Why do men do not care with whom to sleep? It’s true that men do not care with whom to have sex?

Why do men do not care with whom to sleep? It’s true that men do not care with whom to have sex?

Why do men do not care with whom to have sex?

Many women do not understand men at all, in response, representatives of the stronger sex speak of female logic that does not exist. In fact, the relationship between a man and a woman was always quite complicated, while it often seems to the young ladies that men use them in order to get the desired sex. In this article, we will tell you whether men really do not care who to sleep with.

Attitude to sex men and women

The fact is that the attitude to sex in men and women is slightly different. A woman always wants to see relationships and love in priority, so many of them often come to peculiar concessions. They give a man sex, wanting to get love in return. But most often, such a scheme does not work, because a man has an organism and awareness of the process of sex and love at all. Men, like women, want love, but their interaction scheme is somewhat different.

First of all, a man wants to satisfy his carnal needs, that is, throw out or realize his instinct of reproduction or dominance. He needs to conquer the female, conquer her and get the desired in order to throw out the amount of testosterone that has accumulated. Accordingly, only after satisfying his desires, a man can think about the emotional component, that is, about love.

Modern relations
Modern relations

In men, the worldview differs from the female, there is immediately sex. If the gentleman satisfied the carnal needs, then feelings rise above. He can feel some kind of affection for a woman. That is, satisfaction in sex leads to the fact that a man is comfortable with a woman and in normal relations. In the representative of the weaker sex, the opposite occurs. That is, it is initially necessary to feel that it is necessary, she loves, appreciates and respected.

Thanks to this, a peculiar emotional mood for sexual relations arises. Women need a prelude not to get excited, but in order to feel the desired and beloved. Thanks to these emotions, the feeling of excitement drops down and already directly at the level of the genital organs of women feel a desire. Men works differently: they immediately have a desire in the genital area, and only then, with the satisfaction of desires, love can arise.

Love or sex
Love or sex

It’s true that men do not care with whom to have sex?

Many women complain that men do not care who to sleep with. These conclusions are made from ordinary life.

Research results:

  • You can observe interesting situations when a man leaves a prettier, successful and seemingly beautiful woman, to a very inconspicuous lady. Therefore, women believe that men do not care. In fact, this is not quite as it seems to women.
  • British scientists conducted a number of studies, during which it was found out that, when the representative of the fair sex appeared in the premises, not very beautiful, in most men, the level of testosterone increased by almost 8%.
  • At the same time, women changed, but the level of testosterone in the same man rose to a certain mark, that is 8%. Almost no importance was of how beautiful a woman. The level of testosterone in any case increased to this mark.
  • Scientists have found that instincts are guided by a man. He feels a female nearby, signals are received in the brain center, testosterone is released, which greatly affects the behavior of a man. This can be seen by movements, facial expressions, as well as by the behavior of a man. He wants to like it or somehow draw the attention of a woman. And it does not matter how beautiful it is.
Beautiful woman
Beautiful woman

Why do men do not care with whom to sleep?

That is why many men are accused of so -called collecting, or in sex for sex. Yes, this is really characteristic of most men, not because they are polygamous, but because it is so laid genetically, at the reflex level. Men's behavior regulates the level of male hormones. Accordingly, indeed, many men want to sleep with as many women as possible.

The fair sex takes place absolutely the other other way around. Ladies' sexual experience does not depend on the number of sexual partners. Indeed, most women agree with the assertion that experience depends on the degree of trust in the partner. The higher the degree of trust, the more the woman is ready to open and allow the man. Accordingly, this requires long and trusting relationships.

Many men are not ready to spend a lot of time to get sex with a specific woman. This is due precisely with the release of a huge amount of testosterone and the desire to have sex here and now. That is why most men have sex with the most affordable women who do not bother with relationships and want sex for sex for sex.

It turns out a very interesting situation that a man turns out sex from that woman who is as affordable as possible, is ready to give him at a certain point in time, when he needs a male. Accordingly, women who want relationships do not receive relationships or sex.

Sex and relationship
Sex and relationship

Sex as a way to obtain relationships and love

In turn, there is another category of women that gives sex to get relationships and so -called love. A woman needs caressing and emotional reinforcement of herself in order to feel confidence, and also to be loved, even if this is not really the case.

Sex and relationship:

  • That is why many women are unhappy in marriage. They do not get any pleasure from sex, at the same time they feel that a man has no feelings. This is because a man simply satisfies his carnal needs and comes to where it is warm, comfortable, and also deliciously prepared.
  • Thus, a woman goes to certain sacrifices in order to get imaginary relationship, love. In this case, a man receives sex and comfort.
  • In fact, this kind of relationship is the wrong a priori. This is due to the fact that initially a woman puts herself as a victim, and agrees to give sex in exchange for relationships. Building love and really serious, trusting relationships is almost impossible.
  • Initially, a woman needs to explain and tell a man, starting with a relationship in bed, as she wants, to insist on a certain prelude.
  • It is also worth talking about some of your secret points what needs to be done in order to feel satisfied and happy. When a woman feels satisfaction from sex, in emotional terms she will be much happier than a man.
  • Representatives of the stronger sex are an empathetic, they feel when a woman enjoys sex or not. If you learn to enjoy sexual relations, you will also have the usual relationship with your chosen one.
Female mistakes in sex
Female mistakes in sex

Based on the studies of scientists, we can conclude that a woman, in order to get love, as well as a constant relationship, must give a man sex. And also enjoy yourself.

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