Why does the guy close his eyes during a kiss: should it? Can friends kiss the lips?

Why does the guy close his eyes during a kiss: should it? Can friends kiss the lips?

If the guy closes his eyes during a kiss, then this says a lot. Read more in the article.

Closing the eyes during a kiss, the couple do it on automatism, without thinking about the causes and premises of such behavior and reactions of the body. But this is a rather interesting process. This is not taught in schools, they do not talk at lectures, parents do not talk about this, but intuitively the body itself reproduces the desired reaction.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Why does a loved one are shaking at the sight of a loved one, hands tremble, body?".

During contact, the couple does not even think about such involuntary actions as closing their eyes, feeling a spark among themselves. In fact, there are quite justified and logical explanations for this fact. Read further.

Chemistry of kisses

Chemistry of kisses
Chemistry of kisses

Scientists have not yet fully studied the question: what happens in our body during a kiss? In this process, partners have a pleasant positive effect on each other. This is real chemistry. It is at such a moment that our body produces the following hormones:

  • Adrenalin - hormone that increases the level of wakefulness and mental activity
  • Dopamine - “Hormone of Love”, gives a charge of energy and pleasure
  • Serotonin - "Hormone of happiness" is responsible for a good mood and euphoria
  • Oxytocin - a hormone responsible for close attachment and strong love

From all this it follows that kisses improve overall well -being, physical and psychological condition, reduce anxiety and anxiety. Therefore, the emotional stability of a person and his brain activity increases.

Psychology of kiss

It is worth paying attention to the psychological component of kisses. When a person closes his eyes during a kiss, he is calm and relaxed. To extract maximum pleasure from the process, it is necessary to fully concentrate on sensations. Closed eyes help to abstract from external existing stimuli, in addition, the rest of the senses are aggravated.

It is for these reasons that a reflex is triggered in the body, which helps to get the greatest pleasure from close contact. Also, people close their eyes due to close distance between partners. Firstly, there will still be enough to see a little. And secondly, if the second half also opens the eyes, then an awkward pause may occur that will destroy this “magic”.

Can friends kiss the lips?

The question - whether friends can kiss on the lips - is a rather controversial moment. Opinions vary here. Some believe that hugs and kisses between friends are normal, others, on the contrary, do not accept. In general, if the second half is not against such relationships with friends, then friendly short kisses are possible. But it is better to discuss this moment in advance with your partner and with a friend, so that in the future there is no misunderstanding and quarrels.

Why do guys close their eyes during a kiss?

Often guys close their eyes during a kiss
Often guys close their eyes during a kiss

At such a romantic moment, many close their eyes instinctively and do not even think why this is happening. I wonder why your boyfriend does this during a kiss? We will analyze in more detail the true reasons for this behavior:

  • Modesty. Sharpiness and bashfulness accompany people even at such pleasant moments. People can worry and worry during a kiss, and closed eyes help to tune in a positive way and completely “dissolve” in a loved one.
  • Instinct. Often, people cover their eyes simply with pleasure, such an effect can cause a cool drink in the heat and a peeping sun after a few days with gloomy weather. A kiss is no exception, you can be firmly sure that this person likes the process.
  • Hostility. Very rarely this hostile feeling is directly connected with the partner himself, as a person as a whole. Most often, the reasons are external repulsive imperfections: rashes on the face, scars, scratches.
  • It is difficult to concentrate. Due to the close location of the second person, it is difficult for the eyes to focus and see at least something. In addition, such attempts can then respond with a small headache associated with the tension of the eyeballs.

Kisses with closed eyes help remove mental and emotional stress, move away from reality and forget. The reasons why the guy closes his eyes several, they can also affect the total. But it’s better not to think about it and just enjoy a wonderful moment.

Should a guy close his eyes during a kiss?

The partner’s open eyes during the kiss do not say that he does not like you. Most likely, he is simply observant and he is curious to the serene state of the second half. Or the guy is too nervous and worries about your condition and wants to do as best as possible. Should a guy close his eyes during a kiss?

  • Visually, we perceive the information easier, and it is easier to analyze it, so the open eyes are not a reason to worry about romantic feelings.
  • Also, one of the reasons may be that he is admiring.

Do not be afraid to openly talk to the guy and find out this curious question. The discussion of such points in relationships will allow a couple to know each other better and learn to understand.

Kisses: Interesting facts

Kisses are the most complete definition of information about another person. The smell and taste serve as a measurement of the chemical component and, as a rule, the smell of a loved one is pleasant to us, so our body determines a set of genes that is different from our own. Here are a few more interesting facts of kisses:

  • Contribute to the strengthening of immunity. Upon contact, the exchange of bacteria occurs, some of which are very individual. It is they who activate the protective immune system of the body.
  • The level of cortisol is reduced (stress hormone), therefore, a feeling of danger comes to change a feeling of security.
  • Stimulating the functioning of the heart muscle. As a result, the blood flow and the supply of organs oxygen improves.
  • Most of the couples during kisses tilt their heads to the right. Opinions explaining this fact are divided: some believe that it is determined by the dominant hemisphere of the brain, others - depending on the “left -handed” or “right -handed”.

Closed eyes will provide closer intimacy. After all, this is how not only dense physical contact is achieved, but also a large psychological discharge. The surrounding distracting factors will be reduced significantly, so the kiss will be more comfortable and pleasant to both. But it is important to remember that there is nothing like that to keep your eyes open, so you should not “score” your head and worry in vain. It is better to devote yourself to this beautiful moment and get distracted from reality.

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