Why mental and physical performance is reduced: causes. Methods improving the well -being and performance of a person: Methods

Why mental and physical performance is reduced: causes. Methods improving the well -being and performance of a person: Methods

In this article, we will figure out why a person is reduced by performance and what to do with it.

Each person is faced with a state when work ceases to delight. At the same time, I don’t want to do anything so much that I want to escape. There are certain reasons for all this. It is important to figure it out in order to overcome this condition. Let's find out why the performance is still falling and how it can be increased.

Why is mental and physical performance reduced: Reasons

Decrease in performance
Decrease in performance

Before improving performance, a person must understand the reasons for its reduction. Every day we spend physical and mental resources, but they are not infinite. Everyone has individual reserves.

There are several factors that negatively affect the amount of energy and lead to the occurrence of the spleen:

  • Oxygen does not enter the blood metabolic system. This leads to diseases of the capillaries and, as a result, the performance falls
  • The occurrence of infectious diseases
  • Weak immunity and a tendency to develop chronic diseases
  • Constant overload or frequent stress state
  • Loss of interest in life. In this case, it means, for example, the development of dependence on the game
  • Too much accumulation of free radicals in the muscles
  • Bad sleep or it is not enough to make up for energy
  • Frequent use of alcohol, drugs or smoking
  • Deficiency of vitamins in the body
  • Intoxication
  • Improper nutrition
  • Strong overwork
  • Too high level of responsibility that does not allow to relax
  • Constant pressure surges
  • Incorrect organization of work and rest

Operations can also decrease from depression or development of malignant tumors. There are many other factors that contribute to the development of the syndrome. In any case, do not leave him unattended. First, try to cope with him yourself, but if nothing comes out, then be sure to consult a doctor.

Methods improving the well -being and performance of a person: Methods

Now that you know what there may be a reason, it is time to find out how to improve working capacity a person can quickly. There are several main ways for this.

Ways to increase performance
Ways to increase performance
  • Help from the side

If you have any personal problems, then you should contact specialists. Do not be afraid of this. They are really able to help.

If you want to get a new position, it is better to talk about this with colleagues. It makes no sense to discuss this with colleagues or acquaintances. They will definitely not help you with anything, and colleagues can generally say something wrong out of envy or simple ignorance.

But the problems in relationships are best discussed with a psychologist. It is important to talk with loved ones, they can help in some ways and share responsibilities so that it is easier for you.

  • Health care

Nobody can improve your state of health except you. To simply improve well -being, it is enough to undergo an examination and get treatment. You should check yourself regularly. Find time for yourself, because there is no one to do this besides you.

The best way to improve performance is the correct organization of the daily routine. It is important to devote time to bed and rest. No blockage at work should be an excuse for you.

First of all, learn to go to bed and get up at the same time. Experts say that it is not even necessary to sleep for 8-9 hours, because each has their own rhythm. Someone is enough for someone and six hours. You need to sleep when serotonin is produced by the brain. This happens from three to seven in the morning. So, the ideal time for sleep is 23:30 - 7:30.

Those who consider themselves “owls” are important to know that there are not so many midnights. This is due to the fact that earlier people lived daily biorhythms, that is, people were awake in the afternoon, and slept at night. Even if you think that it works best at night, it is still recommended to sleep at least 4 hours.

  • Time management

Also a good way to improve performance. Be sure to make a list of things for a week, and then gradually learn to organize every day. There are many free smartphones applications for this. In the end, you can use a diary.

Experts advise large tasks to divide into several small ones. This will allow you to be inspired by subsequent work and a person will try to do more. By the way, ideally, always start a working day with setting three tasks. If you make them quickly, then you will definitely want to do something else.

Try to note what time of day your performance is maximum. Everyone has it strictly individual. Try to plan the most important things at this time. Torture less important things to another time.

To always achieve success, use the law of Wilfredo Pareto. It says that with 20% of efforts you can get 80% of the result. This will help to properly allocate forces and get away from low dedication.

Another method of improving performance is the separation of work and rest. You can’t think only about only things all the time. Be sure to devote time to the rest at home, otherwise you will simply block it. And in the end, from an excellent specialist you will become an ever -tired and irritable worker.

How to improve brain performance to the maximum?

Improving brain performance
Improving brain performance

A person can improve performance not only physically, but also affect his brain. We don’t even think about it, but simple actions are really able to force him to work at the maximum. And for this it is not even required to read a bunch of abstruse books. It is enough to use simple methods.

  • Sports

It may seem that there is no connection between morning exercises and an excellent memory. That's just the most direct dependence here. As a result of performing physical exercises, more blood begins to flow into the brain, which allows you to activate its work. This eventually gives a lot of pleasant.

For example, those who walk more often are more painful than constantly “sitting” people in the office. In addition, it is proved that physical exercises make new nerve cells grow.

  • Useful stress

Experts say that stress in moderate quantities is even useful for the body. It forces the brain to show activity and improves the work of neurons. Only you need to understand that stress is also different. If it is short -term, then adrenaline is thrown into the blood, which makes the body work. But with its prolonged effect, cortisol begins to be produced, which depletes the body and forces to consume extra calories.

So if you worry too much about the fraught terms for the delivery of the project, then you will only have a desire to eat a cake, and not improve brain function. But it is worth flying with a parachute or talking with a pretty colleague, this activity will improve.

  • Sleep

Do not watch at midnight TV shows or relax in the club. With a lack of sleep, serious problems can develop, for example, Alzheimer's disease. It turns out that when a person sleeps poorly, then a special protein is accumulated in his body, which provokes memory loss. Accordingly, the more it is, the less a person sleeps and the more he accumulates more of this substance. So you need to sleep enough, then no problems will arise.

  • Follow the diet

Yes, you can eat an extra candy to improve your mood, but only your memory will suffer from this. The fact is that the brain constantly needs food to increase energy. Only it should be useful. And the one in which there is a lot of sugar disrupts the brain.

  • Use neurogades

High technologies allow stimulating brain function. There is a special smart device. Electrodes are attached to the person’s head, through which a constant and very weak current is supplied. The charge is safe, but it excites brain neurons. As a result, the cells begin to contact each other better.

  • Be positive

If you are always positive and you will spend more time not alone, then you will never have depression. In addition, the brain will work better. So the conversation with a girlfriend in the evening over a cup of tea is an excellent tool to improve brain function.

Phenazepam - improving performance?


When it is necessary to improve performance, a person may wonder if it is possible to do this with phenazepam? In fact, this is a sedative. And it also refers to tranquilizers and narcotic substances. So, it would probably be wrong to be interested in whether it is worth using it to improve performance.

At the same time, in the head it can really be clarified. The fact is that phenazepam relaxes muscles and relieves strong tension. At the same time, with its help, the level of stress is reduced, a person becomes calm and does not so acutely reacts to irritating factors.

You might think that these are all useful properties. Yes it is. But dependence develops on it. Although manufacturers claim the low probability of its appearance. As practice shows, dependence arises in every second. This is due to the fact that over time the usual dosage no longer has the desired effect. The patient, of course, increases it, and this leads to the development of side effects. It is also important to know that when the drug is canceled, a person feels uncomfortable, because the symptoms that were suppressed appear again and even with double strength. And this is the cause of nervous ticks, seizures and poor sleep.

So the drug can be taken solely as prescribed by a doctor.

Preparations improving performance and mood: List

As a rule, when it is necessary to improve performance, a person is interested in what drugs are for these purposes. They really are, but you just need to understand that it is better to consult a specialist before their reception.

The doctor usually pays the most attention to plant drugs, because they are not so harmful to the body and are able to improve performance.

Preparations to improve performance
Preparations to improve performance

So, among the most effective drugs to improve performance, they stand out:

  • Bemitil. It allows you to accelerate the process of restoration of performance and increases it. It is accepted by the course for 2-3 weeks at a low dosage or within 10 days
  • Glutamic acid. It is designed to stimulate oxidative processes. It should not be taken every day, but 1-2 tablets after each training or competition
  • Gutimin. It improves glycolysis and saves glycogen so that it is not so consumed with physical exertion. It is also accepted after training or a couple of hours before the competition
  • Quotamak. Great assistant for hypoxia. It is administered intramuscularly after training to restore the body faster. Allergy often occurs from it
  • Cerneton. It acts generally and increases the body's resistance to infections and inflammation. Usually prescribed for frequent diseases
  • Piminon. This is a derivative of nicotine and oil acid. Allows you to get rid of a sense of fatigue, increase self -confidence, cheer up and "clarify your head"
  • Asparkam. It is used to prevent overwork at large loads. It is also useful for weighting and training in hot climate
  • succinic acid. An excellent tool for improving metabolic processes. Usually used after training
  • Safinor. It is used in periods when the loads are most intense. Helps to cope with fatigue well
  • Carnitine chloride. This is a kind of anabolithic. It increases appetite and allows you to increase body weight. Moreover, it normalizes the metabolism
  • Cobamamide. It is important for most enzyme reactions that ensure the vital activity of the body. It allows you to better absorb proteins and amino acids

There are many other drugs that can improve performance. They help not only physical, but also mentally. In addition, many help relieve stress, which already allows you to work better, since the head becomes "clear".

Vitamins improving performance: List


Many do not know, but mental activity requires a huge amount of effort, as well as physical. Constant tension in the absence of vitamins and minerals can make a person emotionally empty and deprive of strength. In particular, it is important to improve performance to a person who is a student, studies at school and is already passing exams or constantly busy with mental work.

There are several excellent complexes that can improve performance:

  • Brain Boster. This complex combines vitamins, minerals and herbs with healing properties. It has an effect on brain cells that are responsible for mental work. Nervous impulses become more active and due to this cells are saturated with oxygen. This allows you to quickly absorb any information to them.
  • Ortomol mental. It allows you to cope with sleep problems, if they are available, as well as improve performance. Moreover, with the regular reception of the complex, a feeling of fatigue goes away, depression passes, and the visual function also improves and information is absorbed faster.
  • Glycine. Thanks to this amino acid, the functioning of the brain improves. Moreover, a person becomes less susceptible to stress and the voltage level decreases.
  • Phenotropil. It is sold exclusively by recipe. Most often, students use it to stimulate short -term memory and concentration.
  • Phosphatide complex. It allows you to accelerate metabolic reactions in the body, as a result of which it is easier to teach a person, it can better concentrate on important tasks, and mental processes are accelerated.

There are also drugs that improve physical activity. These include:

  • Glutamivit. Useful during too intense physical exertion. It increases endurance. This is possible thanks to glutamic acid in the composition.
  • Alphabetical effect. It is useful to both men and women who are professionally playing sports. It contains 13 vitamins, as well as minerals and energy elements.
  • Vitrum Perfomen. The drug is especially for men. It is prescribed when immunity is reduced, you have to perform a lot of physical work, which leads to chronic fatigue. Thanks to the complex, metabolism in the body improves.
  • Enimol Pak. An excellent tool for maintaining muscles in tone and preserving energy in the body during intense classes.

What color improves performance?


You may not know, but a person can improve performance if he looks at a certain color or be in it. Psychologists have found that the color of the room and objects significantly affects labor productivity.

So, purple, blue and blue are great for negotiation rooms. Well, red can make the task. Only after some time he begins to suppress. But with green you can calm down.

The best is the yellow color, because it symbolizes joy. If, for example, there will be some yellow object or the same wall behind the laptop, then sometimes looking at it, a person will feel cheerful and strength.

Food improving mental and physical performance: List

To improve performance, a person must understand that it depends on how much energy enters the body together with food. It is not for nothing that nutritionists are advised to comply with the rules of healthy diet, because it allows not only to avoid diseases, but also to maintain performance. So, let's find out what products you need to eat in order to always have enough energy in the body.

  • Fat varieties of fish. It has a protein that is easily absorbed, as well as vitamins beneficial for the body. Most importantly, it has omega-3 acids. At the same time, the content of carbohydrates in the fish is low - only 7 g per 100 g. At the same time, daily use improves mental performance.
  • Honey. It has a lot of sugars, but they consist of complex carbohydrates. But there is no fat content here at all. Yes, and a lot of useful things in the composition. Honey is very useful for the heart and blood vessels, and also does not allow cells to experience a lack of oxygen. From this, brain activity is significantly improved.
  • Oatmeal. This is the easiest source of carbohydrates. They begin to absorb five minutes after consumption. By the way, it is recommended to eat oatmeal with milk, yogurt and dried fruits. This will not only get energy, but also cheer up.
  • Legumes. They also have a lot of light proteins, as well as vitamins and fiber. Even after processing, for example, beans do not lose its properties. So there is it in almost any form.
  • Coffee. Coffee quickly increases energy, and it also stimulates memory, improves the mood and brain function. Just do not drink it too much. This will already be harmful, since it is a powerful stimulant. Doctors allow without consequences to drink two cups of coffee per day for 100 ml. It is better to do this in the morning and at lunch.
  • Essential oils. Affect the sense of smell, and this is a great way to stimulate the brain. Citrus and rosemary oil copes with the task. At the same time, 5-10 minutes are enough and you will lose fatigue and serotonin will begin to be produced.

As you can see, there are enough ways to increase performance. The main thing is to competently use them and chronic fatigue does not threaten you, and at work you will easily become the best employee.

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Comments K. article

  1. I usually have this in spring and autumn. I think the reason is the lack of vitamins. I burn at once by the course of the Evalarovsky multivitamins (they are like marmalade berries) and I drink syrup on sea buckthorn. Gradually, and there is more strength, and mood)) everything is better))

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