What is the coldest city, a settlement in the world? What are the benefits of civilization in the coldest city of the world?

What is the coldest city, a settlement in the world? What are the benefits of civilization in the coldest city of the world?

Do you think that your city is very cold? Learn about the city that is the coldest in the world.

Wrap in winter in warm clothes, complain about the “dog cold” and frost, you can’t wait until the three winter months finally end? And you imagine how people live in Oymyakon! This colder city on Earth is located in the east of Yakutia.

The climate of the coldest city in the world

Places that are the coldest on the planet are called the "Pole of the Cold." It is such a pole of the northern hemisphere that is the coldest Russian city of Oymyakon.

  • Here they set the records of heat, not cold, since the cold record here is already set and it is minus 71.2 ° C.
  • On January days, the village invariably lives at minus 50 ° C.
  • Despite extremely low temperatures in the winter, in the summer in Oymyan it is really warm. Here, often in the summer months, the temperature rises to plus thirty degrees Celsius.
The coldest village
The coldest village

And on warm days here you can observe such a unique natural phenomenon as white nights.

What are the benefits of civilization in the coldest city of the world?

Back in the 20s, the 30s-this place was the transshipment point of the reindeer herders, but later the USSR government decided to settle uncontrollable nomads in all the time.

You can get from Oymyakon to Yakutsk in two days and only by the “Road of Bones”, which is the only land message between the coldest settlement and the capital of the region. There is absolutely no vegetation here, local residents feed on fish and venison.


A little more than five hundred people live in the village, and their lives can hardly be called simple and comfortable. They cannot even dream of any benefits of civilization:

  • There are no mobile towers here, and if they were, they are completely useless, since no phone can work at -50 ° C.
  • Even the letter here becomes a problem, since ink freezes.
  • Airlines are very rare and exclusively in the summer.
  • As well as ships that walk exclusively in the summer months.
  • Cars here almost never jerking, because it is not known whether it will be obtained again.
  • The problem is even the usual drying of the linen, it is necessary to constantly knock the ice with it with a stick. And with a burial, not everything is so simple, the earth is so frozen that sometimes they dig a grave for up to three days, warming the soil with coals.
  • There is only one store here, and only fish or meat can be bought in the market, but their assortment is very large.
  • The coldest settlement in the world is heated thanks to the local thermal power station, where the coal is imported every morning and ash as a ash. However, many residents heat their dwellings with firewood and coal on their own.
  • But with amenities in the village, a problem. Since it is impossible to lay pipes here, the toilets are equipped only street.
  • The adult population here mainly works as hunters, fishermen, shepherds. And for children there is a school that they visit daily, except for the days when the thermometer column dropped below 52 ° C.
  • Paradoxically, Oymyakon translates as non -freezing water. This name received the city due to a hot source nearby.

Now, if in winter, at minus ten, you will be very cold, remember the "pole of the cold." And you can visit here, try to live in a real permafrost. By the way, many Russian travel companies offer a similar trip as exotic tourism.

Video: Cold air pole - Oymyakon

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