Proceeds about life with morality are short - wise, for children

Proceeds about life with morality are short - wise, for children

Proverbs about life help to rethink their behavior and what is happening around. In order to look at the world differently, we advise you to read this article.

The meaning of the parables is aimed at awakening of bright feelings and emotions, gaining mental harmony. The parables of the sages play the role of an instrument for educating true values.

Life parables for children

Life about life and envy

  • A man settled in a new house. Near the house he planted a large fruit garden. After a while, he began to harvest.
  • An old man lived next to a man in a dilapidated hut. It was very envious of him to watch the harvest.
  • One fine morning a man came out onto the porch, and a bunch of garbage was scattered in front of the house. He had to rake someone else's garbage. He guessed that these were a neighbor's trick. The simplest thing is to go to quarrel with a neighbor. But the man found another way out of the situation.
  • He picked up a full basket of ripe apples and went to the old man. The neighbor, seeing the man through the window, joyfully rubbed his hands, they say, finally, I annoyed him. But when he opened the door, he saw that the man had left, leaving the basket of apples on the threshold, and in it the note “who is rich in what is the case.”

Morality:the essence of the parables teaches not to rush to respond to other people's meanness anger. Become an example of polite and good behavior. Leave another person a chance to improve.

About envy
About envy

Parable about hasty conclusions

  • The little boy tore off two pears from the tree and brought it home. Mom saw that her son with hotels. I asked if she could be treated with one pear. The boy thought a little, and then took and biting every fruit.
  • Mom was bewildered and thought that her son was greedy, that she needed to conduct a conversation with him about greed.
  • After a moment, the boy handed one of the fruits to his mother. He said that both fruits are delicious, but this one is much sweeter!

Morality:the essence of the parables about life suggests that you should not draw hasty conclusions, each act may have invisible, but very respectful reasons.

Parable about life and bad deeds

  • One student had a very complex character. His dad presented him with a box of nails and asked to accompany every wrong act with a clogged nail in a wooden pillar.
  • On the first day, the student had to score more than three dozen nails. Then the boy tried to control his behavior. Realizing that it was much easier to change for the better than scoring nails, he began to control his every step.
  • Noticing the change, his father asked to take out one nail for each good act. After some time, the pillar completely freed from the nails.
  • Father led the boy to the log and said: “The fact that you have recovered is very good. Only now the holes in the log will remain forever and there is nothing to fix them. Never return to your previous behavior. ”

Morality: the essence of the parables teaches that every bad act hurts another person. You can apologize, but erase memories from memory is much more difficult. Therefore, your behavior must always be controlled.

About actions
About actions

Parable about the reflection of the soul

  • On the side of the road stood a dried tree lonely.
  • In the dark, a thief passed past the tree. Seeing the silhouette of a tree in the dark, it seemed to him that he was a policeman in front of him. Out of fear, the thief ran away where his eyes looked.
  • One evening, a guy in love passed by a tree. Noticing the silhouette of a tree, it seemed to him that in the distance there was a beloved and peeping it around. He got excited and began to run towards.
  • Among the white day, a mother with a child passed past a tree. The little boy was afraid of the leading and when he saw the tree, remembered his fear and burst into tears.
  • The tree still remained a tree.

Morality: The essence of the parable suggests that the world around us is our reflection. Everything that we notice in the surrounding objects is present in ourselves, both good and bad.

Parable about the meaning of words in our life

  • A quarrel occurred between friends. One of his friends began to speak poorly about the second in the circle of strangers. After a while, resentment passed, and the young man understood his mistake. He came to a friend and began to apologize.
  • After hearing an apology, the second boy asked. He asked to open the pillow and let all the feathers in the wind. The first boy obeyed and gutted the pillow. The wind grabbed feathers and spinned down the street. Then the second boy asked a new request to collect all the feathers back. But it is already impossible to do this after the wind. So and offensive words. The first boy spoke a lot of unpleasant words, they spread between people along the street. Resentment has passed, but you can no longer take the words back.

Morality: The meaning of the parables in the famous saying "The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you will not catch." Before saying something, you need to think so that you will not regret it later.

Parable about the meaning of work in our life

  • Three builders were transferred to the bricks on the working area. A curious boy walked past them, who decided to ask what they were doing.
  • Each builder, performing the same work, answered the boy very differently.
  • The first builder said that he wears bricks, because he has such a job.
  • The second builder said that he needs money and therefore he wears bricks.
  • The third builder replied that he was participating in the construction of a beautiful house, in which happy families will soon settle.
  • The boy was very surprised how you can do the same work with such a different mood.

Morality: the meaning of the parable of life is that any business needs to begin with positive emotions. In each process you can find light and pleasant sides. Change the attitude to work, and it will not be a burden to you.

Parable about the choice of a person

  • A sage lived in one city. The rumor about his wise tips scattered around the world. One man was very envious of such fame and decided to teach the sage.
  • A man caught a moth in the meadow and closed it in his palms. He came to the sage with a question, a living moth in his palms or dead. He thinks, if he says that he is alive, I will immediately slam the moth and refute his words. Then everyone around is doubted in the words of the sage.
  • The sage looked very carefully at the man, he realized that he had conceived a trick and said to him: "Everything is in your hands."

Morality: The meaning of the parable is that we ourselves decide what to do. What is right and what our conscience should not tell us.

The choice is yours
The choice is yours

Parables about life wise

Parable about life and love

  • At the weekend, a daughter came to my mother. Mom noticed that the child had no mood and decided to talk to her "heart to heart." At dinner, the daughter told that she was disappointed in love. What meets with a young man that loves him, but his actions cause her pain and leads to quarrels.
  • Mom wiped the tears of her child and offered to taste a fresh watermelon. It was a beloved daughter's delicacy. After the watermelon was over, my mother continued the conversation.
  • She suggested comparing the feeling of love with the watermelon. After all, everyone who loves sweet pulp gets rid of the peel and bones. So it is in love. It is necessary to remove everything superfluous and unpleasant from the head and heart. To be able to enjoy love, like a watermelon pulp.

Morality: The essence of the parables reports that love is a constant job. Sometimes you need to be able to forgive. From rotten fruits, as well as “rotten” people, you need to get rid of.

Parable about expectations from life

  • At the art exhibition, a new canvas was presented to the general public. In the picture, Jesus was drawn, trying to reach the owner of the house through closed doors. Spectators considered the details of the picture with interest. One of the journalists discovered the missing detail in the picture and immediately voiced the artist.
  • The door, which was knocking into, had neither a handle nor the castle. How can you get inside through such a door.
  • The author of the picture immediately hastened to explain this detail. The door was associated with a human heart and it is possible to open it only from the inside.

Morality: the essence of the parables about life is that the closed heart cannot be filled with love, happiness, joy. If we want changes, then we need to be ready for them. Do not close, but go towards a new life.

It is important to open the door to changes
It is important to open the door to changes

Parable about life and trust

  • Traveling in the mountains, the girl met with a snake. The instinct of self -preservation immediately aroused the desire to run. But suddenly the snake spoke to her. In the dialogue, the snake complained about its health due to the cold climate and lack of food. She voiced that she had very little to live. She asked the girl to transfer her to more comfortable conditions.
  • The girl, realizing that the snake is poisonous, immediately refused the request. But the snake began to assure that she would not harm and proposed sincere friendship.
  • The traveler began to look at the snake and admired her beautiful color. The snake bribed her appearance and placed her companion. The girl decided to take care of a living creature, wrapped a snake into a jacket and continued the path with her.
  • As soon as the girl crossed the mountainous terrain and went down to the clearing, the snake immediately crawled along the girl’s leg and bit her.
  • The girl was outraged, because the snake assured that she could be trusted. In parting, the snake hissed that she was a snake, so she remained. A person should not trust the snake.

Morality:the meaning of the parables is that you can never take satellites in the life of a person who does not cause trust. Otherwise, blind kindness will come out sideways to you.


Parable of interaction and support between people

  • In one house, the owner placed mousetraps for annoying rodents. One of the mice saw the upcoming danger and hastened to share the news with pets. The mouse asked for help from the chicken, cows and sheep, but they ignored her appeal - they say, the mouse for mice, so understand yourself.
  • The mouse managed to get by with the mousetrap, but the snake accidentally landed there, which later bit the owner's wife. The exhausted patient needed to cook the broth and the chicken had to be slaughtered. To feed a large number of visitors to the sick wife, I had to cut the sheep.
  • The wife died and the owner had to stab a cow for commemoration at the funeral.
  • The mink mouse watched all these events, thinking about other people's problems ...

Morality:the meaning of the parable convey that things and events that today are not of any value for you can become vital tomorrow. Do not rush to refuse people to help, because soon you will need help.

The parable of life

  • In distant times, King Solomon ruled. He was famous for his judgment and wisdom. Solomon was very emotional. His own thoughts made his everyday life very restless. Then the king decided to take advantage of the advice of the court sage. He asked the sage to help get rid of the passions and emotions that lead him out of balance.
  • The sage found a solution to this problem. He suggested that King Solomon put on an engraving ring: “It will pass!” The king had to look at this inscription during an emotional surge.
  • One day, Solomon was very angry. Looking at the ring and reading “It will pass!”, He got even more angry. He immediately removed the ring and wanted to throw it into the pond, but suddenly noticed another inscription on the inside of the ring: “And this will pass too!”

Morality:the meaning of the parable of life suggests that any emotions are not durable, we must learn to control our anger and enjoy the minutes of joy.

Parable about love, wealth and health

  • One woman left the house and saw three elders near her gate. She greeted them hospitably, offered to take a break from the road. The old people did not refuse, but asked to comply with one condition.
  • The first old man called wealth, the second old man was called health, and the third love. They enter a strange house only one at a time. Therefore, the old people asked her to choose one of them.
  • The woman ran home to consult with her husband. The husband immediately suggested calling wealth, and his wife wanted to call his health more. A daughter joined their conversation - she offered to call love. Parents listened to her.
  • The woman left the house and called love into the house. All three elders followed her surprise in the house. Because in the house where love reigns, there is a place for both health and wealth.

Morality: The essence of the parable is that material wealth should be of secondary importance. If mutual understanding and love reign in the family, then all other desires will certainly come true.

Proverbs "Life Lesson"

  • One wise man grew 4 sons. Father wanted to teach sons to draw the right conclusions and never stop on a superficial assessment of what is happening. Having thought a little, he found an interesting way.
  • The wise man sent four sons in search of an apple tree, which grew far from their home. The first son went in winter, the second son went in the spring, the third son followed in the summer, and the fourth in the fall. Returning, they gathered to exchange impressions.
  • The first son said that the apple tree had a lifeless look. Her branches from moisture seemed black and scaring.
  • The second son said that he watched a beautiful picture. The apple tree was strewn with blooming buds and opening buds. A new life was born in it.
  • The third son said that the apple tree appeared before him in all its glory, a brightly flowering and always green tree.
  • The fourth son said that he had already enjoyed delicious apples and that he was delighted with such a generous harvest.
  • According to the stories of sons, one might think that they all met different trees. But in fact, everyone spoke of the same apple tree, but at different periods of her life.
Do not evaluate a person right away
Do not evaluate a person right away

Morality: the meaning of the parable of life suggests that one cannot evaluate a person according to one current situation. Today we are accompanied by failure, tomorrow we will meet love, later we will experience joy or grief, after a while we will achieve success.

Video: parable about the great wisdom of life

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