The child is sick in transport - kinetosis, motion sickness: causes, symptoms, how to help the child if he is sick in transport: drugs, recommendations, folk remedies, advice from Dr. Komarovsky, where is it better to sit in transport, how to train the vestibular apparatus?

The child is sick in transport - kinetosis, motion sickness: causes, symptoms, how to help the child if he is sick in transport: drugs, recommendations, folk remedies, advice from Dr. Komarovsky, where is it better to sit in transport, how to train the vestibular apparatus?

You do not know what to do when your child is sick of transport? Read tips and recommendations in this article.

Almost always, together with their parents, travel on personal or other transport and their children. Each baby tolerates the trip in his own way: one child can sleep all the way, and the other is capricious and sick, hesitates. Therefore, many parents are wondering: why does the child are sick of transport, what to do and why is this happening? You will find answers to all the questions in this article.

The reasons for the motion of the child in transport

The child is in the car
The child is in the car

Usually, it does not rock very young children. Harmered begins in babies from 2 years old. Up to 10 years, the formation of the equilibrium and nerve endings occurs. Therefore, usually after growing up, the child tolerates trips easier. However, this is not all people. Often, even adults do not tolerate transportation in transport.

It is worth knowing: Unpleasant symptoms during the trip, in the form of poor operation of the equilibrium organs, are considered a disease called kinetosis.

This ailment is often manifested as an independent disease, but it is also the first symptom of a more complex disease. Therefore, mothers and dads should pay attention to the health of the crumbs and contact the doctor. Here are what diseases can manifest in the form of nausea, motion sickness when moving on a car or other type of transport, including sea:

  • The disease of the nervous system - For advice, you need to contact a neurologist.
  • Various sinusitis, sinusitis, frontitis - If the sinuses are inflamed near the nose, then you should go to the otolaryngologist.
  • Hearing apparatus diseases - Heals an ENT or otolaryngologist.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - Therapist, gastroenterologist.
  • Violations in the work of the cardiovascular system - General practitioner, cardiologist.

Remember: It is dangerous to prescribe tablets from ailments in the equilibrium organs to a child. This is fraught with complications, especially for babies, since not all tablet medicines are suitable for little girls and boys.

Why does this happen that the child is sick of transport?

Why is the child sick in a car?
Why is the child sick in a car?

During any of our actions, wave impulses enter the brain. When driving in transport, waves enter the subcortex of the brain through the senses.

  • Eyes convey the impulses that we are sitting in a car, in one place, and the equilibrium organ transfers signals that the body's location changes in spatial orientation.
  • The child has still underdeveloped synapses between neurons of the head of the head and the coordination system, so it is difficult to evaluate the situation with the brain, how everything should really be.
  • As a result, irritable signals and failure of systems occur, which leads to motion sickness, nausea and other symptoms of kinetosis.

The adult brain can already compare information, and human consciousness understands how to react correctly. Children under 2 years of age also rarely rocking, since at this age the perception of space and time has not yet been formed. Only individual pictures from what they saw are coming to the head.

Symptoms and signs of kinetosis in children

Symptoms of poor operation of the equilibrium organs in a child
Symptoms of poor operation of the equilibrium organs in a child

Electromim packages entering the head of the head are irritable on specific body systems. Therefore, the symptoms and signs of kinetosis consist of three types of response of the body:

  1. Emotional type of response - The feeling of fear is overcome, a panic attack develops. But there are also completely opposite emotions: enthusiasm, excessive overexcitation, or even inadequate behavior.
  2. The vegetative type of response - Redness or vice versa, pallor of the skin. The abundant secretion of sweat, especially on the face, nausea, abundant salivation, fainting and violation of consciousness.
  3. The muscle type of reactions- Shark movements, swaying, loss of a sense of balance.

Often all these types of response are combined, so kids can react differently to movement in a car, bus, plane, on a ship and movement. Above it was said that motion sickness can be a symptoms of a more complex ailment. Doctors distinguish such forms of the clinical picture of diseases associated with the equilibrium organs:

  1. From the nervous system: There is dizziness, pain in the temples and the frontal part of the head, a feeling of weakness.
  2. From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, calls to vomiting, liquid chair, pain in the navel, an unpleasant taste on the teeth, sensitivity to smells.
  3. From the cardiovascular system: violation of the heart rhythm (increased or slowing), increase or decrease in pressure. Also, the child’s character may change in a child for a short period of time. When an attack appears, the pulse frequency decreases, yawning appears, breathing becomes heavy and the baby faints.

Important: Follow the baby during the trip. If he is yawning and it seems to you that he falls asleep, watch whether the skin is pale, whether normal breathing is normal. After all, the child may have a fainting state and he urgently needs help, and his parents are calm and think that the baby is sleeping.

How to help a child if he is sick of transport: recommendations, where is it better to sit so as not to rock?

The child sleeps in the car so as not to be sick
The child sleeps in the car so as not to be sick

The task of an adult, if his son or daughter is rocking in a car, are not panic. It is also necessary to distract the baby and open the window so that there is a cool access, especially if the car does not have an air conditioner. Here are a few more recommendations what to do if the child is sick of vehicles:

  1. Ask the baby to breathe deep. Thanks to this technique, nausea may disappear.
  2. Stop the car and go out into the fresh air. 10-15 minutes enough for the body's systems to return to normal, and nausea began to pass.
  3. If you eat on a bus, a minibus, then try to transfer to places closer to the driver. In these places it is almost not shaking, and an attack of nausea may not appear.
  4. Citrus and apple help to cope with nausea. A slice of an apple or a lemon crust can be allowed to chew on the child or just suck a crust. Any acidic candy or a piece of another fruit, which is at hand, is also a peach, plum and others, is also suitable.
  5. Advise the baby to look into or at himself: your finger, shoes.

If there is nausea during motion, but there is no vomiting, then it is worth giving the baby drugs for the good work of the equilibrium organs that the pediatrician advised you. Always take a plastic bag, a bottle of water and napkins with you on a trip in case the baby is tearing out.

Preparations for children, if he is sick in transport


Many tablet funds are prohibited from giving children up to 10 years. But there are tablets that are allowed to babies from 2 years old. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe a medicine for good equilibrium organs.

Tablets must be taken a few minutes before the start of movement. Their action is based on the fact that they reduce the sensitivity of the receptors in the vestibular analyzer, which helps reduce excitability, prevent sickening, vomiting and other symptoms of kinetosis. All drugs to eliminate symptoms in the equilibrium are divided into such subgroups:

  1. Payment drugs. Their action is based on the end of the roots of the nerve endings in the structure of the roots in order to remove the impulses from the vestibular analyzer. Such drugs include Dramin, Ciel, Kindryl. But such funds have many side effects, so they are appointed only on the recommendation of the pediatrician.
  2. Homeopathic remedies. These drugs cause mild symptoms of motion sickness, which are invisible to humans, but such an action helps the body cope with the undesirable consequences on the trip. For babies from 2 years old, such drugs are produced in the form of drops for the convenience of use. These include the following funds: Kokkulin, Vertikhogel, Avia More.
  3. Antihistamines, sedative, anti -rate drugs. Medicines from this series must be used only after consulting a doctor. The doctor will select a dosage based on the age of the child and symptoms during motion sickness.

Remember: All tablets have many side effects. But, if the baby does not tolerate the trip, he is sick and tears on any trip, even at short distances, then it is worth taking pills to alleviate the condition.

Folk remedies from the motion of the child in transport

Ginger from motion sickness
Ginger from motion sickness

If you still beware of the side effects of pills, then you should give preference to folk methods. But remember that their effect may not be as effective as that of drugs. If folk remedies do not help, then it is better to return to drugs from traditional medicine. Here are folk remedies that facilitate the condition of the body on the road:

  • Mint, chamomile. You can take a mint leaves with you on the road, give the child to hold it in his hand and sniff. But, if the child is small, he can pull the sheet in his mouth, so it is better to use essential oils in this case. A few drops on a handkerchief or a napkin will be enough to reduce the symptoms of motion sickness.
  • Ginger. A piece of this root can be chewed on the road. If it seems tasteless for the child, then it is worth brewing ginger root before the trip and let the child drink: 1 teaspoon of ground ginger per 1 glass of boiling water. Insist to cool completely and give the child after eating.
  • Infusion of indifferent oatmeal grains. Pour one tablespoon of oats, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist until completely cooled, strain and give the child. Do not force him to drink his infusions in a whole glass, let him drink how much he can and he wants - this will be enough. You can drink infusion for 2-3 days before the trip-2 tablespoons 2 times a day.
  • Drink on the road with small sips. If the baby drinks a lot of water in one gulp, then it can tear it out.
  • Talk to your child on an interesting topic for him. This will help to distract and the brain will “forget” about unpleasant symptoms.
  • Do not feed the child tightly before the trip. But you also do not need to swear hunger. It is enough to eat 100 grams of cottage cheese, yogurt or a little porridge, but not very sweet.

If you stopped on the road for a snack, then wait 15 minutes until the body is rebuilt to another environment. You can just walk or sit in cool.

How to train the vestibular apparatus so as not to be sick in transport?

Training of a child of a vestibular apparatus
Training of a child of a vestibular apparatus

A weak vestibular analyzer can be developed. This must be done systematically. With the child, such exercises can be performed in a playful way:

  1. Wear the baby in your arms, rock it.
  2. Bouncing on a large gymnastic ball. Set the child on the ball, hold your hands and let it sway on it on it, bouncing, doing what he likes.
  3. Rotation around you. Stand up with the baby opposite each other, pick up hands and start to spin. Usually, children immediately fall, but if you perform the exercise every day, then after a couple of weeks you will see that the child calmly makes rotations and coups around him without falling.
  4. Rolls from one side to another, as if he was rolling from the mountain.
  5. Teach the child to swim yourself and on an inflatable mattress.
  6. Make the baby more often on a swing.
  7. Take a child on the border.

Show patience and do with your child constantly, and after 10-15 days you will notice the first results. The kid will go longer in the car, not complaining about nausea, and after 3-6 months of daily classes, the symptoms should pass completely.

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky - what to do when the child is rocking: video

Dr. Komarovsky is known for his great experience in treating various childhood diseases. This doctor gives a lot of tips on how to get rid of the symptoms of motion sickness in the child and what to do if the baby is already sick. Watch the video and take note of his advice.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky: Riming in transport

Video: motion sickness, causes and methods of helping the child - urgent assistance to Dr. Komarovsky

Video: The child is rocking in the car

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