At what age is it better to take a kitten of different breeds home: the tips of the veterinarian

At what age is it better to take a kitten of different breeds home: the tips of the veterinarian

From this article you will find out at what age the kittens can be bathed, cut the claws, accustomed to the tray and so on.

All, without exception, love small kittens. If you want to take such a pet home, then of course, I want the baby as less age. But veterinarians and experienced breeders do not advise taking very tiny kittens from a cat, as this harms their health. Read more in the article.

From what age kittens of different breeds can be taken home or given - British, Scottish, Siamese breed, Meikun, Canadian Sphinx: veterinarian tips

British kittens
British kittens

Fluffy babies - they are so cute and attract everyone with their appearance. I want to squeeze them and of course, I want to get such a friend as early as possible. But, as mentioned above, at a small age, the kittens are still weak and experts do not advise taking them from their home and from their mother. Here are the tips of the veterinarian, at what age you can take home or give kittens:

  • British breed - At the age 3 months. The fact is that in the kids of the "British" aged 8 to 12 weeks, the immune system begins to form. Excommunication from mother and breast milk entails the baby's disease and weakened health.
  • Scottish kittens - not earlier than at 2.5 months. The baby should survive the first vaccination in the usual environment, so that there are no health problems.
  • Siamese cats - The kids of this breed from birth are already personality. Therefore, they often want to pick them up, as soon as the kitten is performed 1 month. But this is wrong, and it is better to pick up a kitten from the mother after 3 months.
  • Meikunat 8 weeks The kittens of this breed can already eat hard food, but it is still forbidden to excommunicate them from the mother. This threatens the digestive disorder and a decrease in the immunity and weight of the baby. Besides, up to 12 weeks The baby still received not all vaccinations and the latter will be done only in three months and this is if he is healthy and feels good. Even a banal disorder of the stomach deals with a vaccine for a month. At 4 months You can take a kitten to another house.
  • Canadian Sphinx - Not earlier 3 monthsLike kittens of other breeds. The main thing is that all vaccinations are and the baby is already excommunicated from the mother breast.

As you can see, almost all breeds have the same time when you can take and give kittens - this is about three months. Read a few more useful tips of specialists below.

At what age can you buy a kitten and sell kittens: specialist advice

Bought a kitten
Bought a kitten

Often, people persistently want to buy a tiny kitten, who was barely a month. Moreover, there is no shortage of announcements of breeders who want to sell animals at such a young age.

There is an opinion that an older kitten does not form attachment to the owner. This common misconception is fraught with sad consequences. Read article on our website about how the development of a kitten occurs by weeks, and you will understand why it is forbidden to pick up small fluffs from the mother.

At what age can you buy a kitten and sell kittens? Experienced veterinarians are categorical about this. Here are the advice of specialists:

  • Do not complicate life with concerns about a kitten whose age has not reached the line of 12 weeks.
  • More young creatures are very small and depend on the mother in everything.
  • A three -month kitten may seem too adult for those who would like to buy a funny baby and observe its development. But for the baby is the age when he will feel comfortable in a new place.
  • Also, the well -being of the kitten can be damaged by tearing away from the mother to the required time. Parting with the nurse and a familiar environment provokes anxiety and stress in the crumbs, which immediately affects health.
  • With the worst development of events, the kitten can seriously get sick and even die.

If you still doubt and want to take baby, then study the advantages of buying grown three-month kittens:

  • Most babies at this age are already stopping drinking mother's milk and bypassed with hard ordinary feeds.
  • Behind the course of preventive vaccinations laid down to kittens, therefore, the immune system is adapted to changes.
  • The kitten has mastered the rules of communication with relatives and the same animals as he.
  • The fluffist is ready to meet with the new house and longs to explore the space in which he will soon be.

Follow the advice of experts and then a new fluffy friend will settle in your house, who will be comfortable and safe in the new room.

Vaccinations for kittens: Age, what, first vaccination when?

Vaccinations for kittens
Vaccinations for kittens

The first year of life of the kitten is impregnated with all kinds of medical manipulations. These are repeated processing from helminths (worms), external microbes, fleas and vaccination. Veterinarians convince that the vaccine is needed, since without vaccination the body will not deal with infections, and the animal can get sick.

The first vaccination is the kitten It is best to do 8-10 weeks. The second injection must be done through 3-4 weeks. If all vaccines are made, you need to worry only about re -vaccination once a year. Here is an indicative calendar of injections, processing and what vaccinations should be put to kittens:

  • 4-6 weeks. - First processing from worms
  • 6-8 weeks. - second processing from worms
  • 9 weeks. - First complex vaccination
  • 10-12 weeks. - Third processing from worms
  • 12-14 weeks. - second complex vaccination

How to prepare a cat for vaccination? Here are the tips:

  • The main condition for the vaccine-in one or two weeks, it is necessary to give the animal an anti-anthillus.
  • Their huge choice, including in the form of a treat, which the animal will eat with pleasure.
  • It can be used in the form of drops for wool, which will not provoke any protest and will be excellently moved.

If these conditions do not comply, then after vaccination, the cat can catch the infection, and treatment will cost the owner a tidy amount of money. See a detailed vaccination calendar and kittens processing:


What age is a kitten to be a kitten?

Little kitty
Little kitty

Cats remain playful until old age, so they always look cute as kittens. Often the owners do not understand when their pet will become an adult. The kitten to what age remains a kitten?

  • Kittens begin to move like adult individuals at a two -month -old age.
  • In six -month animals, a teenage period occurs. At this time, they should beware.
  • Petets show behavioral features with might and main: they mark space, yell, conquer in the fights of the territory. Nevertheless, an animal that has reached puberty is still considered a kitten.
  • The development of the cat ends only by one and a half years. Now there is no doubt that the pet has finally matured.
  • Animals by this time acquire not only physical, but also social maturity.

However, the adult cat does not shamefully frolic, like a kitten. If the cat retains activity and curiosity in the venerable years, then this is not a reason to doubt its maturity.

At what age do kittens make metric?

Little kittens
Little kittens

Metric is an officially designed birthday certificate. This is a kind of identity document, like people - a passport. Only in the metric other data are prescribed that indicate its pedigree.

This document indicates:

  • Number, month, year of birth
  • The name of the breed
  • The floor of the animal
  • The nickname of the pet
  • Color
  • Mother's nicknames about father
  • The color of the parents
  • The initials of the breeder
  • The initials of the owner
  • Signature and seal of the organization where the document is issued

To get a metric, the owner needs to contact the club of cat lovers in any city. Before filling out the document, kittens are inspected for defects. If there are no one, the metric is signed and certified by the seal. The testimony for the pet can be made at the age, starting from 45 days.

At what age they castrate, sterilize kittens: recommendations

Sterilized kitten
Sterilized kitten

The earliest age for sterilizing your pet 6 months. This is a period of puberty of the animal. Optimal age for casten castration 7-8 months. Cats are growing up to 1 year And it is best to do this when the body is formed, but not completely. Exactly from 6 to 8 months - This is the right time to castrate, sterilize the kitten.

It is worth knowing: It is undesirable to tighten with castration, since in a more adult animal there is hormonal changes in the body.

Veterinarians recommend not casting to older animals - from 8 yearsdue to the possibility of poorly anesthesia.

Conclusion: The perfect time for casting cats from 6 months to 8 years.

At what age can the kitten can give fish, milk, feed raw meat, dry food: feeding kittens from what age and what else?

The kitten is already given fish
The kitten is already given fish

Raw meat, fish, milk contain a lot of protein, which is so necessary for the younger body. Many breeders are sure that the baby himself will determine when he can eat such food, but this is a wrong judgment. If the kitten, along with mother’s milk, is also special food, then there is no need for bait with raw meat and other products.

Cop food kittens from what age are given and what else can be fed? The methods and procedure for introducing complementary foods are the same as people. Small kittens are not recommended to give several new products at once.

Raw meat:

  • You need to start with a small piece and observe if the kitten tears undigested food and whether it has a normal chair.
  • If you give a piece of raw meat to the baby a cat, then he can throw it on him and swallow without chewing.
  • Teach first to chew the kitten, giving it thin plastics, for example, beef. He will be able to chew no earlier than at 5 weeks From birth, it means that at this age you can already experiment.
  • For the first time, give scraped meat. To do this, freeze a piece of chicken or beef and then scrap a knife and roll it into a ball, the size of no more than a pea.


  • At a month and a half, you can start giving fish.
  • For kittens of this age, you need to carefully clean it from bones, sharp fins.
  • You can give, first scalded with boiling water or boiling, for example, with wheat porridge.
  • In a year, you can already feed a cat with raw fish, but not every day, since this product for animals such as a drug. If the cat will overeat, then she will have digestive problems.


  • Up to 6-8 weeks The main type of nutrition of the kitten should be breast milk. If for some reason he began to live without a mother, then the baby needs to be fed with special mixtures that are sold in zoological stores: Beaphar Kitty-Milkor Royal Canin Babycat Milk.
  • There are many substances in the cow of whole milk that will not be absorbed by a cat digestive system and they can harm health.
  • If you have the opportunity to buy goat milk, then you can give a kitten it, but previously diluted with boiled water 1:2.
  • By 6 months Cross the feeding with milk and start giving kefir. The fact is that adult cats are not recommended to drink whole milk, since they do not absorb milk sugar.
  • At six months, the baby will already eat meat, and kefir will become a good probiotic necessary for the digestion system.

Dry food:

  • In the age 1 month The kitten should start feeding. If it is planned that in the future it will eat only dry food, then it means that complementary foods should be in the form of it.
  • At first, dilute a small amount of dry food with water and feed the kitten with this “porridge”.
  • When he gets used to this type of nutrition, you can replace one or two feedings with it. At two months, let's feed, no longer rubbing with water.

Another kitten can be fed with cottage cheese, soft, unsalted cheese, yolk from chicken eggs, vegetables. Read more about the diet of the monthly kitten is written in the table:


Important: If you started giving a kitten complementary foods in the form of raw meat or fish, then after a few days give the drug for worms. If such food is constantly present in the diet of your pet, then it is regularly necessary to adhesive.

At what age do kittens have teeth, mustache, eye color?

A small kitten, which has not yet changed his mustache, teeth and eye color
A small kitten, which has not yet changed his mustache, teeth and eye color

Baby teeth In kittens, they erupt at the age from 2 to 4 weeks.

  • Somewhere in the third week, when the baby already has incisors and fangs, milk teeth begin to change to permanent.
  • This process will fully end with 6-7 months.
  • Read more in the article on this link, when the kittens change his milk teeth, how this process occurs and how to help the baby so that he will pass less painlessly.

At what age the kittens are changing eye color:

  • The newborn crumbs have no pigment in the eyes, and therefore they are blue.
  • The change occurs depending on the breed. The cat without breed will become dark in 1-1.5 months. In an animal with a pedigree, this process can last from 1 to 12 months.
  • Finally, the color of the cat changes to 2 years old.

Vibrissas and tactile hairs - These are the sensitivity organs, examination and tactiles of a cat, which we call a mustache. They appear in infancy, then grow and change throughout the life of a cat, not noticeable for a person.

Interesting: It often happens that a cat-mother fits a mustache to its children. It is not known why she does this, but the breeders are sure that this is needed so that the unintentional baby-rival does not come out ahead of time from the nest. Six months will pass until the kitten has a new mustache.

At what age are kittens bathing?

The first bathing of the kitten
The first bathing of the kitten

In the first weeks of life, hygiene of the cubs is supported by the cat herself. Therefore, during this period, you should refrain from swimming. At what age should kittens bathe?

  • It is best to do it in 3-4 months, after the milk teeth are replaced.
  • This age gives a guarantee that the body will suffer the procedure well and there will be no violations of the psyche.

Of course, you need to perform bath procedures when in the house and on the street relatively warm. During the cold, it’s better not to take risks. Read more in the article on this link, you need to bathe kittens in general, because many owners are sure that this is not necessary.

It is worth knowing: Do not bathe kittens with human shampoo - it is best to purchase a special one. It will not be superfluous to check the composition - for cubs it is better to use a tool that has natural components.

At what age are kittens accustomed to the tray, claws: recommendations

The kitten is accustomed to the claw
The kitten is accustomed to the claw

Kittens grow quickly and seek to constantly know the world. At what age are kittens accustomed to the tray? Here's the answer:

  • Kittens are accustomed to the tray from 3-4 weeks.
  • If the kitten does not understand what needs to be done, you can “interest” it and slightly rustle in the tray with a filler.
  • As a rule, animals are smart and curious, because the baby will quickly understand what is required of him.

As for the claws, here are some tips and recommendations:

  • It is also worth accustoming to her a kitten from a very early age, while his desire to know the world around him is at a peak, and the claws are already in need of a small “polishing”.
  • From age 1-2 months Kittens are already making attempts to tear their own, still weak, claws furniture.
  • You can purchase a claw of a claw precisely during this period.

Important to remember: The process of teaching to the claw is not so simple. Therefore, in some cases, it can take a long time.

From what age can the kitten be processed from fleas: wear a collar, use drops?

Flea kitten
Flea kitten

Fleas prevent the kitten from developing normally. In addition, they tolerate diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to start protecting the baby from these boring insects in a timely manner. At what age can the kitten be processed from fleas? Here's the answer:

  • You can process the kitten from the fleas using special drops, starting already from 1-2 months age.
  • After all, the presence of these insects can cause significant harm to the animal even in infancy.
  • Of course, the age of the pet also determines the type of means. For very small kittens, you should choose more natural, sparing products.
  • Those drops that adult cats process are not suitable.
  • You can use sprays or drops on the withers.
  • As a rule, aged 1-2 months Kittens are treated from fleas even the most humane owners who believe that the animal is not worth "torturing".

It is worth knowing: If the kitten is smaller 4 weeks And he has fleas, they do not use drugs, but folk recipes - as a rule, these are natural decoctions and infusions.

Antlock collars are also used to combat fleas. But it is worth remembering that they do not serve to eradicate existing parasites, but for prevention. If fleas are already available, then it is better to resort to the help of medicines.

Important: Carefully study the composition of the drops and choose those in the recipe of which there are natural components. After all, the smaller the kitten, the more sensitive his body is.

In the process of processing, the pet should not experience discomfort from substances with a sharp, unpleasant odor, and even more so - suffocate. Follow the baby, and if he does not like something or he does not feel bad, then you need to remove the product as soon as possible.

At what age do kittens begin to walk?

The kitten is already starting to walk
The kitten is already starting to walk

From birth, kittens are absolutely helpless and are not able to move independently. But at what age are kittens still start to walk? Here's the answer:

  • After 5-10 days After birth, the sensory abilities of the animal increase, and it begins to develop the front paws.
  • Nearer by the 10th day The kittens have eyes open, so they have a feeling of orientation in space.
  • In the future, the children will continue to develop sensory abilities. Thanks to the organs of touch and hearing, the kitten will achieve the ability to navigate in space, which will contribute to confident formation on the paws.
  • In two weeks, the baby will feel confident, and will even make attempts to jump.

From this moment it can be assumed that the kitten actually began to walk. With practice, the ability to walk will improve, and already after 20-25 days After birth, the skill of walking will come close to the skills of an adult.

Preparations of kittens from worms: at what age are the kittens anti -adhesive?

Rollist to kittens from worms
Rollist to kittens from worms

Worms for animals bring many health and well -being problems. Therefore, they need to be removed in a timely manner, and it is better to do prevention. At what age are the kittens to be anthelmintic? Answer:

  • You can deal with helminths already since three -week age.
  • However, drugs should have the appropriate mark. If there is no inscription on the packaging "For kittens", then this tool can only be used in one and a half to two months.
  • Kittens should not be adhesive often - 1 time every three months will be sufficient.

The most popular drugs for kittens from worms:

  • Tablets:  Milbemax, Drontal, Prazitel, Dirophen. Despite the fact that the tablet form is more complex in terms of animal use. Veterinarians advise her precisely, since tablets have a higher concentration of active substances. You can crush the pill and put the powder in the food of the kitten or immediately in the mouth. But then you need to give a drink, for example, from a syringe without a needle.
  • Suspension: Prasitar, puzzide, dirophen and feuttal combo. Convenient form for admission. In liquid form, you can give a tool using a special dispenser, which is in the packaging or using the same syringe without a needle.
  • DropsDrontsit, Profender, Stronghold, Prazicide. Used as a prevention.

It is important to consider: How often your kitten goes outside (and whether it comes out), how often it communicates with other animals. If the pet is constantly at home and there are no other animals in the apartment, you can less often adhesive.

Food and food are taken into account. In some cases, the remedy for worms is used more often than 1 time in 3-4 months,if the animal eats offal, raw minced meat, etc. But the kitten can become infected with worms even before birth-from a mother-cat. The drug should be selected in accordance with age and weight. As a rule, most funds are present both in the "adult" version and in the "children's" (for kittens).

Advice: Give preference to natural drugs.

To what age does the cat care about the kitten: Facts

The cat takes care of the kitten
The cat takes care of the kitten

Kittens, like any children, always very depend on the mother, but at some point, still you need to become independent. What age does the cat take care of the kitten?

  • At a time when the kids are socialized ( 1 to 3 weeks), they have a feeling of kinship. They understand that you need to repeat everything after the mother, but there are people who are also interesting and fun with.
  • Also at this time, the role of a cat is growing not only as just a mother, but as a teacher and a mentor.
  • Using games and communication, the mother builds the behavior of babies, teaches them to hunt.

In the subsequent stage of socialization, approximately from 3 to 8 weeks, the last formation of the skills of caring for oneself and the instilling of cleanliness occurs. Despite the fact that kittens may seem independent, to excommunicate kittens from the mother is not the best option.

It is worth knowing: Nearer by 12-16 weeks Kittens become much more independent, and the cat ceases to take care of them and this is already a proven fact by many owners of these cute animals.

From what age can you cut the claws of the kitten: recommendations

The kitten cuts the claws
The kitten cuts the claws

Long claws interfere with any domestic animal. In addition, they can break, damaging the tip of the paw, and this is already dangerous, since an infection can get inside the body. At what age can you cut the claws of the kitten? Answer:

  • This can be done starting from 4 months. At this time, they are already starting to interfere with the cat to run and actively move.
  • The formation of claws begins much earlier - from 4-8 weeks of lifeAnd if there is a probability that the cub can be injured due to the length of his claws, you can proceed to the procedure much earlier than the set time.
  • At a younger age, the claws of the kittens are fragile, so they do not cause significant harm, but they can interfere and injure the legs if the animal accidentally caught on something.

Of course, it is worth paying attention to how quickly the claws grow. After all, in some animals, claws grow faster, in others - slower. It is best to cut a haircut once or twice a month.

Important recommendation: When carrying out the first haircut, you should pay attention to the accustoming the pet to the procedure, calming it and encouraging a treat.

At what age do kittens open their eyes?

Grown kitten with long -open eyes
Grown kitten with long -open eyes

Not every owner of cats knows the characteristics of the body of his pet. Especially newcomers cannot even answer such a question as opening the eye of a kitten. We will try to clarify the situation.

Experienced owners, based on their expertise, know that the eyes of the kittens open on 7-20 days after birth. It all depends on the features of the cat breed:

  • Leaders in this matter are considered Sphinxes. There were cases of the birth of these kittens with already open eyes. Basically, on the third day, the sphinxes are already confidently looking into the eyes of everyone around them.
  • The next in turn are representatives Siamese, Thai and Siberian rocks. These include and British with the Scots. The opening period of the eyes of such kittens occurs from the fifth to the tenth day.
  • In the last place are the kittens of the rocks Ragollah. They open their eyes approximately on the 21st day after birth.

It is worth knowing: Cats do not finally see at the time of opening the eyes. They become completely sighted on 5-8 days After they opened their eyes.

Video: bought a kitten? 3 important tips - how to care for a kitten?

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