Flowers from vegetables: ideas, manufacturing schemes, photo

Flowers from vegetables: ideas, manufacturing schemes, photo

How to learn to cut flowers from vegetables: step -by -step descriptions and instructions.

  • The art of creating vegetable masterpieces found a response in the hearts of those cooks who prefer new and beautiful. Everyone can master the art of carving. It is only necessary to be careful and not rush, because the artistic cutting of vegetables and fruits requires the accurate execution of each stage.
  • The festive table will look more spectacular if you decorate the dishes in a special way. Fruit vegetables and flowers will be enthusiastically met by adults and children.

Flowers from vegetables: how is this done, where to start a beginner?

Flowers from vegetables, or the method of artistic cutting of vegetables, migrated to the European continent from Southeast Asia. For local women, it is considered familiar to cover with openwork ornaments everything that falls by the arm. Under the impression of the beauty seen, tourists, returning from traveling around Asia, are taking exotic home and, of course, repeat these techniques on their usual products.

Flowers carved from vegetables can compete with real

Now there are many different online courses on which from the first classes you can plunge into the openwork world of carving and learn to cut flowers from vegetables from scratch. We suggest you familiarize yourself with master classes, practice, cutting out flowers from the simplest to more complex options.

Flower composition of vegetables and fruits
Flower composition of vegetables

What is the art of cutting flowers from vegetables:

  • Carving of products is a long and painstaking work. The work is to carefully cut out an interesting ornament or complex figures, make inscriptions, or from cut pieces of preparations of different shapes to add original floral arrangements.
  • In one work, masters combine several types of materials, as well as filigree possess the art of collecting complex vegetable structures. Carving is a mosaic, and flowers, and an ornament, and just drawings carved on the surface of vegetables. Having watched the video a little lower, you can decorate a table for a festive meal yourself with floral compositions.

Flowers from vegetables: how to collect an edible bouquet?

  • To assemble an edible bouquet, we will need vegetables, citruses. You can use those vegetables that are in the refrigerator.
  • We collect the base from dense large fruits. For example, it can be used as the basis of radishes.
  • We fix the structure with wooden skewers and toothpicks.
  • For cutting patterns, it is better to purchase a special carving knife. But if you could not get it or you decided to try to cut out something from the vegetables for the first time, then an ordinary kitchen knife is also suitable. Choose a knife with a thin flexible blade, with a sharp tip.
Flower composition of vegetables
Flower composition of vegetables

Important: To preserve the original type of fruit (fresh and not darkened), each piece of vegetable from the vegetable on both sides should be smeared with a slice of lemon. Then throughout the celebration, flower arrangements of vegetables will look appetizing. So, we start work. You will need no more than 10-15 minutes to create masterpieces with a certain dexterity. Watch video tutorials on how to cut flowers from vegetables and carefully read descriptions!

Video: Beautiful cut of vegetables and fruits

Flowers from vegetables: what tools are needed for decorative cutting?

Starting to cut flowers from vegetables, you may have many questions. Among them, in the first place will be a misunderstanding of what tools are needed and how to work? Let's figure it out!

There are many tools that are used in carving. It can be multi -format knives, with long blades. There are also excavations, various shapes, chisels. Using these tools, you can not only cut flowers, but also apply decorative elements, geometric shapes to the surface of flowers and fruits, decorate with ornaments.

What knives are used to cut flowers from vegetables:

  • thai - It is used to work with dense vegetables (celery, pumpkin, zucchini)
  • engraver - is used to cut out complex patterns if the Thai knife does not cope with the task
  • carbar with a triangular section To cut out different leaves
  • oval - for the design of round and original sections
  • crescent - to cut the ornament on pumpkin, watermelons, other large fruits with a solid peel

These are the main carving knives. With their help, you can create simple ornaments and beautiful decorative elements. There are still many different knives, but professionals already use them.

Carving knives
Knives that are used to cut flowers from vegetables

Video: flowers from vegetables: what tools are needed?

Flowers from vegetables: how to cut flowers from cucumber?

Even the simplest dish becomes refined if the cook shows a little creativity and pays attention to the details. The artistic taste of the cook is also manifested in jewelry carved from vegetables. You can start mastering carving from vegetables by studying step -by -step photos. However, it is better to find a video where the entire process of cutting jewelry and flowers from vegetables is understood in detail. After looking at the whole video, you can start work.

What will be needed to create a decorative sliced \u200b\u200bof cucumber:

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the house has more than one cucumber. Indeed, in the process of cutting, you may have some parts to be crooked and then you will have to cut it off again.
  • The second prerequisite for further work will be the presence of an acute good knife. Watch the video how simply you can make jewelry for dishes from cucumber - from simple to more complex options.

Video: Flowers from vegetables - decorative slicing of a cucumber

Video: Flowers from vegetables - cucumber rose

Video: Flowers from vegetables - jewelry from cucumber

Flowers from vegetables: how to make a rose of carrots?

Carrot rose: Method 1

  • Start cutting flowers from vegetables. Pre -rinse the carrots under running water, thoroughly wipe with a dry paper towel. After that, cut into thin circles.
Flowers from vegetables: cut out a rose of carrots
  • We lower the chopped circles of the vegetable into salted water for 15-20 minutes. This simple technique will help to give the petals of our flower from carrots of flexibility. After pieces of carrots are dried on a napkin or paper towel, lay them on the table in one row, applying on each other.
  • We turn a strip of carrot circles with a roll. On both sides of the future bud, we fix the petals with toothpicks. You can lay out the first rose on the festive dish. As leaves, you can use parsley or other greens.

Video: Flowers from vegetables - how to make a rose of carrots?

Carrot rose: Method 2

  • For work you will need a special knife. Cut the plates along the vegetable.
  • Again, lay out all the chopped pieces of carrots in salted water for 15-20 minutes. After our plates brews in water, lay them on the surface of a paper towel and cover with another towel on top.
  • When the plates dry out, we proceed to the formation of buds. We take the plate and begin to tighten it with a tight roll. We continue with another plate, bending in half in some places and turning it. We fix it with a toothpick.

Video: Flowers from vegetables - Carrot cones

Flowers from vegetables: how to make lilies made of carrots or radish?

  • The most common element for decorating a dish on a festive table made using carving technique is a flower. You can cut flowers from dense vegetables. We will cut out the lily.
  • For work, you will need a special carving knife or ordinary, but sharp. We will cut lilies from carrots, or from radish. We cut the vegetables across, dividing into three parts. If you have never cut flowers from vegetables before, it will be more convenient to start working from a wide part.
  • We cut off the rounded sidewalls, giving carrots the shape of a pentagon. We make incisions from the sides. It is not necessary to cut off the fully cut parts. In such a simple way, you will make the first (lower) series of petals of future lily.
  • Next, we begin to make incisions in a checkerboard pattern. Only this row is slightly different from the first - it is necessary to cut off the flat sides, but the corners formed after trimming the first layer. We cut the edges of each petal with scissors, giving a pointed shape.
  • If a piece of carrots is wide at the base, then you can make many petals. From a thin piece of carrots in the base, a “bud” with a small number of petals will be obtained. We give the core a more pointed shape with a knife, cut off the top slightly (to deepen the core inside the flower). After the main form of the core is formed, we make stamens.
  • We repeat all the described actions with the other part of the vegetable (carrots or radish), just take a little less or more a piece. When several colors are ready, you can start decorating the dish. Such a flower composition will decorate both a vegetable and a meat dish well.

Carrots or radish lilies: how to cut?

Important: for the composition to look beautiful, it is better to mix various root crops. Both radios and cucumbers are suitable (choose a vegetable with smooth skin), and pumpkin. If you opted for fruits, then apples, oranges, lemons, watermelons and melons can be used here.

  • For a more aesthetic type of finished flower of carrots, it is better to opt for the root crop in which the color of the core is not particularly expressed.
  • Choosing cabbage for carving, you should pay attention to whether cabbage sheets are well held on a stump. A dense head looks better.
  • If you need to highlight some part of the vegetable with rich color, then Bulgarian pepper is ideal for this purpose. Pepper also perfectly complements any flowers from vegetables.

Video: Flowers from vegetables - Learning to cut out jewelry from cucumber

Flowers from vegetables: carrot butterfly:

  • For us, the usual way of serving vegetables is slicing slices, rings. For beginner carvingists, we offer a video where one of the outstanding options is considered - a carrot butterfly.
  • An unusual element that can be confidently called a mini-sculpture on a festive dish, guaranteed to attract the attention of guests. One large carrots will get a lot of butterflies. The same decorative element will be made of radis.

How to make a butterfly of vegetables - see the video presented below.

Video: Carrot butterfly

Video: How to cut a butterfly from a radishes?

Flowers from vegetables: chrysanthemum from onions

The original decoration of the festive table will be onion flowers. It can be chrysanthemums, asters, or other flowers that have many petals. For work, you will need a onion, a sharp knife. In addition, you need the appropriate mood. If you have a bad mood, then it is better not to start cutting beauty from vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to choose small bulbs for the flower arrangement. So chrysanthemums will correspond to the present more.

  • Pre -remove the husk from the bulb. Cut off the top. We do not cut the bulbs to the bottom. If you cut off the lower part, then the entire future design of the flower can fall apart.
  • We make an incision along the central line, without cutting to the end of about 1 cm. We make a second perpendicular to the first cut, also leaving 1 cm to the end.
  • Now all the part that formed after cutting is divided in half with a knife. Thus, in the end we get eight identical parts. Divide each part in half and get 16 parts.
  • We begin to carefully disclose the petals of our chrysanthemum from the lower layers.
  • Pour cold water into the container and lower the onion for 10-15 minutes. Again we reveal the petals of the second row of chrysanthemum. After all the petals are open, you can start cutting the next flower from the vegetable.

Video: flowers from vegetables - chrysanthemum from onions to decorate salads

Flowers from vegetables: chrysanthemum from cauliflower

  • For cutting chrysanthemums from cauliflower, you will need that part of the vegetable that usually finds himself in the garbage bucket. To begin with, we need to get rid of the upper part of the cabbage head. We also remove the entire loose part of the leaves.
  • Then we need a carbon groove knife. We make sections from the edge to the middle with this knife. The length of the cuts can be different. Closer to the middle of the cut, shorten to give the petal the form narrowed down like a real chrysanthemum.
  • It completes our work on creating chrysanthemums from color cabbage "bathing" cut out a flower from a vegetable in cold water. Stay in cold water will give the incisions a beautiful shape - they will twist a little, which will give the flower of the missing grace.

Recipes of festive dishes and decoration options you will find here. Article on how to arrange salads and snacks here.

Flowers from vegetables: schemes and step -by -step descriptions of processes

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Video: Flowers from vegetables - how to cut a chrysanthemum from cauliflower?

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