How to leave to live in another city, in another country? How to leave to live in a new country: a rating of the best countries for life

How to leave to live in another city, in another country? How to leave to live in a new country: a rating of the best countries for life

The difficulties of moving: how to move to another city, to another country. Detailed instruction to action.

Moving is always an exciting, promising event that changes life. And it’s good if the move is the whole family, or youth company. But if a person moves alone, there are many times more difficulties, because a completely new environment is added to a new environment, and if a person experiences difficulties in communication, it will be very painful to establish new connections.

In this article, we will talk about how to move to another city and even the country, which you need to be prepared for and what you should not be afraid of. We will also tell you which documents must be prepared, and what to do with different budget levels.

How to leave to live in another city?

Young people who have just completed educational institutions perceive the move to another city, especially if it is a metropolis, with pleasure, and only occasionally experience longing along their native streets. At the same time, the older generation, even if this age 30+ is already in time, as it seems to them to “take root”, get housing, friends, hobbies and thereby “tie” themselves to the place.

At the same time, look at the Americans - you just have to shower new opportunities (improvement of housing area, career growth or creative opportunities), like a family, without hesitation, collects suitcases. Europeans are not so fast, but also without any difficulties are ready for changes in the place of residence, if the profit promises, and what is even better, new opportunities.

The new place is new opportunities
The new place is new opportunities

So, the move always guarantees:

  • New acquaintances, connections, relationships. Especially good for those who have many difficulties at the current place of residence;
  • Changes. They are inevitable! After all, changing the place of residence, you go out of the comfort zone, thereby growing new knowledge, hobbies and even tastes;
  • The ability to grow along the career ladder. After all, beginners more often bring ideas, having a “fresh look”, thereby drawing the attention of the leadership to their personality;
  • Moving due to a new place of work always promises more earnings, otherwise why?
  • Find out the world, discover new horizons and know yourself deeper;
  • It is difficult to find happiness, because in the bustle of an established life it is difficult to straighten the wings again.

In the "before the Internet", the crossings were accompanied with great risks and inconvenience. At first there was a “test” trip, if this is a family, then, most likely, the head of the family rode, making the final decision for everyone. Without considering all aspects, they fell on their heads already in the process of moving and, probably, therefore, compatriots had the opinion that the move was equal to the fire. In fact, if you think through all points, then the move will be compared with the new birth.

So, if one person moves, it is necessary to prepare in this way:

  • Housing question (for young people, before receiving the first salary, there may even be a place in the hostel, or rubbering;
  • Type of earnings. Today, this does not mean that you need to run on the first day of arrival and look for work, because you can already work somewhere remotely, or find a vacancy in advance via the Internet and possibly even pass an interview. In this case, there is already work! And if not, you need a stock of money for life so as not to exchange for unwanted but affordable vacancies;
  • Financial pillow. How did you not inspire stories about how to move to another city without a penny of money, it is still better to have a certain amount for which you can live for more than a month;
  • The presence of chronic diseases is the most important factor. Be sure to decide in advance the question of where and how you will receive medical care in case of exacerbation.
How to go to another city? Collect a suitcase and go to a meeting new knowledge!
How to go to another city? Collect a suitcase and go to a meeting new knowledge!

If the family moves, then prepare in this way:

  • The financial issue. You must have money for a living for 3-4 months, even if you do not work. If they are not useful to you, they will become the foundation of the confidence that the family needs when moving;
  • Decide whether both parents work or only one. Make a move only if the work is for both, or the wages of one family member will be so high that the second can look for its place without a loss for the family;
  • Housing question. To begin with, this can be either a rented apartment or a separate room in the hostel, depends on finance, or maybe immediately buying housing;
  • Schools, gardens, sections and mugs. Be sure to think through the workload of children, and who will accompany them in cases where both parents are at work;
  • Medicine. Decide whether everything suits you in a new medical institution, if not, look for a decision in private clinics, if finances allow it.

As you can see, everything is solved, the most important optimistic mood! Now consider what you need to take with you when moving. The list may be endless, we are voicing a minimum list, without which a modern person cannot do.

  • A package of documents to confirm the individual and employment, rights, even if you do not plan to ride this time, the new city is new opportunities;
  • Cards with money and a little cash (if there is no terminal for payment, and looking with suitcases is not very convenient);
  • Seasonal clothing, shoes;
  • Medicines, vitamins and all that you are currently drinking;
  • Cosmetics (soap, shampoo, etc. can also be purchased in a new place);
  • Phone, tablet or laptop. Without access to the Internet today.

As you can see, you can go completely light, and take the rest of the things after a while, or sell it in advance and purchase already in a new place. Try - after all, changes are always for the better!

How to move to live in another country?

  • Moving to another country is not at all a move to another city. Everything changes here, absolutely everything. And what seemed quite ordinary yesterday, tomorrow you may simply not find in a new place of residence. Remember, a beautiful resort does not mean - the best place for life. After all, you like to relax in nature? But are you ready to live in those conditions? In the case of moving to another country, this rule is true.
  • If you want to move to another country, take two sheets of paper and, without thinking what and how to write on one sheet that you love in life, including cranberries with sugar for tea, rustling leaves in the fall under your feet and the smell of a metropolis, or, opposite, on the contrary The silence of the little village in which you grew up. Be sincere. On the second sheet, write what you dream about: career, family, creativity, walks, food, aromas and music.
  • All-all, even what now seems ridiculous. If you eat a family, let each family member write, and take into account everyone’s wishes in the future. Now write who you see yourself (every family member) where you want children to study, whether to go to preschool institutions or be at home education before school. And when it will all be ready, go to the second point.
Immigration is a very responsible step in life!
Immigration is a very responsible step in life!
  • The choice of the country. First, read the ratings and reviews of the best countries for emigration. After that, open the card and look at the reviews of other countries that you liked, because the best for someone is not the best for you. Weigh all the pros and cons, build your rating of countries yet. Periodically take the listed lists above and compare the country with all the parameters.
  • Also focus on the climate and ease of language learning. If you want to achieve heights more than a waiter or a worker, do not focus on a large number of Russian -speaking or the presence of Russian diasporas, in order to assimilate in the country to learn a language! Learn about the country the maximum information, what rules for obtaining a work visa, a residence permit, citizenship, etc. Is there a good base for medical insurance, what conditions of training, etc.
  • When you decide on the choice of the country, go there on vacation, but not to the resort areas (unless of course you are moving to live not in the resort), but to cities or villages where you plan to stop. Visit local institutions, inform others that you are planning, moving to their lands, listen to the mood of the local population (after all, the society does not always meet visitors with open arms and should not go to the conflict zone in advance).
New places are beautiful - but is there a place for you?
New places are beautiful - but is there a place for you there?
  • Now that you have already decided on the choice finally - Start searching for work. And while looking for a job, start preparing for the move. Remember, even if you eat the whole family, you will start with a clean sheet. You will leave 90% of things in the old place or sell.
  • Therefore, prepare a list of what you probably take with you, and divide the rest into two zones: you can give/sell now, you need to prepare for sale at the last moment (including sales channels). If you have a car, housing, cottage, etc. - Decide whether you will take or sell. Prepare documents and restore order with loans, debts, all obligations to relatives, etc.
  • Solve the issue with the transport company. Find out the most reliable international courier companies from your country to the country that you are moving into, get acquainted with tariffs and deadlines. Prepare what you take with you on the road, and what can be sent with parcels. Find out if you and your family are vaccinated, if necessary, do it.
  • If there are minor children, specify what rules of submitting documents to educational institutions, perhaps some additional documents from the school or preschool institution are needed, and you will get it easier to be at the old place of residence.
Moving with children to another country is much more difficult and more responsible
Moving with children to another country is much more difficult and more responsible
  • Pets - A separate point in the issue of emigration. Decide whether you can pick up a pet, and if not, start solving the issue of finding a new owner. If you decide to take with you, find out what documents are necessary for the import of a pet to the country of moving.
  • Decide on the deadlines. Please note that a family with children needs at least 6 months to close all issues, prepare documents and gather for moving. It is possible and faster, but from a financial point of view it is much more expensive. Young students to move to another country also need at least 60 days, although there are cases and moves “light”, and all current issues are resolved by parents or friends.
  • Opening bank accounts in the new countryor establish service in their accounts in such a way that they do not cause difficulties in a new place. Again, temporarily, until you completely transfer your capital to a new country.
  • Driver license. Find out if they are suitable for a new country, if not - how to get a suitable sample.
  • Housing question. To begin with, even a hostel is suitable, or housing that the employer provides, but in the shortest possible time you must be ready to pay new housing yourself (rent or purchase).
Housing issue is one of the most not simple
The housing issue is one of the most not simple

A great option if in the place you go to, there are acquaintances, even distant ones. Those who are in their homeland “The Seventh Water on Kiseel”, in another country - best friends, or maybe support.

So, tune in positively, but realize that difficulties are inevitable, like a kind of cultural shock that must be overcome and accustomed to new rules of life. During the period of adaptation, even the lack of a familiar taste of coffee seems to be a real disaster. But having overcome the difficulties of emigration, you will get a chance for a completely new life!

How to leave to live in a new country: a rating of the best countries for life

In this section, we will give 10 best countries for life in which the perfect combination of living conditions, the ability to find a good job and “start the anchor” with the family.

  • Norway. Over the past decade, Norway has been in ratings of the most developing countries, as well as countries of the most favorable for life. This is a great country in order to come in his student years, get a family and meet old age. Excellent medicine and social situation in the country not only for local, but also for immigrants. Your children are growing up - there is a free education! Another fad that attracts more people.
  • Sweden. Here everything is concentrated for ideal ecology, and it seems that it comes from everywhere. A wonderful standard of living and the opportunity to climb the social ladder, the purest streets and cozy houses. Even the interior in the houses of the Swedes is simplicity and as if breathing tenderness. Excellent medicine, free education, lack of corruption and crime. What else is needed for life?
  • Denmark - The place of happy people. It is this indicator that Danes are the highest in the world. And indeed, how can you feel in this beautiful and developed country. At each turn, architectural monuments or modern installations, clean and safe streets, again free education.
  • Finland beckons with its close location, a unique education that gives the world gifted open people, low crime and a comfortable northern climate. A great place for life, if you like comfort, silence, measured and a lot of suburban relaxation. It is completely not suitable for those who love clubs, beaches and a noisy lifestyle - here you get bored.
  • Netherlands - The country of free views and new teachings. The country pays $ 200 to every teenager who will prove through the tests that he does not drink alcohol and drugs. A country that freely sells marijuana, but in the Netherlands there are no more dependent on marijuana than in any other country in the world. The main income is still received by the country from tourists acquiring marijuana. A decrease in crime, special living conditions and the country has become desirable for many people, especially for creative personalities. Great place for raising children.
  • Switzerland - The country of the Confederation is considered one of the best countries for life over the past 50 years. The purest ecology, excellent products, the standard of living can be attributed to the most protected. The only negative is that you can live your whole life and do not achieve citizenship.
  • Iceland. The country of cold fjords and a very specific climate. Due to the natural living conditions in the country, a considerable outflow of the population, therefore, the conditions for emigrants, especially narrow specialists, are so attractive that the country has entered the ratings of countries desired for life. Another plus is not the highest class, and because of this, living in the country is felt much more pleasant, because if the standard of living of one rises, it lifts the neighbors along. The slogan of these northerners is friendship and mutual assistance!
  • Canada. It attracts its large Russian -speaking diaspora, excellent conditions for employment and the opportunity for several years of life in the country (if you work hard) to acquire housing, as well as a stable social status. In addition to narrow specialists, builders, doctors, drivers, educators and teachers are required, as well as people ready to start small business and raise the country's economy. Wide open spaces make it possible to choose at the place of residence, but most often these are sparsely populated small cities. But if you like a metropolis (although for the sake of it, it is probably better to go to another country), then you can settle in the capital.
  • Australia She was an indisputable leader for the emigration of Russians in the 90s, but now she went into the bottom of the list, and European countries overtook it. At the same time, this magnificent country holds the doors open to emigrants and is ready to provide all kinds of support for successful assimilation in the country. Absolute economic stability, lack of corruption and perfectly clean cities, and villages, huge beaches and a delightful climate. Want to live in paradise, and can you work hard for this? So you are here!
  • New Zealand An ideal place, because there is warm, beautiful and important - there are no mosquitoes. This place awaits specialists in their field, and if you show in the country that you are really virtuoso in your profession - quick and preferential receipt of citizenship is guaranteed. It is safe on the streets, the products are numerous and affordable, the formation is paid, but at affordable prices. And citizens of New Zealand can travel without visas in 168 countries of the world! This is a great opportunity to live in a beautiful place on the planet, to be appreciated at work and at the same time be able to travel around the world freely.
New Zealand
New Zealand

And in conclusion, we add, do not be afraid of moving, be afraid of rash decisions. If you are carefully prepared, and the move will be meaningful - you have a happy future in your hands!

Video: TOP-10 countries for work and life abroad. Where is the best way to emigrate?

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