Simple joys of life: List

Simple joys of life: List

We do not even imagine how happy we are! We grumble about a small salary, the absence of a dress in a store here and now, grumble for a child for deuces in a diary, but in fact each moment is filled with joyful moments - you just need to be able to see them and most importantly, be able to rejoice at them.

There are hundreds of reasons for such happy minutes. Do not believe? Take a look at the list of simple joys of life and see for yourself.

Simple joys of life: 170 reasons for joy

  1. Inhale deeply Spring air.
  2. Plush headlong into the sounds of your favorite music.
  3. Take a dream A few minutes before plunging into a deep sleep.
  4. Allow yourself to eat a few servings of your favorite ice cream.
  5. Moving ideas and projects, find new ways for this.
  6. Celebrate An insignificant, but such pleasant victory.

    We rarely notice little joys
    We rarely notice little joys
  7. There is always an occasion for joy, for example, to experience satisfaction from well -completed work.
  8. What a joy in life is simple sew And look into the distance.
  9. Find forgotten anti -stress coloring and plunge into it with your head.
  10. To experience the joy of life is to acquire a new book of your favorite author.
  11. Find the time to watch a series that has long wanted to watch.
  12. The joy of pets who meet you from work.
  13. A special feeling of comfort when rain outside the window.
  14. Fluffy soft snow, which you look from the window of a warm room.
  15. The infinity of space, which extends underfoot, when you stand at the top of the mountain.
  16. Minutes spent with loved ones.
  17. Sensation peace And harmony in the soul.
  18. Opening a new place for yourself.
  19. The brightly glowing squares of the windows of a high -rise building, when you return home in the dark.
  20. Meet And communicate with like -minded people.
  21. Discover a new blog on the topic of interest.
  22. Designate the plan for the day and cross out the executed ones.
  23. Know the joy of life, noting progress.
  24. Slowly dripping a cup of morning coffee.
  25. Create your own Internet project and observe its success.
  26. Sudden insight When looking for a solution to the problem.
  27. Throw out unnecessary things.
  28. The beauty and joy in people's lives is to watch sunrise.

    Appreciate the minutes of happiness
    Appreciate the minutes of happiness
  29. Included light after a lack of electricity.
  30. VigorGiven the morning freshness and coolness.
  31. Thinkly wandering around the sand, moistened with a sea wave of sand.
  32. Lung a breath of a warm breeze in the face.
  33. Filling you a feeling of love and tenderness.
  34. Ringing silence and clear sky above the head.
  35. Noise city \u200b\u200bstreets.
  36. The sounds of morning bird trifles.
  37. The arrival of the new idea and the desire to immediately realize it.
  38. Throw all thoughts out of your head and lay out the solitaire.
  39. Discover a new interesting computer game.
  40. Listen to the knock of wheels, lying on the shelf of a night train.
  41. Bring a detail to the interior that will transform it.
  42. Think about future goals.
  43. Understand that everything planned for the current day has been completed.

    Feel happiness
    Feel happiness
  44. Discover an unfamiliar place in your hometown.
  45. Sit on an open terrace summer cafe.
  46. Feeling when insight befell you.
  47. Dance For yourself in the mood.
  48. Good and cheerful health of parents.
  49. The team made by domestic animals.
  50. To stay alone, When I do not want to see anyone.
  51. A day, every moment of which is filled with emotions and events.
  52. Ride a bicycle.
  53. Seeing the usual things unusual nuances.
  54. Meet like -minded person, close in spirit and intelligence of man.
  55. To go to nature not for barbecue or picnic, but just so as to lie on the grass.
  56. When there is time to examine the stars and their grinning.
  57. A cup of freshly brewed tea With your favorite aroma.
  58. When you wake up in the morning and understand that on this day you have no mandatory business.
  59. Spit on all the worries And give yourself a rest.

    Rest is great
    Rest is great
  60. The taste of the first real, not greenhouse, vegetables and fruits.
  61. Find an expensive thing to you that he considered lost.
  62. Enough of the spring the color of the apple or cherry.
  63. Go with a loved one by the hand.
  64. Having freezed, take a hot shower.
  65. Discover that you look great in the photo.
  66. When people like your work and they note this.
  67. To embrace child or beloved.
  68. Allow pleasant changes to turn your life over.
  69. Joy in the little things of life, such as watching to the end an exciting sleep.
  70. Test a new emotion that was not before that.
  71. Test confidence In their abilities.
  72. The release of the new song of the beloved artist.
  73. Warm welcome In an unfamiliar company.
  74. Get messages on social networks from people dear to you.
  75. Forgetting the solidity, jump onto a trolley for goods and ride it on the trading floor.
  76. Feel how to rain on hot asphalt.
  77. Pass the fingers along the tips of the hairdressing hair.
  78. Parrow correctly the first time.
  79. Listening to foreign speech, understand the meaning of what has been said.
  80. Rushing along the highway, see how you are blinking oncoming cars, and have time to reduce speed to permissible.

    Rush along the highway
    Rush along the highway
  81. Open the refrigerator after the holiday and find that you can not cook anything.
  82. Frighten, waking up that you are late for work, and then understand that today is a day off.
  83. To finish the work that I really did not want to do.
  84. When the minibus you need is already waiting for you at the bus stop.
  85. Go through the first snow And hear it crunch.
  86. Press the elevator button and see open doors at the same second.
  87. The first to have time for a free box office.
  88. FeelAs someone covered you with a blanket.
  89. A feeling of pleasant fatigue and muscle pain after class in the gym.
  90. The arrival of guests to which you can not bring maraths.
  91. Throw a stub in the urn and get.
  92. Put on a new thing that I wanted to buy for a long time.
  93. Close the train when the doors are already closing.
  94. Enjoy the aroma of fresh pastries.

    Incredible aroma
    Incredible aroma
  95. Getting to the right place, get through the green wave.
  96. Neatly and without pain, tear off a sucked crust on the wound.
  97. Wake up and, looking at the watch, understand that you can sleep for a long time.
  98. Bring your head for a long time, recalling, and finally recall the right word or name.
  99. The feeling when water gets there from the ear.
  100. Remove tight shoes in the evening, in which I had to go all day.
  101. Suddenly heard a smell from somewhere, reminiscent of childhood.
  102. When you took a small queue, and then other customers begin to line up for you one after another.
  103. Go in a car with an open window, Sticking a hand.
  104. When in the seemingly empty tube there is enough toothpaste enough to still brush your teeth.
  105. Hear the knock of heels outside the window and understand that spring came.
  106. Fly away by plane From winter to warm summer.

    Fly away in the summer
    Fly away in the summer
  107. To accidentally hear your favorite song or melody.
  108. When the boss earlier leaves work.
  109. Brush the egg quickly When after five minutes the salad should already be on the table.
  110. Discover the second toe at the moment when he was about to throw out the first.
  111. Sit on the pier, Having lowered legs into the water and chat them.
  112. Buy a ticket and expect a concert of your favorite artist.
  113. Read a thick interesting book and understand that it has been long for a long time.
  114. Wake up on a summer night in the open air and see the stars.
  115. Slip in ice and stand on your feet.
  116. To predict what the host or commentator will say.
  117. Go along the night, without any traffic jams.
  118. A blossoming flower in a pot on the windowsill.
  119. The long -awaited SMS, tinkled on the phone.
  120. Wake up in sweat and understand that the nightmare was only in a dream.
  121. To guess on which side the baking is more than the filling, and start with it.
  122. Pizza delivery ordered by phone is carried out within 10-15 minutes.
  123. Slam the mosquito itching above the ear.
  124. Vacationin which you stop navigating in days and watches.
  125. When the traffic jam on the road is finally absorbed.
  126. Detect a hidden option in a well -known device.
  127. To be able to do what the colleagues could not.
  128. Finally pull out a distant splinter from the finger.
  129. When the film takes place in the places familiar to you.
  130. Pass by the sale And to see there a thing that he had long dreamed of.
  131. Accidentally find a forgotten stitch in a winter coat or jacket pocket.
  132. Pass the exam (finish the course, project, report, etc.) and remove everything reminiscent of it from the table.
  133. When someone heated your bed before you have to climb under the blanket.
  134. When The headache lets go Or the runny nose stops.
  135. Do not make a mistake when entering a password that I have not used for a long time.
  136. Pulling out weed, feel how the root came out of the ground smoothly.
  137. Clean the Spam folder by adding many free space to the disk.
  138. Discover that you i lost weightalthough she did not make any efforts for this.
  139. Open the lid on the bottle the first time.
  140. Buy air balloons just.

    Buy balls
    Buy balls
  141. Launch soap bubbles.
  142. Wrap on fallen autumn leaves.
  143. Listen infectant children's laughter.
  144. Watch how the flown cheese is separated when you break a hot sandwich.
  145. Pacification after the elasticity is crying.
  146. Pierce the yolk in the fried eggs-glazing to watch it flows.
  147. Throw into a glass of water A sparkle tablet And watch how it dissolves, releasing bubbles.
  148. Substitute your back in order to scratch it.
  149. Slop the bubbles on an air-pussy film.
  150. To unfasten the belt or zipper on the trousers after you are overeating.
  151. SIP of waterwhen thirst torments.
  152. Clean the corn that caused anxiety all day.
  153. Do successful selfie the first time.
  154. Buy periodicals and feel the smell of fresh typographic paint.
  155. When the first pancake is not lumpy.
  156. Go down on a sled from a slide.
  157. The first time to drive a car on your own.
  158. Feel warm on the cheek The first spring sun.
  159. Hurry home, knowing that they are waiting for you there.
  160. Feel the arrival of the New Year holidays, breathing the smell of mandarin.
  161. Exchange a smile with a stranger.
  162. After spending general cleaning, Play in a chair and inspect the perfect order around.
  163. When, suddenly, jeans begin to fall from us.
  164. Enjoyment of rest when you put a suitcase before traveling to the sea.
  165. Close your eyes and to relax In a warm foam bath.

  166. When the salary was unexpectedly given earlier than usual.
  167. Finally, piercing a piece of food stuck between the teeth with a toothpick.
  168. To lay fresh linen And go to bed.
  169. Walking barefoot on the grass.
  170. Build sneeze After several unsuccessful attempts.

We advise you to read the list:

Video: How to enjoy life?

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