Why Petersburg was called Petersburg: reasoning, grade 5. Why is St. Petersburg called the northern, cultural capital of Russia?

Why Petersburg was called Petersburg: reasoning, grade 5. Why is St. Petersburg called the northern, cultural capital of Russia?

If you did not know why Petersburg was called Petersburg, or why it was called Leningrad, then read the article. It has a lot of useful and interesting information.

St. Petersburg, Petersburg, Peter - All these are the names of one beautiful, picturesque and old city of Russia. Why is this city so named? Why is it called the second capital of our country? What is his geographical position? Answers to these and other questions, look below. Read further.

Petersburg: geographical location, geographical name of the city


There is a picturesque city in the north-west of the Russian Federation. Located at the mouth of the Neva and on the nearby islands. The geographical name of the city - St. Petersburg. Here is a geographical position:

  • Coordinates of the center of St. Petersburg: 59 ° 57 p. Sh. and 30 ° 19th century D..
  • Regarding administrative units, the city stretches 90 km.
  • The height of the city 12 meters above sea level. The highest place is the Dudegof gates, the height of which is up to 70 meters above sea level in the Krasnoye village.
  • The time zone is identical to Moscow time.

St. Petersburg - One of the most “water” cities in the world:

  • In his Arsenal there are many small channels and more 80 rivers, the total length of which is more 280 km.
  • The main water source is Neva, which, in turn, flows into the Neva lip of the Gulf of Finland.
  • The river also forms a wide delta, one of the boundaries is Big Nevka, another - Ekateringofka.

The largest islands - Petrogradsky, Vasilievsky, Decembrists, Krestovsky etc. The suburbs of Peter are located on the Prinevsky lowland. Before the city was founded, the space was occupied by forests, mainly coniferous and marshy swamps.

Despite the fact that it is Neva gives Peter Colorite and romanticism, everything is not so safe. The river caused many floods. By the way, the most significant thing that happened in 1824and described by Pushkin in the work "Bronze Horseman". However, and later the river rose to a dangerous level. AT 2011 The authorities attempted to protect the city from a cataclysm, and introduced the system of protective structures.

Why did the city of St. Petersburg be called Petersburg: reasoning, briefly, grade 5


The story of the change of names of the city is quite interesting. "Why was the city of St. Petersburg called Petersburg?" - Reasoning, briefly, Grade 5:

Founded Peter I On the locations chosen by himself, the city was doomed to be called his name. However, later, when the priorities of society changed, it was renamed into Leningradto whom he was quite a long time under the Soviet system. Nevertheless, everything returns to its own circles - therefore, after a while, the settlement has again gained a former name.

Laying the first stone on the territory of the future Peter, the king intended to create not only the “second” capital, but also the city that would have world fame and key importance to the state. Some sources also say that the ruler was not guided by ambition, calling his "brainchild" Petersburg, but so named the city in honor of St. Peter. This is a very realistic version, given the double name - St. Petersburg, The first part of which is translated as a "saint."

Ourselves Peter I The settlement was implied as a sea gate into a power. Does the name bring Petersburg Historical meaning and meaning? To some extent, yes. But, if the city was named differently, nothing would have changed. Vladyka simply decided to perpetuate the name of the saint, which coincided with his own.

Why is the geographical objects of Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Bering Strait that this way?


There are many cities in Russia that have a special, memorable story. This is not only Peter, but also others. Why is the geographical objects of Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Bering Strait that this way?

The answer to the question lies in ancient times. Few can understand why at one time the choice fell on such names. However, there are several reasons that can be guided. Suppose, often settlements are called by the name of man. A striking example - Petersburg, that is "The city of Peter".

As for Bering straitit is named after in honor Beringwho was a researcher, a famous traveler. It was he who was the first to go through this strait.

Petersburg was founded Peter the first. It is worth saying that he was originally a fortress named after St. Peter. It is noteworthy that the name of St. Petersburg is translated as "fortress of St. Peter". Why didn't the Vladyka named the city in honor of herself? Perhaps because at that time it was not accepted to call the settlements so.

Sometimes names are given to cities in accordance with their position. It refers to Novosibirsk. Previously, the city, named after Emperor Nicholas, was called Novonikolaevsk, but after that its name was replaced (so that there would be no mention of the king). As for the second part of the name - the choice fell on it because the future Novosibirsk is in Siberia. We can say that this is a territorial binding.

Also, the names of cities are influenced by events and people. Often cities, villages and other geographical units were named after famous people. And sometimes the society goes “from the contrary” and changes the name of the city so that it does not remind of debunk heroes, which no one admires, who are not interested in anyone.

Why is St. Petersburg called the northern, cultural capital of Russia?

Petersburg - the cultural capital of Russia
Petersburg - the cultural capital of Russia

Peter is a unique city with great cultural value. Those people who have been here at least once want to return here again. Why St. Petersburg called the northern, cultural capital of Russia?

There are many attractions in this city, including parks, theaters, museums, various monuments. It concentrates the architecture of various eras. Most of the buildings are museum houses. Particularly significant: Peter and Paul Fortress, Winter Palace, Isakievsky Cathedral, Alexandrievsky Theater.

These and other factors contribute to the fact that St. Petersburg It is the cultural capital, into which tourists around the world gather. Unlike the noisy and fussy Moscow, which is more focused on the business ideas of mankind, Peter can be called the cradle of art and creativity. It is noteworthy that he was very popular with both classics and geniuses of an unconventional genre.

To this day in St. Petersburg Very developed: theater, cinema, painting, architecture, music. Perhaps this is one of those settlements where most concerts and other mass cultural events are held.

Analyzing the works of the authors of past eras, we can conclude that in the literature St. Petersburg It is mentioned along with Moscow (and sometimes even more often), which, of course, confirms the huge cultural heritage that he carries, as well as the fact that he is the property of the country and the people.

As for the name "Cultural Capital" - for the first time Boris Yeltsin, who was president in those years. He said this, passing the “Culture” to the “button” of the central TV. The expression was spontaneous, but gained immense popularity, due to the fact that it clearly expresses the essence of the city.

The streets of St. Petersburg: Why are they so named?

The streets of St. Petersburg
The streets of St. Petersburg

Each of the city streets has its own history, so sometimes it is very interesting to analyze the names and find more and more new connections of St. Petersburg streets with culture and past. The streets of St. Petersburg: Why are they so named? Here are a few meanings:

  • Abrosimova street - One of the shortest. Once she took the beginning at the Neva herself. She is named by the name of the homeowner. Most likely, his ancestor was a carpenter of the Admiralty Office. Or this is the name of the homeowner. The most famous representative of this surname, S. A. Abrosimov, at one time founded a company that performed the carpentry and carpentry of the high class.
  • Avangard street - It is called so in memory of the military units that protected the city during the blockade.
  • Avenue of air designers - In some cases, the names are simply predicted. It is not sacred that he was named after those who had a hand in the creation of aircraft and the development of domestic aviation.
  • Bus street and bus lane. Both names go from the 2nd bus park, which was located at one time on the corner of the street.
  • Autovskaya street It is where the village of Avtovo was previously. Of course, this was even before the foundation of the village of Peter. Accordingly, the name is due to this fact.
  • Autogenic street It is named after the Krasny Autogen plant, the territory of which is now occupied by the Research Institute of the Institute of Energy Engineering.
  • Admiral Street Street - One of the youngest. It is founded in 2008. It is named after the military admiral, passes from the Gulf of Finland to the Peterhof highway. The feat of the tributs is that he transferred the army from the fox nose to Oranienbaum. This served as an help to organize the Neva-2 operation, which allowed the blockade to remove.
  • Academician Baykov Street - It is called this in honor of the scientific luminary. This man founded the school of metal scholars, after he was the rector of the Polytechnic, and then developed the theory of cement hardening. It is noteworthy that he was engaged in incendiary mixtures, produced methods of extinguishing bombs.
  • Asafiev Street named after the Russian composer and musicologist. Originally Boris Asafiev from St. Petersburg. All his work was dedicated to the native city.
  • Barmaleeva street. No matter how paradoxical it sounds, but it has a relationship to the cartoon character. It was here that Korney Chukovsky and Mstislav Dobuzhinsky came up with this anti -hero for their work. It is noteworthy that earlier the Englishman Bromley lived on this street, on behalf of which Chukovsky came up with a nickname for the robber.
  • Baroque street - Many confuse her with the Baroque era. However, everything is much easier - at one time it was hut. In fact, there were buildings like a type. And also a tavern with the name "Bark".
  • Basque Lane I was once a street. It is named so not in honor of the “ideal blond” of Nikolai Baskov, but in honor of his namesake - the merchant and his son, who owned House No. 2 on the street that is now called Korolenko Street.
  • Basque street They called it because of the rowing channel. Perhaps because “channel” - it would sound very non -e likeative.

Of course, this is not all the streets of the city. In fact, there are a great many of them, each in its own way is unique and interesting. Like the history of its name.

Why is Petersburg called Peter?

Petersburg is called Peter
Petersburg is called Peter

St. Petersburg has another name. Everyone thinks that it is simply abbreviated. Let's understand together. Why is Petersburg called Peter?

At first, the name was common. This is what Karamzin told about this. Nonetheless, Peter - The word is short, but capacious. That is why it seemed to many and seems more convenient than the full name "St. Petersburg".

It is noteworthy that the word "Peter" It fit into folklore and remained immortalized both poetic and in prose and musical works. Of course, no one has changed the name in official documents, but at present the names "St. Petersburg"and "Peter" They are used equally and are synonymous words.

And if the classic writers did not use this abbreviations, then modern (like Lyudmila Ulitskaya and Tatyana Tolstoy) with great pleasure, Petersburg Peter in their works, and no one thinks to stop them.

However, the point here is not only in simplicity. Suppose, saying "Petersburg", many involuntarily imagine tsarist Russia from the times of Peter, and speaking "Leningrad" - They recall the USSR, war and the blockade. That is why the modern name "Peter" was so loved by the public. It is positive, more neutral than the first 2, and does not carry any references and memories. One way or another, the city is not the name, but the city is the name.

Why is St. Petersburg called a museum city?

St. Petersburg is called a museum city
St. Petersburg is called a museum city

Perhaps, in no more the city of Russia, it is not to find so many magnificent structures, architectural buildings, which in one way or another gave the creators inspiration and entrenched as a cultural heritage. That's why St. Petersburg called a museum city.

It was here that many masterpieces of painting were created, breathtaking music was written, brilliant writer's work was created.

The city is also decorated with a huge number of monuments and sculptures, which are masterpieces of its time. It is worth saying that everything in Petersburg Made highly artistic. Each lane seems to be inspired by inspiration and exudes creative energy.

Perhaps that is why a unique city is called a museum city. After all, the legacy that he has is worthy of showing it to the whole world.

Why is Petersburg called North Palmyra?

Petersburg is called North Palmyra
Petersburg is called North Palmyra

Palmyra from the ancient Greek and Arabian translates as a "city of palm trees." However, what is the connection between the city of Peter and this name? Why Petersburg called Northern palmira?

In fact, both the southern prototype, and Peter They have a next side - they both have oases. Only in the case of the first, they are located in the desert, and with the second - in the swamps.
There are similarities in the history of creation. Suppose, according to legend, God ordered Gina to build a city of unprecedented beauty for King Solomon, from stone, for a short time from scratch. About this did Peter. Moreover, both settlements were implied as powerful shopping centers and sources of trade routes.

Also, Palmyra and St. Petersburg columns, of which there are a decent amount. For the first time a phrase "Northern Palmyra" I used it Ryleyev in 1820. It was a poem "To Delia."

He followed and Pushkin, who wrote a lot about love and lyrics. It was the successes of writers that made the name a kind of brand, fixed it on a public lips. It is likely that such a success is used because Petersburgers are not indifferent to everything exalted.

Why is St. Petersburg called the second capital of Russia?

St. Petersburg is called the second capital of Russia
St. Petersburg is called the second capital of Russia

It was said above that Peter - This is the second capital of the Russian Federation. So all residents of the country think. Why St. Petersburg called the second capital of Russia?

Firstly, both cities are settlements of federal significance, in each of which, according to official sources, lives at least 5 million inhabitants. Nevertheless, if the first capital is Moscow, bears administrative significance. In the capital are government bodies, then St. Petersburgit is a cradle of culture. There are many tour, exhibitions and other events aimed at enlightenment in the field of creativity.

Secondly, these cities are trade, educational, economic centers. Their geographical position allows maintaining close ties with other regions and other states. In case of St. Petersburg, it is quite profitable to use it as a water center of Russia, since the access of ships to it is much easier than in Moscow.

Why was Petersburg called Leningrad?

Petersburg was called Leningrad
Petersburg was called Leningrad

Another name of Peter is Leningrad. Everyone knows perfectly well where it came from. So why Petersburg They called it Leningrad?

1924 marked by the death of the leader, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin. That is why, on the fourth day after his death, Grigory Zinoviev proposed to rename the city in Leningrad. Everything happened (like much in those years), “at the numerous requests of workers,” for whom Lenin was an ideal.

As for Petra, his name seemed irrelevant to Soviet people. That's why city on the Neva He began to be called in honor of the leader of the world proletariat.

Video: Video lesson on the story “History of one city. St. Petersburg"

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