What to do if an adult is sick of an airplane? List of tablets, so as not to be sick on an airplane

What to do if an adult is sick of an airplane? List of tablets, so as not to be sick on an airplane

List of tablets and folk remedies for nausea on an airplane.

Travels always cause a lot of positive emotions and pleasant memories. However, for many trips and flights associated with discomfort, in particular with nausea, vomiting and motion sickness. In this article, we will tell you what to do if he is sick, rinses in an adult or a child. 

What to do if he is sick on an airplane?

The main mistake that many adults are made is sealed by the child before flying. This can never be done, since nausea, as well as dizziness, is more felt on an empty stomach. Therefore, try to feed the child 2 hours before the flight. However, it should be some kind of light and low-fat food.

What to do if he is sick on an airplane:

  • The ideal option is fruits, juices, mineral water without gas. Refrain from feeding the child with meat products, as well as sandwiches with sausages. They contain many spices, as well as fat, which can provoke nausea.
  • To make sure that it does not shake in the plane, you can even before departure. To do this, it is advisable to choose the right places. The least shakes in the front of the aircraft, and opposite the wing.
  • Paper bags. Oddly enough, but they are given not at all for the vomiting of the masses, but to calm down and relax. Lean the paper bag close to your mouth and try to breathe in it. You will see that this helps to reduce unpleasant sensations and relaxes. 
Summarizes on the plane
Summarizes on the plane

The child is sick on an airplane, what to do?

In no case should you take your child on a plane plane, or a device for viewing cartoons. The fact,when the child fixes the eye on a motionless object, and the body shakes very much, the sensations of nausea and motion sickness are aggravated.

The child is sick on an airplane, what to do:

  • Therefore, ask the child to look at the horizon. This calms, relaxes and removes a attack of nausea. In addition, it is necessary to take into account other factors that help reduce nausea and motion sickness.
  • In most cases, you can take candies with mint or lemon taste with you on the plane. A jar of lemon juice or water with lemon taste is suitable. They also help to eliminate nausea attacks and calm the child.
  • It copes with nausea and motionless ginger. It is added to cold tea. However, if the child is rocking with enviable regularity, you often travel and fly, in this case you can take care of the tablets against motion sickness.
Bad feeling
Bad feeling

Tablets so as not to be sick on an airplane

Now the pharmacy presents a wide range of such tools that can be given to children of even the smallest age. Below is a list of tablets from motion sickness, which is used during children's flights. 

Tablets, so as not to be sick on an airplane:

  1. Paying nausea tablets. In their composition they contain DimenhyDrinate, it helps to cope with nausea and blocks certain brain centers that are responsible for the vestibular apparatus. The drug is allowed to children from 2 years old. Children 6 years old are given half the tablets three times a day, and adolescents for 12 years are recommended one tablet. Also, the maximum amount is 3 times a day. Kids, up to two years old, such funds are contraindicated. It is recommended to drink the first tablet in 30-60 minutes before the flight. 
  2. Dramina. This is a drug based on dimmidrinate, which is allowed to children from 3 years old. The concentration of the drug in one tablet is 50 mg. For a day, a 6 -year -old child can drink no more than 75 mg of substance. If the child is 12 years old, then the maximum allowable dose is 150 mg. Take 30 minutes before meals. It is noted that the tablets work perfectly for about 3-4 hours. That is, one tablet is enough to survive the flight. It is worth considering that it is better to give children without chewing, since the tongue may become numb from the drug. According to many patients and users who took the remedy, Dramina causes drowsiness. However, not everyone is noted for this side effect. Although for children it will be only a plus, since all the way they will behave very calmly or sleep. A great option for mobile children who are interested in everyone and do not fall silent. 
  3. Kocculin. This is a homeopathician, which contains plant components. It is recommended to take them not only on the day of the trip, but also the day before. It is necessary to absorb 2 tablets 3 times a day. On the day of the trip in the morning, you need to take two tablets, and then absorb 2 pieces every hour, until the symptoms are eliminated. The tool is allowed to children from 3 years old. Unlike the previous two options, the drug does not cause drowsiness, since it does not contain substances acting on the nervous system. 
Flights with the child
Flights with the child

Tablets from nausea in transport: List

They can be taken not only during flights. Suitable for traveling on a ship and a car.

Tablets from nausea in transport, list:

  • Avia-More. This is a Russian tool, which is also homeopathic. The composition also contains cockalin extract, and other medicinal extracts. Helps to cope with nausea and motion sickness in children, starting from 6 years old. It is necessary to take the product 30 minutes before the flight. If possible, take a tablet 1 hour before landing in the vehicle. After that, take one more tablet every 30 minutes, while staying in the vehicle. The drug does not cause drowsiness, while it does not reduce the ability to concentrate. Therefore, we are applicable even for drivers who are motionless. 
  • Iron. These are tablets that are prescribed for marine illness, as well as rocking during flights. The composition contains scopolamine, and helps to cope with motion sickness. The product is quite effective, it is recommended to be taken one hour before the trip, and then every six hours. If the product was not accepted before the flight, then it is recommended to drink during a trip in the amount of 1-2 tablets. It is allowed to children from 6 years old. Please note that the tool can cause drowsiness and reducing concentration of attention. Therefore, be careful. 
  • Kidelil. This is a drug that contains amoxilan, as well as caffeine.Amoxilan It is a strong antidepressant that causes drowsiness, and also reduces vomiting. It affects the brain, reduces the susceptibility of antihistamines. Many noted that the effect is very good, but there was some inhibition. Some patients recorded a color change in the eyes, as well as a vague image. Not everyone was observed side effects. It is allowed to accept children from 3 years old. The maximum dose for children is 6 years old, is a half -tablet. The product is accepted 1 hour before the trip, and then every six hours. Effective enough, but not used if a significant concentration of attention is needed. 

N.ravel Dream. This is not a drug or tablets, but a bracelet. Inside this bracelet there is a ball, which, when exposed to a certain point located on the wrist, affects the brain centers. Thanks to this, unpleasant sensations are reduced during the trip. 

Nausea tablets
Nausea tablets

Remembering remedy from the year: Methods

There are several more ways with which you can overcome motion sickness in the plane. 

Remembering remedy from the year:

  • Constantly walk, which will not work to do during take -off in the vehicle. However you can move your fingers. It's kind ofdeception for the brain that imitates walking. Although in fact a person sits still. 
  • You can also use another technique. During an attack, nausea is recommended breathe exclusively with your nose. In no case do not open your mouth when salivation began, because it will aggravate the situation. 
  • Necessary City your teeth with a wand from a chup-chups or a match, And breathe in this slit. It is believed that a very thin air stream will prevent nausea and vomiting. 
Traveling with a child
Traveling with a child

Try to ask for successful places when booking. If you are booking online, you need to see the location of the places on the plane on a special scheme, and choose the right ones. Be sure to use packages that are issued on an airplane.

Video: Smells on an airplane

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