The difference in time between Moscow, the cities of Russia and China. What cities of China are in the same time zone?

The difference in time between Moscow, the cities of Russia and China. What cities of China are in the same time zone?

From this article you will find out what is the difference in time between Russia and China.

China is an amazing country. It becomes closer to Russia, and many of our compatriots are leaving for the Celestial Empire, work or just on an excursion. Therefore, many Russians are interested in what time zones exist in this country and what is the difference in time between the Russian Federation and China. Look for answers in this article.

What cities of China are in the same time zone?

City of China: Time difference -4 hours
City of China: Time difference -4 hours

For the inhabitants of the eastern coast of China, just be in harmony with an hour -long belt. But in a completely different way, things are in Western settlements. For example, in Xinjiang you will not see the sun until 10 in the morning. In Kashgar, also, but in the summer, sunsets cannot be enjoyed until 11 pm. In some cities, even at midnight, the sun is still above the horizon.

  • All this is because in China one time zone: Beijing time.
  • For a large territory of this country, such a step is bold.
  • China is one of the largest zones of one time throughout the Earth.

Therefore, when asked what cities of China are in the same time zone, you can safely answer: "All."

The difference in time between Moscow, the cities of Russia and China: time zones

The difference in time between Moscow and China -5 hours
The difference in time between Moscow and China -5 hours

It has been established in Russia 11 time zones.

  • Time in the Western Kaliningrad region itself corresponds to the second time zone according to the international numbering of time zones (UTC + 2).
  • The eastern regions (Kamchatka, Chukotka) live on 12 international watch belt (UTC + 12).
  • Moscow and the central part of Russia lives in Moscow time (UTC + 3).

As mentioned above, in China, despite the large geographical length corresponding to five geographical belts, a single Beijing time has been officially established throughout the territory (UTC + 8).

Thus, the difference between Moscow and Beijing is minus 5 hours, that is, if in Moscow there is noon, then in the cities of China time 17 hours. This applies to such cities of central Russia as:

  • St. Petersburg
  • Murmansk
  • Novgorod
  • Smolensk
  • Vladimir
  • Bryansk
  • Kursk
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Kazan
  • Crimea and Sevastopol

If we talk about Beijing, then there will be the same time difference as in other major cities of China:

  • Shanghai
  • Chunzin
  • Guangzhou
  • Shenzhen
  • Tianjin
  • Wuan
  • Shenyan

The difference between Kaliningrad and Beijing is already minus 6 hours. The farther from Moscow to the east are cities, the less the difference in time with China:

  • Izhevsk - minus 4 hours
  • Ulyanovsk -also -4
  • Samara --4
  • Saratov --4
  • Volgograd --4
  • Astrakhan - minus 4 hours
  • Yekaterinburg - minus 3 hours
  • Orenburg -also -3
  • Chelyabinsk --3
  • Tyumen --3
  • Khanty-Mansiysk-minus 3 hours
  • Omsk - minus 2 hours
  • Krasnoyarsk -also -2
  • Novosibirsk --2
  • Kemerovo --2
  • Tomsk - minus one hour

In the Irkutsk region (cities of Irkutsk, Bratsk) and Buryatia (the capital of the region of Ulan-Ude) time has been established UTC + 8. In these regions, time corresponds to the general City Time.
Cities located further east are already lagging behind in time from China.
Yakutsk, Chita and Blagoveshchensk are ahead of one hour, i.e. if these Russian cities are noon, then in Chinese cities 11 o'clock.

Vladivostok and Khabarovsk are ahead of China for 2 hours, Magadan and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk for 3 hours, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Anadyr, the eastern regions of Russia, are ahead of Chinese time for 4 hours.

Video: The difference in time between the cities of the world. Find out the time difference between the cities of the world

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