9% vinegar, 1 tbsp. spoon of soda, 1 tbsp. spoon of washing powder. Pour the solution into the spray and process dirty places.
  • If inadvertently put fat, rub it faster carefully with chalk, leave it for a while, and then wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • You can protect the tap from plaque and spots of water using waxed paper. Just grate the tap with waxed paper. For a while, this will help to solve the problem.
  • The next advice to give the glasses of cleanliness and shine from the distant past. In Soviet times, our grandmothers wiped so much glass in Soviet times. First wash the glass with a special tool, and then rub them with an ordinary dry newspaper. The shine is guaranteed.
  • Crystal items are washed in a soap solution of detergent for dishes with the addition of ammonia (1-2 tablespoons of ammonia per 1 liter of solution) and then sprinkled in cold water.

Life hacks to remove odors in the house

  • In order to get rid of smell on the mattressSprinkle it with soda and leave for 10 minutes. Then just sprinkle.
  • If it appears on objects a musty smell, apply a feline smell to them. This tool copes with this kind of thing.
  • If the kitchen object or kitchen accessories absorbed an unpleasant odor, wipe them with a 9% solution of vinegar. If the unpleasant odor still remains in the kitchen in the air, then boil water in an open bowl by adding vinegar to it.
  • In order to get rid of unpleasant odor in the apartmentYou will need a vanilla concentrate. Dissolve it in water and put the dishes with water in a hot oven.
  • The smell of onions from hand will help remove salt if you wipe your hands and then wash off.

Video: Tips for quick cleaning

Useful tips for home: washing and storing things

Important: Imagine a situation when a stain suddenly turned out to be on a new shirt. This happens if you have lunch in a hurry. Or when a thing was wrinkled on a trip, but the iron was not at hand. In such uncomfortable situations, tips will come to the rescue, thanks to which it will be possible to avoid an incident and solve the problem.

Useful tips for washing

  • In order to remove white socks or golfs qualitatively, soak them 1.5-2 hours before washing in water with boric acid (1 tbsp. Spoon per 5 l of water).
  • You can refresh the straw hat, rubbing it with a brush moistened in salt water. It will become pale golden, as if new.
  • You can take a fresh spot from clothes if you immediately sprinkle the stain with abundantly baking soda or chalk. These two substances perfectly absorb fat and will help you urgently save your favorite thing, having come home.
  • If you urgently need to remove the fat spot on the clothes, then pour on the stain of the tooth powder and stain with an iron through the paper.
  • To buttons did not come off during washingFasten the buttons and turn out the thing inside out. Then you can send it to the washing machine.
  • Dirty laundry Store in a basket that has ventilation. Do not store dirty linen for a long time, skin fats are absorbed and destroy the fabric.
  • If you wash manually, wait until the powder will completely dissolve In water, and then load the linen into the water.
  • To quickly and easier to remove the kitchen towel from fat spots, 1 hour before washing, place it in warm water with vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar for 2 liters of water).
  • There are a lot of species of spots. And with different types of spots, various means help to fight. Below there is a cheat sheet for those who want to know how to withdraw different spots.

Useful tips for the proper folding of linen in a suitcase and ironing

  • If during a business trip you have such a nuisance as rumpled clothes, just hang a thing on your shoulders in the bathroom and turn on hot water. Under the influence of the couple, the thing will straighten.
  • If you do not like to iron, mix vinegar and air conditioning for fabric. Place this solution in a spray bottle and spray on the fabric. Soon the thing will become soft and will deal.

But in order not to encounter such a problem during a trip, you must learn how to properly lay a suitcase. The following shows how to do this:

  1. T -shirts and sweaters fold a roller
  2. Put the pants from above.
  3. Lingerie must be placed in a separate bag or bag.
  4. Shirts must also be put on the very top.

So a lot of things will fit in your suitcase and they will retain their neat appearance.

How to put a suitcase: tips

Life hacks for convenient storage of things in the house

  • Ordinary linen clothespins can be useful to you not only for drying linen. For example, using a conventional clothespin, you can store headphones.
Tips for storing things
  • If there is little space in the closet, you can make an additional series of holders on the clothespins.
How conveniently store things
  • To make things always neatly folded, use organizers for different types of clothes, sort linen. As organizers, empty shoes and other boxes are suitable.
Use Organizers for things
  • Christmas toys are constantly tangled among themselves. But this happens only in those who do not know how to store them correctly. Take advantage of the idea of \u200b\u200bconvenient storage of Christmas toys and the problem of how to unravel the New Year's tinsel will be resolved forever. You will need a container and two rails. In the container, you need to make four holes, collect all the toys on the rails and just put them in place.
Tail for storing Christmas toys

Useful tips for shoes

  • To remove unpleasant smell of shoes, put there for the night not used a bag of tea.
  • If a shoes are wetSwear it crumpled newspapers. The paper will carry moisture. Periodically change newspapers to new ones.
  • An ordinary toothpaste will be remarkably cope with the scuffs of leather shoes, if you rub the surface of the shoe with it, and then polish it with a soft rag and at the end of the wet.

Video: Tips for storing things

Useful tips for home: how to save money?

The ability to rationally and competently dispose of money is the excellent quality of a person. Many will say that it is not necessary to save, that you just need to earn more. But you must admit, there are many people who are ready to lower any amount on trinkets. Subsequently, they will cllate housing and not bring any benefit. Perhaps the tips to save money will be useful to you:

  • If you want to spend less money for purchases, go shopping well -fed.
  • Be sure to keep a list of the necessary purchases with you and follow it.
  • To understand where your money goes, just collect checks. At the end of the month, it will be possible to calculate and understand what purchases you can refuse.
  • Always put off at least a small amount. If you do not know how to postpone, get your piggy bank in the bank. Each month, a certain amount will enter your account, but you can withdraw it at the end of the year.
  • You can save on gifts and New Year's paraphernalia by buying it in January.
  • Do not neglect discounts and promotions. Every year, shops arrange good sales where you can buy the desired thing at a good price.
  • Do not waste your salary on the day of its receipt.
  • If the issue of saving money is relevant for you, pay in cash stores. From the card, money is written off unnoticed, so you can buy without thinking. And then regret the money spent in vain.
  • Do not live on credit. Credit cards strengthen the desire to purchase now the thing that you want. But remember, you take someone else's money, and give yours.
Tips for saving money

Useful tips for home for every day

Important: in life every day there are situations that can be successfully solved, knowing small secrets and cunning.

Below is a selection of ideas that can be useful to you in everyday life:

  • If you want to enhance the sound of music from the phone, put it in any container.
  • Want to play on a smartphone, but does a constantly pop -up advertising interfere? Put the phone in flight mode And enjoy the game.
  • Also if you put the phone for flight mode, it will become alive faster.
  • Razor blade It will be possible to sharpen if you draw it on denim.
  • To do not beat your finger with a hammer, clogging the nail, hold the nail with a linen clothespin.
  • At the bottom of the urns You can put a newspaper that will absorb the released liquid.
  • If a lightning on jeans All the time is unfastened, insert a thin metal ring into the runner. When you fasten the zipper, hang the ring on the button. The problem will be solved.
  • If a mascara has dried up, add a couple of drops of a solution for lenses or moisturizing drops for the eyes. Acts with a bang.
  • If a studs, invisibility and hairpins are all the time lostAttach the magnetic tape and fasten all these things there.
  • The same method is suitable for small children's cars, if they are scattered all the time and then the child cannot find them.
  • If a warp for dishes All the time it disappears somewhere, hang a small plastic pocket on the crane.
  • Sticky roller It will help not only clean clothes, but also get dust and dirt from hard -to -reach places.
  • If you want free flowers stood longer In a vase? Just add a drop of vodka and a little sugar to the water. You can also add a little detergent for dishes, but do not overdo it, otherwise the result will be the exact opposite.
  • If it is needed cut thick plasticUse a canned knife.
  • Traces from the marker Removes toothpaste well. Just apply a drop of pasta to a piece of fabric and rub it on the trail of the marker. There will be no traces from him.
  • To the mirror did not fog, rub it with dry soap and gently rub it with a rag so that there are no traces left.
  • If you store cosmetics in a drawer, put on the bottom rubber mat. Then jars and bottles will not ride a box.
  • To independently fasten the zipper on the dressAttach a ring on a long thread or cord to it. Then you can do this task yourself.
  • If it doesn’t work out fasten the bracelet yourself, fix it with tape on one side near the fastener.
  • If the house is attacked by mice, spray around peppermint oil. This smell will scare off unwanted guests.
  • So that the cat does not guess in indoor flowers, stick a large number of toothpicks into the ground.
  • The nail is more easily clogged if it is dipped in front of this point into sunflower oil.
  • If a small part or earring is lost in the room, put on a vacuum cleaner instead of a dusty bag of a nylon stocking or golf and sprinkle the floor, in the place where you have something lost.

Useful tips for your home will help you make your life easier. It is never too late to replenish the piggy bank of your life experience and convey it to others. If you have other secrets for home and everyday life, share them with our readers.

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  1. Thanks for the advice, I didn't even suspect some tricks

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