Why is an adult constantly sick without vomiting and without a reason: what diseases symptom?

Why is an adult constantly sick without vomiting and without a reason: what diseases symptom?

If you notice constant nausea for without reason and vomiting, then read the article. It has a lot of useful information.

Many patients complain of constant nausea. But not everyone knows that this is a symptom of various diseases. To recognize which pathology shows itself so, only a doctor can. Naturally, with the first manifestations of malaise, you must immediately consult a doctor so that complications do not develop, and the existing pathology does not flow into a chronic form.

Read on our website an article on what helps with nausea - The best drugs and folk remedies. But it is better not to engage in self -medication. In this article we will figure out why constant nausea appears, and when you need to go to the clinic or even call an ambulance. Read further.

What is the constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms of a woman, men: what diseases symptom?

Constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms in a woman
Constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms in a woman

Nausea is a fairly common symptom and may indicate the presence of a variety of diseases. If it occurs quite often and does not pass for a long time, then you should immediately contact a specialist so as not to aggravate the situation. What is the constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms in a woman, a man, a symptom of what diseases? As a rule, along with nausea, a person experiences the following discomfort:

  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Pallor
  • Increased salivation

Nausea may be a consequence of the course of diseases such as:

  • Cardiovascular pathologies (arterial hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, chronic congestive heart failure).
  • Food poisoning and various intestinal infections.
  • Infectious diseases of various systems and organs.
  • Pathology of the digestive tract.
  • Violations of the vestibular apparatus.
  • The arising endocrine disorders accompanying diabetes.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Inflammatory processes and tumors.
  • Various pathologies of the brain.

Both men and in women, the occurrence of constant nausea can be a symptom of the development of the disease of the digestive system, including:

  • Organic diseases of the stomach and esophagus are ulcerative disease, gastritis, foreign bodies entering the esophagus, cicatricial stenoses of the esophagus, esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux and others.
  • Functional motility disorders - paresis of the stomach, dyspepsia, increased pressure in the stomach and intestines, swallowing air with food, systematic overeating.
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract - stones of the gallbladder, discinesia, cholecystitis.

We all are familiar with when a young woman is sick, since the first reason that comes to mind is pregnancy. But a woman may also feel sick if she is not pregnant. Read more more.

The main causes of constant nausea in a girl, women, if not pregnant

Constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms in a woman
Constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms in a woman

In the case when the probability of pregnancy in a woman is completely excluded, nausea can be a concomitant symptom of the disease. What are the main causes of constant nausea of \u200b\u200ba girl, women, if not pregnant? It is necessary to seek a consultation with a doctor and undergo a number of diagnostic measures, including:

  • A blood test from the finger and vein for conducting biochemical research.
  • Feces for the presence of pathogenic microflora and helminths.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • Studying the state of the intestine (verification for the presence of ulcerative formations through gastroscopy of the stomach).

The reasons for this condition can be different, and all of them are described above in the text. Do not leave this problem without attention, because it can be a signal about the occurrence of a serious disease. You should consult a doctor to install an accurate diagnosis.

Why is a woman constantly sick in the morning during pregnancy?

Constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms in a woman
Constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms in a woman

About the cause of toxicosis (it is this condition that includes such a symptom as attacks of nausea) during pregnancy there is still no unambiguous opinion. It is generally accepted that the appearance of this ailment is due to a number of changes taking place in the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, the amount of hormone increases in the blood of the future mother HCG - This is one of the main reasons why nausea arises in the morning.

So why is a woman constantly sick in the morning during pregnancy? There are several more factors affecting her appearance in a pregnant woman:

  • Lack of vitamins
  • Improper nutrition
  • Stuffy room
  • A predisposition dictated by heredity
  • Reduced blood sugar

Nausea in the early stages of pregnancy is natural, so do not worry about this.

Why is it constantly sick after eating: reasons

Constantly sick after eating
Constantly sick after eating

The appearance of nausea after eating can be associated not only with the problems of the digestive system. The body can activate the protective function, reducing energy costs to the process of digesting food. Why is it constantly sick after eating? Read below the reasons.

Such a condition that occurs when food enters the stomach can be a signal about the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Hypertension
  • Hypoteriosis
  • Brain concussion
  • Problems in the work of the gallbladder or liver
  • Pancreatitis
  • Infarction

Caution and prudence should be shown, be sure to undergo a medical examination by specialists, without postponing a visit to the clinic for later.

Why is it constantly sick and dizzy: reasons

Constantly sick and dizzy
Constantly sick and dizzy

In most cases, dizziness is not a serious symptom warning of a possible threat to human health. However, if it occurs quite often and bothers for a long period, then the list of examinations that must be passed in the attending physician should be clarified. Why is it constantly sick and dizzy?

Dizziness combined with nausea can be a sign of the occurrence of the following pathological conditions - the reasons:

  • Migraine - Attacks of a very severe headache.
  • Dehydration -Because of it, the blood pressure and volume of blood that provoke weakness and poor health are reduced.
  • Reducing the level of glucose in the blood - This can be facilitated not only by the presence of diabetes, but also by a meager diet, devoid of useful trace elements and vitamins.

In the event that nausea and dizziness occur constantly in a woman, then this can be a concomitant symptom for:

Premenstrual syndrome:

  • In this case, malaise can be explained by fluctuations in the level of hormones.
  • Usually it begins from three to ten days before menstruation.
  • After this period, the symptoms come to naught.


  • In this period, women experience some discomfort occurring in connection with changes in their body.
  • This is due to fluctuations in estrogens in the blood, which can adversely affect well -being.


  • Nausea and dizziness in this case can be explained by a constant difference in the level of hormones in the blood of the future mother.
  • This condition usually passes independently and quickly enough.

If this condition persists for a long time, then do not neglect health, the right decision will be consulted by the doctor.

Why constantly hurts the head and feel sick: reasons

The head is constantly hurt and sick
The head is constantly hurt and sick

Nausea combined with headache can be a symptom of problems with blood vessels, as well as atherosclerotic changes. This becomes the main reason for the appearance of spasms that provoke headache. Why else can my head constantly hurt and feel sick? These are the reasons:

  • Such symptoms may be a consequence of infringement of nerve endings.
  • This leads to the appearance of a lack of oxygen and insufficient intake of nutrients into the human brain.

If two these symptoms appear throughout the long time, then this is an alarming sign indicating the onset of the disease. Among them can be:

  • Osteochondrosis
  • Brain concussion
  • Hypertonic disease
  • The appearance of neoplasms in the brain
  • The development of tumor processes

Headache and nausea are the symptoms inherent in the occurrence of intoxication of the body caused, for example, food poisoning.

Why does the stomach constantly hurt, the stomach and sick?

The stomach, the stomach and sick are constantly hurting
The stomach, the stomach and sick are constantly hurting

Such unpleasant symptoms as pain in the abdomen, stomach, accompanied by nausea, can mean a number of problems. The most common causes of their occurrence are diseases such as:

  • Gastritis
  • Pathology of the biliary tract
  • Liver and kidney disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Oncological diseases

It is important to mention that acute pain in the abdomen in combination with nausea may be the result of an acute attack of appendicitis. To exclude this opportunity, you should immediately seek help from doctors. If this is not done, then the consequences may be the most serious. Therefore, do not wait for the situation to be solved by itself. It can cost life.

Why is it constantly sick and want to sleep?

Constantly sick and want to sleep
Constantly sick and want to sleep

If a feeling of drowsiness is added to constant nausea, a person suffers from a loss of strength, then this can serve as the following reasons:

  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Oxygen starvation of brain tissue
  • Chemical poisoning
  • Problems in the work of the cardiovascular system
  • Side effects of drugs (especially if they are not combined with each other)

When asked why it is constantly sick and I want to sleep, only a doctor will be able to answer you after diagnosis and testing.

Why is it constantly sick and weakness?

Constantly sick and weakness
Constantly sick and weakness

Nausea, combined with a constant sense of weakness, can indicate the presence of the occurrence and development of the disease. Violations in the body can be as follows:

  • Problems in the endocrine system
  • The work of hematopoiesis organs
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Complications in the digestive system
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system

In the event that a person underwent an examination and not one of the listed diseases was revealed, then it makes sense to reconsider his lifestyle. Such ailments can cause the following factors:

  • Insufficient amount of sleep
  • Improper nutrition
  • Passive lifestyle
  • The presence of bad habits - smoking, excessive drinking, etc.

In addition, a person can be healthy, but to experience a shortage of some nutrients and trace elements. You should pay attention to your own diet, supplement it with useful products.

Reasons why constantly sick and I want to eat

Constantly sick and I want to eat
Constantly sick and I want to eat

If there is a constant desire to eat nausea, then this can be a symptom of not only the disease, but also a number of other unpleasant conditions, including:

  • Exhausting physical and mental stress
  • Depression
  • Excessive problems
  • Improper nutrition
  • Long stress
  • Chronic lack of sleep

If we are talking about diseases, then nausea in combination with constant hunger may be a consequence of the development of diabetes, cholecystitis, parasitic diseases. In addition to the above diseases, a combination of these symptoms is characteristic of bulimia. At the same time, a psycho -emotional disorder, the patient experiences a very strong hunger, which inevitably ends with the attacks of compulsive overeating.

Why is it constantly sick and there is no appetite: reasons

Constantly sick and no appetite
Constantly sick and no appetite

Loss of appetite, accompanied by constant nausea, may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Dysbiosis
  • Endocrine diseases
  • Digestive diseases
  • Intoxication
  • Medication dependence
  • The presence of infections in the body
  • The occurrence of inflammatory processes
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland
  • Anorexia

Pay close attention to your own state of health if these symptoms are preserved for more than three days.

It is worth knowing: A possible cause of loss of appetite, accompanied by nausea, may be the taking of incorrectly selected drugs.

A person with this problem needs to try to drink more fluids, take food fractionally, dividing into small portions.

The child is constantly sick: why?

The child is constantly sick
The child is constantly sick

Constant nausea in a child can be a symptom of so many diseases. Most often, the cause of its occurrence is acute poisoning or various intoxication. This usually passes after a fairly short period of time.

Important: Provoke nausea in children can travel by car, flying by plane, since the kids are more prone to motion sickness. Therefore, going on a long trip, you should not have breakfast or lunch too tightly - this will help to avoid problems.

Particular attention should be paid if the child began to complain about nausea after a strong fall - this is how a concussion can show himself. You should contact a specialist to avoid serious problems.

Why can you feel sick in the evening and at night: nausea attacks

Sumbering in the evening and at night
Sumbering in the evening and at night

If nausea intensifies closer to evening or night, then this can be the cause of the digestive system dysfunction. If the probability of nausea attacks was excluded after the examination, then the reason lies in overeating. That's why this happens:

  • Many of us are inclined after a long and difficult working day, to arrange a plentiful dinner for ourselves.
  • But our body is not ready for this, because at this time it is already starting to prepare for sleep, which means that the number of digestive enzymes is reduced.
  • Because of this, malaise arises due to the fact that the stomach is difficult to cope with this volume of work.

The correct solution would be to choose an easy dinner, leaving the most high -calorie foods for the first half of the day.

What to do if it is constantly sick?

Constantly sick
Constantly sick

A feeling of nausea is always unpleasant. A person at this time can feel an unpleasant aftertaste in his mouth, craving for vomiting, dizziness. What to do if it is constantly sick? If there was an attack of this unpleasant state, then you can cope with it following these simple tips:

Do not go to bed:

  • In a horizontal position, gastric juice will be much easier to rise up the esophagus up, which will only aggravate the feeling of discomfort.
  • The correct decision would be to make the situation sitting.

You should open the window and ventilate:

  • Fresh air is able to significantly improve your condition.
  • In addition, if the cause of nausea was an unpleasant odor, then this method will help to rectify the situation.

Make a compress:

  • This will help reduce high temperature, which means that it will become easier for a person.

Try to breathe deeply:

  • This technique is especially effective if nausea provoked stress.
  • Such breathing will calm down and relieve tension.

Avoid heavy food:

  • These include: fatty and fried foods, food with a high percentage of carbohydrates.
  • First of all, this rule concerns carbonated and sweet drinks - it is better to abandon them.

Try to drink more liquids:

  • Water helps to cleanse our body of toxins.
  • Its regular use in small portions will avoid dehydration.

Often, when intoxication begins, a person loses a lot of liquids. This is bad for the whole organism. In this case, it is difficult to drink, since water causes a feeling of vomiting. You need to try to solder the sick person in small portions. Even a teaspoon of water will bring invaluable benefit for the body.

Woman, man is constantly sick: reviews

The man is constantly sick
The man is constantly sick

If you are constantly sick, and you do not know why and what to do with it, then you need to urgently go to the doctor. With such a symptom, do not postpone a trip to the clinic. Read the reviews of other women and men who are constantly sick:

Maria, 65 years old

Recently I was at the reception with the therapist who prescribed new drugs to lower the pressure. About the same moment I have constant nausea, which lasts throughout the day. I tried to change food, but this did not bring the result. Can the incorrect dosage or incompatibility of new drugs with others be the cause of malaise? We'll have to go to the doctor again.

Mikhail, 56 years old

A year ago, I had diagnosed diabetes of the second type. The last two months the sugar level has been too high, rose to fifteen units. The therapist increased the dose of insulin, it helped - sugar has decreased to the level of normal. However, the problem arose: I feel constant nausea. Attacks are especially strong in the morning. The doctor said that it is necessary to constant blood sugar or revise the menu. Perhaps those products that increase sugar and cause nausea.

Victoria, 25 years old

In order to reduce weight (extra 7 kg), I switched to proper nutrition, completely reviewing my diet. In addition, I signed up for the gym, I go three times a week. There is a problem: for the second week I have been tormented by constant nausea. I tried to slightly modify the diet, but this did not bring the expected result. The probability of pregnancy is completely excluded. My sports doctor said that this was from complex physical exertion. We reviewed all the exercises, now it has become easier.

Video: Nausea: causes, symptoms, possible foci of the disease and treatment

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