Why doesn't the husband want to work, does not seek work? The husband does not want to work: the tips of the psychologist. How to force, motivate a husband to work?

Why doesn't the husband want to work, does not seek work? The husband does not want to work: the tips of the psychologist. How to force, motivate a husband to work?

The reasons for the unwillingness to work in men.

Many women are faced with the problem of men's reluctance to work. Moreover, men do not work constantly, sometimes interrupted by some temporary earnings. In this article we will tell you why a man does not want to work, and how to deal with it.  

Why doesn't the husband want to work?

In order to start acting, it is necessary to determine what type your man belongs to. There are several types of representatives of the strong half of humanity, which most often do not work.  

Types of men:  

  • Misanthrope. This is a person who does not love people at all, they strain him, he does not want to communicate with them. Thus, he in every possible way tries to bring everyone to work to a white fever, so that he is fired. This is due to the fact that a person has some psychological problems from childhood associated with a feature of character. Usually such people are quite closed, they prefer silence, and a home environment.  
  • Melancholic. A person constantly whines, whimpers, tells how everything is bad, it is also associated with a feature of character, some psychological problems. Such people most often get a job, but at the same time they tell how everything is bad there, do not suit, constantly whine and complain. Over time, this bothers the leadership of the melancholic. They say goodbye to such an employee.  
  • Narcissus. This is a self-confident, narcissistic man who believes that everyone owes something to him. According to him, he works perfectly, the best, and there is no more competent employee. Although in fact it is not. Such people very often find a job, but employment does not last long, due to lack of qualifications, excessive narcissism, and low ability to work. Such a person simply takes out everyone with his self -love, and he is fired. Oddly enough, such people very quickly find a new job, but everything is repeated in the same way.  

    Husband does not want to work
  • Sissy. This person generally believes that at work he is wildly strained, not loved, not appreciated, and he is always right. Moreover, the problem lies precisely in psychological deviation, and errors of parenting. The mother of such a person most likely told him that he was the best, and convinced him. Or vice versa, he was not allowed to do some kind of dangerous business once again. Thus, mom did everything for him, and he expects the same from his wife.
  • Excessively cautious. This is a person who, in essence, can be a workaholic, but is afraid to make a mistake. That is, he refers to the choice of work with excessive care, and therefore tries to choose for a very long time in order to find a really good place of work. Many employers are satisfied with such an employee, and he can work in one place for a long period of time.  

    Husband does not want to work

The husband does not want to work: a psychologist

From all of the above, we can conclude that each non -working man needs to find his own approach, depending on which category is belonging to. Psychologists note that the fault of male unemployment is excessive freedom and the possibility of realizing a woman. Now many young ladies can earn more men.


  • In general, many psychologists believe that the situation with the unemployment of a man lies on the shoulders of a woman. Very often, women dump everything in their fragile shoulders in the world, including the house, cooking, and making money.
  • Thus, a man becomes a kind of domestic animal, or part of the furniture. That is, it is customary to be married, it is pretty good, for everyone the usual. At the same time, the husband does nothing in the family.
  • Very often a woman is to blame. It allows itself to be such an attitude and a situation in the family. To get rid of such a state of affairs, it is necessary to change the worldview of a woman. It is necessary to make sure that the man understands that the woman does not like everything in the current situation, she no longer wants to pull everything in the world.
  • This does not concern when the husband and wife by mutual agreement I choose that a man will sit on maternity leave. Now such cases are not uncommon due to the fact that a woman earns well, and leaving work on maternity leave becomes an excessive burden for the family.
  • At the same time, it is not clear whether the woman can then return to this work again. In this case, there is nothing wrong that the husband is engaged in housekeeping, cooking, and classes with the child. Thus, it will actually perform the work of the wife. If this suits both partners, then everything is fine.
Husband wants to work for him
Husband wants to work for him

The husband does not want to work: what to do?


  • Another thing is if a woman is strained by the events, and she wants her husband to work. It often happens that the man lived with a woman, while he did not work anywhere, and the representative of the fair sex dragged everything in the world.
  • But immediately after parting with a woman, the man finds another young lady in which he sets up for a good job and does a lot of household chores. At the same time, the ex -wife is perplexed - how could this happen?
  • The thing is that many women block oxygen men, and do not allow them to be realized and develop in the family. That is, a woman strangles a man with her pressure, he takes a driven position, that is, a woman leads to everyone in the family.  
  • The main task in this case is for a wife is to become a woman again, to seem weak and defenseless. It is necessary that the man himself wants to put this burden on himself, and become the master of the family.  
Unemployed husband
Unemployed husband

The husband does not want to work: how to motivate a husband to work?

Husband's motivation:

  • If this is a misanthrope, then there is a person who avoids human communication, you must try to make it so that he loves people, or generally stops talking with them. The fact is that now there are a lot of opportunities for such people.
  • There is a freelance, remote work that allows you not to contact people and not communicate with them. Thus, a person will earn money, but not communicate with anyone. Or communicate using the Internet through correspondence. Another good option is the organization of a private enterprise. It is suitable if your husband has golden hands, and he can do something, make it with his own hands on his own.
  • This option is suitable if a person is a good tailor, a master of the manufacture of leather products, or a jeweler. He will have to contact people in minimal quantities.
  • As for the mother’s son, the approach can be completely different. It is necessary to tell him more often that he is an adult who is able to work, earn and maintain a family. At the same time, it must be quite often praised and told that he is a really good worker, it can solve all the problems and painful situations at work independently, without conflicts.
  • As for the involvement of melancholy to the work of the melancholy, it is necessary to instill in every possible way his decline, independence, as well as the fact that he works quite well. That is, it is necessary to convince a person that he does well, and if he gets to work, everything will really change in the family for the better. That is, he will be able to afford to earn money, and accordingly spend it on himself. He will be able to take his family somewhere on vacation or purchase new clothes.  
  • As for especially cautious people, here you will have to spend part of the time to study the scope of activity, as well as human formation. You will need to choose 3-4 vacancies that are available on the Internet or in newspapers, call and describe all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Thus, it is necessary to help a person make the right choice regarding the profession.  

It is necessary to encourage your husband, also tell him that the searches are necessary, you do not want money, but want your husband to be self -realized. You need to see your husband happy. Only this approach will be able to drive into the man’s head the need to find work.  

Searching for a job
Searching for a job

The husband does not want to work: how to make her husband work?


  • If your husband is a daffodil, then in principle he believes that his wife must support him, provide. There is only one way out with such a man - to limit the receipt of money. It is necessary to arrange for him such a life that he does not like it.
  • That is, cook very simple and not satisfying dishes, feed it only with porridge and soup. At the same time, on the table, there should be no goodies in the refrigerator. It is also necessary to convince your husband that you will not give any money for fishing, fishing, new tackle, new clothes.
  • You can come up with a situation with a deterioration in work, or a reduction in wages. To prevent unnecessary scandals, you need to put a person in such conditions that he himself wants to work.
  • If a man wants new clothes for himself, or to purchase something, he must go to work, only so it can work. Otherwise, you will constantly work hard in two works, and your husband is at home at the same time.  
Husband does not want to work
Husband does not want to work

All these tips do not work in one case, if a man is naturally a parasite. That is, he is too lazy to work, it is best to sit on his wife’s neck, and do nothing. In this case, this is really a problem. The only way out is to part with such a man. As you can see, there are a lot of tips and all of them are suitable for a specific situation. Listen to our advice and try to inspire your man with the need to find work.  

Video: How to make her husband work?

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