Why is it difficult to lose weight after 40 years - what to do? How to lose weight after 40 years: tips, features

Why is it difficult to lose weight after 40 years - what to do? How to lose weight after 40 years: tips, features

Losing weight after 40 years is complicated by various factors. Let's figure out how to lose weight and what are the features.

Many girls note that after 20 years it is still easy to maintain their form, while after 30 it is more difficult to do. And closer to the age of 40, you have to make all possible efforts to get rid of extra pounds. If you are still far from this age, then look at your friends. Surely, many of them in early youth were slimming, and now they have become full of full. So how to be? Is it impossible to lose weight after 40 years? Let's figure out this issue.

Why is it difficult to lose weight after 40 years: reasons, features

Weight loss difficulties after 40 years
Weight loss difficulties after 40 years

To begin with, it is worth noting that weight gain after 40 years depends on the characteristics of every woman. It is important to take into account habits and preferences in food. Not every woman understands in his youth that the state of the figure in maturity depends on her food habits and lifestyle. Moreover, the older the woman, the more difficult it is to adjust the weight. This is due not only to physical changes: with age, everyone does not become so psychologically stable, and therefore ladies with difficulties abandon food habits.

Metabolic syndrome

This is a large complex of symptoms that can provoke a second type of diabetes. One of its manifestations is a sharp jump in weight. Among the causes of metabolic syndrome, genetic factors, age -related changes, as well as a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition are distinguished. In such a situation, it will be very difficult to lose weight. So to do this is better under the supervision of a doctor.

Here's what you can do in this situation:

  • Track the waist volume. Experts argue that metabolic syndrome develops more often in women with a waist of more than 80 cm.
  • Adhere to fractional power. With metabolic syndrome, it is recommended to eat 4-6 times a day. A multiple meal allows you to maintain a normal level of glucose in the blood. Moreover, despite the reduced calorie content, you will not feel hunger.
  • From the diet exclusively products with a high glycemic index. It is possible that you will have to abandon any cereal or limit its reception up to 100 g per day.
  • Use additives. When metabolic syndrome develops, the cells become less sensitive to insulin. So, even with a high amount of glucose, the cells will starve. The situation is corrected using special drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Estrogen deficiency

How to lose weight quickly?
How to lose weight quickly?

With age, the ovarian function begins to fade, and a woman has an estrogen deficiency. Similar to female hormones, the substance can be distinguished by adipose tissue. So with the occurrence of adhesion of adipose tissue, it becomes larger. This becomes noticeable after 50 years.

Your actions should be as follows:

  • Go to the endocrinologist. He will recommend the prevention of hormonal changes to you.
  • See how you eat. Conduct an analysis - how many calories you consume and how much you spend. If you are constantly playing sports, then after 40 years the calorie content can be reduced by 10%, and for sedentary people this figure is 13%.
  • Reduce the amount of fat in the diet. You can consume no more than 20-25% of daily energy per day.
  • Try to eat more products with phytoestrogens in the composition. They can affect cell receptors that are sensitive to estrogen. These are soybeans, flax seeds, sesame seeds, apples, grapes, broccoli and others.

Decrease in metabolic rate

Slow metabolism
Slow metabolism

These changes are considered normal. Their reason is that the volume of muscle mass is reduced. It affects this process and a decrease in the amount of estrogen involved in the assimilation of calcium. Thanks to this trace element, muscle contraction is ensured and they retain their tone.

To prevent bad consequences:

  • Watch how much protein is in your diet. Often women after 40 years become vegetarian. This is bad for the body, because important amino acids will not come to it, because they are not produced by the body. Animal proteins must be included in food.
  • You can also get amino acids using additional additives. After 40 years, the necessary protein can be obtained from low -fat meat of poultry, fish, sour milk products, seafood, legumes and mushrooms. So, 25-30% of the daily diet should account for proteins.
  • Perform exercises. Even if you did not make any charges before, then it would be time to start. This will allow you to maintain muscle mass at the proper level. Do not forget that the muscles consume more energy to ensure normal performance than fatty deposits.

Disruption of the thyroid gland

Lack of hormones
Lack of hormones

If the body does not have enough hormones from the thyroid gland, then this can become the real reason why difficulties will arise with weight loss. An even possible reason for the lack of hormones can be autoimmune disorders, as well as a lack of iodine in the body. In addition, tumors of a different nature, as well as a low -calorie diet, can lead to this.

In this case, it is recommended:

  • Visit an endocrinologist. You need to control the level of the hormone in the blood. This requires blood tests. An ultrasound and urine tests may also be required to determine the concentration of iodine in the blood.
  • Track the amount of iodine used. It can be obtained enough if you use it not ordinary, but iodized salt.
  • Do not sit on hard diets. If you reduce the number of calories consumed to 700, then the thyroid gland will produce less hormones and the metabolism will be slow. If you decide to lose weight, then calculate how many calories you consume and reduce this amount by 300-500 kcal. Then you will lose weight a little, but for health it will be absolutely safe.

How to lose weight after 40 years: features, diet, instruction

Features of losing weight after 40 years
Features of losing weight after 40 years

At 40, as a rule, people are already self -sufficient and they have a certain way of life. Despite this, even if nothing changes, kilograms are still added. This is expressed by ugly folds on the stomach, and indeed the attitude towards itself changes.

Yes, undoubtedly, there are reasons that bring a lot of difficulties to the process of losing weight and we examined them above, but this does not mean that now we will have to live with what is. You can and sometimes even need to lose weight, but it is important to know how to do it right.

  • Consider the characteristics of the body

At the age of 40, the activity of women is very good. They have enough strength to work and at home, as well as their already established lifestyle. However, metabolism is already changing towards a decrease in reproductive function and, along with this, metabolism slows down. This leads to the first changes in the body.

In our modern world, chronic diseases have become the norm, and after 40 years they begin to manifest themselves more actively. This can provoke weight changes. Therefore, before selecting a diet, you need to understand the features of your body.

The body begins to suffer a little from dehydration, and in order to block its needs no longer needs such a large amount of energy. Despite this, calcium and protein are required more, but the amount of fat should decrease. So advertised diets at this age do not have any effect, and even can become dangerous to health and life.

  • Do not limit yourself to food almost to fasting
Lose weight without fasting
Lose weight without fasting

Often, when a woman has a couple of extra pounds, she begins to panic. It seems that she does not change her diet, but kilograms are added.

Ultimately, some abruptly limit themselves in food, sit on very strict diets or completely starve. This is a bad way of losing weight, because it harms health.

If you exclude fats, and especially cholesterol from the nutrition, then this can lead to a violation of the synthesis of sex hormones. In other words, they will be much less produced. This will certainly lead to early menopause, as well as a decrease in libido. Thus, proximity will not give pleasure and the first signs of menopause will appear.

It is important not to get very carried away by all sorts of diets where the amount of fluid consumed is very limited and sharp weight loss is provided, because in the end your body will be dehydrated, and the skin on the face and chest will sag. It looks, to put it mildly, ugly.

Among other things, it is important to discuss a diet with a doctor and undergo an examination in order to find out the state of health. If the therapist does not see any obstacles, then your normal weight and calorie content are determined at the next step. To develop a diet, it is better, of course, to contact a professional. The therapist, of course, has knowledge in diets, but not so deep, since he has a different specialization.

Do not try to lose kilograms dozens or even to the level that you had for 20 years ago. The features of our body are such that over the years, 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bis added. You need to remember in what weight it was convenient for you and still throw a couple of kilograms to it.

With calorie content is much easier. Take a landmark for about 1,500 calories per day. As an option, you can multiply your weight by 22 and take away 700 calories from it for weight loss.

By the way, for women at the age of 40, the rule is relevant that you can’t eat after six, and for dinner you can eat, something that is easily digested and does not contain many calories.

It is important to note that a couple of times a week you need to unload on simple products - apples, other fruits, kefir and yogurt. Just decide what you like more and use. You can alternate different products during unloading days.

It is important to eat fish more often. She is replaced by part of the meat. It has a lot of protein and in this regard it is even more useful than meat.

Dietetics also advise at the age of 40 to reconsider the balance of protein and fat. The body does not have enough protein, but he does not need excess fat. But do not forget what we said before. You can’t eat completely without fats, just reduce their number.

Sport exercises

Losing weight with sports
Losing weight with sports

Indeed, an important component of excess weight is low mobility. As a rule, those women who play sports look much better than "sedentary" friends. Without training, the body loses its tone, the muscles become decrepit and atrophy. They are replaced by fat, because there should be something in their place.

Undoubtedly, you should not immediately engage in bodybuilding or acrobatics, but fintes or yoga should not be avoided. And it is best to turn to the gym to an experienced coach and he will help you not only determine the training program, but also a diet, which will help put the figure in order.

The coach is also required because after 40 years the ligaments and bones become weaker, and therefore you need to carefully observe the loads and it is better to engage in the supervision of the coach. It is useful at this age to engage in swimming and aquaerobics. This will gently train muscles.

Remember that you can lose weight at any age. The main thing is to arm yourself with the correct motivation. If you are used to yourself in such a weight, then the body is unlikely to want to look out with it. And if you think that excess weight prevents you from achieving goals or you will be more comfortable without it, then you will want to act.

And do not be afraid of someone else's opinion that repeats that you will not succeed, and indeed it is stupid. These people envy you and be afraid of their own failure, so do not listen to them, but achieve your goal.

Video: how to lose weight quickly after 40. Rules for weight loss

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  1. Well, Metobolism slows down, so probably, although I was 42 and I was able to completely and safely throw off the excess, I just began to eat fractionally and drink turboslim tea, I probably was able to disperse metabolism in this way, which helped me bring the weight to normal, there is generally the whole line of turboschem I liked it)

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