How to understand what a man wants or does not want children: signs

How to understand what a man wants or does not want children: signs

Do men want children? What men lie that they do not want children and from which men it is better to not rush to give birth to a child.

My man does not want children, what to do with this? This question is very sick and most women are faced with this problem. Moreover, some men who say that they do not want children in fact they want them, and in the end they turn out to be wonderful dads. There are other representatives of the strong half who really do not want children. There are those that are not very good fathers. Why do men do not want children and whether it is worth giving birth to a child from this particular man, let's try to understand this article.

Why can a worthy man not want children?

When preparing materials for this article, we interviewed several men, asking them the same question. Why don't men want children? And most of them answered the same way: "I don’t know, I wanted children." Among the respondents was one man who said that he did not want children. But unlike the rest, he had no child. And the way he motivated his unwillingness to have children led to thought that he would make a good dad out of him in the future.

We will first talk about men who say that they do not want children, but in fact they want them. They seriously and responsibly motivate their unwillingness to start the baby:

  • I want my child to be financially secured. First you need to buy an apartment, make repairs, buy all the necessary household appliances, find a more paid job (emphasize the right one.)

Often a man does not want children because of possible material problems if he himself has grown in need. Think about if your chosen one is bending the stick? And whether you really have at least the necessary minimum to raise a baby.

All this will come in handy in the house where there is a baby
All this will come in handy in the house where there is a baby

Since childhood, we are convinced that happiness is not in money. Indeed, you can love and raise worthy children even in poverty. But keep in mind that the less money you have, the more work you will have to attach to take care of the baby. This small creature will shout incessantly while you, for example, are manually washed. And at night the baby will wake up three times more often, if you put a rag diaper on it, not a store diaper. Children are huge egoists and your material problems are absolutely indifferent to them, they are simply not able to realize them. The more you get tired, the more you will be annoyed, and the worse your family relationships will be.

How to get out of the situation? Remind your chosen one that the state now provides material support at the birth of a child. At least in Russia and Ukraine now it is. Make a detailed list of expenses for a child up to a year to show your soulmate that in the end it turns out not such a large amount.

Material support to families with children is provided by the state
Material support to families with children is provided by the state
  • Your dear chosen one can tell you that he does not want children because he simply does not know what to do with this small creation. And in general, he is afraid of him. Small children cry a lot, they piss and poop. They want at all it is not clear what, because they cannot tell what they want. Now, if you gave birth to a child who would be seven years old at once, and I could take him fishing - this would be a completely different matter. Your man can say about this.

No need to be upset if a man does not want children for these reasons. At least he is honest with you. His solid male logic tells him that everything will be exactly like that. You may have “pink glasses” and an idea of \u200b\u200ba child, as a small sweet, smiling crumb with pink cheeks all the time.

What to do? Try to calm your man, saying that all these difficulties are temporary. Everything goes away, and this will also pass.

At first, the communication of dad with the baby often looks like this
At first, the communication of dad with the baby often looks like this
  • Another reason why a normal man does not want children is the doubt that he can become a good father.

Are you sure that you can become a good mother? Surely, some kind of alarming note rings in your soul, and whether you will be a good mother for this miracle. And it is this anxiety that turns into a desire to be better and try for the baby. Understand that the child does not need perfect parents in everything, there are no such parents. He needs quite good mom and dad.

Tell your man that you do not want him to be an ideal father. It is enough for him to try to play this role well.

It is not clear who is more worried: a pregnant woman or her husband
It is not clear who is more worried: a pregnant woman or her husband

Do men want children in principle?

Why should a man actually want children? Paradoxically, from the point of view of women, but a man who is interested in sex almost every day is not interested in children. For men, sex every day and pregnancy of women contradict each other.

It's no secret that a pregnant woman does not want sex. She has already received pregnancy from a man and now all her interests are focused in the future child. It is not at all fear of losing the baby or fear for his health do not allow a pregnant woman to have sex. She just doesn't want it. Why did she want sex before pregnancy? Because not fertilized, but ready for fertilization, the egg identified hormones that strengthened the desire to make love with a man.

How to understand that a man wants a child?
How to understand that a man wants a child?

How much truth is in the picture that is higher? It seems that the authors of such photos are pregnant women who want to get confidence in their future. If you are still trying to find the answer to the question of how to understand what a man wants or does not want children, remember how males behave in the wild.

  • They are ready to fight for a female with rivals.
  • They are ready to endure the injury from stronger males.
  • They carefully take care of the wedding period.
  • And they leave immediately after they received sex and the female became pregnant.

And it seems that everything is correct from the point of view of nature. A similar idea that neither a man nor a woman really understands why they need children and in the next video of a psychologist Veronika Stepanova. There, the author of the video posted the thought close to us that sometimes men do not want children simply because they have already taken place in this regard, and they already have children.

Video: Men who do not want to have children

But, something is completely wrong in this logic. And to say that a man does not want children, in principle, not right. Why? Yes, simply because a man is not a monkey. And he is characterized by high human feelings. With the exception of, of course, some insufficiently developed individuals, which we will talk about at the next paragraph of our article, and men who already have a child. Looking at ordinary Russian men, sometimes you are convinced that they still love their children.

  • My wife left one of my friends. She went to another man. At the same time, she took all the acquired property from the house, she needs her child better. I did not even leave children's photographs that hung on the wall. All this divorce proceedings were accompanied by scandals, threats from the new chosen one of his wife, and, they say, even campaigns to the sorceress to harm the ex -husband. And what about a man? Having come to visit him after some time, I found the icon that he bought in the church and hung it on the very clove where there was a photograph of his daughter before.
  • In the family of one friend, it was so happened that attention and love were expressed by money and gifts. His relationship with his wife did not get along, his wife constantly reproached him that he should earn more money, but he could no longer earn. He took loans to buy another expensive thing. And in turn, he became hot -tempered and rude. After some time, he had a new lover who took him from the family. The offended, abandoned wife began to tell the children that their dad did not like them, and to impede their communication. What is a man? He bought trips to his children in the most expensive children's camp on the seashore. And after that he himself literally had to live in the winter.
  • My father, who, unfortunately, is not in this world, remained a caring father until his last hour. Somehow I returned home ahead of time. The father suddenly had a heart attack. Barely breathing in pain, he asked me: “So, don’t get scared. Do not worry about me, everything will be fine. ” Then there was an ambulance, neighbors, relatives. And after half an hour he was gone.

If you tell a man that you want a child from him, then this means a lot for him. One of the not the most famous songs of Vyacheslav Butusov, who performs Russian and very male rock, is devoted to this.

Video: Nautilus - make me a child

One of the strongest female arguments, if a man does not want children, in the next composition of Russian performers. This is the song "Sansara" Basta. Children are our only opportunity to argue with death. And the author of this text is also a man, this is Vasily Vakulenko, he is Basta.

Video: Russian rockers - Sansara

Men from whom it is better not to rush to have a child

Paradoxically, one of the most dangerous situations when a man says that he wants children, and on the first date. He does beautiful things for you and is ready to lead you to the registry office tomorrow. He can say: “Marry me,” and demand an immediate answer. Why are such men dangerous? Because they are impulsive. And impulsive, most likely in everything. It is from such hot boyfriends that those who raise their hands on their wives are most often obtained. And also alcoholics and irresponsible personalities who today can call you to your wives, and tomorrow there is that beautiful girl.

Impulsive men often love speed and drive
Impulsive men often love speed and drive

If a man does not want a child from a woman who carries in his arms, then perhaps he is a narcissistic Narcissus. A beautiful picture is important to him, a young girl with an elegant and fit figure next to him. What if, having given birth to a child, you will recover or look groomed and tortured? The narcissistic man is very worried that someone does not think badly about him, does not humiliate him. And this fear is so strong that he sacrifices his own happiness to only keep his beautiful face.

Why marry a man and make children?

How to understand that a man wants a child? Why do men make a family, marry, spend their money not to wife and children? And also sacrifice his free time, which he could spend behind beer with friends? Burning a family, a man creates a shelter for himself. The place where he can hide from the warlike outside world. The male world is really aggressive, even if there is no longer hunting for mammoths, but the world of money hunting is still arranged according to wolf laws. And starting his wife and children, a successful man expects that at home he will be met with warmth and care, and not reproaches and moralizing. Be happy and start children from worthy men.

Video: The reason that makes men get married

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