“Why is it important to be able to forgive?”: Composition-reasoning with arguments and examples from literature

“Why is it important to be able to forgive?”: Composition-reasoning with arguments and examples from literature

In this article you will find several works on the topic "Why is it important to be able to forgive?" With arguments and examples from literature.

Many believe that it is necessary to forgive in order to find a happy future. After all, sometimes the past lies with a heavy load in the soul and interferes with living.

  • It can remain in memory - but it is important to extract from there not negative, but experience.
  • The forgiveness also includes situations when a person releases illusions and a desire to take revenge. He is no longer tormented by remorse, pain and sadness.
  • Some people think that forgiveness is a depreciation of feelings and humiliation of themselves. But it is not so.
  • In fact, only a strong person can leave anger at his offenders and love humanity, despite all the injustice that he had to suffer from at one time.

In this article you will find several works on the topic "Why is it important to be able to forgive?" With arguments and examples from literature. Read further.

What does it mean to forgive?

Why is it important to be able to forgive?
Why is it important to be able to forgive?

To forgive means, let go of resentment, tension and pain. Allow the reality to be the way it is, with all imperfections. To forgive is to put up with the fact that people are far from ideal. Forgiveness does not mean justification of oneself or others. This is the extraction of a lesson from this situation, gaining experience. Nevertheless, the one who forgives, understands that there is no point in clinging to the past - it is worth letting him go.

To forgive meansTo be humble, generous and merciful. You can even say that this is a Christian virtue. Why does a person need forgiveness?

  • Firstly, it brings light and spiritual ease.
  • The personality ceases to torture herself, she understands how much easier it becomes to live if there is no offense and regrets in her soul.
  • Being free from everything is really happiness.

Forgiveness is important for cleansing the soul. It eliminates negative connections and removes energy mud. Some believe that it is through this quality that you can come to enlightenment.

Composition-reasoning 9.3 on OGE on the topic “Glinicality. Why is it important to be able to forgive? ": Arguments, examples from literature

Why is it important to be able to forgive?
Why is it important to be able to forgive?

Why is forgiveness so important? On the one hand, it is necessary in order to show mercy and nobility, to cleanse your own soul. Quite often, when someone spoils their lives, they want to take revenge. But evil always returns evil. And aggression and dissatisfaction with the life that take revenge, eat the soul from the inside. Here is an essay-reasoning 9.3 on OGE on the topic "Generosity. Why is it important to be able to forgive? " With  arguments and examples from literature:

Through forgiveness, a person gets rid of all the negative and vile that has accumulated in his soul, he again gains the ability to see the light, realize the beautiful and appreciate life. Accordingly, forgiveness is a certain reincarnation, update.

Suppose in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky There are 2 sides. There is Raskolnikovwho believes that you can achieve happiness and respect by force, the vertex of the lynching. He does not intend to forgive his enemies, believes that they need to take revenge. Is there Sonya Marmeladovwho, even selling her body due to poverty, does not hold evil on people and seeks to be closer to God.

Yes, the girl is critical to herself, she considers herself a sinner. But at the same time, Sonya Something good, beautiful in every person has not lost the ability to find in every person. Her influence on the protagonist becomes the reason that he is repenting, reviewing his views and understands that the doctrine that he always adhered to, in fact, is not a way out.

Example Marmelado It shows that happiness can only be found following the road of good and light, but, in no case, not bloodshed. The fact that she is experiencing Raskolnikov sympathy means that Sonya He understands that everyone has the right to forgiveness. Everyone may be mistaken - it is only important to try to understand the motives of the act and achieve sincere repentance.

The final essay on the topic “Why is it important to be able to forgive and is it necessary to forgive?”: Examples from life about power in kindness, about strong and weak, about the love and forgiveness of God Jesus

Why is it important to be able to forgive?
Why is it important to be able to forgive?

Jesus Christ - A great example of love for people and the ability to forgive. Despite the fact that the human race did not live up to his expectations, he without delay gave his life for human sins. And the fact that later he was resurrected means that a sincerely believer and merciful, selfless person is truly immortal. Here final essay on the topic "Why is it important to be able to forgive and is it necessary to forgive?" With examples from life about power in kindness, about strong and weak, about love and forgiveness God Jesus:

The motive for forgiveness is the main thing in Christian theme. It is believed that if someone strokes one cheek, it is necessary to substitute the second. Of course, one can agree with religion or disagree, but you really need to be able to forgive.

Why? Because strength is in kindness. Accordingly, the one who shows generosity even to his enemies is a strong man. And the one who is fraught with anger and takes revenge - only wants to seem strong. But in fact, he is small, weak, helpless.

It follows from this that you need to forgive not only to clear the soul, but also to become stronger. Forgiveness gives a generous person incredible invulnerability, he always abides in harmony with himself and the world around him. The soul of such a person is pure, sincere, kind, loving and, most importantly, not tarnished with anything.

I had to see the miraculous power of kindness in life. Suppose when I was visiting my grandmother in the village, I noticed that every morning she was going into the thicket of forests in snowdrifts. This behavior seemed strange to me. And once I went with her. It turned out that in severe frost, she wore birds of bread and millet birds. She was sincerely sorry for living beings, because besides her, no one would take care of them and they can die from hunger and cold.

I did not think that the betrayal of my lover could be forgiven. But the generosity of my neighbor really struck me. Many years ago, he and his wife often had quarrels about her infidelity. His suspicions were justified, but that is not the point. And then a terrible tragedy occurred with the woman - she was paralyzed, and she could no longer walk. Of course, for young lovers, she became a burden, ceased to interest them. And it would be difficult for her, if not for my neighbor, her ex -husband. He managed to forgive her treason, and as if nothing happened, he began to take care of her.

This is a really great example of generosity, when a person can forgive the offenses, forget about his pride and even self -esteem, if the one who is dear to him is in trouble. It seems to me that you have to do so. After all, morality is moral, but sometimes it fades into the background.

If a person loses the ability to serve himself on his own, then the previous quarrels no longer make sense. After all, the point here is not in relations or marital infidelity, but in human duty, in helping neighbor, regardless of what relations you previously consisted of.

“What is generosity: why is it important to be able to forgive?”: Description of the term

Generosity - This is the quality of a person who is virtuous. What is generosity: why is it important to be able to forgive? In another article on our site with writings about generosity, you will find a detailed description of this term, as well as information and creations on this topic.

"Generosity. Why is it important to be able to forgive? ": By R. L. Pogodin

Why is it important to be able to forgive?
Why is it important to be able to forgive?

What do people invest in the concept of "generosity"? This is the property of nature, which is manifested in responsiveness and kindness. "Generosity. Why is it important to be able to forgive? " - Disclosure of the topic according to R. L. Pogodin:

Only very strong people are able to step over resentment. Getting rid of anger in himself, a person is spiritually freed, it becomes easier for him in his soul. Pogodin tells about the girl Valewho was undeservedly offended by the boy Vitya. He thought that Valya was laughing at his feelings, so he betrayed her a bandwagon. Valya She suffered, but did not give out the offender, she said that she slipped herself. And saved Vitya, otherwise they could be expelled from school.

The boy was re -educated. But he used to understand that his lover was generous. Why Valya So did you? The fact is that the girl was not wise for years. She understood that momentary anger was saying in the offender. And Valya I forgave him this weakness, accepted this fact.

Accordingly, it is sometimes important to be able to forgive because forgiveness is beneficial both for the one with whom they acted unfairly, and for the one who made the mistake.

"Why is it important to be able to forgive?": An essay at least 70 words

Why is it important to be able to forgive?
Why is it important to be able to forgive?

Often at school they ask to write an essay in the amount 70 words. This is necessary in order for students to learn to reveal the topic in one or two paragraphs-briefly, but capacious. Here is an essay in the size of at least 70 words on this topic "Why is it important to be able to forgive?":

Forgiveness is necessary because it exalts a person, makes him stronger, cleanses the soul. The generous becomes closer to God and gains freedom. A virtuous person understands that no enemies are afraid of him, because he is able to accept their weaknesses. Anyone who has mercy carries good and good not only to himself, but also to offenders. He does not hold evil for anyone, does not try to take revenge. A generous person seems to exude light. He sincerely and with the hope of the best loves everyone and everyone.

Video: Why is it important to be able to forgive? Vsevolod Tatarinov

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