Why is information about tracking the parcel with Aliexpress temporarily inaccessible to tracking services and Russian Post: reasons, what to do? After how many days to open a dispute, if the information about tracking the parcel with Aliexpress is not available?

Why is information about tracking the parcel with Aliexpress temporarily inaccessible to tracking services and Russian Post: reasons, what to do? After how many days to open a dispute, if the information about tracking the parcel with Aliexpress is not available?

If information about your package is not available and it is not tracked by Russian Post, read the article to know about possible reasons and how to eliminate this problem.

Products with Aliexpress Sent mainly from China. Sellers offer different delivery services by paying their services on their own or including the price of the goods.

  • Usually, parcels are well tracked in China.
  • When they cross the Russian border, often the track-number no longer acts.
  • What to do in this case and what are the reasons for the fact that information about tracking is not available? Look for an answer in the following article.

Why is the information about tracking the parcel with Aliexpress temporarily inaccessible on the tracking services and Russian Post: Reasons

Information about tracking the parcel with Aliexpress is temporarily inaccessible
Information about tracking the parcel with Aliexpress is temporarily inaccessible

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So, your parcel was tracked all the way from sending the seller to the Russian border, and then there is a message that information about tracking is not available. Why is this happening? These are the reasons:

Information about the parcel with Aliexpress Not yet entered into the database of Russian postal service or tracking services and tracks systems:

  • Processing information is engaged in ordinary people.
  • They need to sort all the parcels and bring their individual track-number into a special section on the computer. This takes a lot of time, so the recipient can only wait.

Import stage:

  • Import process on Aliexpress - One of the longest processes in time. It lasts from 15 to 20 days.
  • If at the customs point there are outdated equipment and few employees who are engaged in sorting work, respectively, the process itself will be long.
  • Passing the border is a process that no one can influence. Until all points are passed, the parcel will not go further.
  • Stock up and wait until your departure status changes.

The parcel hid at the customs point:

  • It often happens that sending with Aliexpress It was tracked all the way in China, and then got to customs and has been hanging for several days for several days "Check by customs officers".
  • There can be many reasons, starting from a large load of the sorting point, to the loss of the parcel at some stage.
  • If the package is at customs for more than 3 weeks, then you need to start worrying.
Small packages were taken out of the bag, so the information is not available
Small packages were taken out of the bag, so the information is not available

Economic packaging:

  • If the parcel was tracked in the territory of China, and in Russia disappeared, then the seller sent your parcel with economical delivery.
  • This is a type of delivery to AliexpressWhen all small bags are folded in a large bag. He has a track number.
  • This bag moves through China and should be traced on the entire segment of the path. Upon admission to Russia, the bag is opened and small packages are sent to their addressees.
  • Naturally, they already follow without a track number and will not be tracked.

Technical malfunction in the work of the mail:

  • It often happens on AliexpressThat the parcel was traced in Russia, and suddenly there was a status that there is no information, which means that there was an error in the postal system.
  • This happens and there is nothing wrong with that. You just have to wait.

Large loading of the postal service on holidays:

  • If the order is made during the holidays, especially during the Chinese New Year, then the package can go 2 times longer than usual.

Delayed updates in the database of the postal service:

  • It happens on the trading platform Aliexpressthat the postal employees made changes to the system, and it is loaded for a long time due to a huge amount of information.
  • Therefore, you will have to wait from 2 to 7 days, while the information is updated.

The package was lost:

  • This rarely happens. Users areware of this particular reason, and always worry when the parcel is not tracked.

These are the most common reasons for AliexpressWhy the parcel has ceased to be tracked by Russian Post. Now the question is brewing: what to do if this happens?

What to do if information about tracking the parcel with Aliexpress is temporarily inaccessible to tracking services and by Russian Post?

Aliexpress - What to do if information about tracking of parcels is not available?
Aliexpress - What to do if information about tracking of parcels is not available?

There are several options for what to do to the buyer if his parcel sent from Aliexpressstopped tracking:

  1. Contact the seller. In no case do not panic! Write a personal message to the seller. He knows all the information about the package, since it is the seller who is responsible for it. If before the expiration of the buyer’s protection is still a lot of time, and the seller reassures you and asks you to wait, then you should trust and wait.
  2. Open the dispute. This must only be done if the seller with Aliexpress It does not respond to your messages, the buyer’s protection period expires, and the package is still not determined. If there is still time before the expiration of the buyer’s protection, then it is better to wait, even if the seller does not answer.
  3. Do not give in to the seller’s persuasion. If the buyer’s term is already expiring, and the seller asks to wait a little longer, then do not succumb to his persuasion. In this case, the seller may turn out to be a fraudster, he needs to expire the protection period and then the money will be transferred automatically to him.

If you understand that it is useless to wait, then you should open a dispute on Aliexpress And make a refund of your money.

After how many days to open a dispute, if the information about the parcel with Aliexpress is not available on the tracking services and Russian Post?

When do you need to open a dispute on Aliexpress?
When do you need to open a dispute on Aliexpress?

According to the rules of the site, the buyer has the right to open a dispute on Aliexpress immediately, as this button appeared. But this is not recommended to do this, since it was said above that the parcel may not be tracked at the beginning of the journey or already when it moves by mail in Russia.

It is important to know: If you constantly and for no reason to open disputes, then your account on Aliexpress They can block.

Therefore, the dispute must be opened only if the parcel is not tracked, the seller does not answer, and the buyer’s term is expired. Moreover, the most important thing is the expiration of the protection period, since after it you can’t do anything.

For example, if a seller with Aliexpress I set the buyer’s defense period for 90 days, and the parcel has been going on for 70 days, then wait a couple of weeks and if you do not receive your ordered on this time for this time Aliexpress Product - open the dispute. Good luck!

Video: ALIEXPRESS Parcel is not tracking anywhere! What to do? We solve the dispute on AliExpress together!

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