The Fly Lady System is an ideal mistress in Russian, mothers with young children: assignments for each day to clean and crumble an apartment, home, kitchen, care of finances, tips, templates, commandments, reviews

The Fly Lady System is an ideal mistress in Russian, mothers with young children: assignments for each day to clean and crumble an apartment, home, kitchen, care of finances, tips, templates, commandments, reviews

The concept and principles of the Fly Lady system. Templates and samples of completed cleaning plans, compiling a menu.

Women have long entered the outside world and reduced their stay in the house. However, the amount of work on its cleaning remained the same.

Therefore, perspicacious ladies come up with and try in practice different ways to optimize time for household chores, self -care and family members.

One of the systems that help solve these and other problems is the Fly lady.

Although she comes from the West, Russian women adapted the system for themselves.

How they succeeded, what secrets they opened - let's talk in more detail.

Fly Lady System - the perfect mistress in Russian is: where to start - step -by -step instructions

A smiling girl removes in the kitchen according to the Fly lady system
a smiling girl removes in the kitchen according to the Fly lady system

To instill in the housewife skills on the Fly Lady system, use the following steps:

  • wash the sink and stove in the kitchen in the evening before bedtime, thoroughly and wipe the dry
  • follow the steps to dislocate housing and only then proceed to the implementation of cleaning plans,
  • make a separate notebook for notes in which mark daily plans, morning and evening routine cases, areas of your house/apartments with a list of types of cleaning work, dishes, shopping lists,
  • dress and look so that it is comfortable at the time of opening the doors in front of any guests,
  • drive no more than half an hour cleaning of a particular zone in one approach,
  • proceed the space of the dwelling daily for 15 minutes,
  • start cleaning unnecessary things - clothes, sheets with records, magazines from a small zone, for example, on the nightstand, coffee table, chair, chair
  • determine in your house/apartment a cleanliness island, for example, a stove, and always keep it in an exemplary order,
  • mark the steps completed in the magazine and praise yourself at the end of the page every day,
  • plan a general cleaning lasting 2 hours and complete it,
  • disassemble the rubble on horizontal surfaces, give this occupation for 2-3 minutes,
  • buy a timer and observe the duration of a particular action on it,
  • plan and implement the steps to care for yourself regularly.

Cleaning and slamming an apartment, a private house according to the Fly lady: schedule, templates and commandments

The girl hovering in the air vacuuming in the room on the Fly Lady system
the girl hovering in the air vacuuming in the room on the Fly Lady system

The very first step on the Fly Lady system is the collection and elimination of trash and unnecessary things.

  • Start by finding and folding into a package of any 20 units. The old check, and a wrapper from sweets, and last year’s train ticket are accepted. If you take a larger one, then a broken fan, an alarm, the tremple also feel free to send to the coveted bag for gathering rubbish.
  • The crime in the system under consideration is understood to be the removal of things that you are not going to use anymore. For example, the old piles of magazines can be handed over to waste paper, and clothes can be sacrificed to the orphanage/temple/humanitarian organization.
  • Make announcements about the gratuitous return of your books, which have long been read and take a place on the shelves/coffee table, and the beautiful dresses from which you grew up will delight a girlfriend or her daughter.
  • As for the schedule for closing, first do them, devoting to each zone no more than a third of an hour a day.

If the rubbish is too much in a specific place, plan its analysis here for a week.

Below we add several tables that help organize cleaning in the house to eliminate excess trash in the first place.

List of inventory for cleaning a house according to the Fly Lady system
list of inventory for cleaning a house according to the Fly Lady system
A detailed plan for cleaning and closing the apartment according to the Fly lady, sample 1
a detailed plan for cleaning and closing the apartment according to the Fly lady, sample 1
Ready -made sample cleaning plan in the house for a week according to the Fly Lady system, example 2
ready -made sample cleaning plan in the house for a week according to the Fly Lady system, example 2
Template for filling out daily plans for a week according to the Fly Lady system
template for filling out daily plans for a week according to the Fly Lady system
Template for lounging housing under the name what to give by Fly lady
template for losing housing called "what to give" on the Fly lady
An empty template for recording plans to slam the house on the Fly lady
an empty template for recording plans to slam the house on the Fly lady

Kitchen cleaning on the Fly lady: tips, templates and commandments

The girl washes cabinets in the kitchen according to the Fly Lady system
the girl washes cabinets in the kitchen according to the Fly Lady system

Get a page in a magazine/notebook with a plan for cleaning the kitchen area only after completely remove the entire trash here. Then it will be much easier and faster to restore order.

A sample of the kitchen cleaning plan:

  • Throw away all the excess from the refrigerator and wash it.
  • Wash the microwave from the outside and inside.
  • Wash the stove and oven.
  • Wipe the jars and trinkets.
  • Gently spread everything in boxes and cabinets.
  • Wipe the stains from the walls.
  • Wash the windows from the inside.
  • Wash/shake the filter in the hood.
  • Wipe the cabinet doors. (Not all at once, in several tricks).
  • Wipe the ceiling and lamps.
  • Put in order under the sink, throw off old rags, plastic bottles, boxes.
  • Wash the cat-dog bowls.
  • Wash the floor.

And a few more options for cleaning templates.

A detailed plan of work in the kitchen according to the Fly lady system
a detailed plan of work in the kitchen according to the Fly lady system
Brief list and plan for the kitchen for the Fly lady
brief list and plan for the kitchen for the Fly lady

To make everything in the kitchen according to the Fly Lady system, consider the main commandments:

  • start cleaning from the ceiling
  • go to devices in which dirt and/or excess fluid accumulates
  • pay attention to vertical and horizontal surfaces
  • wipe all the figures, dishes, trinkets on each shelf
  • clean the zone under the sink
  • complete the cleaning of the floors

Use the kitchen cleaning plan as a sample presented in the picture below.

An empty sheet from a control magazine to fill out the cleaning plans of the kitchen
an empty sheet from a control magazine to fill out the cleaning plans of the kitchen

Preparation, cleaning for the New Year, Easter for the Fly lady: tips, templates and commandments

Room in the house before cleaning and after Easter
room in the house before cleaning and after Easter

General cleaning before these holidays, even according to the system of a flying lady, should be properly organized and conducted.

Below are a series of tips that will help you turn your house into a island of purity and order:

  • plan cleaning by zones, carefully considering all types of work,
  • observe the golden rule-spend 15-20 minutes a day both on the plan and its implementation,
  • check and replenish the stocks of the required inventory, making a list for purchases,
  • start in advance to perform cleaning work in the zones, then on the eve of the holiday you will not have to rush around the apartment and in a panic to try to clean up,
  • if you have not been engaged in the disposal of trash and unnecessary things, it's time to start doing it as soon as possible,
  • arm yourself with a garbage bag with handles and walk around the zone or the entire apartment in order to assemble 20-30 pieces of trash,
  • review your wardrobe for the presence of completely new things that you do not plan to wear, but are ready to give easily,
  • a day before the holiday, you should only have dust elimination from horizontal surfaces and lamp washing.

Below are a number of photos of the girl’s control magazine, who planned the general cleaning of the apartment before the New Year.

Photo of the control log of the house before the New Year, sample 1
photo of the control log of the house before the New Year, sample 1
Photo of the control log of the house before the New Year, sample 2
photo of the control log of the house before the New Year, sample 2
Photo of the control log of the house before the New Year, sample 3
photo of the control log of the house before the New Year, sample 3
Photo of the control journal of the house before the new year, sample 4
photo of the control journal of the house before the new year, sample 4
Photo of the control log of the house before the New Year, sample 5
photo of the control log of the house before the New Year, sample 5

Below you will find a template as a brazier to fill out plans for cleaning the children's room before the holidays.

An empty template to fill out the list of cases to prepare a house for the New Year or Easter
an empty template to fill out the list of cases to prepare a children's room for the New Year or Easter

Accounting for financial resources, saving the budget for the Fly lady: tips, templates and commandments

On the table, a set of stationery for compiling an estimate of family expenses according to the Fly Lady system
on the table, a set of stationery for compiling an estimate of family expenses according to the Fly Lady system

The Fly Lady's system does not teach savings, but to conscious expenditure of funds. The technique of small steps will help you come to this.

Pay attention to a number of tips to teach yourself a record of money on the Fly:

  • Take the pen and sheet of paper, mark on the last 2 columns - income and expenses.
  • In the first, make all types and amounts of revenues for the current month, in the second - mandatory payments and amounts from checks that lie in a bag, packages, and pockets of clothing
  • Accustom yourself to keep notes all the expenses from the first to the last day of the month for 60-90 days. Noteships of notebooks, checks, a recorder on the phone are suitable.
  • Create a stabilization fund, or homeless deposit, and replenish it monthly in the amount of 10% of the income.
  • Gently increase the stabund to an amount equal to the triple value of all expenses per month. This will help your family live in the usual rhythm for a couple of months in the event of a change of work or a temporary transition to the status of the unemployed.

When you have a table with expenses in a few months before your eyes, distribute them in 3 columns:

  • mandatory
  • desireing
  • insignificant

The third column is a cost optimization zone.
Refusing to spend from it, you can realize your small dreams, for example, having ceased to buy coffee in a coffee shop in the morning, you will save money in a month to buy the desired cream.

Below you will find a sample of accounting for the financial resources of the family according to the system under consideration.

Sample table on a computer to account for finance consumption for a family according to the Fly Lady system
sample table on a computer to account for finance consumption for a family according to the Fly Lady system

Beauty plan - leaving the Fly lady: tips, templates and commandments

Girl in the bathroom with flower petals
girl in the bathroom with flower petals

As a template for drawing up a plan, any proposed above is suitable for you.

It is important to observe a number of points:

  • List the morning and evening mandatory care procedures.
  • Designate for each day of the week the procedure for caring for a specific part of the body, for example, Monday- arms, Tuesday- legs, Friday- hair.
  • Add the schedule of visiting specialists-a hairdresser, manicure-pedicure, eyebrows, spa/bath with or without friends, cosmetologist, fitness/gym/dance/yoga.
  • Follow the plan for at least 2-3 months regularly to fix the result.

Add a few ready -made beauty plans that are developed and used by girls in the Fly.

A sample plan for leaving the Fly Lady system, example 1
a sample plan for leaving the Fly Lady system, example 1
A sample plan for leaving the Fly Lady system, example 2
a sample plan for leaving the Fly Lady system, example 2
Empty form from the control magazine of the Fly Lady for planning activities to care
an empty form from the control magazine of the Fly Lady for planning activities for leaving, example 3
A sample of the finished beauty plan according to the Fly Lady system, example 1
a sample of the finished beauty plan according to the Fly Lady system, example 1
A sample of the finished beauty plan according to the Fly Lady system, example 2 and 3
a sample of the finished beauty plan according to the Fly Lady system, example 2 and 3
A sample of the finished beauty plan according to the Fly Lady system, example 4 and 5
a sample of the finished beauty plan according to the Fly Lady system, example 4 and 5
A sample of the finished beauty plan according to the Fly Lady system, example 6 and 7
a sample of the finished beauty plan according to the Fly Lady system, example 6 and 7

How to clean children's toys according to the Fly lady: tips, templates and commandments

Rational arrangement of toys in the children's room
rational arrangement of toys in the children's room

Families with children sooner or later face the problem of cleaning toys. Women practicing the Fly Lady advise:

  • buy and use special containers and shelves for storing toys, for example, ikea,
  • get plastic boxes with lids,
  • adapt a special grid suspended to the ceiling, for these purposes,
  • organize boxes from underwear for toys storage,
  • sort them so that for a day to give the child a new set of different things,
  • show fantasy - turn the usual plastic chest of drawers into a toy storage, indicating stickers of boxes with types of entertainment,
  • limit the child’s access to small toys, if you understand that there really is no time for their subsequent collection,
  • encourage the baby to remove the toys yourself in a playful way,
  • sew special bags for their storage, decorating the first applications.

Daily routine Fly lady

The girl draws up a plan for the Fly Lady's System
the girl draws up a plan for the Fly Lady's System

The day on this system is divided into several parts:

  • morning and evening routes
  • list of cases during the day planned earlier
  • campaign for purchases
  • preparation on the compiled menu
  • time for caring for oneself

Add the main postulates of the Fly lady from which the daily routine is visible:

The main postulates of the Fly Lady system
the main postulates of the Fly Lady system

How to keep a Lady Fly magazine?

Collage from pages from the control magazine on the Fly lady
collage from pages from the control magazine on the Fly lady

We denote a number of important points for the answer to the question:

  • decide on the place of its conduct-a notebook, notebook, exel-page,
  • divide the page into several blocks, for example, title, main tables, shopping lists, beauty plan, financial accounting, menu, menu, menu
  • find the type of template that inspires you
  • detail each block, for example, in the title, mark the date, number of the week and the name of the cleaning zone of the house, Wishlist, in the main tables - routes, lists of affairs, in beauty plans - home procedures and visiting doctors, pool, dancing,
  • summing up daily results,
  • make cleaning plans for the day, week, month, season, quarter, half -year, year,
  • analyze the results, count the costs every month.

Add several more finished templates and compiled pages from the control magazine.

A sample page from the control magazine of a girl applying the principles of the Fly lady
a sample page from the control magazine of a girl applying the principles of the Fly lady
Filled sheet of the Fly Lady's control magazine, example 1
filled sheet of the Fly Lady's control magazine, example 1
Filled sheet of the Fly Lady's control magazine, example 2
filled sheet of the Fly Lady's control magazine, example 2
Filled sheet of the Fly Lady's control magazine, example 3
filled sheet of the Fly Lady's control magazine, example 3
Filled sheet of the Fly Lady's control magazine, example 4
filled sheet of the Fly Lady's control magazine, example 4
Empty form from the control magazine Fly Lady
empty form from the control magazine Fly Lady

How to make lists on the Fly lady?

Several open notebooks on the table with records of lists of affairs on the Fly lady
several open notebooks on the table with records of lists of affairs on the Fly lady

Lists are the basis of the Fly lady. Without them, the system would not be a system.

However, do not get carried away with their compilation in advance, they should be relevant to the current moment and the topic to which they belong.

For example, you make lists for:

  • cleaning
  • menu
  • purchases of products, things, medicines and their analogues, household goods, cosmetics
  • visits to the hospital
  • trips to a picnic, a walk, a business trip, a trip
  • collecting a child in kindergarten, school
  • gathering yourself in the maternity hospital
  • gifts to family members and friends
  • decisions of incomplete cases

You can continue the list of topics for a long time, but the lists fill each of them and help you streamline life and time.

Flying plan for Fly Lady

Template for drawing up a plan for a week according to the Fly Lady system
template for drawing up a plan for a week according to the Fly Lady system

In sections above, we have repeatedly considered examples of ready -made plans for a week with dividing into blocks.

At the same time, a number of girls prefer to detail the plans for each day of the week, others are a general list of what should be done.

Below is an example of the second option:

  • Parse the balcony, utility room, bedside table, wardrobe from the rubbish.
  • Delete unnecessary files, photos, folders on a computer, bookmarks in a browser.
  • To sort out a first -aid kit, a basket with needlework, a box with “interesting” clippings.
  • Disassemble and clean window sills, coffee table, refrigerator, desktop, bedside tables.
  • Grind mirrors daily in the hallway and bathroom.
  • Regularly perform morning and evening routes.
  • Collect garbage.
  • Change bedding.
  • Wipe dust everywhere.
  • Populate all surfaces.
  • Wash the floors.
  • Make a menu for the next week.
  • Think about the purchase list, draw up a budget for the future 7 days.
A sample of compiled plans for a week according to the Fly Lady system
a sample of compiled plans for a week according to the Fly Lady system

Fly lady - economical and quick recipes for dishes

Menu for a week by day according to the Fly lady system
menu for a week by day according to the Fly lady system

Life in the style of the Fly postpone the mark in all areas, including cooking. The main thing here is to observe the balance of speed and benefit.

Add a few recipes for delicious dishes that will take a minimum of your time in cooking.

Recipe 1 Baked cutlets "Lastochkino Nest"

Photo of ready -made cutlet swallow nest
photo of ready -made cutlets "Lastochkino Nest"

You need:

  • minced meat, vegetables and spices that you use to make cutlets
  • fresh tomatoes
  • hard cheese


  • connect the minced meat with spices and vegetables, mix and form cutlets
  • turn on the oven for warming up
  • cut the tomatoes with rings and cheese with plates
  • lubricate with vegetable oil a baking sheet
  • lay cutlets and a piece of tomato and cheese from above for each
  • send to prepare for 40 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 °

Recipe 2 stewed cabbage with spices

Photos of finished stewed cabbage with spices
photos of finished stewed cabbage with spices

You need:

  • small head of white cabbage
  • spices - salt, paprika, basil, thyme in chopped form
  • the middle onion
  • a little olive oil


  • close cabbage coarsely and fold it into a multicooker bowl/pan
  • pour the oils and add spices
  • cut the onion rings and pour in the cabbage
  • mix thoroughly so that each piece of cabbage is saturated
  • select the baking mode in a slow cooker and periodically stir the cabbage
  • on the stove, cook steamed or in a special pan on the 2nd floor for 40-60 minutes

Recipe 3 cheesecakes in the oven

On a plate several fragrant cheesecakes with sour cream and jam
on a plate several fragrant cheesecakes with sour cream and jam

You need the usual ingredients for cheesecakes, but replace flour with semolina.


  • combine all the components of cheesecakes and mix
  • turn on the oven to bask
  • add semolina so that the consistency of the dough is medium density
  • form cheesecakes with your hands or spoon
  • put them on a baking sheet moistened with vegetable oil
  • sprinkle the finished dish if desired
  • serve with sour cream and favorite jam

Recipe 4 "Pitted scrambled eggs/omelet"

Appetizing omelet with vegetables and sausages on a plate with tomatoes
appetizing omelet with vegetables and sausages on a plate with tomatoes

You need:

  • eggs
  • vegetable or butter
  • hunting sausages or boiled/baked meat or vegetables
  • cheri tomatoes
  • salt and spices to taste
  • hard cheese
  • options - milk


  • mix eggs with each other or with milk
  • cut sausage/meat/vegetables and tomatoes
  • add them to the eggs
  • support the mass, pour spices
  • heat the oil in a pan
  • pour the egg-and-cloth/vegetable liquid and cover with a lid
  • rub the cheese or cut it into thin slices
  • distribute on top of the ovarian half -frozen/omelet
  • cover and remove from heat after 2-3 minutes

Recipe 5 Fragrant fish casserole

Slice of fish casserole on a plate with greens
slice of fish casserole on a plate with greens

You need:

  • a couple of steaks of raw red fish
  • a bit of zucchini, bell pepper and bulbs
  • a pair of garlic teeth
  • fragrant spices, for example, "Provencal herbs"
  • chicken eggs 4 pcs.
  • half -bank black without bones of olives
  • hard cheese 100 g
  • salt, dill to taste


  • wash all the vegetables where you need to - remove the peel
  • cut the zucchini with mugs, pepper - squares, garlic and onion finely chop
  • salt the vegetable mass, pour spices and dill
  • rub the cheese
  • beat eggs
  • cut the fish with large squares
  • turn on the oven for heating up to 200 °
  • lubricate the whole shape for the sign with vegetable oil
  • put fish pieces on the bottom
  • distribute the vegetable cut in 2 layers on top
  • soak the space between the layers and sprinkle with cheese
  • send to bake in the oven for half an hour

Below is added a form to fill out menu plans and a list of products.

An empty menu template for a week with a purchase/check check plan
an empty menu template for a week with a purchase/check check plan

So, we got acquainted with the Fly Lady system and learned to draw up lists, cleaning plans, care for ourselves, keep accounting of expenses and rationally use the family budget.

Remember that the most hopeless house in terms of clutter, it will not be saved by the system, but the zeal and specific actions of its mistress.

Video: Clean House for a week - Plan of the Fly Lady System

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