Nausea during pregnancy at what period does it appear? Nausea during pregnancy in the early and late stages: what to do, how to get rid of?

Nausea during pregnancy at what period does it appear? Nausea during pregnancy in the early and late stages: what to do, how to get rid of?

Ways to combat nausea in the early and late pregnancy.

Nausea may be the earliest symptom of pregnancy. It may appear very early or not appear at all. There are women who do not know what toxicosis is at all.

Nausea during pregnancy at what period does it appear?

Usually unpleasant sensations similar to food poisoning appear at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that the chorion is introduced into the uterus. More precisely, this is a week or two after the estimated date of menstruation. There are several hypotheses why nausea appears.

Doctors believe that the sooner the malaise appears, the worse the condition of the pregnant woman. With the growth of the embryo, the condition of the woman can worsen. Most often, toxicosis takes place by 11-12 weeks of pregnancy. With early toxicosis, doctors can put on preservation. Since constant vomiting can cause a miscarriage.

Nausea during pregnancy
Nausea during pregnancy

Nausea after menstruation: can there be a pregnancy

Very often women confuse the moment of introduction of a fertilized cell into the walls of the uterus with menstruation. But at the same time, menstruation is not as plentiful as usual and more resembles meager bloody discharge.

Nausea after menstruation
Nausea after menstruation

Causes of nausea during pregnancy in the early stages

Doctors believe that there are a lot of causes of nausea during pregnancy. Often, women who want a child and try to conceive him for a long time suffer from nausea. In this case, self -hypnosis takes place. But problems with the gastrointestinal tract are also possible.

The reasons for the occurrence of nausea in the early stages:

  • The introduction of chorion into layers of the endometrium. That is, a fertilized egg fuses with the walls of the uterus.
  • Hormone leap hCG. This is a hormone that is released by chorion. It is the leap of this hormone that provokes nausea.
  • Leak of prolactin. This is a hormone that stimulates milk production. During pregnancy, the concentration of this hormone is growing, which provokes nausea.
Causes of nausea during pregnancy in the early stages
Causes of nausea during pregnancy in the early stages

The causes of nausea during pregnancy in the second, third trimester, in the last weeks of pregnancy

If in the first trimester nausea and vomiting are considered the norm, then in the second and third trimester doctors are alarming. The fact is that in the later stages constant vomiting and nausea may indicate a number of ailments.

The reasons for the nausea of \u200b\u200bvomiting in the later stages of pregnancy:

  • Gestosis
  • Diabetes
  • Disorders in the liver
  • Hepatitis
  • Kidney disease
  • Obesity

Gestosis is a very dangerous ailment that leads to dehydration. Acetone accumulates in the body, which can send a child. In addition, acetone negatively affects the health of the kidneys.

Causes of nausea during pregnancy
Causes of nausea during pregnancy

What helps with nausea during pregnancy?

It is not necessary to take drugs with nausea. Very often nausea can be defeated by following certain recommendations.

Rules for getting rid of nausea during pregnancy:

  • Take food often, but in small portions. Best if you have 5-6 meals during the day
  • In the morning, without getting out of bed, eat a cracker or orange. Lie a little more, do not rush to jump out of bed
  • Before going to bed, walk in the fresh air and move more
  • Refuse oily and spicy foods. Give preference to protein food and fruits
  • When a free minute appears, take the knee-elbow pose. In this case, the uterus shifts, and the stomach takes its usual place
  • Do not eat hot food, it irritates the stomach and can cause vomiting
Nausea during pregnancy
Nausea during pregnancy

Tablets and nausea remedies during pregnancy

In advanced cases, and when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy due to nausea and vomiting, tablet drugs are prescribed pregnant.

Review of nausea tablets:

  • Antihistamines. These are medicines that simply block the body's reaction to allergens. Suprastin, Eden, citrine can be considered the most popular.
  • Hepatoprotectors. These are medicines that improve the liver. They contribute to the restoration of organ cells. The most popular can be considered the following: Essential, Hepaben, Karsil.
  • Enterosorbents. These are drugs that absorb toxins. They contribute to the absorption of harmful substances and weaken nausea. The most popular sorbents: Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb.
  • Anti -rate drugs. Such drugs during pregnancy are extremely rare, since they all have a large list of contraindications.
Tablets and nausea remedies during pregnancy
Tablets and nausea remedies during pregnancy

How to reduce morning and evening nausea during pregnancy with folk remedies?

Traditional medicine offers a large number of recipes that will help to cope with nausea. Usually use herbal infusions and decoctions.

Recipes of traditional medicine from nausea during pregnancy:

  • Ginger. Drink ginger tea and add this spice to various dishes. Ginger normalizes the release of acid and facilitates the condition of the pregnant woman.
  • Lemon. With nausea and vomiting, eat lemon. Wear citrus with you and with bouts of nausea, sniff the fruit.
  • Mint. Tea with mint will help to cope with poor health during pregnancy. It is necessary to pour a teaspoon of grass with boiling water and insist for several minutes. Take with lemon and honey.
  • Fennel. These seeds normalize the work of the stomach. At the first signs of nausea, take a few grains and shuffle them. Keep the seeds with you.
  • Raspberry. Raspberry leaves help with vomiting and nausea. Brew a handful of leaves with a liter of boiling water and drink a decoction instead of tea.
  • Melissa. This is a fragrant grass that is used to eliminate nausea and vomiting. It can be chewed or brewed. Often, lemon balm leaves are added when brewing ordinary black tea.
Reduce morning and evening nausea during pregnancy with folk remedies
reduce morning and evening nausea during pregnancy with folk remedies

When will nausea pass during pregnancy?

If there are no pathologies, then usually toxicosis takes place by 11-12 weeks of pregnancy. With multiple pregnancy, nausea disappears by 14-15 weeks. If there are any violations in the digestive tract, then poor health can accompany the woman for the entire period of bearing the baby.

With diabetes, obesity or gestosis, nausea can remain long enough. With constant ailment, pregnancy is preserved in a hospital. This is due to the fact that an increase in acetone in the blood can lead to a deterioration in the work of the kidneys.

Nausea during pregnancy
nausea during pregnancy

With the correct organization of the working day and the diet, you will be able to quickly cope with poor well -being. Do not abuse fatty foods and sweets.

Video: Nausea during pregnancy

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