Interesting facts from the life of great people are the best selection

Interesting facts from the life of great people are the best selection

A selection of interesting facts from the life of great people.

Interesting facts from Tolstoy's life

Interesting facts from Tolstoy's life

Interesting facts from Tolstoy's life:

  • Most people perceive Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy as a person who wrote serious works that make you think. But in fact, he also wrote greatly for children. But for some reason he did not like his famous creation “War and Peace”.
  • Another interesting fact from the life of a great man - his wife was almost half the years than him. When the writer was 34 years old, he tied his fate with Sophia Bers. At the time of marriage, she will be fulfilled only 18 years.
  • Tolstoy’s wife and daughter took a direct part in the creation of his masterpieces. The wife created the so -called "cleanlines", and the daughter of Agrippina corrected them.
  • The great writer was an adherent of vegetarianism. He loved plant foods, and it was with it that he preferred to eat. And in general, he dreamed that people stop eating meat.
  • Leo Tolstoy, in a certain period of his life, almost completely abandoned the shoes, and preferred to walk barefoot all the time. As he himself said to harden and improve the body.
  • The great writer was very reverent to his horse. He loved her so much that he asked his relatives when the time came, to bury her near his grave. But so reverently, he did not treat all animals, for example, the barking of dogs annoyed him very much.
  • Tolstoy was disgusted with such a product as cherries. Therefore, in his house, all dishes and drinks from this delicious berry were banned.
  • The writer perceived his work negatively, he constantly wanted to change something when the work was already completed. Perhaps that is why he rewrote the “war and peace” eight times, and spent six years of life on it.
  • Tolstoy’s life was not always calm and cloudless, a certain period of his being he had to devote to the protection of Sevastopol, and he did it at the call of his heart. For valor and courage, he was even awarded the Order of St. Anne.
  • Leo Tolstoy was a large father. In his family, no less - 13 children were born. True, only seven survived to adulthood. Five children died, and during these periods the writer was very longing for, and threw scripture.

Interesting facts from Gogol's life

Interesting facts from Gogol's life

Interesting facts from Gogol's life:

  • Nikolai Gogol had one, not quite characteristic of men, hobby. The writer could have been engaged in needlework for hours, with great rapture. More precisely, he liked to knit, he could easily hide both the male and female outfit, loved to weave.
  • The thunderstorm was the main fear of the writer - he was very afraid of her, and always said that she acts negatively on his nervous system. For this reason, I did not really like rainy time, because it was during this period that you can often observe a thunderstorm.
  • In some sources, you can find information that Gogol did not like people so much that he preferred not to walk with them along the same road. In fact, the writer always tried to walk on the left side solely by the fact that, due to his thoughtfulness, he often came across people during walks.
  • Nikolai Gogol had a special interest in miniature things. If something like that caught his eye, he tried to get him. So, once, seeing a miniature edition of a mathematical encyclopedia, he immediately, without unnecessary thought, bought it. And this is despite the fact that he did not know mathematics at all.
  • The writer was a modest and shy person, it was difficult for him to make new acquaintances. Therefore, if a stranger appeared in the company of people close to him, he preferred to leave the room as soon as possible.
  • Gogol loved sweets very much, and tried to carry them with him everywhere. As he himself said, he needs them to maintain tone. He believed in it so that he could calmly get a piece of sugar from his pocket, and begin to bite it right during a conversation with a person.
  • Nikolai Gogol was quite biased to his nose, he considered him too large and ugly. Therefore, he asked the artists who painted him, to slightly reduce this part of his face. He wanted to look more beautiful in the eyes of his admirers.
  • At the workplace of the writer, one could always see a handful of balls of white bread. Gogol himself rolled them when he sat down to work. He argued that the process of rolling a bread crumb helps him to concentrate, and the work moves faster.

Interesting facts from Lermontov's life

Interesting facts from Lermontov's life

Interesting facts from Lermontov’s life:

  • Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was very attached to his grandmother. It was she who was the person who showed him all the beauty and greatness of the Caucasus. The writer often said that the word "virginity" is always associated with him with his beloved grandmother.
  • The great writer had a passion for food, he ate as soon as the opportunity was given. True, he did not consider himself a gourmet, rather he was omnivorous. Once, friends decided to joke over him, and instead of a delicious filling, they put sawdust into his pies. What was their surprise when the writer calmly ate everything to the last crumb, not even noticing the substitution.
  • The writer's character was not the best. He could easily make fun of a man, without even thinking about what he hurts someone. Of course, such behavior often caused not the best situations - the writer began to be called to a duel.
  • The great writer was not lucky enough to fall in love with a girl who was already engaged. The lady of his hearts, Ekaterina Sushkova flooded, and at the time of acquaintance with Lermontov, she was already preparing for the wedding with might and main. Having met the girl better, the writer decided to prevent his chosen one belonged to another. Therefore, he did everything so that the girl’s wedding does not take place.
  • Close people called the writer a fatalist who always does what he considers necessary. Sometimes his insolence went beyond all the reasonable framework, and this secular society did not like it very much. But Lermontov did not despair if one door was closed in front of him, he immediately began to knock on another.

Interesting facts from Turgenev's life

Interesting facts from Turgenev's life

Interesting facts from Turgenev’s life:

  • The future writer had a difficult relationship with his mother. She had a rather complicated one, one could even say a despising character, did not tolerate when she was esteemed. And therefore, little Turgenev often had conflicts with his mother, and he regularly received painful cuffs.
  • Turgenev’s father had problems with his father when he reached the age of majority, and for the first time fell in love. His chosen one was the beautiful princess Shakhova. But it already happened that the writer’s father experienced warm feelings for her. True, the love triangle did not work out in this case - the princess chose the writer’s father in her beloved.
  • Turgenev was very shy about his appearance, or rather, the inconsistencies of the figure and voice. The writer had a high growth and a large figure, but at the same time his voice was very thin, squeaky, almost female.
  • All close people of the writer knew that he was terrible clean and perfectionist. He tried to change linen at least 2 times a day, and regularly wiped his body with a sponge moistened in cologne. He also loved, and carefully made sure that all his things were always washed, ironed and were in their places.
  • Turgenev hated serfdom and fought for his cancellation with all his might. This was the reason for his conflict with the ruling elite. They saw in him a threat to their existence, therefore they sent him to a kind of link. He lived under house arrest in his estate for a long time. The writer had to come to terms with the finding of armed security near him day and night
  • The great writer passionately loved music and simply loved to sing. When he had a good mood, he could sing for hours, and this is despite the fact that he had completely absent hearing. For this reason, not many liked his home concerts.
  • But still Turgenev had strengths. He played chess very well, almost no one could beat him. Also, the writer was a terrible polyglot, in addition to a brown language, he ideally owned German, French, and English.

Interesting facts from the life of Nekrasov

Interesting facts from the life of Nekrasov

Interesting facts from the life of Nekrasov:

  • Nikolai Nekrasov was an revered writer, and therefore his work entered the so -called gold fund of Russian literature. Moreover, his work is considered a legacy of world literature.
  • Nekrasov’s work is very closely connected with his homeland. For him, there is nothing dearer than the “native meadows, native fields”, the spill of “proud” Russian rivers, the dialect of the “lovely waves” of these rivers. He described all the beauty of cute places in his works, tried to ensure that everyone who reads his creations be clear how much he was tied to his native places.
  • Nekrasov was a kind person, and this despite the fact that his own father was rude and tyrant. It so happened, but his father was cruel to his environment - his wife, children, serfs. He focused on the serfs regularly, and the future writer did not like it very much. He tried to protect them, for which he received the slapers himself. This led to the fact that he began to consider his father a stranger.
  • Native grandfather and Father Nekrasov were avid gamblers, and very bad. They were often unlucky, and this inevitably led to the fact that their financial condition began to melt. Nekrasov, being a child, greatly condemned them for this, but when he grew up, he himself became a cartoon. True, unlike his father and grandfather, he was lucky in the game. And in order not to go broke, he clearly followed one rule - he played only for the amount that he had in advance for this pastime.
  • At the very beginning of his creative path, Nekrasov wrote a collection of romantic poems called “Dreams and Sounds”. He decided not to indicate his last name, and published a book under a fictional name. Realizing that people did not like the book, he himself bought the entire circulation. In this difficult period, he decides to take a pause in the writer's craft, and begins to work as the editor of the magazine "Contemporary".

Interesting facts from Pushkin's life

Interesting facts from Pushkin's life

Interesting facts from Pushkin's life:

  • Few people know, but Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin wrote his first poems when he was only eight years old. And he was not in Russian, but in French. Probably because during this period French was in fashion.
  • Despite the small growth, Pushkin was not afraid to stand up for himself, he was generally distinguished by a very hot -tempered character, and could start a quarrel through the most insignificant trifle. This character trait contributed to the fact that the writer participated in 90 duels. He spent the very first duel when he studied at the lyceum.
  • The future writer was a very amorous person, he easily fell in love and exalted the subject of his dreams almost “to heaven”. But at the same time, his feelings passed easily if he did not receive a response. Natalya Goncharova is considered 101 beloved women Pushkin.
  • Pushkin was very scrupulous about his appearance, he always sought to look perfect. Therefore, he always had a bag with clean and ironed clothes. He was so clean that he could change the outfit even because of one spot.
  • The great writer had one oddity - he grew a nail on the little finger, and carefully protected him from damage. He cherished them so much that, going on a journey, he took with him a golden thimble that defended his nails when he was engaged in household work.
  • Pushkin loved his wife very much, but in public he tried to stay from her at a short distance. And all because his wife was higher than his tall by as much as 10 centimeters. The great writer was very shy, and believed that in the eyes of people their couple looked funny.

Interesting facts from Fet's life

Interesting facts from Fet's life

Interesting facts from Fet's life:

  • Few people know that the first 14 years of his life, the great writer bore the surname Shenshin. And all because his mother entered into illegal relationships. The stormy novel ended with the birth of a child. And in order to hide this fact, the couple had to bribe the priest, and when baptized, the boy was given the name of his father, thereby legitimizing him as an heir.
  • The boy grew up, and until a certain period did not even suspect that he was illegitimate. But envious people learned the secret of the family, and told this to the authorities. Very soon it was found that the mother, at the time of the birth of her son, was in an official marriage after another person, after which “mistakes” were found in church books, and the future writer was deprived of the typical, and returned the name Fet.
  • Few people know that Fet could not become a writer. After graduating from Moscow University, he was in a difficult situation. His writing activity has not yet brought a lot of financial revenues, in addition to this, he was deprived of the title and all the best he gives. And in order to somehow improve its financial condition, Fet is recorded in military service.
  • While in the service, he met his love. She became Maria Lazich - the daughter of a not very rich landowner. Their feelings were mutual, and the girl already saw herself his wife. But Fet did not invite her to marry the way he had no good financial condition, and she did not have a big one. The girl was ready to live with her beloved in poverty, but he believed that the lack of money could kill the strongest feelings.
  • The great writer had a phobia - he was afraid of mentally ill people. And all because in his family there were close relatives in his family. He saw their inability to normal life, observed a kind of perception of the world, uncontrolled aggression. All this was horrified by him - he was afraid to get into a psychiatric clinic. But still, phobia influenced him - he periodically observed a depressive disorder that required treatment.

Interesting facts from Yesenin's life

Interesting facts from Yesenin's life

Interesting facts from Yesenin's life:

  • Sergei Yesenin was a rebel who could easily and without a twinge of conscience change the direction in life. This character trait began to clearly manifest itself in his youth. Since he was a rather developed and well -read person, he managed to enter the teacher at the Konstantinovskoye School on the teacher. Studying was easily given to him, and it seemed that the profession of a teacher was a conscious choice of a young man. But literally after 18 months of study, he said that he was bored with everything, and he wants to change his profession.
  • Having lived a little as he wants, having studied by self -education, Yesenin decides to leave to conquer the capital with a writer's talent. During this period, he meets his first muse, who later became his wife, and gave birth to his son. But having married, plunging into family life, an ardent young man is disappointed in family relationships. His wife and son begin to annoy him, and he decides to change his life abruptly again - he moves to live in Petrograd, breaking all relations with his family.
  • Yesenin had a fear of police officers, no one knows exactly why, but he was afraid of panic. Close friends recalled that if during a walk around the city he saw in the distance people in uniform, he tried to get out of their road as soon as possible. If he had to face them face to face, then a panic rolled on Yesenin - he began to choke, pale, he could feel sick.
  • Yesenin’s life cannot be called cloudless, he either wrote in one breath, then he drank, was involved in fights. Such a pastime did not pass without a trace, the writer was treated several times from vices in a psychiatric clinic.
  • Sophia Tolstaya was the last wife of Yesenin. Their marriage cannot be called happy as she did not become a muse for him, although she tried very hard. From the side, she looked like an ideal wife - calm, smart, friendly, always ready to help her husband. But Yesenin did not notice these merits, he was very weighed by its aristocratic origin, he considered him an obstacle in their relationship. But still, in the eyes of society, it was Sophia who became the widow of a great man.

Interesting facts from Bunin's life

Interesting facts from Bunin's life

Interesting facts from Bunin's life:

  • Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in a noble family, but unfortunately, at the time of his birth they were impoverished, and he spent his childhood almost in poverty. Existence was also complicated because his parents had 8 children in addition to him. True, only four survived to adulthood.
  • The great writer could die in Virgin. He was very curious, so finding poisonous Belen, decided to taste her. Of course, he was poisoned and was almost on the verge of life and death. But at that moment his nanny was not at a loss, she began to solder him with milk, and gradually the children's body coped with poison.
  • Despite the poverty of his parents, Bunin was able to enter the gymnasium, and successfully studied in it for four years. But the financial problems in the family increased, and parents could not pay for further education. Upon arrival home, Bunin lost heart and abandoned his education. But the elder brother Julius forced him to study at home, and in the end, Bunin nevertheless received the cherished certificate.
  • The great writer simply adored pharmaceutical jars and boxes. If he saw an empty somewhere, he immediately took it to himself. He had a whole collection of medical jars and cones, which he carefully kept, and even proudly showed loved ones.
  • Bunin was from the category of people who blindly believes in signs. His friends periodically chuckled at him for fear of a black cat, or for a disorder about scattered salt. But the writer lived according to his rules, therefore, for example, he never sat down at the dining table if he came to the room thirteenth in a row.
  • The great writer was a terrible hypochondric. If he did not give a god sneezed, or frozen, he immediately panic and began to look for the symptoms of serious diseases. The most unpleasant thing is that sometimes he hazed himself so much that he really had health problems. True, they were more likely to be a psycho -emotional state.

Interesting facts from the life of Tyutchev

Interesting facts from the life of Tyutchev

Interesting facts from the life of Tyutchev:

  • Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev was a distant relative of Tolstoy. Some experts are sure that it was kinship that became one of the jerks that made the young man try himself in a writer's craft. But whether this is so, we are unlikely to find out.
  • Tyutchev was a rather closed person who did not like to show his fears to others. Often, even the closest people did not know about what he thinks and feels. The writer preferred to think about his problems alone, and look for ways to get out of life situations.
  • The great poet was a polyglot, he almost perfectly knew the ancient Greek, German, Latin and French. He loved foreign languages, and always mastered new ones with great hunting. Love for languages \u200b\u200bbrought him to the College of Foreign Affairs, where he safely received education for some time.
  • The first time Tyutchev married a woman who had four children, her name was Eleanor Peterson. But he fell in love with her so much that such a number of children simply did not notice. But this marriage was not happy. The poet was a loving person, and regularly started mistresses. And what is most interesting, for every woman who adorned his life, he wrote a poem.
  • Tyutchev had poor health, he easily picked up sores, though he was recovering quickly enough. But in 1873, the poet had severe headaches, which he initially did not even pay attention to. Over time, they intensified so much that Tyutchev had vision problems. And after some time-it caused the paralysis of the hand.

Interesting facts from the life of Gorky

Interesting facts from the life of Gorky

Interesting facts from Gorky's life:

  • We all know Gorky as a great Russian writer, playwright, a prose writer, which bore the name Maxim. But in fact, this great man was called Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. No one knows for sure why it was under such a pseudonym that his first works were printed. Some experts say that he chose such a surname to emphasize his not quite easy life. And the name is a derivative of the middle name.
  • Gorky did not receive a good education - he graduated from only a craft school. But still, it cannot be called illiterate. Mom did everything so that her son was getting into people. She introduced him to the letters and taught him to read. And the grandfather taught a competent letter to the future writer.
  • When Gorky was 11 years old, there were no native people, mother and grandfather died. To survive, the boy had to get a job. And since he had no special skills, he had to agree to black work - to wash the dishes on a walking steamer. Over time, he found the work calmer - he got a job to carry shoes to customers of the shoe store.
  • In 1906, Maxim Gorky, on behalf of the party leadership, went to America. One very important mission was entrusted to him - to popularize Russia in the eyes of the Americans, and to make them support the revolutionary mood of the people.
  • Gorky was considered the founder of socialist realism, and, probably, that is why he was one of the demanded authors in the Russian Empire. The writer was not afraid to write the truth about revolutionary movements in his works, and also always set out his opinion on what was happening.
  • Often Gorky was called a radical revolutionary because he boldly participated in the revolutionary propaganda of the opposition. For this he was periodically arrested, but when he was released, he again boldly expressed his thoughts that were not always convenient for the authorities. For such behavior he was deprived of the honorary title of academician literature.

Interesting facts from the life of Chukovsky

Interesting facts from the life of Chukovsky

Interesting facts from the life of Chukovsky:

  • In most people, Chukovsky roots are associated with children's fairy tales “Aibolit”, “Fly Tsokotuha”, “Moidodyr”. But in fact, this great man wrote not only for children, but also for adults.
  • The great writer was ashamed of one fact from his biography. It just so happened that his father threw his mother, learning about her pregnancy, and therefore in the eyes of society a newborn boy was considered illegitimate. While he was small, his mother carefully kept his secret. And when the boy entered the gymnasium, though it opened. When others found out that the boy did not have a father, he was immediately expelled from the gymnasium.
  • After expulsion from the gymnasium, the boy went to his senses for a while. But having calmed down a little, he took up his self -teaching, and even tried to master English himself. But when growing up, he ended up in England, he was disappointed with disappointment that he could not communicate with native speakers. But here he showed the power of will - literally in six months he learned to talk in English, though he had the emphasis for his life.
  • Korney Chukovsky was very reverent to his mother, and even as a child, he tried to help her. While he could not work fully, he took up any work for which they paid money. The future writer cleaned the roofs of the houses, worked as a different newspaper, pasted the posters. And when there was no work at all, silk to the sea, caught fish and sold it to passers -by.
  • A difficult life taught the writer compassion. Therefore, when he became famous, and could influence the opinions of other people, he began to help those in need. They turned to him if it was necessary to solve problems with housing, get a job, or just make the right acquaintance. And he did not refuse anyone.
  • The writer did not recognize children's books without pictures. Therefore, when the next book was preparing for printing, he always checked that it would be as bright and beautiful as possible. According to Chukovsky, a beautiful design helps young children better understand what he wanted to say to his work.

Interesting facts from Lomonosov’s life

Interesting facts from Lomonosov’s life

Interesting facts from Lomonosov’s life:

  • Mikhail Lomonosov was born in the village of Rybakov, and fishing here was one of the sources of income in the family. Therefore, the life of a little boy seemed to be a foregone conclusion. He had to catch fish all his life with all men. Which he did since 10 years.
  • But even doing fishing, Lomonosov dreamed of studying. And he even managed to feel like an ordinary child. True, he was not very interested in learning. Since he learned the material faster than other children, he managed to go through three classes at once in one year.
  • But parents did not believe that a fascination with science could help their son in life. They were uneducated, and therefore believed that only with their work can be earned for food. In order for the grown son to stop thinking about studying, they decided to marry him. But Lomonosov was not timid, and therefore took two favorite books and simply escaped from home.
  • Mikhail Lomonosov dreamed of studying at the Moscow Academy, but when he reached it, he learned with great disappointment that ordinary peasants were not taken to this institution. He had no choice but to fake documents about his noble origin. When they were in his arms, he again went to the admissions and asked for admission. The smart young man was not refused, moreover, all the time of his training he received a scholarship of 3 kopecks per day.
  • Lomonosov studied very well, and at the age of 25, with other successful students, was sent to Germany. Mikhail here tried to find out as much as possible, and achieved great success in physics and chemistry. Upon arrival in Russia, he began to lay the foundations of the science of glass, as well as one of the first to make colored glass - more rare at that time.
  • Mikhail Lomonosov was a comprehensively developed person. He was one of those who absorbed knowledge as a sponge, and was not afraid to try himself in the new areas of life. Therefore, in addition to scientific activity, he devoted time to the study of languages. I must say, he succeeded well - he spoke freely at 12. Also, Lomonosov was a good poet, though only his close circle of people knew about this.

Interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov

Interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov

Interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov:

  • Most people know Bulgakov as the Creator “Masters and Margarita” and “Dog heart”. But this unique person tried himself not only in writing. Mikhail loved the theater very much, and even played for some time on his stage. In addition, he tried himself in the skill of directing.
  • Mikhail Bulgakov had a tendency to collecting. But unlike others, he did not collect stamps or coins. In his collection there were tickets of theatrical performances that he visited. He believed that each of them has special energy. A little later, newspaper clippings began to be added to theatrical tickets, in which critics wrote reviews about Bulgakov’s works.
  • Bulgakov had a medical education, and he even managed to work in his specialty. At the end of the institute, he got a job in the Kyiv hospital, but from there he was transferred to the village of Nikolskoye Smolensk province. During this period of his life, Mikhail added to morphine, and only his wife was able to study him from this pernicious habit.
  • In the life of Bulgakov there was a difficult period when he had to fight. He was drafted into the ranks of the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic as a military doctor. Right from here he was transferred to the southern army of Russia. Then he wanted to join the ranks of the Volunteer Army, and to leave the country with it. But it was at that moment that he fell ill with a typhoid, and he had to stay.
  • The famous creation of Mikhail Bulgakov “Master and Margarita” saw the world after the Creator died. And all because he finished writing it just a month before his death.

Interesting facts from the life of Dostoevsky

Interesting facts from the life of Dostoevsky

Interesting facts from the life of Dostoevsky:

  • In the family of Dostoevsky, not only he was engaged in writing. His brother also chose a writer's path, but realizing that this is not sucked what he needed in his life, decided to create his own magazine. And he did it well. When he became replicated, it was in him that the first works of Dostoevsky began to print.
  • The first wife of the writer was Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva. When she met Dostoevsky, she was already in an official marriage, but this did not stop her from entering into a new relationship. The stormy romance ended with her divorce, and literally immediately a new wedding. But this marriage did not become happy. The woman fell ill with consumption, and this greatly influenced her mental state. She began to suspect Dostoevsky of treason, and groundlessly. He could not stand such a relationship and escaped from a jealous wife.
  • In 1864, the writer dies a brother, whom he considers his assistant in life. He tolerates this blow of fate very hard, and even considers to abandon writing. In a minute of despair, he decides to use the services of a stenographer in order to finish the novel “Player” as soon as possible. So in his life Anna Snitkina appears. They finish work on the novel in the shortest possible time - 28 days. During this time, the girl and Dostoevsky are very close, and he understands that he is in love with her. He decides to make her a proposal and gets consent.
  • Anna Dostoevskaya (Snitkina) became precisely the person who helped the writer to create. She was kind, calm, and knew how to set her husband for fruitful work. In the last 10 years of his life, he wrote the most of his works. But along with this, a fragile woman, she knew how to achieve her. So, she is able to dispose of family income in such a way as to accumulate money and distribute all available debts.

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